After careful observation with divine sense, Liu Xing found that when the middle-aged monk penetrated the red brick, his whole hand became slightly red, just like a light flame attached, which could not be seen by the naked eye.

According to the middle-aged monk's identity, Liu Xing's heart suddenly appeared five words: vigorously Vajra palm!

Dali Vajra palm is one of the six unique branches of Southern Shaolin martial arts. It is a kind of hard Qigong. It can be used in both internal and external aspects. It can be used to open bricks and gravel for unarmed techniques with infinite power.

The middle-aged monk can use the inner strength of Da Li Vajra palm to distribute it to each finger, penetrate the red brick, and crush the red brick, which shows that the middle-aged monk's Da Li Vajra palm has entered the realm of transformation, and is absolutely a master among the experts.

Since the middle-aged monk can make great efforts to make a diamond palm, it is not difficult to guess that the hand that broke the feet and neck of a hen is undoubtedly a hand with broken tendons and bones.

The hand of dividing tendons and dislocating bones is a kind of great capture. It can be divided into two methods: one is to use the knowledge of human bones to dismantle the enemy's joints, and the other is bone setting in traditional Chinese medicine.

The middle-aged monk can use this hand on a common hen, which shows that the middle-aged man's hand has also entered the world.

Just from the middle-aged monk's hand, we can see that the middle-aged monk has at least two peerless martial arts. An expert with two unique martial arts skills may have surpassed the earth level and reached the heaven level!

Liu Xing is puzzled, such masters, are fierce existence, how the middle-aged monk mixed into the secular, but also sold dog skin plaster, swagger around?

Is the master really in the folk?

"Well, everyone's eyes are wide open. I'll wipe the medicine on the old hen and save the old hen!"

When the middle-aged monk finished, he poured some medicinal wine into one hand, and lifted the old hen with the other hand. He rubbed the medicinal wine on the broken foot of the old hen. At the same time, he restored his muscles and bones to the old hen.

After picking up the feet of the old hen, the middle-aged monk poured a little wine, wiped the neck of the old hen, gently pulled it with his hand, and threw the old hen to the ground.

When the old hen was thrown out by the middle-aged monk, she was still dead. The middle-aged man who liked to find fault said, "the chicken is still dead..."

Before the middle-aged man finished, the old hen hit the ground, and the old hen was still motionless.

After two seconds, the old hen stood up on her feet, walked two steps with a shake, and then quickly walked to the side of the big rooster.

"The chicken is alive, it's really alive, it's alive!"

The crowd burst into loud applause.

"Poor monk, this medicinal wine can be cured if it is sick, but it can be strengthened if it is not. The price is low. You can only accept two hundred and fifty-one bottles instead of four hundred and fifty-five. The quantity is limited. You should buy it quickly and sell it until it is sold out."

Don't mention, the middle-aged monk showed these two hands, still quite effective, but these onlookers, few fools, few willing to pay to buy.

One is that the medicinal wine is too expensive. A small bottle costs 250 yuan. They are not rich people, and they don't have any serious diseases.

Second, they feel that the middle-aged monk is a liar, playing a trick. Even if it doesn't look flawed, it's totally true, but they still feel that the middle-aged monk is a liar.

Nowadays, people are used to seeing the world with suspicion. The more true you make it, the more fake they feel.

Some old men and women want to buy it, but they are reluctant to give up so much money. They are bargaining with the two young monks, hoping to make it cheaper and buy a bottle for use.

The middle-aged monk waited for a long time. Seeing that no one was willing to pay for it, the middle-aged monk was not happy, but he still let himself return to the smiling state.

"Since everyone wants to buy it, and they think the price is too expensive to buy it, then I'll do a good deed today. I'll give it to you at a lower price. It's not less. I can only help you to get here. I don't have tofu. It's good and good!"

The middle-aged monk finished, clasped his hands, bent slightly, and saluted the crowd.

Middle aged monk this move, the effect is very good, a few old people have already paid, ready to buy a bottle back.

Seeing this, Liu Xing planned to quit to buy vegetables. He had a sense of justice, but when he knew the horror of the middle-aged monk, he did not dare to meddle in his business. He did not want to die.

Liu Xing secret way: eat a moat, gain wisdom, these people will be cheated, after they will be vigilant!

Liu Xing found an excuse to comfort himself, ready to quit immediately, this occasion, or not to stay long!

"We must not buy, do not be deceived, this monk is a liar!"

Liu Xing just turned around, the glasses man beside him cried out.

The man with glasses is short of breath, cold sweat on his forehead, and his body trembles slightly. Obviously, he shouts out this sentence. I don't know how much courage he has summoned up!

The glasses man was very nervous, but after he called out this sentence, although his body was still some involuntary shaking, he felt warm all over the body, and his chest was boiling with blood. He felt that he was a lot taller in an instant!Liu Xing stopped. Like most young people, he was full of fighting spirit and sense of justice. The glasses man stepped forward and activated Liu Xing's inner blood.

Liu Xing continued to observe the development of the situation, secretly said: the glasses man in trouble, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!

A trace of unhappiness flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged monk, and his tone was flat: "young man, you can eat rice at random, but you can't talk nonsense! My monk, this medicinal wine is a treasure of Buddhism. It has national certification. Do you see the license on the bottle? That was approved by the Ministry of health of the people's Republic of China. I think you are also a man of culture. You should understand it? "

The middle-aged monk thought that the glasses man didn't understand anything. He might have read some news on the Internet and decided that it was a lie.

The middle-aged monk is calm and calm. In the secular world, there are many people who sell medicinal wine with this method, but the technical content of those people is far behind him. He uses real Kung Fu!

Next to an old man also said: "you young people just don't know how to save people's dead chickens? These dozens of pairs of eyes are staring. How can this master be a liar? "

However, the middle-aged man who likes to find fault supports the eye man. He said to the glasses man, "don't be afraid. We can't read and understand little. You can see whether it's true or not. Don't worry, we support you!"

With the support of the middle-aged man, the glasses man calmed down a lot, but his hands were still shaking. He picked up a box of medicinal wine and looked at it carefully.

An old woman in her seventies couldn't see it. She was black with an old face. She said in a tone of some blame: "young man, don't make trouble. I have to buy vegetables after buying medicine. Don't waste everyone's time!"

The middle-aged monk was still calm and not worried. Even the two young monks looked at the glasses man with disdain on their faces.

The glasses man looked at it for a while, raised his head, pointed to the license number above, and said in a loud voice: "look, here is written: Guowei Xiaozheng Zi (2016) No. 250. This is the health license number is true, but "Xiao" brand products are used for disinfection, is a class of products approved by the Ministry of health to improve the quality of public health, and does not have therapeutic effect! "

The eye man pauses for a moment, and continues to say aloud: "our country implements a strict examination and approval system for the production of drugs. Only when the drug box is marked with" national drug approval number "is the drug approval number and the real medicine, everyone has been cheated!"

To cut off wealth is like killing parents!

Liu Xing heard this and knew that the matter was getting worse today. He was ready to run his true Qi at any time. He was worried that the middle-aged monk would suddenly attack and kill innocent people.

As the saying goes: it's none of your business!

Now in this society, many people are selfish and in urgent need of people who are full of sense of justice like glasses man. Liu Xing doesn't want to watch glasses man die in the hands of middle-aged monks.

Liu Xing is full of blood, even if he dies, he also wants to do his part for this society.

As soon as the middle-aged monk's face changed, he said in a sharp voice, "little guy, you haven't grown all your hair. What are you? What do you mean

By the middle-aged monk said this, aroused the glasses man's competitive heart, glasses man on the contrary more courage, argued: "if you are sure that your wine is true, we can immediately dial the State Administration for Industry and Commerce 12315 to verify!"

This time, the middle-aged monk did not speak, just quietly staring at the glasses man, like the wolf staring at the prey. His eyes were cold and fierce! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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