Path to the God

Chapter 546

Cao Meiyi said he was willing to have a try, and Liu Xing and others were greatly surprised. Cao Mei is one of the rarest beauties in the world. It is hard for her to accept the slight flaws in every part of her body, let alone her delicate hands.

Cao Mei thinks simple. She likes Liu Xing and is willing to do something for Liu Xing. To succeed, everyone is happy; if not, she has paid for Liu Xing, and her heart is satisfied!

As for whether the hand would be destroyed, she did not care. She is desperate. Maybe, this is the power to like a person.

In fact, when Cao Mei said she was willing to have a try, Bao Shuangshuang also wanted to say so, but she hesitated a little. They all said to wrap her hands with internal power, but she was not a practitioner of ancient martial arts and had no internal power. No internal force but said to try, it is estimated that it will only be regarded as a joke.

It can be seen that Bao Shuangshuang doesn't like Liu Xing as much as Cao Mei. If she also said that she would like to try, no one would laugh at him, but let everyone really realize his intention to Liu Xing and his real recklessness to Liu Xing. Liu will not pretend to be stupid any more.

So some words should be said when they should be said. Don't be afraid that others will think you are stupid. When you are blind to desperate for a person, just want to pay for him, he will not turn a blind eye.

"Thank you, sister Cao Mei. I'm so willing to let you take risks? Your delicate hand can't tolerate any mistakes, otherwise, it will affect your beauty

Liu Xing smiles and says lightly. Cao Mei's heart is warm, Bao Shuangshuang is painful.

I don't go to hell. Who goes to hell?

Liu Xing took a deep breath and held it in both hands. He ran his real Qi and wrapped his hands. Liu Xingyi clenched his teeth and swept his mind. A white egg appeared in his palm. In fact, no one needs to touch it. As long as the egg in his palm doesn't burst, it means that there is hope for everything.

"Fourth brother, what's the matter?"

Jun Ze and others know Liu Xing is trying, but they don't hear Liu Xing's painful voice. They think Liu Xing should be successful.

"Nothing for the moment! The white egg is in my hand now, and it doesn't mean to burst

Liu Xing's heart some joy, but this is not the most critical moment. When the liquid of the white egg really flows to his palm without any problems, it is really done.

"That big brother helps you

Jun Ze said, Liu Xing plucked up his courage and lifted the eggs in his hands. In order to be safe, Jun Ze still uses his internal force to wrap his whole body, and then slightly bends down to let aze step on his back. Carefully, he uses his fingernails to touch the white egg in Liu Xing's hand.

"Bang ~"

a dull sound came, Jun Ze had already quickly taken back his hands, and Liu Xing's white eggs burst on the spot. Liu Xing realized that his hand was raised above his head. If the liquid dripped down, it would fall on his head or face.

If it really drops on the head and face, it will be tragic. The disfigurement is light. Liu Xing quickly put his hands together, hold those liquids, and then run the true Qi, all his body package.

"Oh, I can't believe that the second elder brother said this method is really good. These liquids are wrapped in my hands with genuine Qi and held in the palm of my hand. It doesn't hurt me at all. It's great!"

Liu Xing is very happy. He is glad that he has brought his three brothers. If he comes alone with Cao Mei and others, he may give up now.

"That's good. In this way, we can easily swim to the bottom of the lake and have a look at it."

Jun Ze and others are also very happy, the problem can be solved so smoothly, everyone thinks everything is going well.

"If I can, I'll try this liquid!"

"Sister Cao Mei, bring me the flashlight in your hand for me to use!"

Jun Ze takes the torch from aze and turns the flashlight to the bright light state, shining on Liu Xing's palm. He also wants to try his own, run the internal force to wrap his hand, to point the liquid in Liu Xing's palm, to see if there is no response!

"Poo hee"

"my day

Jun Ze's finger skin just touched the liquid in Liu Xing's palm, and immediately smoked, which made him take a breath of cold air. Jun Ze flashlights to his fingers, suddenly surprised. A small piece of skin on his finger disappeared, and the exposed place was pale and white, and was permeated with reddish blood.

"Fourth brother, no way! Fortunately, I'm cautious, or I'll lose a finger! "

Jun Ze said, palpitating, he did not understand why Liu Xing can, he can not.

Liu Xing is also slightly frowned, think carefully, to see where the problem. He can do it himself. Why not change to Junze? Is it because he used genuine Qi and Junze used internal power?

"Elder brother, what you cultivate is internal strength, and what I cultivate is true Qi. There may be some small differences. Why don't you hold on to my wrist and I'll wrap you with my true spirit. You're trying it, OK? "Liu Xing told Junze his conjecture, hoping that Jun Ze could accompany him to try, otherwise he could enter the lake, but Jun Ze and others could not, it would be meaningless.

"Well, try again!"

Jun Ze said, grasping Liu Xing's wrist, Liu Xing runs true Qi, will Jun Ze package. Jun Ze, a man of integrity, naturally would not be frightened. He gritted his teeth and once again reached for the liquid in Liu Xing's palm.

"Well, it's strange that it can be done this time!"

The result surprised Jun Ze. He didn't expect that this time he could. He didn't have any pain, and the liquid, like ordinary water, wrapped all his fingers without any problems.

Liu Xing has found out the key to the problem. What he needs to do next is to go to the lake to find out whether there are entrances and exits at the bottom of the lake. If so, swim in and have a look, and then come back to make plans.

In order to be safe, Liu Xing ran Zhenqi to wrap himself and directly crushed several white eggs without any problems.

"Big brother, since I can, I'll go to the lake to inquire about the situation first, and then we'll discuss the countermeasures when we come back!"

"All right, go ahead and be safe."

Liu Xingwan, a small divine sense, came to the flying sword. Holding his breath and adjusting his mind, Liu Xing wrapped his body with his true Qi. Another small divine consciousness suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake and fell into the bubbling water.

"It's OK to lie in the trough."

Liu Xing said in his heart that he would swim to the bottom of the lake and pay attention to the situation in front of him with his divine sense in case of any accident.

After a safe journey, Liu Xing finally arrived at the bottom of the lake. Sure enough, Liu Xing's eyes lit up. He found a square hole with a side length of one meter at the bottom of the lake. Liu Xing swam directly to the cave entrance, which is about two meters long. Liu Xing went through the hole and went upstream to find the light on it. He was very happy.

Liu Xing found that yellow and soft light was everywhere in front of him when he exposed his head on the surface of the lake. More than one meter above the surface of the lake, there was a spacious open space, covered with brown and adhesive soil. The soil was dry, but there was no crack, and it was very flat.

There are several pillars on the edge of the open space. There is a long-term lamp hanging on the pillars. Liu Xing's divine sense extension is limited. These can be found temporarily.

"As expected, there's something else. It seems that this trip has come to the right place indeed."

Liu Xing finished talking to himself and went back directly. He wanted to go back and bring Jun Ze and others all over the place and make plans.

"Big brother, I'm back. Make room for it!"

Due to Liu Xing's genuine Qi, his clothes and body were wrapped, so he didn't get any water from the lake, so you don't have to worry about hurting Jun Ze and others. He yelled, a simple divine consciousness blinked, and his body returned to Junze's feet.

"Fourth brother, how about this time? Did you get anything? "

Liu Xing just appeared, Jun Ze can't wait to ask.

"Big brother, there is a hole under the lake. On the other side, there is a cave. It should be the tomb. Now, I'll send you one by one


Liu Xing hands up, Jun Ze directly slide down, all of a sudden to Liu Xing behind. Liu Xing had already run Zhenqi and actively grasped Junze's two hands, as if he were carrying Jun Ze on his back. The true Qi completely wrapped Junze.

For the sake of safety, Liu xingrang's rear aza stepped on Jun Ze's back and withdrew a certain distance by the reaction force. Then he thought, put the sword in the space between him and Azer. OZE and others slide down and are supported by flying swords.

"Big brother, get ready, go!"


Liu Xing separated out a trace of divine sense. He took the chicken away with a hammer and quickly rowed down with Jun Ze on his back. He fell into the lake with a "puff" sound. He quickly swam down to the other side through the square hole below. He safely sent Jun Ze to the open space with a long-term light.

After confirming the safety of Junze, Liu Xing returned and sent aze and Li Jiangping one by one.

Finally, only Cao Mei, Bao Shuangshuang and Su Xue are left. In addition to Cao Mei's strength, Su Xue and Bao Shuangshuang have no strength. It's estimated that they can't even hold their breath in the lake. If they take a sip of the lake water, they won't be finished?

How should I send it? Is it a back or a hug? Liu Xing encountered a small problem again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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