Liu Xing took a deep breath and wanted to calm down his mood. He suddenly found that this breath made his whole body fresh. His soft body was full of strength and felt incomparably comfortable.

Liu Xing inadvertently lowered his head and suddenly found that he was not wearing clothes. He quickly covered himself with a hand: "how can I not wear anything? What's the situation? "

"What's going on here? I can't have already hung up, have I? Is it true that Laozi can't live to be eighteen

Liu Xing pinched his thigh and didn't feel it.

"I really hung up! I'm still a virgin. I'm losing a lot

"I didn't do anything harmful to nature in my life. How could I die so early?"

"Is it that good people don't live long? But I haven't done much good! God, I hate you

"You didn't die" an old voice floated over from all directions, with an irresistible force. It seemed that this simple three words were the most reasonable in the world. Liu Xing deeply believed that he was not dead.

It is also this sentence that comes out of the blue that interrupts Liu Xing's incessant shouting and swearing.

"I'm not dead, I'm alive!" Liu Xing frowned and froze for a moment, then his eyes suddenly opened to the biggest and said in a loud voice, "who is talking?"

Liu Xing finished, waiting for a while, no one responded.

"Who is talking?" Liu Xing then asked carefully, after a while, or no response.

"Who is talking?" Liu Xing raised the volume a little this time, but after waiting for a long time, no one responded.

"Who on earth is talking?" Liu Xing yelled, looked left and right, still no one responded.

"Who on earth is talking to Laozi?" Liu Xing let out a roar. Or no one answered, Liu Xing on the fire, no longer in the end their own life or death, no longer in the end whether there are people, completely out of control.

"What monsters? Get out of here! I can't kill you

"I am not afraid of heaven and earth! If you have the seed, come out and compete with Laozi

"Show your dog's head when you have seed. I will let you know why the flowers are so red and why the chrysanthemums are so painful!"

Liu Xing yelled for a long time, his voice was almost hoarse and tired. Seeing that there was still no response, he calmed down.

Just quiet down, Liu Xing found this place too quiet, quiet people afraid. Liu Xing suddenly has a strange feeling, feeling a kind of unspeakable terror around himself.

Although no one has been responding, Liu Xing always feels that something is staring at him, which makes him uncomfortable all over the body. Liu Xing knew that there must be something strange in it, so he looked around his head carefully and found nothing.

If you look at it carefully, you can find nothing but the boundless black soil. But that kind of gloomy feeling more and more thick, let Liu Xing can't stop body chills.

Liu Xing's heart suddenly thought: are there any monsters and ghosts that hide behind Laozi, so they can't always see them?

Think of here, Liu Xing almost scared to urinate, feel the body suddenly a stiff, whole body goose bumps all stand up, legs can't help shaking up.

Liu Xing waited for a while, but there was still no movement behind him. The boy couldn't bear it. He had to bite his teeth and close his eyes. He suddenly turned around and said, "nothing. It's a piece of black pressure."

Did not hear any movement, Liu Xing slowly opened one eye, saw nothing, he decisively opened the second eye. Both eyes looked left and right, up and down, front and back. There was no hair.

Liu Xing breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the black soil, white out of a cold sweat.

This time, Liu Xing finally calmed down. He was sure that someone said that he was not dead, but he was not sure whether he was dreaming, because when he pinched himself, he felt no pain. But strangely, he felt that he was really awake, not like dreaming.

After sitting for a while, Liu Xing still had no clue. Liu Xing did not want to think about it any more. He stood up from the ground and rarely met this clear river. He planned to take a bath in the river, swim in it, and then finish it.

Walking to the river, Liu xingcai found that the river was not only crystal clear, but also with a light aroma. After smelling the fragrance, he felt that he was full of strength again, and his wasted strength was recovered immediately.

"What kind of water is this? There is also fragrance. When you smell it, you will feel refreshed. The water is so powerful. If you take a bath in it, what will it feel like? Hey, hey, hey, I'm looking forward to it! " Liu Xing finished and rubbed his hands and wanted to jump into the water.

"Boy, if you jump into the river, you will be dead!"

An old and ethereal voice suddenly came out, which scared Liu Xing to stop and look around in panic. However, when he heard the voice the second time, he was not as nervous as he was just now.

"Are you a man or a ghost? If you don't answer me, I'll jump into the river and take a bath even if I die! " Liu Xing asked carefully. No one was as scared as he was just now."No, I'm just a ghost!"

"Then why didn't you just speak?"

"I understand this world through you. In short, I read your memory."

If it wasn't for fear of this ethereal, invisible guy, Liu Xing wanted to raise his middle finger and say, "are you blowing, can you still read my memory?"? Can you be more powerful?

But now Liu Xing still has a lot of questions. He has no time to talk about it. He calmed down for a moment, rationalized his thinking, and directly asked, "senior, would you please show up and answer me the following questions: first, am I dead or alive? Why can't I feel the pain?

Second, what is this place? Why am I here?

Third, who are you and why are you here?

Fourth, if I'm still alive, how can I go back to where I used to be? "

Liu Xing suddenly found that he had such a level and organized speech that he couldn't help praising himself!

After a while, an old figure slowly floated in the void in front of Liu Xing. From his body, a sense of terror spread , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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