See a mobile phone face-to-face, Liu Xing body side, easy to avoid.

Now that the men in black and the black people have come out, Liu Xing is much more relaxed and doesn't have to run into the pine woods to look for it.

"I'm just looking for you. You've come at the right time. Look at the moves. I can't see the leg shadow!"

Just kicking the big crow to death, Liu Xing's confidence soared. He gave a big drink and raised his true Qi. He took out the boundless leg shadow and directly rushed over!

Liu Xing run-up five or six steps, both feet at the same time on the ground, to the man in black to a series of kicks.

It was dark and the man in black could not see clearly. Liu Xing's feet were fast and he could only block them by feeling. But he was very unlucky. He didn't stop a foot. Even Liu Xing kicked him several feet, which made him blood boil. He couldn't help vomiting blood.

The man in black vomited a mouthful of blood, but when it came to his mouth, he gritted his teeth and swallowed the blood back. Only a thread of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Since can't stop, the man in black no longer continues to block, simply open his hands, exposed chest, let Liu Xing again kick a few feet.

This time, the man in black was kicked several feet in succession. He couldn't help it any more. A mouthful of blood gushed out.

The man in black vomit blood at the same time, his eyes a congealed, find the opportunity, hands a grasp, forcefully grasp Liu Xing's two ankles, smash to the ground violently!

"Pa" sound, Liu Xing's back first hit the ground, hit a hole on the ground, fortunately, the ground is full of soil, if hit on the stone, it is estimated that Liu Xing has already hung.

However, even if it was smashed on the soil, Liu Xing was hit with pain all over the body. The bone was like a broken frame, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Liu Xing was angry, regardless of his own injury, forced to mobilize his true Qi, once again used the boundless leg shadow, both hands on the ground, in breaking free of the hands of the man in black, but also forced to kick the two feet of the man in black.

The man in black flew out upside down and spat out a mouthful of blood again. He fell on the ground with more air out and less air intake. It seemed that he could not live.

Liu Xinggang kicked the man in black, but before he got over it, the black man in the back rushed over and kicked Liu Xing's waist. Liu Xing flew out and smashed him to the ground, spitting out a big mouthful of blood again.

Liu Xing felt severe pain all over his body. He couldn't lift his true Qi. The black man just kicked his foot, at least broke his three ribs!

Liu Xing lying on the ground, can not help but spit out a mouthful of blood, blood left along the corner of his mouth, dyed red the soil beside his ears.

Liu Xing felt that he still did not have the strength to get up, the whole body was soft and soft, and it was painful to move.

Liu Xing couldn't help saying, "do I want to hang here?"? This is not the ending I want. I have to live. If I die, what should I do? If the poem treats me so well and her face is so beautiful, how can I bear to hand her over to others? I can't die! I can't die!!

Thinking of Ye Ruoshi, Liu Xing found a reason to live!

After kicking Liu Xing, the black man did not continue to attack Liu Xing. Instead, he ran to the crow and tried whether the crow was breathing.

The black man confirmed that the crow was dead, and ran to the man in black. As soon as he ran past, the man in black vomited out a large mouthful of black blood.

The man in black pointed to Liu Xing's direction and said, "Xiao Hei, quick Quick, kill... "

Before the man in black finished speaking, his hand fell down, his head turned to one side, and he died with his eyes closed!

"Ah! I want you to die

The black man pointed to Liu Xing on the ground and screamed up to the sky. He found a big stone to hold and walked towards Liu Xing. He wanted to use the big stone in his hand to smash Liu Xing's head and avenge his three brothers!

Liu Xing saw the black people come with a big stone in their arms. Suddenly, a burning desire for survival rose in his eyes. His divine consciousness was constantly searching for something that could save him!

In a twinkling of an eye, the black man has come to Liu Xing's side, raised a big stone, aimed at Liu Xing's big bald head, roared: "boy, go to die!"

When people are in the critical moment of life and death, the potential is always infinite!

At the moment when the black man was about to smash a big stone, Liu Xing finally found something that could save his life - the gun.

Liu Xing's right hand was lifted up and he had a pistol in his hand. Just as the black man hit a big stone, the gun in Liu Xing's hand also rang.

The black did not expect that when Liu Xing raised his hand, a gun would suddenly appear in his hand. When he saw the gun, the black man was shocked, but he did not have time to dodge. The bullet had penetrated through his chin and passed through the back of his head. The black man fell to the ground and died.

At the sound of the gun, the big stone also hit Liu Xing's big bald head. Liu Xing didn't even have the strength to turn over. He was about to be hit in the head by the big stone. At the critical moment, Liu Xing suddenly disappeared. The big stone hit the air, and half of the stone fell into the soil.

At the moment when the big stone was about to hit Liu Xing, Liu Xing exhausted the last trace of divine consciousness and brought himself into the eternal world to escape a disaster.

After entering Hengjie and breathing the breath inside, Liu Xing felt that he had some strength. He sat up with difficulty, sat cross legged, and began to use his power to heal his wounds.

After recovering some physical strength, Liu Xing directly swept several boxes of health preserving fruits and piled them beside him, ate them for a while, and then continued to heal. Treatment, and stop, eat a while, and then heal, anti repeated.Liu Xing worked hard in Hengjie to heal his wounds, and with the help of health fruits. After staying in Hengjie for ten hours, that is, after an hour outside, Liu Xing's injuries finally recovered.

Thinking that warm and warm is still tied in Audi A4, I don't know what's going on now. Liu Xing has no time to change his clothes. He simply handles the blood stains on his body and immediately goes out of Hengjie.

Outside, it was already dark, the vast sky was dark, there was no moon, only occasionally saw one or two stars, the song of insects and birds came from the pine forest, which seemed extremely peaceful.

Liu Xing's divine sense sweeps out, around bright as day, Liu Xing found a mobile phone on the ground, picked up a look, is an apple.

This is the mobile phone that the man in black threw to smash Liu Xing. Unexpectedly, the quality is good, and it hasn't been broken.

Liu Xing pressed the power on button, Apple's screen lit up, it actually showed that is in a call, Liu Xing looked carefully, the caller ID is: brother crow.

Isn't the big crow kicked to death by himself? Is this the case? Is

Liu Xing found a mobile phone from the crow's pocket, which was also apple. As soon as he pressed the power on button, he was talking, and had been talking for more than an hour.

Liu Xing had to admire big crow for his cunning and cunning. Seeing that he suddenly came back to kill him, he actually told the man in black by phone that he had come back at that time and was preparing to kill him.

So, the man in black and the black man entered the pine forest not long before they came back in a hurry!

When all the people died, Liu Xing didn't care. He collected all the bodies of the crow and other three people into Hengjie, and then returned quickly according to the original route.

Back to the parking place, Liu Xing put the body of the cat into Hengjie.

After finding the key of Audi A4 from Huamao, Liu Xing immediately unlocked Audi A4 and then went to open the trunk of Audi A4. He couldn't wait to see how warm and warm it was.

Opening the trunk, Liu Xing found that warm and warm was still tied up and curled up in the trunk. Her whole body was dirty, bloodstained and stained. She was in a mess. She could not be seen as the eldest lady of the Wen family.

At the moment of warmth, has fainted in the past, Liu Xing shakes her, she did not react at all, it is estimated that she was forced to take narcotic drugs before.

Liu Xing even more admire warm, if warm before already some delirium, still can earn a hand, still can insist on kicking off one of Audi A4 rear lights, that is really great!

It's really not easy for a girl to have such tenacious willpower. Liu Xing's divine sense swept away, and the rope on warm body disappeared.

Liu Xing helped up the warmth and found that the sweet, beautiful and lovely face had been spent, all tears, and he could not help feeling a pain.

It's too much for those damned bastards to treat such a gorgeous girl.

Fortunately, Liu Xing killed those bastards.

Liu Xing embraces warmth in his arms. In order not to wake him up, he gently puts his warm head on his chest, and then puts Audi A4 into Hengjie.

Warm body is very soft, also very warm, and not heavy, Liu Xing holding her, but feel very comfortable, can not help but want to hold a little more.

Liu Xing embraces warmth, all of a sudden is in trouble, because warm body mobile phone also does not have, he does not know the warm address, as well as the warm family's telephone number, he does not know where to send warmth! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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