Left Xinci looks at Liu Xing's action, also feels uncomfortable.

As Liu Xing's attending doctor, Zuo Xinci certainly knows Liu Xing's identity. Left Xinci thinks that Liu Xing should be a cultured person, otherwise president ye Lingtian would not care so much about Liu Xing.

But see Liu Xing gobble up the appearance, left heart benevolence heart secretly way: this guy is not hungry dead ghost reincarnation? I don't know the etiquette at all!

She was afraid that Liu Xing would move too fast. No matter whether she was a lady or not, she directly raised her chopsticks and ate them.

Zuo Xinci just ate two pieces of fat beef. He reached out his chopsticks and stirred them in the pot. He didn't find a single piece of cattle hair, only a pot of soup left.

Left Xinci glared at Liu Xing, frowned slightly, and said with some unhappiness: "Hey, I said you didn't eat for a few days? How do you come up and eat one? Are you starving? "

"Well, maybe I haven't had dinner for more than a week. I'm really hungry!"

Liu Xing is telling the truth, see a dish come up, the waiter just put, Liu Xing pounced on, take up to drink.

Wang Yan narrowed her eyes and was very unhappy. She said sarcastically, "no wonder you are so skinny that you haven't eaten for more than a week? Why don't you starve to death! "

Wang Yan was really upset. She had just come up with a white fungus and lotus seed soup that she liked. She had just picked up a small bowl and was ready to fill it with a bowl. The dead bald head was directly carried up and "Gudong Gudong" was finished in a few mouthfuls!

"Hahaha, you don't have to worry about me. I'm not hungry. On the contrary, I'm getting better and slim to death! You can learn from me, too

Liu Xing finished tremella lotus seed soup, while wiping his mouth said.

Zhou Juan frowned slightly and said in a displeasure way, "I said if you could eat slowly and chew without chewing, it's bad for your stomach! Stomach cancer from a small heart

Zhou Juan is also very unhappy, in the heart curse: not said to invite us to dinner? When the food comes, you eat it up immediately. What shall we eat? Eat so much, support you!!!

Even the waiter serving the dishes and removing the empty dishes, their eyes at Liu Xing are very strange, I don't know what it means!

Before the dish came up, Liu Xing saw that Wang Yan and other people's faces were not very good-looking, and then realized that he might have offended others again.

Liu Xing secretly said: just now I just thought about myself and forgot about the feelings of these women. It seems that let them eat first!

Seeing the waiter carrying a fan steamed scallop over, Liu Xing finally knew that he was restrained. He raised his hand and said, "I'm sorry! I've just fainted from hunger. I'm much better now. Come first

The women's faces softened a little. One took a scallop to eat, and the last one was left. Liu xingcai started.

After each dish, Liu Xing asked the women to move chopsticks first and then gobble them up.

Left Xinci looked at Liu Xing, who was devouring, and asked, "how can you eat so much? Are you a pig

Left Xinci is very curious, Liu Xing keeps eating, but also does not see full, is it really a pig? Pigs don't eat that much, do you?

"Dr. Zuo, I'm making you laugh, but have you ever seen such a thin pig?"

Liu Xing said so, all the women laughed, but it can be seen that they are laughing at Liu Xing.

"Pigs are not as thin as you are. You are thinner than breeding pigs!"

Li Na was in a better mood and said with a smile.

"But you can eat more than a pig! Be careful Wang Yan also said with a smile.

People like this while eating, occasionally touch the cup, the atmosphere is very good, the food is also very clean.

Eating, left Xinci stood up and said, "you eat first, I'll go to the bathroom!"

"I want to go, too. Let's go together."

Wang Yan stood up and left Xinci walked out together.

Left heart and Wang Yan left, Liu Xing still do his own way.

Meet Zhou Juan and Li Na do not like to eat dishes, he directly raised the plate to his mouth, let Zhou Juan and Li Na directly speechless!

After more than ten minutes, the dishes are basically finished. Zuo Xinci and Wang Yan have not come back.

Li Na looked at the time and said, "what are Zuo Xinci and Wang Yan doing? If you don't come back from the last restroom for ten or twenty minutes, will it fall into it

Zhou Juan said: "crow mouth, love nonsense! But if they haven't come back for such a long time, will something happen to them? Why don't we both go out and have a look? "

Li Na and Zhou Juan's words remind Liu Xing, yes, these two women have been out for a long time. Even if they stink, it won't take so long? Is it constipation? Forget it. The more you think about it, the more disgusting it is. First, sweep it with divine sense.

After Liu Xing had discharged the toxins in his body, his divine sense automatically extended to 12 Zhang, and after the channels were basically opened, his divine sense automatically extended to 15 Zhang. God's knowledge sweeps out, the situation of 50 meters in a radius can be seen!

Liu Xing soon found Wang Yan and Zuo Xinci. They are now in the most luxurious box in Shangri La. In front of the box, there is a big man with a shaved head and a beard.

There is a scorpion tattooed on the neck of the big man. His muscles are bulging and full of explosive force. On both sides of the big man, there are two women in exposed clothes. The two women are pouring wine and massaging their thighs.And at the moment left heart and Wang Yan, is surrounded by a group of people in black, face full of sad clouds!

"After all, I'll settle the bill and go out to look for them."

Liu Xing knew that Zuo Xinci and Wang Yan were in trouble. After drinking the last glass of wine, Liu Xing settled the account and went out of the box with Zhou Juan and Li Na.

Li Na and Zhou Juan go directly to the bathroom to have a look.

Liu Xing thought, can't let these two women look around to waste time, Zuo Xinci and Wang Yan are not in a good situation now, don't know what will happen!

"Wait a minute, I hear the voice of left heart, from that box!"

Liu Xing made a decision and pointed to a box and said.

Zhou Juan said, "why didn't we hear that? Which box do you mean? "

Liu Xing stretched out his hand and pointed to it and said, "there are two people in black with sunglasses standing at the door."

Li Na said suspiciously, "how can it be? At a glance in that box, you can see that there must be people with great achievements in it. How can they go inside? Did you hear me wrong

"I can't be wrong. My ears are much more sensitive than others. Let's go and have a look."

Liu Xing, with Li Na and Zhou Juan, walks to the box where Wang Yan is located.

"Hello! What do you do? "

Liu Xing and others just walked to the box door, they were stopped by a man in black.

Liu Xing explained with a smile: "two big brothers, it is like this, we have two friends in it, we come to pick up people!"

The man in black pushed Liu Xing away and said impatiently, "thin and bald, I tell you, there are no friends in it. Go away quickly! Don't disturb our boss's dinner, or you'll have a lot to eat

"Zuo Xinci, Wang Yan! Are you in there? "

Seeing that the man in black was not allowed to enter, Li Na couldn't control so much. She called out loud outside the door!

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