It is said that Liu Xingzhen has a master. Wang Yan and others are full of little stars. They are very excited and happy.

Zhou Juan asked excitedly, "Wow! Liu Xing, do you really have a master? Tell me who it is? I'm going to learn from my teacher, too

Wang Yan also happily said: "I will go, I will go, depending on my age, it is possible to be a senior sister!"

Are senior brothers and sisters ranked by age? This woman's IQ, Liu Xing is also drunk.

At this time, Liu Xing just came to his truck, Liu Xing quickly opened the door and sat on it.

Seeing Liu Xing getting on the bus, Wang Yan quickly asked, "Hello, Liu Xing, who is your master?"

Liu Xing started the car, stretched out his head, looked at these curious women, and said with a smile, "my master is Just don't tell you! Ha ha ha

Liu Xing finished with a direct step on the accelerator, galloping away, leaving a few stunned women.

"Master! Master! are you there are you there Can you hear me? "

Liu Xing is driving and shouting. If someone sees Liu Xing's appearance, he thinks Liu Xing is crazy.

"Don't shout, you put a trace of divine sense into the eternal world. No matter what you want to say, just think about it. I can hear it!"

The voice of the God of God broke in Liu Xing's mind!

Is that ok? Liu Xing tried to put a trace of divine consciousness into the eternal world, and then thought, "master, can you hear me? What do you do with Scorpion King's soul? "

"Not only the soul of Scorpion King, but the souls of those people you killed have been absorbed by me! My remnant soul is getting weaker and weaker. There is no soul raising wood or other soul nourishing treasures. I can only absorb some souls and gradually enrich my residual soul and prolong my life! "

"Oh, I see! How many souls do you need to absorb, master? "

"Endless, more is better!"

"Master, why can you see the soul, but I can't?"

"You want to see the souls of the dead? Don't worry, you can see it when you become high and open your eyes! "

In fact, Liu Xing doesn't want to see the ghosts in the legend. He thinks it's a bit scary to think about it, and it's better not to see them.

Liu Xing thought: "master, if a person died for a long time, such as those ghosts, their souls are still useful to you?"

"Of course! However, when a person dies, he or she will receive the guidance of the nether world to reincarnate at the samsara bridge. A person who has been dead for a long time will become a ghost unless he has too much resentment and is unwilling to reincarnate. Those who have practiced martial arts can also become ghost practitioners. However, if there is no cultivation of skills, the resentment will not be deep enough, and sooner or later, they will lose their souls! "

Liu Xing asked curiously, "master, can that person communicate with the soul who just died? And the ghost? Can you speak? "

"What do you do with all that? You'll know what you should know later! For the sake of my husband, you can remember to kill more people later! Well, I'll refine these souls first

"Remember how many people killed? It can't be true? I'm not a killing machine. Does master want me to become a killer? What a pervert

Liu Xing takes back a trace of the divine consciousness of Hengjie and concentrates on driving.

Driving, Liu Xing occasionally looked at the rear-view mirror, suddenly saw a silver Audi A4 driving fast, in a blink of an eye, overtaking his car.

Being overtaken often happens. Liu Xing is used to it.

Liu xingben has planned to stop paying attention to the silver Audi A4 in front of him. However, one of the rear lights of that Audi A4 fell off, rolling and splitting on the road.

In order to avoid the tire being scratched, Liu Xing wrapped up his mind and swept all the pieces of those lights into Hengjie, and then swept them to the side of the road and piled them up.

Liu Xing said to himself, "is that a matter of fact, are the quality of cars so bad now? How can a good light fall off? I almost cut my tire

Liu Xing with doubt, continue to look at the front of the Audi A4, but saw an incredible scene!

Audi A4 lost a rear lamp. The original position of the rear lamp actually stretched out a hand full of bruises. To be exact, this hand is full of deep and shallow bruises.

This hand is moving left and right. I don't know whether it is because the car is shaking or the hand is waving. There is also a lady's watch on the wrist. According to this, we can guess that it should be a woman's hand!

"Well, how can a woman's hand pop up all of a sudden? You scared me! There must be something wrong with this silver Audi A4. Take a look at it and talk about it! "

Liu Xing speeds up the speed, sweeps out the divine sense, and envelops the silver Audi A4. The inside of Audi A4 has a panoramic view.

There are four people sitting on Audi A4. The driver is a middle-aged man in flower clothes. On the co pilot, there is a black man with black round cap and big three.

There were two people sitting in the back row: a man in black with sunglasses and a man in black, a middle-aged man with a big gold chain, a black jacket and a scar on his neck.

The four men were bulging around their waists, and they were all armed with guns. It was obvious that they were all outlaws.After seeing these four people, Liu Xing's divine sense continued to sweep the trunk of Audi A4, and he could not help but stare at his eyes!

In the trunk of Audi A4, there was a woman tied up all over her body by a rope. Somehow, two shoes were put behind her.

The woman is wearing a pair of white socks. At the moment, the white socks have been dyed red with blood. The soles of women's feet are scratched and blurred.

From this we can guess that the reason why the rear lights of Audi A4 will fall off is that this woman is trying to kick it off.

When the woman was kicking the lamp, she must have taken off her shoes, but she couldn't put them on. So she directly kicked her feet with her socks, which resulted in her feet injured and her socks dyed red with blood.

The hand that stretched out from the position of the rear lamp was covered with bruises. It must have been the woman who had worked so hard to get a hand out of the rope to ask for help.

This woman is obviously kidnapped, but Liu Xing has to admire, this woman is really smart!

The kidnapped woman's hair is very long, straight and soft. It may be for the convenience of reaching out. She buries her head and covers her face with her hair. If she doesn't sweep her face deliberately, she won't see her face at all.

This woman's body slightly curled up, the figure is also good, looks petite and exquisite, makes people love, do not know why, Liu Xing always feels that this woman seems to be a little familiar, there is a sense of deja vu.

Liu Xing directly swept to the woman's face with divine sense, but he didn't know. When he swept, he was scared. He really knew the woman.

This woman, no, it should be changed to this girl now.

This girl is no one else, it is Liu Xing who met in the Tianlun King Dynasty. Little mushroom sister Ren Yangyang's cousin - warm!

As the Pearl of wentianya, the richest man in Yanjing, wentianya is likely to be kidnapped.

But Liu Xing remembers that there is a black robed man with three scars on his forehead, which seems to be very powerful. Did the black robed man not protect the warm? Or did the black robed man hang up in order to protect his warmth?

Liu Xing shakes his head, no longer fantasy, he feels warm, this person is very good, when Ren Yangyang teased him, Liu Xing noticed that warm pulled Ren Yangyang's clothes at that time.

This simple action, the meaning is clear, is to remind Ren Yangyang not to tease Liu Xing.

Now see warm was kidnapped, but also suffered so much, Liu Xing is determined to save her, not for anything else, just for the small action that she pulled Ren Yangyang clothes.

Warm will never think that Liu Xing wanted to save her, just because she had a small charity.

Don't do good for small, and do evil for small. Perhaps, our good deeds will eventually be rewarded to ourselves.

Liu Xing's divine sense swept out and locked the Audi A4 in front of him. He drove the truck very fast and followed the Audi A4 closely.

On the Audi A4, the driver in flower looked at the rearview mirror and said, "brother crow, we may have been followed. I've been watching for a while, and there's a truck behind me that's been following us , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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