Liu Xing stops the car and opens the rear door. Ye Ruoshi comes to see the health fruits placed neatly beside the door.

How can health fruits be arranged so neatly?

Ye Ruoshi was surprised and said, "Liu Xing, how come the health fruits are placed by the back door? You're so good at driving. It's not falling down, it's not chaotic! "

Liu Xing had no idea that ye Ruoshi had such a strong observation that he could only make a careless eye and said, "Oh, this one, I drive very slowly, just like an old snail, so it won't be disorderly. It's convenient to move it in the back!"

Liu Xing finished, picked up two boxes and went to the hall, ye Ruoshi also carried two boxes to follow in.

"Ruoshi, go and pour me a glass of water! I'm a little thirsty! "

Ye Ruoshi is wearing a sky blue professional suit with a pure white shirt to make her skin look more white and tender. She carries a box of apples, which makes her look more heartbreaking.

See ye Ruoshi also help to move fruit, Liu Xing really heartache.

Such a beautiful fiancee, so hard, no matter who saw, who will be distressed.

"Well, wait a minute. The company hasn't ordered water these days. I'll go to the canteen outside the industrial park to buy it for you!"

Ye Ruoshi finished and drove to buy water.

As soon as ye Ruoshi left, Liu Xing closed the cargo door directly and swept the health fruit inside to Hengjie. Then he went to the hall and swept the health fruit to the hall from Hengjie.

The health fruits are arranged neatly. Liu Xing is OK. He finds a seat to sit down and wait for ye Ruoshi to come back.

"Why, no? You're done moving? Is it still so neat? "

Ye Ruoshi took a bottle of mineral water, just walked into the hall, saw Liu Xing sitting on a chair to rest, boxes of health fruits arranged neatly.

In Ye Ruoshi's impression, Liu Xing is as thin as a stick, belonging to the kind of person who has no strength to bind a chicken. How could he move so fast and put it so neatly?

Liu Xing's eyes turned and casually made an excuse and said, "Oh, it's like this. I'm better than before. It's easy to move things! Give me the water

Liu Xing finished, took the water to open a drink, in the heart curse way: not a bit flavor! It's hard to drink. It's better to eat a health fruit!

Ye Ruoshi thought for a while and said to Liu Xing, "Liu Xing, health fruit will be sold tomorrow. It may be very busy. Would you like to come and have a look tomorrow?"

On the first day of business opening, ye Ruoshi hoped that Liu Xing would arrive tomorrow. Even if Liu Xing went to do nothing, she felt very satisfied.

Liu Xing said, "no, I may have something to do tomorrow. Tomorrow is not Saturday. If LAN just comes back, you can call her directly and ask her to come and help. Anyway, she's OK at home! "

"Well, call her here tomorrow!"

Liu Xing does not come to attend, ye Ruoshi is a little lost, the heart seems to be less warm.

Liu Xing said, "well, oh, yes! If poetry, I also want to buy some loose wine, where the quality of wine is better? "

"Loose wine? The best free wine in Yanjing is in natural winery and self-confidence winery

"Confident winery has heard of it. Is it the biggest wine making base in Yanjing, the natural winery? Why haven't I heard of it? "

"The boss of the natural winery is Cai nature. The Cai family has been making wine for generations. The secret recipe of wine making is mainly controlled by two brothers Cai Zhongxin and Cai Tianran. Ten years ago, it seemed that there was a conflict within the family. Cai ran was expelled from the Cai family and was suppressed everywhere in the brewing industry. Now, he can only stay in one place. The quality of the wine brewed by Cai Tianran is absolutely recognized as good! If you go to the wine shop and buy some medicine for me, you can go to the wine shop for me

I don't know why, can help Liu Xing, ye Ruoshi feel very happy, know everything, say everything.

Liu Xing said, "OK, go to the nature distillery. Ask Ye grandfather for me!"

Ye Ruoshi calls ye Lingtian directly.

"Hello, grandfather, I'm Ruoshi!"

"Ruoshi, what can I do for you?"

"Grandfather, don't you often go to the nature distillery to buy wine? Send me the address

"What's the matter? What's the use of the winery address? Forget it. I'll send it to you right away. My grandfather is busy. I'll hang up first! "

Ye Lingtian hung up the phone, after two minutes, sent an address to come.

Liu Xing got the address, said goodbye to Ye Ruoshi, and drove the truck directly.

When he came to the natural distillery, Liu Xing stopped his car at the door of the shop and walked in. As soon as he entered the gate, Liu Xing smelled a strong aroma of wine.

There was a 17-8-year-old young man at the counter, wearing a black vest, with an inch head, a strong back and a strong back, muscular and honest face. Seeing Liu Xing come in, he said with a smile: "Hello, what are you doing here?"

"What do I do? Hehe, I buy wine! Ask your boss to come out. I buy a lot of wine and I plan to cooperate with your distillery in the future. You can't be the owner! "

Liu Xing is very puzzled, how can such a big five and three thick man not be full of flesh and blood? How does it look like a lamb? Is it a sheep in wolf's clothing?

"OK, just a moment. I'll call my grandfather."Simple and honest youth said to find his grandfather, Liu Xing bored waiting.

"What kind of wine is this brother going to buy?"

An old man came over, the old man's hair was silver white, he was in his sixties, his nose was red, and he looked very energetic.

"Boss, what kind of wine do you have here? Introduce it to me first!" Liu Xing stood up and said.

"We have pure sorghum wine, corn wine, rice wine and so on. Good wines are mainly cellared for three, five, eight and ten years. The lowest degree is 45 degrees and the highest is 65 degrees. Which do you need?"

"I don't care about the cellar, but give me a kilo of each one first! By the way, different degrees also come to Jin! Here's a thousand yuan deposit. I'll pay later when the wine is ready! "

"Yes, just a moment! Glass, and I'll get him a drink The old man said, took a dozen large plastic cups, line up on the counter, for Liu Xing wine.

"Grandfather, how many?" Asked the young man next to him, holding a wine pick.

"One catty, did you just hit the mosquito in your ear? Didn't you hear me? " The old man said as he was drinking.

The young man called the wine cup murmured in a low voice: "each kind of liquor, more than ten kilograms, or miscellaneous wine, who can drink it? neuropathy! Are you here to play? It's not like it. It's too thin! If you dare to make trouble, I will smash his bald head with one blow

After a while, Liu Xing saw that the wine was ready, stood up and lifted a cup, looked up and drank it.

"Well, not bad!"

After drinking a cup, Liu Xing raised another cup, looked up and drank again!

"Cool, that's what I want

Liu Xing finished, and raised a cup, looked up and drank again.

"Well, yes!"

Liu Xing finished, and raised a cup, looked up and drank again.

"Good! Not bad

Liu Xing finished and drank another cup. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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