Pathway to Eternity
13 A Delightful Day
Since returning from the valley of gods, Reena had changed drastically. The power of her newly acquired divine aura[energy released from the body] had become overpowering if not masked, showcasing the increase in her level of power. It was an heavenly advancement of her demigod aura. She could generate divine force from her aura and release the force through divine body blasts. She could cause great damage through the use of the divine force alone without using element of fire.
A glimpse of full godhood
And her divine evasion? She no longer needed to switch to her nascent soul, divine avatar, to use teleportation. She could directly use her human body to teleport over an area of tens of millions square kilometers in size in the likeness of Ankhora continent, without leaving a trace behind, unless the one tracing it was another divine demigod or a daemon king and above.
But the best part of her universal gift was the newly acquired glimpse of divine sight. She could see the presence of all spirit beings and their actions in the area of fifty million square kilometers around her, half the size of Ankhora continent.
Haider looked at her mother in full delight.
His mother had become a legendary figure just like his newly acquired uncle. Now, he wouldn't need to worry about things that much, only thing in his mind now was making friends. Not that he was weird or strange, he sees and greets kids like himself whenever he went to the village market. The thing was that, his mother and grandparents prevented him from having any close friends and since they too didn't associate with anybody in the village apart from the village headman and lord Gaius on village duty, he didn't worry about it much. He had concentrated on his cultivation.
But, after the attack on them at the lunar plain, they had told him the reasons for them keeping to themselves and asking him to do the same.
They were from the White fountain village on the Xuanpu continent. It was a small village but the people had lived peacefully and in harmony. The clans were hardly differentiable, they had interwoven through their family ties of marriages.
But one day, they were attacked by demon fiends with shimmering black energy, that entered through a portal that suddenly opened. The energy they now knew as atrament.
Majority of the villagers had died including his father. They had seen him fighting the demons and amidst the envelope of black energy, they didn't see him again. They couldn't find any traces of him or his corpse, even Reena could no longer connect to him. They knew of attacks that could disintegrate a body into vapour or ashes, maybe the black energy was one of them but they didn't want to accept that. They had searched everywhere for him, maybe there was a shine to find him but all to no avail. which made them concluded that he was killed too.
They had been wondering about what happened and why it did when their village headman and the two nascent soul elders appeared at their residence. One of the elders had a divine beast, an abyssinian cat, one of the extremely rare divine beasts that had innate divination. The cat had made it known to the elder the very cause of the attack, the Amynthas, the demons attacked the village because of them, with the name of their daughter on the demons' death list.
The Amynthas, upon hearing these words decided to leave what remains of the village behind and moved to another continent. After searching, they found this quiet place to live and farm, they had shunned all associate with the people of the village because of the fear of the demon's finding out their whereabouts. They even had to use their ancestral defensive arrays.
And they had been successful until recently when they were attacked by the daemon kings at the lunar plains.
How they found out where and when to get them baffled them. Since a quiet life provided no assurance to a secured life, they had told Haider of the whole situation. They no longer needed to live a quite life if they didn't want to, they had the protection of the more powerful entities, hence they had told Haider he could make friends. It no longer mattered how they lived.
When Haider was recieving all this information, he was having some enlightenment too. He couldn't totally lay his hand on it, but there was something in it, he could almost taste it. It made him took the information in strides without experiencing the tragic emotion of loosing someone. He was actually having inner peace, the feeling that things would come to be. He needed to trust his childling instict, whatever that was, thus he pushed his father's thought to the back of his mind.
Looking at how his young life has panned out so far, he really felt content.
He had spent his years, ten good years, cultivating and practicing martial arts. He had everything he needed growing up. His loving family, the blue crystalline, the delicious magical beasts, he had them all. How could he not appreciate them? But now, he needs to make friends or learn how to make friends. FRIENDS! Stuff of legends. When he made friends, he would become a legend of his own.
His face lit up in smile. It was time for him to take a walk though the village.
His mother saw him approaching and waved him over.
"Can you hold this for me?" She handed him a large empty granite jar as she prepared to milk one of the goats.
"Yes mother."
"What brings you, my son? And don't tell me it's nothing."
"Mother, i was thinking, maybe i can take the milk to the market today. You know mother that i've been following you before. So, maybe i should try today by myself"
"I think that will be very good of you. Then, let's finish milking the goats so you can be on your way."
They continued milking the goats. Reena knew her son just wanted to take a walk in the village but must be a bit nervous. She understood that but wasn't worried about Haider going alone to the market. She could monitor his movement anywhere in the village with her divine sight and if there's any problem, she could be there in a fraction of a second. She was also very sure that uncle Primus was also monitoring the entire area.
They quickly finished with the goats, makIng two large jars filled with milk. They packed the two jars into the back basket and Haider carrying the basket on his back left for the market.
He was a very strong boy by the standard of an adult cultivator, but much stronger than they could even imagine. How could they even believe his nature as human if they see his full strength. He comfortably carried the large basket of jars of milk on his back as he smilingly hummed to himself enjoying the scenery of the landscape beauty.
It was quite a walk to the market since their cave house was at the extreme end of village outskirt. And due to the location of the market in the village, he had to walk a bit longer with more road turns heading towards the market.
He was turning the road that entered the village when he noticed a boy of his own age staring at something on the floor with teary eyes and at the same time trying to scoop something off the floor. Haider was a bit cautious but steadily approached since it was the same road leading to the market.
Instinctly, he uttered some words of greeting.
Who knows who or what he is? Better to say something before reaching him to know if he would stay or quickly run.
"Uhm, Hello there."
The boy just kept on looking at the thing on the floor without paying any attention. As Haider was getting much closer, he disvovered that the thing on the floor was a broken jar. Looking, more closely, he realized that the thing on the floor was honey. It was honey from the broken jar on the floor, the bottom half of the jar was in pieces.
"Hello there, is that yours?" Haider asked as he was almost by the boy's slde.
This time, the boy raised his head to look at him and nodded.
"My name is Haider. May i ask how you come by a broken jar of honey?"
"We-..... we collect wasp... sell. Myy mother was sick, so my father was attendingto her and..... they asked me to collect it. Now look at it."
"How much do you sell a jar, if i may ask again?
"Five gold coins."
"Alright then, i will pay for it. No need to worry yourself to death."
"Really? You will?"
"Yes i will. Here, have it. Five gold coins as requested." Haider removed five gold coins from his savings of ten gold coins.
"Than- thank you. Thank you." He stuttered for words, not quite believing what was happening.
"My name is Klotho. Thank you for this favor. I won't forget this." He said happily as he hurried off.
"You don't need to worry about that, Klotho." Haider shouted gently at his back.
It wasn't that easy to make friends and not too hard trying to make friends. As he walked along the major road towards the market, sometimes he would wave or say hello. He delivered the milk to the merchant who paid in gold and he left the market place.
He reached home later in the afternoon feeling satisfied. He had been in a good mood since morning and he had been happy since coming back from the market. His mother and grandparents didn't want to ask him about it, they just went along with it.
He went to the quietly peaceful pond area to train his sword mystical art, the skylight. There were four stages to this technique.
The first one was the sundering heavens.
The second one was the ethereal world.
The third one was the fey radiance.
The fourth one was the skylight.
He was still at the first level of skylight, the sundering heavens. This level involved drawing in the heavenly lights and compressing them to form the golden yellow light. Releasing this golden yellow light will bring the wrath of heavens in the form of rains of golden yellow sword light.
He sat by the pool and was about to close his eyes to meditate with the soul serenity technique when he noticed the movement of the gentle wave ripples on the pond surface caused by a butterfly. Several wavefronts were approaching the stone arc at the edge of the pond, upon reflection off the stone arc at the edge of the pond, the water waves changed direction and headed towards a point. It was as if all the energy being carried by the water waves was converged at a single focal point. After passing through the focal point, the waves spread out through the water.
This was a total comprehensive insight.
He closed his eyes, calmed his mind with soul serenity and started to dwell on the insight from the wave ripples. Two hours later, he had discovered the secret of the sundering heavens.
"YES." He shouted with his fist in the air.
He went to the training area to test out the sundering heavens. He took one of the bronze sword and performed a little sundering heavens. Golden yellow sword light started falling from the sky like rains, it was really a beautiful scene. He had mastered the first stage of the skylight technique. It was turning out to be a really good day.
His mother who had been watching him came over to congratulate him.
"Congratulations my son. I'm truly proud of you."
"Thank you mother. After so many years, i finally finished first stage. I still have three more to go."
His grandparents who were working in the farm also came over to check the situation after seeing golden yellow sword light rains.
"We saw the golden lights that's why we came over. Is everything alright?
"Yes father. Haider was only trying out the first stage of his skylight technique he recently mastered. It's all good."
"Ah, I guess it is." Euanthe glanced at her husband smilingly before focusing back on her grandson.
"Congratulations Haider, you deserved it."
"Thank you grandma."
"Indeed. You deserved more than a big congratulations, this calls for a celebration, the making of a young man." Aodh grinned widely.
They celebrated Haider's achievement that evening with a great deal of magical delicacies.
After the celebration, Haider went to the cultivation chamber and started cultivation using astral primal technique. His dantian and meridians had enlarged to their maximum capacity but his dantian had started to go deeper in depth. When he reached the Chi condensing stage, the ocean of Chi would be compressed into a sphere of energy preventing the leakage of Chi energy from the body.
He popped one crystalline into his mouth, cultivated for a time before popping another one into his mouth and continued his cultivation. Nothing better than a good cultivation.
He exited the cultivation chamber and headed towards his room smiling brightly.
"What a great day."
A glimpse of full godhood
And her divine evasion? She no longer needed to switch to her nascent soul, divine avatar, to use teleportation. She could directly use her human body to teleport over an area of tens of millions square kilometers in size in the likeness of Ankhora continent, without leaving a trace behind, unless the one tracing it was another divine demigod or a daemon king and above.
But the best part of her universal gift was the newly acquired glimpse of divine sight. She could see the presence of all spirit beings and their actions in the area of fifty million square kilometers around her, half the size of Ankhora continent.
Haider looked at her mother in full delight.
His mother had become a legendary figure just like his newly acquired uncle. Now, he wouldn't need to worry about things that much, only thing in his mind now was making friends. Not that he was weird or strange, he sees and greets kids like himself whenever he went to the village market. The thing was that, his mother and grandparents prevented him from having any close friends and since they too didn't associate with anybody in the village apart from the village headman and lord Gaius on village duty, he didn't worry about it much. He had concentrated on his cultivation.
But, after the attack on them at the lunar plain, they had told him the reasons for them keeping to themselves and asking him to do the same.
They were from the White fountain village on the Xuanpu continent. It was a small village but the people had lived peacefully and in harmony. The clans were hardly differentiable, they had interwoven through their family ties of marriages.
But one day, they were attacked by demon fiends with shimmering black energy, that entered through a portal that suddenly opened. The energy they now knew as atrament.
Majority of the villagers had died including his father. They had seen him fighting the demons and amidst the envelope of black energy, they didn't see him again. They couldn't find any traces of him or his corpse, even Reena could no longer connect to him. They knew of attacks that could disintegrate a body into vapour or ashes, maybe the black energy was one of them but they didn't want to accept that. They had searched everywhere for him, maybe there was a shine to find him but all to no avail. which made them concluded that he was killed too.
They had been wondering about what happened and why it did when their village headman and the two nascent soul elders appeared at their residence. One of the elders had a divine beast, an abyssinian cat, one of the extremely rare divine beasts that had innate divination. The cat had made it known to the elder the very cause of the attack, the Amynthas, the demons attacked the village because of them, with the name of their daughter on the demons' death list.
The Amynthas, upon hearing these words decided to leave what remains of the village behind and moved to another continent. After searching, they found this quiet place to live and farm, they had shunned all associate with the people of the village because of the fear of the demon's finding out their whereabouts. They even had to use their ancestral defensive arrays.
And they had been successful until recently when they were attacked by the daemon kings at the lunar plains.
How they found out where and when to get them baffled them. Since a quiet life provided no assurance to a secured life, they had told Haider of the whole situation. They no longer needed to live a quite life if they didn't want to, they had the protection of the more powerful entities, hence they had told Haider he could make friends. It no longer mattered how they lived.
When Haider was recieving all this information, he was having some enlightenment too. He couldn't totally lay his hand on it, but there was something in it, he could almost taste it. It made him took the information in strides without experiencing the tragic emotion of loosing someone. He was actually having inner peace, the feeling that things would come to be. He needed to trust his childling instict, whatever that was, thus he pushed his father's thought to the back of his mind.
Looking at how his young life has panned out so far, he really felt content.
He had spent his years, ten good years, cultivating and practicing martial arts. He had everything he needed growing up. His loving family, the blue crystalline, the delicious magical beasts, he had them all. How could he not appreciate them? But now, he needs to make friends or learn how to make friends. FRIENDS! Stuff of legends. When he made friends, he would become a legend of his own.
His face lit up in smile. It was time for him to take a walk though the village.
His mother saw him approaching and waved him over.
"Can you hold this for me?" She handed him a large empty granite jar as she prepared to milk one of the goats.
"Yes mother."
"What brings you, my son? And don't tell me it's nothing."
"Mother, i was thinking, maybe i can take the milk to the market today. You know mother that i've been following you before. So, maybe i should try today by myself"
"I think that will be very good of you. Then, let's finish milking the goats so you can be on your way."
They continued milking the goats. Reena knew her son just wanted to take a walk in the village but must be a bit nervous. She understood that but wasn't worried about Haider going alone to the market. She could monitor his movement anywhere in the village with her divine sight and if there's any problem, she could be there in a fraction of a second. She was also very sure that uncle Primus was also monitoring the entire area.
They quickly finished with the goats, makIng two large jars filled with milk. They packed the two jars into the back basket and Haider carrying the basket on his back left for the market.
He was a very strong boy by the standard of an adult cultivator, but much stronger than they could even imagine. How could they even believe his nature as human if they see his full strength. He comfortably carried the large basket of jars of milk on his back as he smilingly hummed to himself enjoying the scenery of the landscape beauty.
It was quite a walk to the market since their cave house was at the extreme end of village outskirt. And due to the location of the market in the village, he had to walk a bit longer with more road turns heading towards the market.
He was turning the road that entered the village when he noticed a boy of his own age staring at something on the floor with teary eyes and at the same time trying to scoop something off the floor. Haider was a bit cautious but steadily approached since it was the same road leading to the market.
Instinctly, he uttered some words of greeting.
Who knows who or what he is? Better to say something before reaching him to know if he would stay or quickly run.
"Uhm, Hello there."
The boy just kept on looking at the thing on the floor without paying any attention. As Haider was getting much closer, he disvovered that the thing on the floor was a broken jar. Looking, more closely, he realized that the thing on the floor was honey. It was honey from the broken jar on the floor, the bottom half of the jar was in pieces.
"Hello there, is that yours?" Haider asked as he was almost by the boy's slde.
This time, the boy raised his head to look at him and nodded.
"My name is Haider. May i ask how you come by a broken jar of honey?"
"We-..... we collect wasp... sell. Myy mother was sick, so my father was attendingto her and..... they asked me to collect it. Now look at it."
"How much do you sell a jar, if i may ask again?
"Five gold coins."
"Alright then, i will pay for it. No need to worry yourself to death."
"Really? You will?"
"Yes i will. Here, have it. Five gold coins as requested." Haider removed five gold coins from his savings of ten gold coins.
"Than- thank you. Thank you." He stuttered for words, not quite believing what was happening.
"My name is Klotho. Thank you for this favor. I won't forget this." He said happily as he hurried off.
"You don't need to worry about that, Klotho." Haider shouted gently at his back.
It wasn't that easy to make friends and not too hard trying to make friends. As he walked along the major road towards the market, sometimes he would wave or say hello. He delivered the milk to the merchant who paid in gold and he left the market place.
He reached home later in the afternoon feeling satisfied. He had been in a good mood since morning and he had been happy since coming back from the market. His mother and grandparents didn't want to ask him about it, they just went along with it.
He went to the quietly peaceful pond area to train his sword mystical art, the skylight. There were four stages to this technique.
The first one was the sundering heavens.
The second one was the ethereal world.
The third one was the fey radiance.
The fourth one was the skylight.
He was still at the first level of skylight, the sundering heavens. This level involved drawing in the heavenly lights and compressing them to form the golden yellow light. Releasing this golden yellow light will bring the wrath of heavens in the form of rains of golden yellow sword light.
He sat by the pool and was about to close his eyes to meditate with the soul serenity technique when he noticed the movement of the gentle wave ripples on the pond surface caused by a butterfly. Several wavefronts were approaching the stone arc at the edge of the pond, upon reflection off the stone arc at the edge of the pond, the water waves changed direction and headed towards a point. It was as if all the energy being carried by the water waves was converged at a single focal point. After passing through the focal point, the waves spread out through the water.
This was a total comprehensive insight.
He closed his eyes, calmed his mind with soul serenity and started to dwell on the insight from the wave ripples. Two hours later, he had discovered the secret of the sundering heavens.
"YES." He shouted with his fist in the air.
He went to the training area to test out the sundering heavens. He took one of the bronze sword and performed a little sundering heavens. Golden yellow sword light started falling from the sky like rains, it was really a beautiful scene. He had mastered the first stage of the skylight technique. It was turning out to be a really good day.
His mother who had been watching him came over to congratulate him.
"Congratulations my son. I'm truly proud of you."
"Thank you mother. After so many years, i finally finished first stage. I still have three more to go."
His grandparents who were working in the farm also came over to check the situation after seeing golden yellow sword light rains.
"We saw the golden lights that's why we came over. Is everything alright?
"Yes father. Haider was only trying out the first stage of his skylight technique he recently mastered. It's all good."
"Ah, I guess it is." Euanthe glanced at her husband smilingly before focusing back on her grandson.
"Congratulations Haider, you deserved it."
"Thank you grandma."
"Indeed. You deserved more than a big congratulations, this calls for a celebration, the making of a young man." Aodh grinned widely.
They celebrated Haider's achievement that evening with a great deal of magical delicacies.
After the celebration, Haider went to the cultivation chamber and started cultivation using astral primal technique. His dantian and meridians had enlarged to their maximum capacity but his dantian had started to go deeper in depth. When he reached the Chi condensing stage, the ocean of Chi would be compressed into a sphere of energy preventing the leakage of Chi energy from the body.
He popped one crystalline into his mouth, cultivated for a time before popping another one into his mouth and continued his cultivation. Nothing better than a good cultivation.
He exited the cultivation chamber and headed towards his room smiling brightly.
"What a great day."
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