Pathway to Eternity
44 The Mystical Order
They continued walking the upward path while they remained cautiously alert. A couple of Nephilia spiders and critters were met but were effectively disposed off by the group. As the five of them neared the outskirt of the mist, Fan Xinyi stopped them. She opened her spatial sac and brought out some red flowers and seeds.
"Red-mammoth flowers and Serpent-fang seeds."
She beckoned to them as she handed a red flower and a seed to each demigods. First, to the other two demigods that came with her. They collected theirs without questions and quickly started to consume it. After which, she gave to Jufeng and Fang Zedong.
"I know what they are. Though they are rare, I have to admit. But why do we need them?"
Fan Zedong looked curiously at Fan Xinyi and the other demigods.
"If you don't want your mind to capitulate and die in the mist, then you'll need it."
Fan Xinyi who was still gazing at the flower and seed on her hand, raised up her head to stare at him.
"Ten thousand years ago, my brother was here to participate in the trial. They took this particular path and they made it to the mist. They couldn't go much further in the mist due to what he called 'Wraith-Mist'."
"The Wraith-Mist?"
"Yes. That's what he called it. He said that it was the mist itself. It was as if it was alive. I recalled him saying the mist could wrench at the mind of demigods making them an easy target for the death-eaters."
"Sounds like poisonous mist."
"Yes it is. A poison so powerful that, it renders the mind of demigods, void. When I learned of it, I started looking for the best possible ways to prepare. I began searching different scrolls and books that could provide materials to positively negate the effect of the poison. Do you know what I found at last?"
She gave them a self-applauding smile and continued.
"Red-mammoth flowers and Serpent-fang seeds."
Some answered her with sighs while others simply smiled.
"Mhm. Mind you, these items used to be common in the Lumence dimension but they are now getting more and more difficult to find. Although, they are still common in the Nether-Plane. But, that's not the point. You see, the Red-mammoth is a soul poison while the Serpent-fang is a mind poison."
"Poison on poison?"
Asked Fang Zedong.
"Extreme poisoning."
Uttered Kang Ya, as she gave Fang Zedong a wink.
Liu Luoyang, who had finished swallowing his portion after he had chewed it, turned in Fang Zedong's direction.
"Gu necrosis."
Fan Xinyi rolled her eyes as she nodded with a faint smile. She had been reveling in their bemused faces.
"Yes, you are right. Gu necrosis. One of the advantages of being a necrosist with many books. When this two are consumed together in this proportion, they neutralize each others poison."
She raised one finger to indicate her point as she continued to look from one face to another.
"Then, they form an invisible defensive cloud around the body. Thereby, protecting the mind. Should be able to work efectively for the Wraith-Mist. Probably."
Jufeng watched Fan Xinyi put her own portion in her mouth and began to chew. He quickly throw his own portion into his mouth as he clamped down on it. For him, it was easier to believe. He had seen the effect of the mist on him when he first entered the mountain. Provided it was the same mountain. Back then, he had only taken a few steps in before running back.
The moment he swallowed them, he could feel the effect, deep down in his soul. He could sense the energy seething through the pores of his body. Through a spiritual or divine sight, a transparent cloud would be seen on him. This was a welcome additional protection.
Although, he had the put the crystal, given to him by the grey-tree, in his mouth, it had melted. He wasn't sure if it was still effective or if it could even work against mind poisoning. But, he got a little assurance from the event at the runic walls of the house of riddles. The burning sensation of the crystal that woken up his mind from going into slumber. It was good to know.
And, with these materials from Fan Xinyi, he could only wish for the best possible outcome.
Jufeng glanced at the faces of the demigods as they prepared. These were demigods, true demigods. They were born as demigods in the Lumence dimension, a plane created for them. Yet, here he was. In their midst where he was being treated like a demigod. It didn't matter if it was illusion, dream or reality, the effect on him was already unforgetable.
"Remember, no aura manifestation. Only, divine sight."
"And we stay together."
And together, they entered the mist.
Jufeng, switching to his spiritual sight, could see that the mist was truly alive. The way it moved, like nether wraiths. He could see why they called it Wraith-Mist. Jufeng could feel the mist, probing at the cloudy defense to see the weak point. It was a relief to him that the mist couldn't affect his mind. For now, he felt he was safe and that was good enough for him.
Slowly and cautiously, they approached. As they neared the center of the mist, they saw two bodies of death-eaters. They carefully approached the spot and quickly checked them for any sacredcrest stone. There was none on them.
Cautiously, they continued their forward movement. There were four death-eaters that made up a cave. Meaning, two more death-eaters were still out there. High on alert, they continued scrutinizing the area as they tried to locate the remaining death-eaters.
Towards the other side, they saw quite a number of dead nephilia spiders and critters. They easily killed off the weakened and dying ones as they continued to search for remaining death-eaters or their cave.
It took them several long minutes to locate the entrance of the cave.
But, near the entrance of the cave, they saw one body of a gigantic ancient death-eater. They stopped on their track to observe it carefully.
Could it be a primal death-eater?
After confirming that it was dead, they cautiously approached it to check further. The death-eater was like none they've seen before. Much more bigger than the ancient one. Even its dark scale was giving off a blue glow. But, what really caught their attention, were the massive clean slashes on the death-eaters.
They found one Sacredcrest stone beside the head of the death-eater. But the slashes. Who or what could have done them? This couldn't be the work of powerful demigods, could it? Demigods who had been preserving their powers until now? How could demigods leave a Sacredcrest stone behind after killing a death-eater? And an exceedingly large one for that matter?
Definitely not. It couldn't be demigods. What could it be then? They continued to press forward into the cave, cautiously.
The inside of the cave was bigger than they thought showing the size of the cave. There was nothing that caught their eyes inside the cave except for some inscriptions on the cave walls. But, there was a large passage at the back of the cave.
After reaching an accord, they cautiously entered the passage and waded forward. Remains of nephilia spiders and critters could be seen littering the passage. It could possibly be that they were serving as a source of food for the death-eaters.
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Deeper into the cave, they went, until they reached a massive area that resembled a colossal dragon's chamber. No matter how it was seen or percieved, this was the lair of a powerful death-eater or death-eaters. As they proceeded to examine the chamber. They saw large sword marks and claw marks all over the place.
Whatever or whoever killed the death-eater by the entrance, had been here too.
The chamber seemed void of any other living creature until they turned to the other side of the colossal lair. They nearly jumped off their skin, save for Liu Luiyang who continued to observe calmly.
There, reclining on the dais, was an extremely huge death-eater. This one was totally different from the massive one by the entrance. The dark colour of its scale was gleaming with gold radiance. Although, there were many deep slashes and wounds on it, the death-eater was still giving off immortal danger signal.
Jufeng recognized it immediately. The same death-eater that almost cut off his head with its giant claws. Oh, this answered the two questions that had been bugling his mind. He now knew that the Conchi Principal was here and that the mist was the same mist he first entered.
The death-eater raised its head and leered at them, one by one .
It's eyes rested on Jufeng with burning anger.
"At long last."
Immediately, the demigods stepped back except for Liu Luoyang. He continued to watch the death-eater with furrowed brows. Only one type of death-eaters could speak the Ortal language. A primal death-eater. A death-eater who had gained sentience or awareness after many millenia of absorbing spiritual energy. This was a death-eater that could claim divinity. A true immortal danger.
This was a crossroad. They looked at one another and they all nodded their heads in agreement to engage. No turning back and no running, for now.
Kang Ya's bronze breast-plate started to give of faint blue-white glow as the fiery glow covered her body like an armor. In a swift movement, she produced a bronze bow and fired a runic arrow at the death-eater.
"Breath of fire, flames of destruction."
The arrow burst into flames as it neared the death-eater. From where they were standing, the could feel the burning and destructive power of the arrow. Swiftly standing up, the deayh-eater raised its massive claws that was roiling with immense dark energy. The arrow collided with it, creating a deafening sound before dissipating. But, the effect could stil be seen on its claws and scales that were glowing in red light.
"Do you think you are a match for me?"
The death-eater made a gurgling sound of a laugh.
Fan Xinyi quickly flung her hands and tens of poisoned needles, flew straight at the death-eater.
"Fangs of death, a rotten world."
The needles hummed as they sped towards the death-eater. Sizzling in dark green glow, the needles combined together to form one needle. The dark green needle began to expand as it continued streaking forward. The rot and death aura coming from the needle was exceedingly overwhelming. The things around the needle appeared to suffer from it as they turned rotten green.
The death-eater's gold glow became thicker and the roiling dark energy also became stronger. It formed a barrier with his giant claws. The impact from the collision was astonishing. Green glow covered the body of the death-eater for an instant before vanishing. The golden glow returned to its scale.
"Now, I look forward to killing you all, you little, pitiful demigods."
Fang Zedong looked at the new blade in his hand and shook his head. This was no heavenly sword like the black largesword of his family that was broken. This was a worldly sword. How could avworldly sword do much damage to a primal death-eater? He didn't even have any more seal on him. He would still do his best anyways. He raised his sword, pointing the sharp tip upward.
"From the heavens above, the forged steel descend."
An enormous largesword made of pure metal essence energy appeared above the death eater. The death-eater could feel the low-level of the pressure of the descending sword. It knew this was weaker than the previous two, hence, he raised one massive claw hands. Although, the impact was incredible, the essence sword was easily blocked.
Jufeng was still thinking about what to do when the death-eater attacked. It moved with so much speed that it look like a phantom lightning. It attacked all of them at the same with one swift move. The other three demigods anticipated the attack, thus, they were ready. Only Jufeng was caught a bit off-guard. The attack threw him backward a few yards where he was sprawling on the floor.
Definitely this fight was too much for him. He watched the three of them as they exchanged blows with the death-eater but knew they were loosing. Despite its weakened state, the death-eater was much more stronger than the three. He quickly decided to join them, at least, he had to try. Even with the good intention, he was careful not to get in their way.
The death-eater was now moving in a massive dark energy and it had already reached a stage of Shadow-grazing. The four of them were on the floor, injured and not far from them was the death-eater who was speeding towards them. They were about to use their teleportation seals when Liu Luoyang, who had been watching and waiting, made his move.
He had been holding two concealed seals. The Gloomy-Sky seals. A pure grade luminous treasure. He activated it and threw it skyward in the direction of the death-eater and other demigods. The death-eater was about to deliver an immortal blow to Fan Xinyi when it froze. The other demigods too were frozen in place.
All their element manifestation, disappeared.
Kang Ya's flame, Fan Xinyi's necrosim and Fang Zedong's metallisk, all vanished. The death-eater's roiling dark energy also ceased. It could sense the danger at hand. It tried to manouvre his way but the seal was already locked in. The call of terra, made the ground beneath the death-eater to rumble.
Although, they were frozen in place, they could move their eyes and their hearing was still functioning.
"Three Luminescent Light Steps, I take."
"Two Luminous Gloomy Skies, I walk."
"One Luminant Sword, I wield."
They heard the words of Liu Luoyang. Atbthe same time, they saw him in pristine white robe and blazing white light as he walked on lucid steps of cloud. They watched as he arrived in front of the death-eater and thrusted his radiant longsword into its mouth before cutting of its head. Its head landed on the ground and a large Sacredcrest stone rolled out.
Just like that, it was over. Jufeng couldn't believe what he saw. He had seen a few grand moments but nothing compared to this. This was true power in its majestic form. And to think it was displayed by a demigod kid like himself, he realized how little he was. Although, he took comfort from the fact that the demigods were thousands of years old. If not more. He waited patiently, hoping the demigod wouldn't decide to leave him here. He would simply die.
Liu Luoyang landed softly in front of them and looked at their faces with a wicked smile. He went to where Fan Xinyi was staying and waved his hand in front of her eyes. His smile continued to broaden as he saw the anger in the eyes of Fan Xinyi and Kang Ya.
"Easy now. Just checking on you. Easy now."
He made some hand signs and retrieved the seals. The lock on them was removed and everything returned to normal.
"How could you made fun of me?"
Asked Fan Xinyi angrily as she sent a fist made of necrosis essence at him.
"What's wrong with you?"
Fan Xinyi continued to glare angrily at Liu Louyang.
"You could have removed it right away instead of rubbing it in our faces. In my face!"
"I'm sorry. Fan Xinyi? "
Liu Luoyang looked pleadingly at her. The two of them, together with Kang Ya, had been preparing for this trials together. As a matter of fact, their friendship started from their childhood. Hence, they knew one another very well.
"Didn't know you could do that."
"What was that, Liu Luoyang?"
Liu Luoyang thpughtfully peered at them before answering.
"The two seals combined are total grade luminous treasure. They are my ancestral treasures. The longsword is also a high-grade luminous treasure. It belonged to my grandfather. They gave them to me like safety measures. But, the Three Light Steps, are my martial arts. Don't forget, I'm already at the Yinlong level."
"You could have killed it before we started fighting it. Why didn't you? It could have killed us?"
"Sorry about that. I had to make sure its power wasn't above luminous treasures. Else, the seals would have disintegrated and would have been a dire situation."
"Anyways, it paid off. It's dead and we are all safe."
"So this Sacredcrest stone belongs to one of you two, as agreed."
Fan Xinyi flicked the stone towards Fang Zedong who passed it to Jufeng.
Liu Luoyang was checking the death-eater, when he remembered something. When he was using the light steps, he had seen something like a crystal at the helm of the dais.
"Wait a minute."
He leapt into the air and landed behind the dais. He reached out and pried something out of the vale of the dais. A large yellow gold crystal. He examined it before giving a shrug. Didn't look like a treasure of great value but keeping it wouldn't do any harm.
When Jufeng saw it, his face lit up. He quickly controlled himself in order not to give it away. This was what he was looking for. The reason why he was here.
After they had searched the chamber and other parts, they found a few other treasures. But Jufeng already know what to do. The other group still needed one more Sacredcrest stone. He turned towards the direction of the demigod who was folding his hands behind himself.
"Liu Luoyang, do you mind if I tempt you to trade this Sacredcrest stone for that yellow gold stone you have in your hands?"
"Red-mammoth flowers and Serpent-fang seeds."
She beckoned to them as she handed a red flower and a seed to each demigods. First, to the other two demigods that came with her. They collected theirs without questions and quickly started to consume it. After which, she gave to Jufeng and Fang Zedong.
"I know what they are. Though they are rare, I have to admit. But why do we need them?"
Fan Zedong looked curiously at Fan Xinyi and the other demigods.
"If you don't want your mind to capitulate and die in the mist, then you'll need it."
Fan Xinyi who was still gazing at the flower and seed on her hand, raised up her head to stare at him.
"Ten thousand years ago, my brother was here to participate in the trial. They took this particular path and they made it to the mist. They couldn't go much further in the mist due to what he called 'Wraith-Mist'."
"The Wraith-Mist?"
"Yes. That's what he called it. He said that it was the mist itself. It was as if it was alive. I recalled him saying the mist could wrench at the mind of demigods making them an easy target for the death-eaters."
"Sounds like poisonous mist."
"Yes it is. A poison so powerful that, it renders the mind of demigods, void. When I learned of it, I started looking for the best possible ways to prepare. I began searching different scrolls and books that could provide materials to positively negate the effect of the poison. Do you know what I found at last?"
She gave them a self-applauding smile and continued.
"Red-mammoth flowers and Serpent-fang seeds."
Some answered her with sighs while others simply smiled.
"Mhm. Mind you, these items used to be common in the Lumence dimension but they are now getting more and more difficult to find. Although, they are still common in the Nether-Plane. But, that's not the point. You see, the Red-mammoth is a soul poison while the Serpent-fang is a mind poison."
"Poison on poison?"
Asked Fang Zedong.
"Extreme poisoning."
Uttered Kang Ya, as she gave Fang Zedong a wink.
Liu Luoyang, who had finished swallowing his portion after he had chewed it, turned in Fang Zedong's direction.
"Gu necrosis."
Fan Xinyi rolled her eyes as she nodded with a faint smile. She had been reveling in their bemused faces.
"Yes, you are right. Gu necrosis. One of the advantages of being a necrosist with many books. When this two are consumed together in this proportion, they neutralize each others poison."
She raised one finger to indicate her point as she continued to look from one face to another.
"Then, they form an invisible defensive cloud around the body. Thereby, protecting the mind. Should be able to work efectively for the Wraith-Mist. Probably."
Jufeng watched Fan Xinyi put her own portion in her mouth and began to chew. He quickly throw his own portion into his mouth as he clamped down on it. For him, it was easier to believe. He had seen the effect of the mist on him when he first entered the mountain. Provided it was the same mountain. Back then, he had only taken a few steps in before running back.
The moment he swallowed them, he could feel the effect, deep down in his soul. He could sense the energy seething through the pores of his body. Through a spiritual or divine sight, a transparent cloud would be seen on him. This was a welcome additional protection.
Although, he had the put the crystal, given to him by the grey-tree, in his mouth, it had melted. He wasn't sure if it was still effective or if it could even work against mind poisoning. But, he got a little assurance from the event at the runic walls of the house of riddles. The burning sensation of the crystal that woken up his mind from going into slumber. It was good to know.
And, with these materials from Fan Xinyi, he could only wish for the best possible outcome.
Jufeng glanced at the faces of the demigods as they prepared. These were demigods, true demigods. They were born as demigods in the Lumence dimension, a plane created for them. Yet, here he was. In their midst where he was being treated like a demigod. It didn't matter if it was illusion, dream or reality, the effect on him was already unforgetable.
"Remember, no aura manifestation. Only, divine sight."
"And we stay together."
And together, they entered the mist.
Jufeng, switching to his spiritual sight, could see that the mist was truly alive. The way it moved, like nether wraiths. He could see why they called it Wraith-Mist. Jufeng could feel the mist, probing at the cloudy defense to see the weak point. It was a relief to him that the mist couldn't affect his mind. For now, he felt he was safe and that was good enough for him.
Slowly and cautiously, they approached. As they neared the center of the mist, they saw two bodies of death-eaters. They carefully approached the spot and quickly checked them for any sacredcrest stone. There was none on them.
Cautiously, they continued their forward movement. There were four death-eaters that made up a cave. Meaning, two more death-eaters were still out there. High on alert, they continued scrutinizing the area as they tried to locate the remaining death-eaters.
Towards the other side, they saw quite a number of dead nephilia spiders and critters. They easily killed off the weakened and dying ones as they continued to search for remaining death-eaters or their cave.
It took them several long minutes to locate the entrance of the cave.
But, near the entrance of the cave, they saw one body of a gigantic ancient death-eater. They stopped on their track to observe it carefully.
Could it be a primal death-eater?
After confirming that it was dead, they cautiously approached it to check further. The death-eater was like none they've seen before. Much more bigger than the ancient one. Even its dark scale was giving off a blue glow. But, what really caught their attention, were the massive clean slashes on the death-eaters.
They found one Sacredcrest stone beside the head of the death-eater. But the slashes. Who or what could have done them? This couldn't be the work of powerful demigods, could it? Demigods who had been preserving their powers until now? How could demigods leave a Sacredcrest stone behind after killing a death-eater? And an exceedingly large one for that matter?
Definitely not. It couldn't be demigods. What could it be then? They continued to press forward into the cave, cautiously.
The inside of the cave was bigger than they thought showing the size of the cave. There was nothing that caught their eyes inside the cave except for some inscriptions on the cave walls. But, there was a large passage at the back of the cave.
After reaching an accord, they cautiously entered the passage and waded forward. Remains of nephilia spiders and critters could be seen littering the passage. It could possibly be that they were serving as a source of food for the death-eaters.
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Deeper into the cave, they went, until they reached a massive area that resembled a colossal dragon's chamber. No matter how it was seen or percieved, this was the lair of a powerful death-eater or death-eaters. As they proceeded to examine the chamber. They saw large sword marks and claw marks all over the place.
Whatever or whoever killed the death-eater by the entrance, had been here too.
The chamber seemed void of any other living creature until they turned to the other side of the colossal lair. They nearly jumped off their skin, save for Liu Luiyang who continued to observe calmly.
There, reclining on the dais, was an extremely huge death-eater. This one was totally different from the massive one by the entrance. The dark colour of its scale was gleaming with gold radiance. Although, there were many deep slashes and wounds on it, the death-eater was still giving off immortal danger signal.
Jufeng recognized it immediately. The same death-eater that almost cut off his head with its giant claws. Oh, this answered the two questions that had been bugling his mind. He now knew that the Conchi Principal was here and that the mist was the same mist he first entered.
The death-eater raised its head and leered at them, one by one .
It's eyes rested on Jufeng with burning anger.
"At long last."
Immediately, the demigods stepped back except for Liu Luoyang. He continued to watch the death-eater with furrowed brows. Only one type of death-eaters could speak the Ortal language. A primal death-eater. A death-eater who had gained sentience or awareness after many millenia of absorbing spiritual energy. This was a death-eater that could claim divinity. A true immortal danger.
This was a crossroad. They looked at one another and they all nodded their heads in agreement to engage. No turning back and no running, for now.
Kang Ya's bronze breast-plate started to give of faint blue-white glow as the fiery glow covered her body like an armor. In a swift movement, she produced a bronze bow and fired a runic arrow at the death-eater.
"Breath of fire, flames of destruction."
The arrow burst into flames as it neared the death-eater. From where they were standing, the could feel the burning and destructive power of the arrow. Swiftly standing up, the deayh-eater raised its massive claws that was roiling with immense dark energy. The arrow collided with it, creating a deafening sound before dissipating. But, the effect could stil be seen on its claws and scales that were glowing in red light.
"Do you think you are a match for me?"
The death-eater made a gurgling sound of a laugh.
Fan Xinyi quickly flung her hands and tens of poisoned needles, flew straight at the death-eater.
"Fangs of death, a rotten world."
The needles hummed as they sped towards the death-eater. Sizzling in dark green glow, the needles combined together to form one needle. The dark green needle began to expand as it continued streaking forward. The rot and death aura coming from the needle was exceedingly overwhelming. The things around the needle appeared to suffer from it as they turned rotten green.
The death-eater's gold glow became thicker and the roiling dark energy also became stronger. It formed a barrier with his giant claws. The impact from the collision was astonishing. Green glow covered the body of the death-eater for an instant before vanishing. The golden glow returned to its scale.
"Now, I look forward to killing you all, you little, pitiful demigods."
Fang Zedong looked at the new blade in his hand and shook his head. This was no heavenly sword like the black largesword of his family that was broken. This was a worldly sword. How could avworldly sword do much damage to a primal death-eater? He didn't even have any more seal on him. He would still do his best anyways. He raised his sword, pointing the sharp tip upward.
"From the heavens above, the forged steel descend."
An enormous largesword made of pure metal essence energy appeared above the death eater. The death-eater could feel the low-level of the pressure of the descending sword. It knew this was weaker than the previous two, hence, he raised one massive claw hands. Although, the impact was incredible, the essence sword was easily blocked.
Jufeng was still thinking about what to do when the death-eater attacked. It moved with so much speed that it look like a phantom lightning. It attacked all of them at the same with one swift move. The other three demigods anticipated the attack, thus, they were ready. Only Jufeng was caught a bit off-guard. The attack threw him backward a few yards where he was sprawling on the floor.
Definitely this fight was too much for him. He watched the three of them as they exchanged blows with the death-eater but knew they were loosing. Despite its weakened state, the death-eater was much more stronger than the three. He quickly decided to join them, at least, he had to try. Even with the good intention, he was careful not to get in their way.
The death-eater was now moving in a massive dark energy and it had already reached a stage of Shadow-grazing. The four of them were on the floor, injured and not far from them was the death-eater who was speeding towards them. They were about to use their teleportation seals when Liu Luoyang, who had been watching and waiting, made his move.
He had been holding two concealed seals. The Gloomy-Sky seals. A pure grade luminous treasure. He activated it and threw it skyward in the direction of the death-eater and other demigods. The death-eater was about to deliver an immortal blow to Fan Xinyi when it froze. The other demigods too were frozen in place.
All their element manifestation, disappeared.
Kang Ya's flame, Fan Xinyi's necrosim and Fang Zedong's metallisk, all vanished. The death-eater's roiling dark energy also ceased. It could sense the danger at hand. It tried to manouvre his way but the seal was already locked in. The call of terra, made the ground beneath the death-eater to rumble.
Although, they were frozen in place, they could move their eyes and their hearing was still functioning.
"Three Luminescent Light Steps, I take."
"Two Luminous Gloomy Skies, I walk."
"One Luminant Sword, I wield."
They heard the words of Liu Luoyang. Atbthe same time, they saw him in pristine white robe and blazing white light as he walked on lucid steps of cloud. They watched as he arrived in front of the death-eater and thrusted his radiant longsword into its mouth before cutting of its head. Its head landed on the ground and a large Sacredcrest stone rolled out.
Just like that, it was over. Jufeng couldn't believe what he saw. He had seen a few grand moments but nothing compared to this. This was true power in its majestic form. And to think it was displayed by a demigod kid like himself, he realized how little he was. Although, he took comfort from the fact that the demigods were thousands of years old. If not more. He waited patiently, hoping the demigod wouldn't decide to leave him here. He would simply die.
Liu Luoyang landed softly in front of them and looked at their faces with a wicked smile. He went to where Fan Xinyi was staying and waved his hand in front of her eyes. His smile continued to broaden as he saw the anger in the eyes of Fan Xinyi and Kang Ya.
"Easy now. Just checking on you. Easy now."
He made some hand signs and retrieved the seals. The lock on them was removed and everything returned to normal.
"How could you made fun of me?"
Asked Fan Xinyi angrily as she sent a fist made of necrosis essence at him.
"What's wrong with you?"
Fan Xinyi continued to glare angrily at Liu Louyang.
"You could have removed it right away instead of rubbing it in our faces. In my face!"
"I'm sorry. Fan Xinyi? "
Liu Luoyang looked pleadingly at her. The two of them, together with Kang Ya, had been preparing for this trials together. As a matter of fact, their friendship started from their childhood. Hence, they knew one another very well.
"Didn't know you could do that."
"What was that, Liu Luoyang?"
Liu Luoyang thpughtfully peered at them before answering.
"The two seals combined are total grade luminous treasure. They are my ancestral treasures. The longsword is also a high-grade luminous treasure. It belonged to my grandfather. They gave them to me like safety measures. But, the Three Light Steps, are my martial arts. Don't forget, I'm already at the Yinlong level."
"You could have killed it before we started fighting it. Why didn't you? It could have killed us?"
"Sorry about that. I had to make sure its power wasn't above luminous treasures. Else, the seals would have disintegrated and would have been a dire situation."
"Anyways, it paid off. It's dead and we are all safe."
"So this Sacredcrest stone belongs to one of you two, as agreed."
Fan Xinyi flicked the stone towards Fang Zedong who passed it to Jufeng.
Liu Luoyang was checking the death-eater, when he remembered something. When he was using the light steps, he had seen something like a crystal at the helm of the dais.
"Wait a minute."
He leapt into the air and landed behind the dais. He reached out and pried something out of the vale of the dais. A large yellow gold crystal. He examined it before giving a shrug. Didn't look like a treasure of great value but keeping it wouldn't do any harm.
When Jufeng saw it, his face lit up. He quickly controlled himself in order not to give it away. This was what he was looking for. The reason why he was here.
After they had searched the chamber and other parts, they found a few other treasures. But Jufeng already know what to do. The other group still needed one more Sacredcrest stone. He turned towards the direction of the demigod who was folding his hands behind himself.
"Liu Luoyang, do you mind if I tempt you to trade this Sacredcrest stone for that yellow gold stone you have in your hands?"
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