Path to the God

Chapter 552

After the reminder of aze, Liu Xing and others naturally saw that the Yin and Yang gate was closing back.


Jun Ze yelled, and his body turned into a shadow. He flew over and grabbed Su Xue in his arms and flew to the Yin and Yang gate. Li Jiangping followed, but also a shadow flashed by. In the big hand area, he took Bao Shuangshuang into his arms and flew to the Yin and Yang gate.

Liu Xing felt that the arrow was good, and quickly put the red arrow on the ground into Hengjie. The speed was a little slower than that of Jun Ze and Li Jiangping. He put the wind control technique to the extreme. He held Cao Mei in his arms and flew to the Yin and Yang gate.

Although the yin-yang gate was already very thin, it was estimated that it could be broken open, but without wasting time and effort, Jun Ze and others naturally chose to fly into the yin-yang gate.

People fly into the Yin and Yang gate one after another, and the Yin and Yang gate is closed. No one saw that after they all entered the yin-yang gate, all the long-term lights went out, and the sound of "gurgling" at the bottom of the lake kept rising. In a short time, the lake will be full of water on this side of the big disk.

If Liu Xing and others did not immediately enter the gate of yin and Yang, they would be in danger again.

They looked at each other, and they were all safe.

"I finally came in. I feel that it's full of aura. What's the matter?"

Aze said a word, people's eyes looked around. Standing on a high platform, the ground is as wide and flat as a square. There are many pillars on the ground. The lights are light yellow, but the light inside is as bright as day.

There are nine stone houses on the edge. Inside the stone houses, there are even more bright lights. The lights are different. There are yellow green, light blue, orange red and so on. There was nothing on the ground. On the high platform where they stood, not far from the Yin and Yang gate, there was a stone table with a shelf on it. There was a blood red bow on the shelf, and eight blood red arrows were placed beside the bow.

On the broad ground below, there is a big pit in the middle. There is a stalactite hanging upside down like a sharp hill. There is milky liquid in the pit. There is milky white liquid on the tip of stalactite, and the milky liquid drips from the top to the bottom.

The two sides of the pit are divided into four parts. There is a one meter wide aisle in the middle. Each piece is covered with various kinds of medicinal materials. The height of each piece is more than one person's height. When the short one just grows out, it is 5.6CM long and the number is estimated to be tens of thousands.

"That bow almost killed me. It's mine!"

Ah Ze pointed to the blood red bow, his eyes were shining, and he roared, and went straight past. The blood red bow and the blood red arrows were too much for him.

Ah Ze walked forward, Liu Xing and Jun Ze and others looked at each other with a bitter smile on their faces, and they also followed.

In some ways, aze and Liu Xing are very similar. Liu Xing is impulsive sometimes. Aze is usually calm, but sometimes he is very impatient. However, most of them are when they encounter good things.

"Oh, my God, this bow is not bad. There are also words. My dream is to shoot the sun bow!"

After passing by, azawa directly reached for the bow and took a look at it. He stretched out his hand to pull the bow string. "Yiyayayaya". Azawa's face was flushed, and his arms trembled slightly because of excessive force. However, it was only half opened.

"Bang ~"

"his uncle, don't do it. We'll do it later!"

"Brother, brothers and sisters, I like this bow very much, so it's mine. What's good in the back? How about you take it first

As soon as azawa let go, the bowstring bounced back. He directly carried the big bow on his body and held the eight scissors in his arms. He planned to install an arrow barrel on his back after he went back. Obviously, he has taken the blood red bow as his own.

"Second brother, if you like, just keep it. Here's another arrow. I'll give it to you."

"The arrow I just shot? That's great. Thank you very much

Liu Xing smiles innocently, sweeps out that blood red arrow directly, throws to the aze Huaili.

"Go, go down and have a look. There should be good things in those rooms!"

Liu Xing said, Cao Mei in his arms, flying down. Ah Ze held the nine arrows and quickly followed. Jun Ze and Li Jiangping held Bao Shuangshuang and Su Xue together, and followed them.

Cao Mei leans against Liu Xing's chest. Her face is full of smiles and her heart is sweet. However, Bao Shuangshuang, who was held by Li Jiangping, had no expression on his face and was sour in his heart. I don't know whether it was because Liu Xing didn't hold him in his arms or because he was jealous. Indeed, she is very nostalgic for Liu Xing's warm embrace and the warmth that Liu Xing held her all the way to Antarctica.

Flying down, Liu Xing and others directly into the nearest stone room. There were two strange words on the door of the house, which they didn't know and didn't care about.

Inside the room, there is a stone table in the middle. On the stone table, there is a bright pearl with silvery white light. The luminous pearl is so beautiful that Su Xue and others immediately gather around to watch and discuss in a low voice. Even Bao Shuangshuang's face was full of joy, but she also surrounded her.Liu Xing and others are looking into the room. They can see that there are several rows of shelves in the room. There are all kinds of white jade bottles on the shelves. Each jade bottle is 10 cm high. It is estimated that there are thousands of them. The jade bottles are all dust. Liu Xing's several water skills make the jade bottles clean and clean, and the words on the jade bottles are also revealed.

"Xuansheng pill", "huangjie barrier breaking pill", "Tianji pill", "Diji pill", "Huijin pill"

It was all kinds of pills. Liu Xing took a bottle of Tianji pill at will, pulled out the red plug and poured it into his hand. Only a little dust fell into his hand, nothing. Liu Xingshen's knowledge swept into the jade bottle, but it was also empty. Obviously, the original jade bottle is indeed the storage of pills, but after 2000 years, there is no protection measures, the pills have been invalid, turned into ash.

"Fourth brother, there is only a little ash left in these jade bottles containing pills. Obviously, the pills in them can't stand the baptism of years, and they have all gone!"

Jun Ze and others also took several jade bottles and opened them. In addition to a little dust, it was also empty.

"If not, I'll see if there are any survivors by chance."

Liu Xing said that the God consciousness shop scattered, wrapped all the jade bottles, and quickly checked whether there were pills in the jade bottles in turn. The jade bottle without pills, together with the shelves, was included in the eternal world by him. After learning how to make pills later, he put the pills inside.

After scanning, most of the jade bottles were empty, and no pills were found. But on the shelf in the last row, there are more than 20 jade bottles with pills in them. There are three pills at least, nine pills at most, and five or six pills in general.

"Big brother, second brother and third brother, fortunately, we didn't get nothing. There were 26 jade bottles in the last row of shelves with pills in them!"

"That's great. The pills that can still exist now must be extraordinary. Let's go and have a look."

Liu Xing with a smile on his face, and Jun Ze and other three people together, to the last row of pills shelf. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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