Pathway to Eternity
27 The Forbidden Dominion An Echo From The Pas
There were different ways to know the tales of the epic events of the past. The most common was the words of mouth passed down the generations. But with the passage of time, some important details could be omitted, exaggerated and muddled up.
Records could also be accessed at the market place. There were stalls that were selling records and information of the past events. Even though their records were not totally completed, they were good sources of memories of the past.
There were secret sources that were selling records and informations. But these were at exhurbitant prices and carried a degree of risks.
Then, we had the clans and the sects who had more complete records in their archives.
Before the sect elders became elders they were, they had known about the Forbidden lands' tales from the words of mouth passed from generations to generatios. They had also read the vague records written in books that were sold in market stalls. Therefore, they had become acquainted with the mythical tales. But after becoming Last-Sword elders, they had accessed the complete archives of the past.
An archives where records of legendary and mythical acts and events were kept. They had read the events of the past events recorded in this book from the copy that belong to the sect. This had given them a complete details of the events leading to the establishment of the Phantom realms in the Forbidden Domonion and the nature of the revenants.
Records of the Revenants.
The records of the revenants commenced with the Forbidden Dominion. The area that was once known as the Ageless Dominion with beautiful terrain and lovely grasses..
The Forbidden Dominion was a vast space located between the Nether plane and the spacetime of the Void. Now, a giant landmass of broken terrain smattered with gigantic shrubs and foul-smelling grasses. A nightmare of what it was before the changes.
There were many different realms in the Fobidden Dominion, realms with distinguished appearances and qualities. These realms were the homes of the mutated cultivators who were banished to the dominion by the cosmic divines.
Once normal immortal cultivators before they were blinded by greed for power and quick path to immortality. Greediness that made them to leave the path of the universe. They abandoned the orderliness, oneness and harmonious laws of creation and followed the chaotic path fueled by the corrupt nature of greed.
Twisted ambition to be at the pinnacle of the universe overnight. Without the proper and gradual steps of advancement. They craved the power and strength of the Cosmic Divines. Their thoughts were only on what they would have if they could rule the universe not on what was expected of them. All these they desired without working for them. Many immortals had tried to make them reason on the true meaning of immortality and eternal life. They put effort into making them see that with greater power comes more responsibilities, responsibilities they were not even ready for.
But these immortals didn't listen to words of reasoning. Their minds were already set on the path of destruction. If only they could find a way to harvest powerful traits from the divine beasts through their bloodline powers. There was practically no way they could learn any true way of achieving that in the universe. There were no manuscripts in the entire universe on methods for cultivators to harness the bloodline of beasts for themselves. It was simply against the meaning of cultivation put in place by the cosmic divines. Since they had no means at that time, they could only dream on.
Then, their Utmost leader, Kemurah, a celestial of the giant race, came across a gourd.
Definitely, It was not an ordinary gourd. Although the nature of the gourd was not very clear, it was a divine artifact. From all the facts gathered, it was a divine artifact that served as an ultimate portal to all the planes of existence. A prime divine artifact.
After many years of using the gourd, he developed a destructive idea that he believed would make them achieved their dreams. He had mapped out where to find the ultimate bloodline powers.
The primordial chaos.
In possession of a divine artifact that could open portals to anywhere he wanted to go. He would go for the bloodlines with extreme powers that would enable them to take up the position of ultimate rulers of the universe. The ultimate bloodlines?
The primordial beasts.
But the problem was how to harness ultimate bloodline powers. After delibrating on the issue, all his fingers pointed to the primordial chaos. The only solution left.
Determined to risk it all, utmost leader, Kemurah, had used the gourd to travel to the primordial chaos. He had met and formed alliance with a powerful group of primordial beasts who regarded themselves as the Primevals. How did he do it? That was a question with no answer till these days but he had truly met them. The group was led by a primordial called Kamodi. The records were not certain whether it was the same ancient Kamodi or not. The supreme primal that fought against the cosmic divines in the great wars leading to the death of a number of them.
But for the fact that the leader of the Primevals was believed to be controlling a section of the primordial chaos proved how big a threat they were to the universe.
The primevals couldn't believe their fortune. An enemy tresspassig into their territories and asking for help. Seeing a door of opportunity opening before them for their own benefits, the primevals made a pact with him. They would teach him how to harness the power of primordial bloodline, they would even give him the bodies of powerful primordial beasts from the chaos to harness. They would help him and his cohorts in ruling their universe. Only one simple thing they required.
The essence cores of Jindan cultivators. Only their golden cores.
This pact led to the death of many Jindan cultivators in the mortal worlds . Several millions of golden core cultivators were killed before the cosmic divines noticed the trend and intervened.
Restraints were promptly placed on them and they were justifiably incapacitated. The auric lights of their Karmic sins were densely intense showing the level of their sins. Their utmost leader and the other leaders involved were brought into the white hall at the valley of the gods. The cosmic divines had convened their avatars to give their judgement on the events that took place. The divines could see through the immortals' lies and their driving motives. Some of the cosmic divines in their fury were about to destroy the offenders when they were reminded of the laws of creation.
Following the laws of creation, the cosmic divines decided against totally eliminating them.
Yet, they couldn't be allowed back into the midst of the immortals disregarding any punishment they would be subjected to. Many immortals had died in their hands in a act of defiance. It was a gross sin to be committed. How could they allow them back into civilization without it affecting the balance of the universe?
The cosmic divines took into consideration the fact that they had become many in numbers over the years, numbering hundreds of thousands. The only place furthest from civilization was the Ageless Dominion. With great reluctance, the cosmic divines agreed on the place and banished them to the Ageless Dominion located between the Nether plane and the void terrain of Ogonia. The extreme end of the universe.
The banished immortals were then given the cursed marks that would be from generations to generations. With authoritative declarations, they were forever cut off the cosmic energy and the essence of life from the core of the universe. They would recieve no communicative aids or help whatsoever from all mortal and immortal entities. They would be that way until they entered reincarnation.
They would forever be marked outcasts.
Their utmost leader, Kemurah, who was the sole reason behind the depressing events was imprisoned in Uvothanis, the Black Yonder water. He would be there for the total of five immortal reincarnation time to reflect on the grevious sins he made others to partake with him.
The Forbidden Dominion was truly a terrible place to be living in but they couldn't be forgiving or given leniency for the crimes they had committed. The place would forever be their home.
With the passage of time, their terrible fates should have made them lived a more sober lives and contemplated their live decisions. With no contact with the cosmic energy and no aid from any source. Devoided of the means of cultivation.
But their greed for power soon manifested again. They were still dreaming of ruling the universe hence they pursued all means to continue gaining power and to advance in their levels. It took them hundreds of thousands of years but they found a way to continue their cultivation.
The demons of nether plane.
The Nether plane is a vast space that contained so many demon worlds. A demon world could be under one or more top powers called Daemon Supremes depending on the size and relationship of the Daemon Supremes. A demon world was divided into various regions known as Demesnes. Each demesne was under the rule of a Daemon King. Each demesne was splitted into smaller sections called Demeanors and they were under the rules of the Daemon Lords.
Since the Nether plane was bordered by the Forbidden Dominion, there were some demon worlds that were very close to the bordered region. These demon worlds had been scavenging materials from all around the border regions and into the Nether plane. Scavenging was a major part in the survival of these demon worlds.
The immortals of the Forbidden Dominion made use of this opportunity towards achieving their plans.
It began with the demonic reavers.
The ultimate Nether scavengers. The reavers were burrowers, land animals who gained sentience after absorbing so much heavenly spiritual energy on the Nether plane. Thus, they were naturally of the terra element. When a group of Nether army were to be sent out to scout and salvage any form of items or materials, it would be the reavers.
Some demons living in the worlds on the border region had discovered a particular material in the ground of Ogonia. Transparent soil grains that they generally refered to as the Demon Dust. A very valuable material that was gaining prominence among the demons giving the worlds in the border region a way to rebuild their dying worlds.
These demon worlds had a sort of hope against extinction although it would come at a massive cost. Crossing the border walls of energy of the Nether plane. Finally, they discovered the way to cross to the other side. The reavers. They had laid their hands on greater teleportation talismans and were given to the reavers to try out. Many reavers died from the trials but after thousands of failed trials, they had found a way to perform it.
A reaver had succeeded in teleporting to a region in the ground area under the walla of energy and burrowed over to the other side where it laid a teleportation array that it had on a secret place. From then on, the reavers could teleport to the region under the energy and burrowed their way to the other side.
A huge sigh of relief to great beginning of good tidings.
For many years, the reavers had been mining the transparent Demon Dust peacefully untill the arrival of the banished immortals. This made things complicated and dangerous for them. Mining began to come at a great cost. Whenever they had burrowed their ways to the void terrain of Ogonia to mine the Demon Dust, they would be hunted and killed for their cores that contain Chi energy. The cores contained more Chi energy than their body in a thousandfold.
The cores alone were not enough to satisfy the greed of the banished immortals. They started thinking of harnessing the bloodline of the reavers despite the fact that they were not primordial beasts or divine beasts. The banished immortals commenced using the method they learned from the primordial beasts to harness these bloodlines. They were also taking their cores which contained Chi energy at the same time. Gradually, they started to capture more reavers for various trials to have more powerful bloodlines.
After thousands of years, their trials started to yield results, they started developing unchecked bloodline powers. But it was different from their original thoughts. They also began manifesting a changed traits. Their physical bodies was undergoing mutation. A terrible mutation. Their physical forms were distorted to the point of not resembling humans anymore. But they didn't stop, they continued in their pursuit of ultimate power.
Then one day, everything changed again.
One of the reavers had discovered a hove of transpsrent item, the Lucent Phantom stone but was captured before it could escape with the information. On the verge of being killed, the reaver had told them about the phantom stones. The Lucent Phantom stones contained powerful energies of different kinds.
With the lucent phantom stones, their mutation took another turn. Their bodies started to loose physical manifestation and began to be transparent in appearance. Neither reflecting nor absorbing light.
From the reavers in captivity, they started to learn of the ways the reavers had been transporting themselves from Nether plane to the void terrain. It had taken the demons thousands of years to find a way and the immortals knew that it would be a while before they could do the same. But they had learned the method and its concept.
As time passed by like flowing river, ther increasing power, the banished immortals embarked on the journey of sending powerful immortals into the nether plane to continue hunting for cores..
Gradually, they began to enter the mortal plane.
They would enter the mortal planes then killed as many cultivators as they could before disappearing into the thin air. These acts of killing innocent cultivators made them mortal grave enemies.
The grandelder looked at the elders around him with sadness and shook his head.
"One day, a certain revenant entered our world. He was a very powerful revenant. With the look of it, he would be at the immortal ascension level but he was displaying extremely powerful level of strength. He appeared to know about this world from his spoken words which meant he had been coming here before. He had already started killing cultivators before he came into the premises of the Last-Sword sect."
Tinge of sorrow was showing in his voice as he paused in his recollection of the events.
"I was only a senior elder at the middle stage of nascent soul formation and the other elders were early stage nascent soul cultivators. The young patriarch was already on a journey of oneness outside the sect premises deep into mortal civilization. Grand patriarch was undergoing his immortal ascension's heavenly trbulations at that moment. Only the old grandelder was available. We were fortunate that he was around if not, all of us could have died before grand patriarch arrives. But when he discovered the revenant, he had immediately engaged him in a terrible combat. The old grandelder who was at the peak stage of the Yuanying stage, had fought bravely but couldn't hold up to the revenant who was more powerful than an ascendant stage cultivator. On the verge of defeat which would have meant death, the old grandelder used the ancient forbidden technique in order to use the ultimate Last-Sword move."
The new grandelder lost in his own memories had his eyes looking back into the past.
"He had used the forbidden Lifeless God technique to power the Divine Edge. The forbidden technique from the primordial time that belonged to our sect not to be used under any circumstances, but he had found it necessary to do. The hundreds of million of years he could have spent in life was wrenched from him and pushed into the Divine Edge move. This ultimate Last-Sword move had made his sword passed through the revenant causing the revenant to turn into ash instantly, body and soul. The grandelder too had died on the spot. A bitter taste in my mouth. I couldn't help but only watched. But after the revenant's death, we checked his spatial sac and found many items including the Sinnughar core."
The grandelder produced a big core that was transparent in appearance and vibrant with chaos energy.
"The Sinnughar core."
Records could also be accessed at the market place. There were stalls that were selling records and information of the past events. Even though their records were not totally completed, they were good sources of memories of the past.
There were secret sources that were selling records and informations. But these were at exhurbitant prices and carried a degree of risks.
Then, we had the clans and the sects who had more complete records in their archives.
Before the sect elders became elders they were, they had known about the Forbidden lands' tales from the words of mouth passed from generations to generatios. They had also read the vague records written in books that were sold in market stalls. Therefore, they had become acquainted with the mythical tales. But after becoming Last-Sword elders, they had accessed the complete archives of the past.
An archives where records of legendary and mythical acts and events were kept. They had read the events of the past events recorded in this book from the copy that belong to the sect. This had given them a complete details of the events leading to the establishment of the Phantom realms in the Forbidden Domonion and the nature of the revenants.
Records of the Revenants.
The records of the revenants commenced with the Forbidden Dominion. The area that was once known as the Ageless Dominion with beautiful terrain and lovely grasses..
The Forbidden Dominion was a vast space located between the Nether plane and the spacetime of the Void. Now, a giant landmass of broken terrain smattered with gigantic shrubs and foul-smelling grasses. A nightmare of what it was before the changes.
There were many different realms in the Fobidden Dominion, realms with distinguished appearances and qualities. These realms were the homes of the mutated cultivators who were banished to the dominion by the cosmic divines.
Once normal immortal cultivators before they were blinded by greed for power and quick path to immortality. Greediness that made them to leave the path of the universe. They abandoned the orderliness, oneness and harmonious laws of creation and followed the chaotic path fueled by the corrupt nature of greed.
Twisted ambition to be at the pinnacle of the universe overnight. Without the proper and gradual steps of advancement. They craved the power and strength of the Cosmic Divines. Their thoughts were only on what they would have if they could rule the universe not on what was expected of them. All these they desired without working for them. Many immortals had tried to make them reason on the true meaning of immortality and eternal life. They put effort into making them see that with greater power comes more responsibilities, responsibilities they were not even ready for.
But these immortals didn't listen to words of reasoning. Their minds were already set on the path of destruction. If only they could find a way to harvest powerful traits from the divine beasts through their bloodline powers. There was practically no way they could learn any true way of achieving that in the universe. There were no manuscripts in the entire universe on methods for cultivators to harness the bloodline of beasts for themselves. It was simply against the meaning of cultivation put in place by the cosmic divines. Since they had no means at that time, they could only dream on.
Then, their Utmost leader, Kemurah, a celestial of the giant race, came across a gourd.
Definitely, It was not an ordinary gourd. Although the nature of the gourd was not very clear, it was a divine artifact. From all the facts gathered, it was a divine artifact that served as an ultimate portal to all the planes of existence. A prime divine artifact.
After many years of using the gourd, he developed a destructive idea that he believed would make them achieved their dreams. He had mapped out where to find the ultimate bloodline powers.
The primordial chaos.
In possession of a divine artifact that could open portals to anywhere he wanted to go. He would go for the bloodlines with extreme powers that would enable them to take up the position of ultimate rulers of the universe. The ultimate bloodlines?
The primordial beasts.
But the problem was how to harness ultimate bloodline powers. After delibrating on the issue, all his fingers pointed to the primordial chaos. The only solution left.
Determined to risk it all, utmost leader, Kemurah, had used the gourd to travel to the primordial chaos. He had met and formed alliance with a powerful group of primordial beasts who regarded themselves as the Primevals. How did he do it? That was a question with no answer till these days but he had truly met them. The group was led by a primordial called Kamodi. The records were not certain whether it was the same ancient Kamodi or not. The supreme primal that fought against the cosmic divines in the great wars leading to the death of a number of them.
But for the fact that the leader of the Primevals was believed to be controlling a section of the primordial chaos proved how big a threat they were to the universe.
The primevals couldn't believe their fortune. An enemy tresspassig into their territories and asking for help. Seeing a door of opportunity opening before them for their own benefits, the primevals made a pact with him. They would teach him how to harness the power of primordial bloodline, they would even give him the bodies of powerful primordial beasts from the chaos to harness. They would help him and his cohorts in ruling their universe. Only one simple thing they required.
The essence cores of Jindan cultivators. Only their golden cores.
This pact led to the death of many Jindan cultivators in the mortal worlds . Several millions of golden core cultivators were killed before the cosmic divines noticed the trend and intervened.
Restraints were promptly placed on them and they were justifiably incapacitated. The auric lights of their Karmic sins were densely intense showing the level of their sins. Their utmost leader and the other leaders involved were brought into the white hall at the valley of the gods. The cosmic divines had convened their avatars to give their judgement on the events that took place. The divines could see through the immortals' lies and their driving motives. Some of the cosmic divines in their fury were about to destroy the offenders when they were reminded of the laws of creation.
Following the laws of creation, the cosmic divines decided against totally eliminating them.
Yet, they couldn't be allowed back into the midst of the immortals disregarding any punishment they would be subjected to. Many immortals had died in their hands in a act of defiance. It was a gross sin to be committed. How could they allow them back into civilization without it affecting the balance of the universe?
The cosmic divines took into consideration the fact that they had become many in numbers over the years, numbering hundreds of thousands. The only place furthest from civilization was the Ageless Dominion. With great reluctance, the cosmic divines agreed on the place and banished them to the Ageless Dominion located between the Nether plane and the void terrain of Ogonia. The extreme end of the universe.
The banished immortals were then given the cursed marks that would be from generations to generations. With authoritative declarations, they were forever cut off the cosmic energy and the essence of life from the core of the universe. They would recieve no communicative aids or help whatsoever from all mortal and immortal entities. They would be that way until they entered reincarnation.
They would forever be marked outcasts.
Their utmost leader, Kemurah, who was the sole reason behind the depressing events was imprisoned in Uvothanis, the Black Yonder water. He would be there for the total of five immortal reincarnation time to reflect on the grevious sins he made others to partake with him.
The Forbidden Dominion was truly a terrible place to be living in but they couldn't be forgiving or given leniency for the crimes they had committed. The place would forever be their home.
With the passage of time, their terrible fates should have made them lived a more sober lives and contemplated their live decisions. With no contact with the cosmic energy and no aid from any source. Devoided of the means of cultivation.
But their greed for power soon manifested again. They were still dreaming of ruling the universe hence they pursued all means to continue gaining power and to advance in their levels. It took them hundreds of thousands of years but they found a way to continue their cultivation.
The demons of nether plane.
The Nether plane is a vast space that contained so many demon worlds. A demon world could be under one or more top powers called Daemon Supremes depending on the size and relationship of the Daemon Supremes. A demon world was divided into various regions known as Demesnes. Each demesne was under the rule of a Daemon King. Each demesne was splitted into smaller sections called Demeanors and they were under the rules of the Daemon Lords.
Since the Nether plane was bordered by the Forbidden Dominion, there were some demon worlds that were very close to the bordered region. These demon worlds had been scavenging materials from all around the border regions and into the Nether plane. Scavenging was a major part in the survival of these demon worlds.
The immortals of the Forbidden Dominion made use of this opportunity towards achieving their plans.
It began with the demonic reavers.
The ultimate Nether scavengers. The reavers were burrowers, land animals who gained sentience after absorbing so much heavenly spiritual energy on the Nether plane. Thus, they were naturally of the terra element. When a group of Nether army were to be sent out to scout and salvage any form of items or materials, it would be the reavers.
Some demons living in the worlds on the border region had discovered a particular material in the ground of Ogonia. Transparent soil grains that they generally refered to as the Demon Dust. A very valuable material that was gaining prominence among the demons giving the worlds in the border region a way to rebuild their dying worlds.
These demon worlds had a sort of hope against extinction although it would come at a massive cost. Crossing the border walls of energy of the Nether plane. Finally, they discovered the way to cross to the other side. The reavers. They had laid their hands on greater teleportation talismans and were given to the reavers to try out. Many reavers died from the trials but after thousands of failed trials, they had found a way to perform it.
A reaver had succeeded in teleporting to a region in the ground area under the walla of energy and burrowed over to the other side where it laid a teleportation array that it had on a secret place. From then on, the reavers could teleport to the region under the energy and burrowed their way to the other side.
A huge sigh of relief to great beginning of good tidings.
For many years, the reavers had been mining the transparent Demon Dust peacefully untill the arrival of the banished immortals. This made things complicated and dangerous for them. Mining began to come at a great cost. Whenever they had burrowed their ways to the void terrain of Ogonia to mine the Demon Dust, they would be hunted and killed for their cores that contain Chi energy. The cores contained more Chi energy than their body in a thousandfold.
The cores alone were not enough to satisfy the greed of the banished immortals. They started thinking of harnessing the bloodline of the reavers despite the fact that they were not primordial beasts or divine beasts. The banished immortals commenced using the method they learned from the primordial beasts to harness these bloodlines. They were also taking their cores which contained Chi energy at the same time. Gradually, they started to capture more reavers for various trials to have more powerful bloodlines.
After thousands of years, their trials started to yield results, they started developing unchecked bloodline powers. But it was different from their original thoughts. They also began manifesting a changed traits. Their physical bodies was undergoing mutation. A terrible mutation. Their physical forms were distorted to the point of not resembling humans anymore. But they didn't stop, they continued in their pursuit of ultimate power.
Then one day, everything changed again.
One of the reavers had discovered a hove of transpsrent item, the Lucent Phantom stone but was captured before it could escape with the information. On the verge of being killed, the reaver had told them about the phantom stones. The Lucent Phantom stones contained powerful energies of different kinds.
With the lucent phantom stones, their mutation took another turn. Their bodies started to loose physical manifestation and began to be transparent in appearance. Neither reflecting nor absorbing light.
From the reavers in captivity, they started to learn of the ways the reavers had been transporting themselves from Nether plane to the void terrain. It had taken the demons thousands of years to find a way and the immortals knew that it would be a while before they could do the same. But they had learned the method and its concept.
As time passed by like flowing river, ther increasing power, the banished immortals embarked on the journey of sending powerful immortals into the nether plane to continue hunting for cores..
Gradually, they began to enter the mortal plane.
They would enter the mortal planes then killed as many cultivators as they could before disappearing into the thin air. These acts of killing innocent cultivators made them mortal grave enemies.
The grandelder looked at the elders around him with sadness and shook his head.
"One day, a certain revenant entered our world. He was a very powerful revenant. With the look of it, he would be at the immortal ascension level but he was displaying extremely powerful level of strength. He appeared to know about this world from his spoken words which meant he had been coming here before. He had already started killing cultivators before he came into the premises of the Last-Sword sect."
Tinge of sorrow was showing in his voice as he paused in his recollection of the events.
"I was only a senior elder at the middle stage of nascent soul formation and the other elders were early stage nascent soul cultivators. The young patriarch was already on a journey of oneness outside the sect premises deep into mortal civilization. Grand patriarch was undergoing his immortal ascension's heavenly trbulations at that moment. Only the old grandelder was available. We were fortunate that he was around if not, all of us could have died before grand patriarch arrives. But when he discovered the revenant, he had immediately engaged him in a terrible combat. The old grandelder who was at the peak stage of the Yuanying stage, had fought bravely but couldn't hold up to the revenant who was more powerful than an ascendant stage cultivator. On the verge of defeat which would have meant death, the old grandelder used the ancient forbidden technique in order to use the ultimate Last-Sword move."
The new grandelder lost in his own memories had his eyes looking back into the past.
"He had used the forbidden Lifeless God technique to power the Divine Edge. The forbidden technique from the primordial time that belonged to our sect not to be used under any circumstances, but he had found it necessary to do. The hundreds of million of years he could have spent in life was wrenched from him and pushed into the Divine Edge move. This ultimate Last-Sword move had made his sword passed through the revenant causing the revenant to turn into ash instantly, body and soul. The grandelder too had died on the spot. A bitter taste in my mouth. I couldn't help but only watched. But after the revenant's death, we checked his spatial sac and found many items including the Sinnughar core."
The grandelder produced a big core that was transparent in appearance and vibrant with chaos energy.
"The Sinnughar core."
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