Path to the God

Chapter 564

The head of the peerless beauty of the neck of the broken out, gushing blood, still toward Liu Xing, but the speed is much slower, it can be seen that she is the end of the force!

Liu Xing slightly frowned, the fighting power of this peerless beauty is beyond his imagination. He couldn't help thinking that this peerless beauty was definitely not a human being, or a person like them.

Because people can move when their heads are chopped off, at most because of inertia. Once the inertia disappears, it will stop. But this peerless beauty still seems to have a good mind, which makes him think nothing.

Liu Xing thought about it for a moment. His true Qi covered his whole body, and his divine sense was swept away. He had a white egg in his hand. The egg was collected from the inclined hole into Hengjie, which was full of corrosive super strong liquid. He wanted to try whether the liquid was useful to the peerless beauty.

Liu Xing played a concealment, the figure immediately disappeared, so that the attack on the head of the peerless beauty pounced in the air, a flash, Liu Xing has appeared behind the headless peerless beauty, hand hanging on her neck, a release, the hand of the white egg fell down.

When the white egg touched the neck of the headless beauty, it burst out immediately. It was visible to the naked eye that the speed began to corrode her. She struggled desperately there, and in less than ten seconds, it turned into nothingness. The only head she had left, after her body was turned into nothingness, closed her eyes directly, and instantly turned into a pumpkin ugly head.

"Dead at last! Trough, that end? Oh, it's so No words

Liu Xing saw that the peerless beauty was finally killed by him. Before he had time to be happy, he inadvertently saw that the beautiful woman's head turned into that ugly, almost disgusting to vomit. Liu Xing quickly rushed up, a fireball hit, a group of flame flew to the incomparably ugly pumpkin head, and soon burned the pumpkin head into nothingness.

"Brother, I'll help you!"

Jun Ze and others are fighting like a raging fire, inseparable, comparable. Liu Xing cried out, and directly stabbed at a peerless beauty who besieged Junze.

The beauty avoids Liu Xing's attack and turns to fight with Liu xingzhan. Junze's pressure is reduced by half in an instant. It seems that she is comfortable in fighting two peerless beauties.

With the experience of the last time, Liu Xing is much smarter this time. He often uses the skills of concealment and hiding. Whenever the beauty wants to attack him, his figure disappears, making the beauty more and more upset.

"Don't play and disappear! Ah, ~ "

the beauty roared at Liu Xing, her mouth was still wide open, and she punched Liu Xing. Liu Xing's divine sense was swept, and a white egg was put in his hand, which directly smashed the beautiful woman's open mouth.

The beauty reacted very quickly. Seeing Liu Xing's white egg smashed, she directly had her mouth, but it was too late to escape. The white egg directly hit her mouth and burst out in an instant, making her whole face and neck full of corrosive liquid.


the intense pain made her scream hysterically. Liu Xing's figure flashed, had come to her behind, directly a sword to chop out, take advantage of her unprepared, will her head split fly.

Next, Liu Xing didn't take care of her blood spurting body, and her figure flashed to her head. Her head rolled over there, looking at Liu Xing's beautiful eyes full of fear. Liu Xing directly played a fireball, burning her head completely.

After her head turned into emptiness, her beautiful body fell down directly, and soon became a headless monster with no clothes on and one eye in her lower body.

"It's not human, it's just a perfect human skin with special skills. Look at this shape, combined with the ugly pumpkin head just now, are they the legendary aliens

At the moment, Liu Xing has basically guessed the origin of those peerless beauties.

"Forget it, whether it's an alien or not, it's a monster anyway. When they come to the earth in disguise, they must have other plans, and kill them all first! "

Liu Xing has faintly felt a faint threat. These monsters are tenacious in vitality and abnormal in combat effectiveness. If they are not masters above the day after tomorrow, even if they are the great circle in the later days of Tianjie, they are all dead now.

Those monsters are so terrible that they are hard to deal with if they are premeditated against human beings.

After all, there are not many masters like them who are more powerful than the heaven level, and no one knows how many monsters there are, and how strong the most powerful monsters are. If they come to deal with human beings, it will be a disaster again.

At the moment, in the face of those monsters into the peerless beauty, Liu Xing has only one idea, that is to kill all of them first. He wanted to catch a prisoner and torture him, but he knew it was not realistic.

"Second brother, I'll help you!"

See a Ze to deal with two peerless beauties some effort, Liu Xing flies directly up, and besiege one of the beauties of aze fight together.

"Fourth brother, you can do it first!"

Aze cried out and cut out a sword. After the light of the sword flashed, he had already left the battle circle. The peerless beauty who fought with him did not continue to pester him, but turned to join hands with another beauty to deal with Liu Xing.Liu Xing felt the pressure of fighting two beauties one by one. He split left and blocked right. He didn't even have the chance to use the art of reclusion and reclusion. He was in a hurry and had a cold sweat. He was forced to draw with the two beauties.

But Liu Xing did not dare to relax, because as long as he did not pay attention, he would be hit by the other side. It doesn't matter if you hit the upper body. He has soft armor. It's OK. But if you hit other parts of the body, it will definitely be seriously injured, or even hang up.

"Whew ~"


One of the beauties who fought with Liu Xing was pierced by a blood red arrow. She hit the ground with a "slap" sound, moved twice, and then did not move. Soon, she became a monster with a head like a pumpkin, no clothes, no bones and a hole in the lower body.

"Crouching trough, how powerful this arrow is

Liu Xing said to himself, he knew that it was aze who made a move. The pressure was reduced and he raised his sword to kill the remaining beauty. The beauty's eyes are full of timidity, while fighting Liu Xing, while distracted to pay attention to the arrows that may fly around at any time.

"Whew ~"


There was another sound of breaking the sky. The beauty was shocked and looked around quickly. Because she was too nervous, she didn't pay attention to defense at all. She was stabbed by Liu Xing's sword to kill the sky. She directly pierced her heart and the tip of the sword came out through her back.

Aze did shoot an arrow just now, but not at her, but at one of the beauties who was fighting with Li Jiangping. That arrow, directly shot that beautiful woman to wear, hit on the ground, soon died, changed back to the original shape.

Only the beauty fighting with Liu Xing saw her companion being shot and killed. She was afraid of her hands and feet. Hearing the sound of "whew", she thought that there was an arrow shooting at her. She wanted to get away quickly. She was distracted and was stabbed by Liu Xing.

Liu Xing quickly took back the flying sword, while the beauty fell down, a sword to chop her head to one side. Her body "pa" hit the ground, no longer moving, head roll to one side, also slowly closed eyes. Then, her head and body immediately turned into a monster state.

Now, Liu Xing knows that there are two main points in order to kill these monsters who have changed into the most beautiful human beings: one is to hit their heads; the other is to hit their hearts.

The head and the heart, no matter which one they hit hard, will die immediately. Of course, azena's two arrows did not hit their hearts and heads, but they were still dead, probably due to the arrow. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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