Seeing Liu Xing's action, Yang Duanyang was shocked directly. This is the rhythm of death!

Yang Duanyang said nervously, "Liu Xing, you are too frightening. Do you want to drink in the dead? Who dares to buy you a drink next time? Do you think it's water? "

"Don't make a fuss. I know how much I can drink!"

Liu Xing is totally indifferent and still goes his own way.

This time, after drinking a large cup, Liu Xing felt the spicy wine had reached the bottom of his throat.

After the pungency disappears, some water goes into the stomach and is absorbed by the stomach again.

"Brother Yang, what are you doing? Eat the vegetables! You drink your red wine, I drink my big Maotai! Don't worry, if I fall down and my stomach is perforated, you can send me to the hospital! "

Liu Xing finished and poured a large glass of wine for himself.

"You are so fierce! You can drink it yourself, and I won't drink it. If something happens to you later, I can drive you to the hospital! "

Since persuasion is invalid, Yang Duanyang puts down the cup directly and does not drink!

"Good! I'm relieved to have you

After Liu Xing finished, he drank himself, and did not eat any food. In a flash, he drank up a bottle of Maotai, and then took Yang Duanyang's bottle of red wine and drank it on his own.

Yang Duanyang has been beside wondering: how can this boy drink? You don't eat a bite? Isn't it a bad drink? Two bottles of wine are almost drunk, in addition to a little red face, very normal ah!

After drinking two bottles of wine, Liu Xing was not drunk at all.

Liu Xing is also wondering: before drinking two bottles of miscellaneous wine, he must have been drunk to the extreme, and he can fall asleep. What's going on today? In addition to a little red face, no other discomfort ah, and the more drink more spirit? Don't you feel bloated? Don't you feel like vomiting?

No, it may be that the body has just discharged the poison. This wine is also a kind of poison. The body is beginning to absorb the toxin again! If that's true, it would be a tragedy!

Liu Xing thought of this and almost cried. He wanted to find a place where no one was going to enter the Hengjie and ask how the God of heaven was going on.

"Brother Yang, I'll go to the bathroom and eat by yourself."

After Liu Xing finished speaking to Yang Duanyang, he couldn't wait to get up and go outside the box.

"There is a bathroom in this box. What are you going out for? Did you drink too much? You just drank so much wine, don't go so far! "

Yang Duanyang stood up. He thought Liu Xing had drunk too much. He was going to help Liu Xing to the bathroom.

"I don't like to use the bathroom in the box! You see, I'm walking in an orderly way. I don't look like a drunk? You just wait for it

Liu Xing finished and walked out smoothly.

Yang Duanyang saw Liu Xing walking steadily. He didn't seem to be drunk. He sat down again. He felt uneasy when Liu Xing came back!

Liu Xing came to the bathroom, casually find a no one's position, go in and close the door, leave a trace of divine consciousness, and then enter the Hengjie.

"Master! Master! Where are you? Come out! I'm poisoned

Standing on the black soil, Liu Xing was very anxious and nervous.

"It's noisy. You're so healthy that you can't help asking if you've been poisoned."

The figure of the God of broken heaven slowly emerged.

"Master, I have drunk two bottles of wine. How come nothing happened? It used to be drunk

broke the heavenly Father and looked at Liu Xing seriously. After a while, he slowly said, "after the toxins in your body are expelled, some changes have taken place in the body. The speed of absorbing nutrients has increased countless times. The essence of the wine has been absorbed, and you are unharmed!" I can't remember what happened to this change now

"then what's the use of absorbing these essences? Is there a limit? "

"of course, there are limits. These essences are stored in every cell of your body and stored to a certain limit, and you will burst and die."

broke the heavenly spirits for a long time, and continued, "but you need not be afraid. These essences can help you to practice. Once your body feels distended, you can run your heart's formula and use these essence for your own use. Even if there is no pain, you can absorb these essence, and you can also operate the heart and soul formula, and help practice!

, "master, are these essences better than the air in the constant boundary? Which is more conducive to cultivation? "

"I don't know. Only you can make a comparison. However, the essence of grains should not be too bad! OK, I'm going to sleep for my teacher. Don't make a fuss all the time! "

Break God ancestor finish saying, disappear instantly.

Liu Xingxin was excited and jumped around in Hengjie. He danced like a monkey and talked to himself like a madman.

"I will finally be able to drink a thousand cups of wine in the future!"

"Ha ha ha ha! It's amazing

"Go out and drink! The mood has never been so happy! Ha ha ha! This feel is so cool! It's cool and refreshing! "

Liu Xing out of Hengjie, out of the toilet, to the box!Liu Xingbian walked happily humming a ditty, but he did not find that he was recognized by someone in the box when passing by the door of No. 1 large box.

There are about ten people sitting in the No. 1 box. Their identities are not simple. They are basically the children of four families and five families.

"Sun Shao, I saw Liu Xinggang walk past the door!" Yuyantuo went to sun Zilong and said.

Yuyantuo, 1.75 meters tall, has a Chinese character face and regular facial features. He looks like a handsome man, but there is a scar on his lip under his nose, which breaks the whole face.

Yuyantuo is one of the five ancient families in Yanjing, the eldest young master of the jade family and Yu Yanna's brother.

"Liu Xing? Are you sure it's him? "

Hearing Liu Xing, Sun Tzu Long's brilliant face immediately became indifferent.

Sun Zilong, who is 1.85 meters tall, has beautiful features and an eagle nose. He is also the young master of the sun family, one of the four great families in Yanjing.

Sun Zilong always wanted to destroy Liu Xing completely. Liu Xing's eating, drinking, gambling and smoking are mostly guided by him.

Sun Tzu long and ye Ruoshi have been classmates since childhood, and Sun Tzu long has always liked Ye Ruoshi.

Four years ago, when the Ye family was in crisis, sun Zilong convinced his favorite grandfather to help him propose a marriage to the Ye family. As long as the Ye family agreed, he would use the political power of the sun family to help the Ye family.

It was about to succeed, but who knew that the Liu family came back to interfere and compete with each other. In the end, the sun family lost to Liu Zhenyu, who was willing to make a big move!

From the day when Liu Xing and ye Ruoshi were engaged, sun Zilong vowed to take back Ye Ruoshi from Liu Xing, and torture Liu Xing to death!

Some time ago, sun Zilong heard that ye Ruoshi had taken the homeless Liu Xing back to the villa. Sun Zilong was even more furious and wanted to immediately chop Liu Xing with a knife! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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