Path Of Sword Master

Chapter 78 - Titleeeeee

cvsfb seen joining together group after group, their eyes looked bloodthirsty, their movements were erratic, and it was weird, but if someone were to notice closer, then they would feel that they are somehow in sync, despite their random behavior, they were moving in the same direction, despite their instability.

While this was occurring, Li Jie had no idea of the trouble that was coming his way, he was just going on his way to his cave, but it was after some time that he felt the land vibrating, he felt a tremor, which was making him feel uneasy, and only after he was looking closely from where the sound was coming, he still couldn't understand the reason for the vibration of the earth, for a second he thought maybe there was an earthquake.

He first sat down to stabilize his body and his position, then he started to look out for any beasts around him, who might come out in panic due to the earthquake, after that he just kept caution and was looking around and waiting for the earhquake to stop, but after sometime he felt the tremors on the ground increasing more and more, he just wasn't able to make out anything.

When he first sighted a bunch of beasts at the wild stage and mortal stage, he didn;t think of it much, at first but then he noticed that their numbers were increasin and all of them were moving towards him.

Realizing the situation he was in, had alarms rung in his brain, he moved at an opposite direction, while he thought at first that he will escape, but he couldn't have been more wrong, because right then more flock of beasts were encircling from front side, as well as from behind him, looking at his situation, Li Jie said to himself with a grim face, "Just what the hell is going on".

No matter where he looked, there were beasts of wild stage and mortal, while he can handle these beasts whp are lower in stage, he still felt that such abhorring amounts of beasts are not something he can handle, without any choice, Li Jie unsheathed his sword to attack a, earthen Lizard of mortal stage, with just a slash, Li Jie cut the beast in half, but he wasn't happy at all, because he will have to attack all the beasts who were for some reason attacking him.

Then came more beasts infront of him which were Screeching Hyenas, who were 10 in numbers and were of wild stage, Li Jie attacked all of them at once, before they could attack him, Li Jie knew that these Screeching Hyenas, were one of the most vile creatures, who sneak attack and are very ruthless, that's why Li Jie made sure to attack these Screeching Hyenas first.

He stabbed one of them in the eyes deeper so that the attack reaches the brain of the Screeching Hyena, then without wasting a second, he kicked one who was near him, and stabbed it's throat, trying to waste as less time as possible, Li Jie wanted to kill them fast, because these Screeching Hyenas have a troublesome sound attack, which cannot be defended against.

Even if the Screeching Hyenas were of wild stage, he cannot give them any oppurtunity to attack him, while their sound attack might not be as harmful as those of higher stage could have been, they still could disrupt him, which is the most dangerous thing that can happen to Li Jie, seeing how a whole bunch of beasts are in wait to attack him.

Li Jie then started using martial techniques on the Screeching Hyenas one by one, he first punched one of them with Boulder Fist technique, which blasted the Screeching hyenas's head off, Li Jie thought that by attacking these beasts in such a ruthless manner, would assert his dominance and create fear in their hearts, but instead he noticed that the beasts were not giving up, they became more ruthless and their eyes were red.

Li Jie couldn't make out anything about the situation, he even wanted to stop and take rest, but unfortunately his wishes were in vain, as more beasts of higher stages were closing in, One of the Screeching Hyena's were even successful in launching a sound based attack, which made him muddleheaded for sometime.

Looking at his weakened state, The remaining Screeching Hyenas and some other Beasts who got closer to Li Jie, were ruthlessly pouncing at him, but Li Jie stabilized himself and took out a bunch of pellets, which he threw at all of them, without any mercy, the pellets exploded and there was bang on where those pellets landed, but that explosion wasn't strong enough to harm them, it could only push those beasts back a little and create some small wounds on their bodies, nothing much harmful.

Li Jie gritted his teeth in frustration, onlu if he could have had more of those pellets or if he could have made some, which had toxic properties, but it was too late now, he never imagined himself to be stuck in such an abhorring situation, where he has no idea, if he can survive the oncoming onslaught.

Li Jie first thought about something and realized that panicking won't help him and except his sword, nothing was much useful in terms of offensive support, whereas he has some vitality pills, rejuvenating pills, and healing pills, which can help him to long laster in this situation, but he doesn't know for how long, first he climbed up a tree, to ascertain how many beasts are there for him to tackle.

When he looked at the number of beasts, his eyes widened in surprise, he gulped and wondered if today was the day of his death, but he has to go back to his home to his family, who he loves and spends his time with, he had a resolute expression, that no matter how low his luck can go today, he will fight for survival and won't stop until he escapes this situation.

Li Jie unsheathed his sword again but this team, his breathing was in complete control and took a basic sword stance, when one of the Screeching Hyenas attacked him with a Sound attck, it would be a lie to say he wasn't affected but he managed to endure it and run past it and slashed his sword towards the Screeching Hyena, whose head rolled, the remaining Screeching Hyeans were either stabbed to death, had their head cut off, same happened with the remaining beasts who were closer to him.

Li Jie noticed that to retain his strength and stamina, he will have to finish his opponents, with as much less movements as possible.

After relaizing his mistakes, he started taking a defensive stance using his sword, only when a beast attacke dhim, did he attack which would help him take carre of the beast near him in one move.

At first, he wasn't proficient and had to wait for the beast to make a move, sometimes he would be too fast or too slow, he had to find a balance between his attack pattern and tried to polish his skills on these beats, without him realizing, Li Jie's strength started increasing, his attacks were accurate and precise, while his movements were as minimal as possible without wasting his strength and stamina, the more he fought and the more beasts, he killed he felt his sword moving as if it is an extension of his hand, not wasting any chance he stared resonating with the feeling and his attacks turned more fluid, and concise.

At first his attacks were predictable, but with passing of time, his attack power increased, he rrealized subconciously that he can increase the power output with his sword, it was then Li Jie realized that he cannot the release an attack power that he can show in his sword than in other martial techniques, which was very surprising, considering how he hasn't yet learned any Sword arts.

The number of beasts kept increasing, but he remained standing not moving even an inch from his position.

More beasts of higher stages attacked him, but the result was same, he just slashed one time at his opponents, and killed them, there was exhaustion on his face, his hands which were tighly holding onto his sword, had veins popping out, the more beasts, he killed the more fatigue he felt, but he kept on going non-stop, something inside him was aking him to give up and take rest, but he just wanted to vanquish the enemies, which were infront of him.

After a long time, without Li Jie realizing, his eyes started to feel heavy, his breath turned heavier, his muscles were strained, but he kept on going.

It was then that a beast of fearsome aura came near him, which was of High-Earth stage, it was a ShadowClaw Panther, who was closing near him, looking at Li Jie's exhaustive state, it was smirking, but the moment it came right in front of Li Jie, it felt a huge sense of danger, which it wasn't able to predict, and ended up dying by getting it's head cutoff.

What it and Li Jie didn't know was, somehow after fighting for exhaustingly long has made Li Jie reveal his hidden ptential, and it also made him feel a great sense of familiarity towards th sword he was holding, which he felt was getting easier to use.

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