Path to the God

Chapter 570

At nine o'clock the next morning, Liu Xing and ye Ruoshi were lying in bed, hugging and sleeping.

"BAM Bang Bang ~"

"elder sister, brother-in-law, uncle bloody hand is coming!"

Knock on the door, ye Ruolan's voice sounded outside the room.

"Let him wait in the living room first."

Liu Xing promised that he had already dressed up and kissed Ye Ruoshi's forehead. He got up and had a rare reunion. Ye didn't go to beautiful poetry today, so he stayed with Liu Xing. Liu Xinglian is free from practice and alchemy and sleeps in the gentle village.

"You are Hello, young master

Seeing Liu Xing's appearance, bloody hands immediately stood up to salute, and called Liu Xing a young master, which proved Liu Xing's status in his heart, or in other words, proved Liu Xing's status in the Liu family.

At Liu Xing's first glance, blood hand almost didn't recognize Liu Xing. Liu Xing's height, appearance, temperament and so on have been changed dramatically. If not for the contour on his face, he would not have recognized Liu Xing.

"Oh, well, don't be so polite. Just say what you want."

Liu Xing had seen blood hands several times when he was in the Liu family, but there was not much intersection. He didn't even know how to call him.

"Young master, the master asked me to invite you to the Liu family's mansion, saying that there are some things to say to you in front of you. I hope you will appreciate it!"

Blood hand is still very polite to speak, did not because Liu Xing did not give him a proper address, and affected him.

"Let's go, then."

"Good master, please follow me!"

Said to go, not sloppy, Liu Xing's current style of doing things, slightly changed. Two people directly out of Ye Ruoshi's villa, on the bloody hand to open the car, directly to the Liu family courtyard.

All the way, Liu Xing was quiet and silent. He is about to go to the Liu family mansion where he has lived for more than ten years. He is full of mixed feelings, some uneasiness, some excitement and some emotion.

There is a saying that the pain is forgotten and the pain is forgotten. The suffering of being expelled from the Liu family, coupled with the achievements and brilliance now possessed, makes Liu Xing feel that the pain at the beginning is no longer so strong, and his hatred for the Liu family is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning.

Liu Xing feels that the time is very slow, but in fact, the blood hand will drive the car very fast, not long ago, has arrived at the Liu family mansion.

"Young master, please, the master is waiting for you in the study!"


Blood hands want to drive Liu Xing out of the Liu family, Liu has been secretly concerned about him, many times want to help him out of the matter, but he still did not speak. Because Mr. Liu said that the feelings are really in the heart, and the weight is heavy enough to know the other party; if the weight is not heavy enough, it seems frivolous and insincere.

Blood hand just simply made a gesture to Liu Xing, left, leaving Liu Xing walking slowly, stepping on the bluestone slab in the big house, looking at the familiar rooms. Once upon a time, Liu Xing felt that his past days were not lonely, but full of happiness.

Liu family mansion in addition to a few servants in the cleaning, see Liu Xing did not say anything, did not see a familiar person. Liu Xingshen went to those rooms, and all the people of the Liu family were in front of the windows of each room, looking at him through the windows, talking in a low voice and saying everything. Most of them are discussing whether he came back to inherit Liu Xing's huge industry. His words are full of resentment and vigilance.

Liu Xing is just a beard, indifferent smile. Liu Xing, at the moment, finally realized what is meant by the heart of a villain degree gentleman's abdomen.

He used to eat, drink and have fun all day, and he didn't pay attention to the huge family property of the Liu family. Now he has endless wealth and the strength that the world looks up to, he doesn't put the family property of the Liu family in his heart at all.

"Dong Dong Dong"

walking to the door of Liu Laoye's study, Liu Xing took a deep breath and knocked on the wooden door. Since leaving Liu's family these days, he has experienced too much. He knows that he should face what he should face. In fact, it is not a big deal.

"Come in!"

From the study came that familiar voice, Liu Xing faint smile, opened the door and walked in!

"Xinger ~"

Master Liu saw Liu Xing who came in. Although Liu Xing had changed a lot, he recognized Liu Xing at a glance.

Although there is no blood relationship between master Liu and Liu Xing, there is no tacit understanding of blood connection, but over the past ten years, they have established a kinship relationship without blood relationship, which is not much shallower than blood relationship.

Master Liu's a star directly pointed out Liu Xing's position in his heart.

"My lord Grandfather ~ "

Liu Xing felt a pain in his heart, and his nose was sour, but he still called out the two words in his heart. He has always been a person who attaches importance to feelings and feelings. His position in the heart of Mr. Liu has not changed, nor has his position in his heart changed.

"Star son, you grow up, grandfather is happy! Come here and let Grandpa have a good look

Mr. Liu's heart was warm, and he stood up from the chair and waved to Liu Xing, indicating Liu Xing's past. From the eyes of Master Liu, Liu Xing can see that the old man's love for him is the same as before, without any change.Liu Xing walked over with a smile. Mr. Liu looked at him and turned around him. From the beginning to the end, the kindness in his eyes never changed.

"Xing'er, when my grandfather drove you out of the Liu family, let you live on the street, suffered a lot, and almost died in pain. My grandfather is sorry for you!"

Mr. Liu said, his eyes a little bright, some moist eyes. Obviously, Liu Xing will be expelled from the Liu family, his heart is not good.

"I don't blame you, grandfather. Misfortune and fortune depend on each other. If you had not expelled me from the Liu family, I would not have achieved what I have achieved. It's estimated that I can't even pass the 18-year-old daokan. Even if I survive, I'm still a waste of eating, drinking and playing. I don't blame my grandfather. Maybe you had your own trouble at the beginning

Experience more, Liu Xing's perception of things is also somewhat different. Being expelled from the Liu family, he saw a lot of people and things, understood the difficulty of life, learned to cherish, he got a lot of harvest.

"Star son, you can think like this, prove that you really grow up. When Zhenyu left, he entrusted you to me. My grandfather didn't take good care of you. You not only became a peerless master, but also had something that ordinary people can't reach. It really surprised my grandfather! "

Mr. Liu patted Liu Xing on the shoulder. Now Liu Xing stands in the position and has everything that ordinary people can't even reach.

"Grandfather, these are not important, listen to the bloody hand said you come to me, you have something to say to me?"

Two big masters talk, said no matter how much is useless, Liu Xing directly into the topic.

Liu Xing's cheap father, Liu Zhenyu, has disappeared for more than four years without any news, which makes Liu Xing always worried. Liu Zhenyu has nurturing kindness to Liu Xing. In Liu Xing's heart, Liu Zhenyu is just like his own father.

Before he had no strength and no way, he couldn't do anything to help Liu Zhenyu. Now that he has strength, he thinks it's time for him to look for Liu Zhenyu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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