Pathway to Eternity
10 Titan lord Primus II
Haider had continuosly been training hard for the six months that went by. The trueworld bodyweight technique was constantly using his own body nutriments to develop his body strength. His body had gained more strength in the course of the training from the nutriments in his body from birth due to the rainbow spirit pill but he was still feeling like he was not doing anything at all. He was focusing more on building his body strength.
The more the body strength the more the power he would have. Wouldn't he?
The more he trained his body, the more he trained in his martial art, the shifting heavens. Since that was the only one available from his family treasury for him to learn because it was not affiliated to any element. He had abandoned his training in sword technique, the skylight technique, for a while now. He already learnt the fundamentals of swordmanship, the moves and the stances. He was still young, besides, not that he had to be cutting people for him to breathe, anyways. He would have ample time to continue with them later.
For now it would be his body strength.
He was practicing one morning when titan lord Primus arrived at their place. He didn't know of his arrival until he saw him approaching the training area with the rest of the family. His heart was racing rapidly while his brain started to process different scenarios.
What would he say ofhis training? Wouldn't he say too weak?
He immediately increased the tempo of his training, while keeping an eye on them approaching. He waited for them to come closer before stopping. He hoped the titan lord would see him as doing his best in training. He quickly bowed raising his cupped hands.
"Greetings, titan lord sir. I didn't know you will be coming today. Forgive me for not welcoming you sir."
"En." Lord Primus smiled with a slight shake of his head and with a glance he took in the whole area.
"I was coming from a place and being on the same route, i decided to check on everybody here. Nothing there to forgive. It's you who shouldn't mind me disrupting your training."
"Nothing for me to mind about sir. It's a big honor having you here." Haider again bowed low.
"Hm, alright then, if you say so. I saw your training and i have to say i'm really impressed. You are really training hard. And your body strength is miles ahead of your age. Truly remarkable. That technique, would be the bodyweight technique. Right?"
"Yes, titan lord sir."
"Mountain titans naturally have innate abilities similar to your technique methods. Although it's the reverse of your techniques. Our bodies naturally comes with massive weight, therefore, we gradually transfer the massive weight into massive strength for our nascent soul's avatar. The same weight and strength but with different appearance. Now, as you can see, i'm not in a mountain form but a human form and, with the same strength."
He knitted his brows together in thoughts for some seconds.
"For you it's a bit different. You are a human mortal. You don't have any physicallyhuge source the weight for your body to transfer. But, that's where your blood comes in. As human, you have blood that contains nutrients. This you will transfer outside. If you have no nutrients in your blood, you transfer nothing outside. This is different from Chi in your dantian. The Chi in your dantian is your life force, your life essence. The Chi is for your soul to be able to reach eternity. Although, you can use it to fortify your body strength or to infuse into objects, it's only when you need it. And the strength will revert when you stop the Chi flow or you run out of it. It's temporary. For your strength to be parmanent, you have to use the nutrients in your blood.."
He looked thoughtfully at Haider before continuing.
"First, Let me show you all the method the best i can, the rest will be on you."
He spent some minutes showing them how his ability works and how they can reverse it to work for them. They quickly grasped the concept of it as they practiced it a bit further.
They all expressed their deep appreciation.
Lord Primus noted their gratitudes and nodded in reply. He turned towards the pond and smiled.
"Fortunately for you, you have the pond."
He turned to look at their surprised faces. He was grinning widely.
"The pond?"
"What pond?"
"Lord Primus, please forgive us for not understanding. But how are we fortunate to have the pond?" Aodh asked after recovering a bit from the effect of the words.
"Oh, so you don't really know about the pond. How about that? Well, won't be your fault. There's divination arrays on the pond, divine sense or spiritual sense can't see anything inside the pond. Unless, you are a truegod or celestial. It will just be like a plain pond. Let's check it out together then."
Primus turned and started walking towards the pond with everyone of the Amynthas family following him. Reaching the pond area, he stood at the edge of it and whirled around to face them.
"The Artham pond. The water is a natural elixir, a body and soul nutritioner."
He paused, still enjoying the looks on their faces.
"The main treasures are at the bottom of the pond. The yellow-white transparent lilies and the white-striped armoured turtles. The yellow-white lilies have leaves, flowers and tubers that can all be eaten raw or cooked if you prefer. Mind the turtles though, they can be difficult but nothing you can't handle. They are delicacies for humans and a true source of body strength."
Despite the pond being deep, lord Primus reached into the pond and removed a stem of a yellow-white lily. He removed a flower, put in his mouth and started to chew. He offered the remaining flowers to them to try.
Haider could feel the tingling effect inside his body. This felt like a dream to him. He was thinking about how to truly develop his body strength.
Now this?
It was simply too much for him to contain. He raised his head up to the sky and felt his eyes welled up. These were the food his body had been asking for. He didn't know the time he spoke.
"Thank you titan lord sir."
Seeing the effect on him and hearing his words, lord Primus decided it was time to let the family be. He changed the topic as he moved away from the pond.
"I will take my leave now, there are some important things i need to take care of."
"We promised you our hospitality lord Primus, please come and dine with us." Euanthe said expectantly.
"True, i think i can do that. Don't mind the trouble then." He replied with a soft smile.
Lord Primus joined the family to dine. They talked about how excellent the food was, food varieties, farming and others. Moments later, lord Primus took his leave. They all started to talk at once.
"I can't believe the pond was actually a treasure."
"No wonder the pond area was always calming and relaxing the soul. It was actually magical."
"This place is more amazing than we thought."
Aodh changed his robe and together with the rest, went back to the pond. He went into the water and searched the pond floor. There were many giant white-striped turtles furrowed deep into pond floor. He went for the one closer, he remembered titan lord's words, thus he was very cautious. He found out the reason for that when he realized that the turtle was a snapping turtle with armored teeth. For him. It was no threat. He took the turtle and some Yellow-white lilies. After going back, Euanthe and Reena went to work on the turtle and the plants with their tubers preparing a meal out of them.
Haider, after eating the prepared meal felt his body was undergoing drastic changes. Feeling sleepy, he decided to go inside his room to rest. Lying in bed, he immediately fell asleep.
He dreamt of a wprld, a world full of water. He was sleeping in a bed of cloud floating in the sky and below him, the world was filled with turbulent water. Suddenly, there were sounds of thunder that seemed were coming from all around him. He dreamt of himself startled awake from his sleep. As he blinked his eyes open, he saw, rising from the water, was a beast, the devonian armored fish. Above it was a raging gigantic cloud emitting thunder and lightning. The devonian armored fish was looking up at the raging cloud with burning defiance. The cloud was gathering more strength, thundering more loudly and lightning bolts as thick as a giant's torso started streaking down, striking the devonian armored turtle, but the armored turtle just continued to look on with a deadpan face. It was not even bothered when they hit its body, they had no effect on its body. It continued loooking at the raging cloud with complete defiance.
The cloud started to spiral. It gained so much momentum that it formed a vortex of typhoon over the armored turtle. The lightning bolts started to combine together to form a single lightning bolt. The turtle's armored shell started to radiate golden light, the golden light proceeded to gain in brilliance and soon became an epic fortress of golden light. The single lightning bolt began to gather the energies of the heavens, it was an enormous pillar of bolt, the type that had the might to disintegrate worlds. It streaked down causing colossal spatial rifts and struck the armored turtle.
There was a deafening sound , with impact that caused gigantic water waves and the lightning created an aurorablinding blue-white light. The surface of the water was turned into a steaming fury.
It took several hours for a little normalcy to return.
The devonian armored turtle, raised its head, looked at the cloud and shook its head.
"Is that the best you have to show, Fotios?
The turtle squeezed its eyes shut, contemplated in his head.
How long do you plan doing this, Fotios?"
"As long as it takes, Zothikos." Fotios, a terrifyingly massive wyvern emerged from the cloud.
"Stop wasting my time, Fotios. After a billion years, still, you are no match for me. I don't even need to strike you. Go away, you can try to find something good to do. It will do you good."
The armored turtle turned away from the cloud, about to return to his place at the depth of the turbulent water.
"Don't you dare turn your back on me, Zothikos."
"Or what? Strike me with lightning? Pfff, go away. I have important things to do."
"Important things? Like sleep? Mhm, important your head."
The cloud started to rage again, gathering in strength. The devonian armored turtle, with a great bellow, spiraled out of the water, instantly creating two vortexes of water and golden light. The vortexes combined and compressed into a disc of tranluscent gold light that was speeding in the direction of the cloud.
"The divine sphere?
Fotios shouted with wide alarmed eyes. It quickly retreated back into the cloud and used its defensive items. At the same time, it took out the 'heavens fetter seal', a one time life saving seal and activated it.
When the disc neared the cloud, it exploded into a massive wave motion attack. The collision knocked the cloud several meters further back into the sky and the surface of the water was in turbulent waves.
"You foolish turtle! You want to kill me! I will be back for you, you stupid useless turtle." Fotios voice boomed out from the cloud as he sped away from the area.
"How is that my fault?Every time you always disturb my peace. Why come here looking for a fight when you are not strong enough?
The turtle shrugged and went back into the water.
Haider woke up from his sleep one hour later.
This dream. He remembered clearly. But, why armored turtle? Couldn't it be about yellow fish? Dreams, you just couldn't understand them.
He stretched, his body felt different. He felt his body teeming with energised strength. With a broad smile on his face, he went to the training area. He started training in the method the titan lord showed them. He could feel the difference in his body. He had great strength and strong body before, but since eating the meal and practicing the new method, his body was getting stronger and his strength growing more powerful.
Every member of the family recieved the same effect on their bodies from the meal, though none of them dreamt of the armored turtle and the cloud wyvern.
It quickly became a routine, Haider would wake up in the morning, chewed some lily flowers and tubers, used the new method to train his body, trained in martial arts using the shifting heavens and sky light techniques, eat his meal with some turtle meat, cultivate using the astral primal technique and would sleep meditating using the soul serenity.
The more the body strength the more the power he would have. Wouldn't he?
The more he trained his body, the more he trained in his martial art, the shifting heavens. Since that was the only one available from his family treasury for him to learn because it was not affiliated to any element. He had abandoned his training in sword technique, the skylight technique, for a while now. He already learnt the fundamentals of swordmanship, the moves and the stances. He was still young, besides, not that he had to be cutting people for him to breathe, anyways. He would have ample time to continue with them later.
For now it would be his body strength.
He was practicing one morning when titan lord Primus arrived at their place. He didn't know of his arrival until he saw him approaching the training area with the rest of the family. His heart was racing rapidly while his brain started to process different scenarios.
What would he say ofhis training? Wouldn't he say too weak?
He immediately increased the tempo of his training, while keeping an eye on them approaching. He waited for them to come closer before stopping. He hoped the titan lord would see him as doing his best in training. He quickly bowed raising his cupped hands.
"Greetings, titan lord sir. I didn't know you will be coming today. Forgive me for not welcoming you sir."
"En." Lord Primus smiled with a slight shake of his head and with a glance he took in the whole area.
"I was coming from a place and being on the same route, i decided to check on everybody here. Nothing there to forgive. It's you who shouldn't mind me disrupting your training."
"Nothing for me to mind about sir. It's a big honor having you here." Haider again bowed low.
"Hm, alright then, if you say so. I saw your training and i have to say i'm really impressed. You are really training hard. And your body strength is miles ahead of your age. Truly remarkable. That technique, would be the bodyweight technique. Right?"
"Yes, titan lord sir."
"Mountain titans naturally have innate abilities similar to your technique methods. Although it's the reverse of your techniques. Our bodies naturally comes with massive weight, therefore, we gradually transfer the massive weight into massive strength for our nascent soul's avatar. The same weight and strength but with different appearance. Now, as you can see, i'm not in a mountain form but a human form and, with the same strength."
He knitted his brows together in thoughts for some seconds.
"For you it's a bit different. You are a human mortal. You don't have any physicallyhuge source the weight for your body to transfer. But, that's where your blood comes in. As human, you have blood that contains nutrients. This you will transfer outside. If you have no nutrients in your blood, you transfer nothing outside. This is different from Chi in your dantian. The Chi in your dantian is your life force, your life essence. The Chi is for your soul to be able to reach eternity. Although, you can use it to fortify your body strength or to infuse into objects, it's only when you need it. And the strength will revert when you stop the Chi flow or you run out of it. It's temporary. For your strength to be parmanent, you have to use the nutrients in your blood.."
He looked thoughtfully at Haider before continuing.
"First, Let me show you all the method the best i can, the rest will be on you."
He spent some minutes showing them how his ability works and how they can reverse it to work for them. They quickly grasped the concept of it as they practiced it a bit further.
They all expressed their deep appreciation.
Lord Primus noted their gratitudes and nodded in reply. He turned towards the pond and smiled.
"Fortunately for you, you have the pond."
He turned to look at their surprised faces. He was grinning widely.
"The pond?"
"What pond?"
"Lord Primus, please forgive us for not understanding. But how are we fortunate to have the pond?" Aodh asked after recovering a bit from the effect of the words.
"Oh, so you don't really know about the pond. How about that? Well, won't be your fault. There's divination arrays on the pond, divine sense or spiritual sense can't see anything inside the pond. Unless, you are a truegod or celestial. It will just be like a plain pond. Let's check it out together then."
Primus turned and started walking towards the pond with everyone of the Amynthas family following him. Reaching the pond area, he stood at the edge of it and whirled around to face them.
"The Artham pond. The water is a natural elixir, a body and soul nutritioner."
He paused, still enjoying the looks on their faces.
"The main treasures are at the bottom of the pond. The yellow-white transparent lilies and the white-striped armoured turtles. The yellow-white lilies have leaves, flowers and tubers that can all be eaten raw or cooked if you prefer. Mind the turtles though, they can be difficult but nothing you can't handle. They are delicacies for humans and a true source of body strength."
Despite the pond being deep, lord Primus reached into the pond and removed a stem of a yellow-white lily. He removed a flower, put in his mouth and started to chew. He offered the remaining flowers to them to try.
Haider could feel the tingling effect inside his body. This felt like a dream to him. He was thinking about how to truly develop his body strength.
Now this?
It was simply too much for him to contain. He raised his head up to the sky and felt his eyes welled up. These were the food his body had been asking for. He didn't know the time he spoke.
"Thank you titan lord sir."
Seeing the effect on him and hearing his words, lord Primus decided it was time to let the family be. He changed the topic as he moved away from the pond.
"I will take my leave now, there are some important things i need to take care of."
"We promised you our hospitality lord Primus, please come and dine with us." Euanthe said expectantly.
"True, i think i can do that. Don't mind the trouble then." He replied with a soft smile.
Lord Primus joined the family to dine. They talked about how excellent the food was, food varieties, farming and others. Moments later, lord Primus took his leave. They all started to talk at once.
"I can't believe the pond was actually a treasure."
"No wonder the pond area was always calming and relaxing the soul. It was actually magical."
"This place is more amazing than we thought."
Aodh changed his robe and together with the rest, went back to the pond. He went into the water and searched the pond floor. There were many giant white-striped turtles furrowed deep into pond floor. He went for the one closer, he remembered titan lord's words, thus he was very cautious. He found out the reason for that when he realized that the turtle was a snapping turtle with armored teeth. For him. It was no threat. He took the turtle and some Yellow-white lilies. After going back, Euanthe and Reena went to work on the turtle and the plants with their tubers preparing a meal out of them.
Haider, after eating the prepared meal felt his body was undergoing drastic changes. Feeling sleepy, he decided to go inside his room to rest. Lying in bed, he immediately fell asleep.
He dreamt of a wprld, a world full of water. He was sleeping in a bed of cloud floating in the sky and below him, the world was filled with turbulent water. Suddenly, there were sounds of thunder that seemed were coming from all around him. He dreamt of himself startled awake from his sleep. As he blinked his eyes open, he saw, rising from the water, was a beast, the devonian armored fish. Above it was a raging gigantic cloud emitting thunder and lightning. The devonian armored fish was looking up at the raging cloud with burning defiance. The cloud was gathering more strength, thundering more loudly and lightning bolts as thick as a giant's torso started streaking down, striking the devonian armored turtle, but the armored turtle just continued to look on with a deadpan face. It was not even bothered when they hit its body, they had no effect on its body. It continued loooking at the raging cloud with complete defiance.
The cloud started to spiral. It gained so much momentum that it formed a vortex of typhoon over the armored turtle. The lightning bolts started to combine together to form a single lightning bolt. The turtle's armored shell started to radiate golden light, the golden light proceeded to gain in brilliance and soon became an epic fortress of golden light. The single lightning bolt began to gather the energies of the heavens, it was an enormous pillar of bolt, the type that had the might to disintegrate worlds. It streaked down causing colossal spatial rifts and struck the armored turtle.
There was a deafening sound , with impact that caused gigantic water waves and the lightning created an aurorablinding blue-white light. The surface of the water was turned into a steaming fury.
It took several hours for a little normalcy to return.
The devonian armored turtle, raised its head, looked at the cloud and shook its head.
"Is that the best you have to show, Fotios?
The turtle squeezed its eyes shut, contemplated in his head.
How long do you plan doing this, Fotios?"
"As long as it takes, Zothikos." Fotios, a terrifyingly massive wyvern emerged from the cloud.
"Stop wasting my time, Fotios. After a billion years, still, you are no match for me. I don't even need to strike you. Go away, you can try to find something good to do. It will do you good."
The armored turtle turned away from the cloud, about to return to his place at the depth of the turbulent water.
"Don't you dare turn your back on me, Zothikos."
"Or what? Strike me with lightning? Pfff, go away. I have important things to do."
"Important things? Like sleep? Mhm, important your head."
The cloud started to rage again, gathering in strength. The devonian armored turtle, with a great bellow, spiraled out of the water, instantly creating two vortexes of water and golden light. The vortexes combined and compressed into a disc of tranluscent gold light that was speeding in the direction of the cloud.
"The divine sphere?
Fotios shouted with wide alarmed eyes. It quickly retreated back into the cloud and used its defensive items. At the same time, it took out the 'heavens fetter seal', a one time life saving seal and activated it.
When the disc neared the cloud, it exploded into a massive wave motion attack. The collision knocked the cloud several meters further back into the sky and the surface of the water was in turbulent waves.
"You foolish turtle! You want to kill me! I will be back for you, you stupid useless turtle." Fotios voice boomed out from the cloud as he sped away from the area.
"How is that my fault?Every time you always disturb my peace. Why come here looking for a fight when you are not strong enough?
The turtle shrugged and went back into the water.
Haider woke up from his sleep one hour later.
This dream. He remembered clearly. But, why armored turtle? Couldn't it be about yellow fish? Dreams, you just couldn't understand them.
He stretched, his body felt different. He felt his body teeming with energised strength. With a broad smile on his face, he went to the training area. He started training in the method the titan lord showed them. He could feel the difference in his body. He had great strength and strong body before, but since eating the meal and practicing the new method, his body was getting stronger and his strength growing more powerful.
Every member of the family recieved the same effect on their bodies from the meal, though none of them dreamt of the armored turtle and the cloud wyvern.
It quickly became a routine, Haider would wake up in the morning, chewed some lily flowers and tubers, used the new method to train his body, trained in martial arts using the shifting heavens and sky light techniques, eat his meal with some turtle meat, cultivate using the astral primal technique and would sleep meditating using the soul serenity.
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