Pathway to Eternity
Chapter 48 - Springflame [IV]
Jufeng was sprawling on the floor from the impact of the fire pulse, emitted from the flaming lake. The air grew hot around him and wisps of smoke was appearing from the slightly churned ground. As he groggily tried to stand, he remembered being hit by a massive energy blast that felt like a titan's hammer. The intense fiery heat and shock waves, had hit the area like a cosmic comet.
The impact had hit him from the back as he was facing a fire snake that was approaching him from the front. It had sent him flying like a fickle straw, several yards backward.
He remembered hitting the ground with a bone cracking sound while the fire snake that was advancing towards him had been dispersed. And that was it. He couldn't remember much after that. How long was he out? He managed to stand up and hurriedly checked himself for any sort of injury. Fortunately, his body was still intact and his torn robe was holding up, also. That meant the fire seal was still working, if not, his robe would have turned to ashes by now. If not himself too.
What could cause a blast like that, exactly?
Then, he tried to remember what events led to the energy blast.
He was guarding against any returning fire snake while the other cultivator was aiming for the springster. His back was to the lake but he was ocassionally looking back towards it, in order to monitor the event with the springster. It was one of the moments of him glancing towards the lake, that he saw the other cultivator's hand closing in on the springster.
And he remembered that it was at this time that the waters of the lake, started gathering together in a lightning speed. But his attention had been drawn back towards the advancing fire snake. Yes, the cursed fire snake. He didn't want the fire snake to catch him off-guard. So he had faced the fire snake and turned his back to the lake.
He had prepared to engage the snake, but the next thing he felt, was a forceful blast to his back. It was as if the heavenly gods were in immortal disagreement with him.
It must be the lake or the guardian of the circle that caused the blast. Had to do with either of them.
No other reasonable explanation for what happened. While on this, Jufeng's mind struck back to the springster, making him panicked. He couldn't recall seeing the springster sank into the lake or if it was claimed before the pulse. Quickly, he looked around himself. A number of cultivators were also struggling to get up from the impact of the blast. But, many others, who he knew could only be body cultivators, were already engaging a raging vortex of liquid fire.
As he regained his full body strength, Jufeng felt something else ahead, something growing with ferocious speed and burning with a pure fiery anger. It was coming from the vortex of liquid fire. Suddenly, the raging vortex exploded outward in another deafening blast and a shape, orange and white, burst into life out it. A nightmarish and deadly creature of pure liquid-fire.
A gigantic ten-headed liquid-fire hydra!
They would be facing a pure liquid-fire principal? As Jufeng gasped, he felt scorching heat run down his throat. He staggered back and held his left arm to protect his exposed eyes as swirling hot trails danced in the air. He could also felt a slight weight pressed in on him from the overwhelming auric presence on the level of world artifact and nascent soul. Although, its element of liquid-fire is on the level of a golden core cultivator.
Titan's torso!
As if a pure liquid-fire hydra wasn't enough, they would be dealing with ten of its deadly heads. Already, one head would be difficult to deal with and now, they got ten to deal with. What had they gotten themselves into?
He quickly located his sword, just as the voice of the dual golden core ice cultivator, sounded in his mind.
"Dragoncrag defensive formation!"
The golden core cultivator threw a talisman in his hand towards the hydra. His voice continued to sound in their minds as he leapt into the air.
"Two single-heart formations. One with me, the other with Yi Zemin!"
Five body cultivators quickly moved to the front and aligned into a formation to the right as the golden core cultivator, landed in their midst. Another single-heart formation was formed to the left and led by Yi Zemin. The formation to the right was spear-headed by the ice affiliated golden core cultivator who wasted no time in moving the formation straight into attack.
They were moving like single giant but with many blade phantoms as they engaged the hydra. The soul cultivators inside the defensive formation were using elemental projectiles to attack the hydra and support the blade phantoms. The air was roiling with various elemental energies in essence blades, essence darts, elemental orbs and other forms.
But, the battle was mainly being fought by the body cultivators as they drifted in and out of different attack formations. Despite the strain, their bodies were resisting the fiery flames of the hydra. Jufeng wondered what could cause them to panick or even affect their undying bodies. They were only in their early stages, yet they were this strong.
He quickly located his sword and rejoined the battle.
They were intensely, fighting the hydra, when the army of scavens and argonians, attacked. The attack came from the back. It put them, right at the middle of the assaults from the two sides. The hydra to the front while the scavens and argonians were to the back.
The first sight of the might of the argonians, had Jufeng's jaw hitting the floor. Really, they were terrible foes to have. Jufeng had thought the human body cultivators had the ultimate impenetrable bodies, but the display by the argonians, was on a different level. Their bodies were like that of an ancient dragon's scales. It was almost impossible to injure them talkless of defeating them. The most disturbing thing about them, was their battle prowess. Despite the ones here being Jindan at most, they could stand toe to toe with nascent soul cultivators from Jufeng's world.
The argonians didn't attack in formation but individually. They had so much trust in their individual might. Together with the scavens, they could have overwhelmed the human calvary, if not for a golden core dream and illusion cultivator. He used half of his life-force to power an ancient talisman and projected a dream into the minds of the argonians and scavens. They were locked in battle with their inner demons as they remained frozen in place.
The calvary quickly sneaked in-between the argonians and scavens and retreated to the other side, away from the fire hydra. This changed the battle scene. The argonians and the scavens were now inbetween the fire hydra and human calvary.
But the dream only disrupted them for a moment before it was shattered. Fortunately, the respite was enough to allow the other group of the human calvary, led by the golden core dual cultivator, to join them in battle.
The moment the dual cultivator arrived, hundreds of spears made from pure shadow essence, were already hitting the argonians and the scavens. The shadow spears were hitting their bodies and souls. Though, their bodies were on another level, their souls were affected by the shadow essence spears. Every time he moved his hand, tens of this spears would be manifested.
This drew the attention of the leader of the argonian army. He turned to face the incoming threat with a primal hatred. He was holding a lightning infused glaive which denoted a lightning affiliated cultivator. With a loud roar, he turned to a streak of lightning.
The air was shimmering with dangerous energies as the two faced each other in a deadly battle. The thunderous sound generated from the collision of their weapons was causing ripples in the spacetime fabric. In the space of a second, they had exchanged hundreds of weapons' strikes. At this time, the remaining cultivators on both sides, stepped away from the battle area.
"That's shadow-lance."
Uttered the tattered clothed boy who was now standing beside Jufeng.
Asked Jufeng absent mindedly as he kept his eyes on the battle going on.
"Name of the spear. It's a total-grade heavenly weapon."
The dual cultivator was moving like a shadow god. It was nearly impossible to follow his movement if not for the light coming off the fire hydra.
"He's incredible."
"Shi Lingxin. He's the son of the city lord. They are the true descendants of the founder of the city of Chanuan, Shi Guanting. He's already a world sovran in martial arts and with his spear, he's a real immortal threat."
There was no lie in the boy's words. Shi Lingxin, had already reached the Yinlong stage of martial arts and soon, it woulde be the Jinlong stage. He could call himself a grandmaster in martial arts.
As he was fascinated by the unfolding action, he was being pulled forward by its alluring force. The sheer beauty of powerful displays of martial and mystical arts, made him forgot about the space-rippling energies that were being manifested, all around. He was already standing on the same line as the watching golden core body cultivators who were the closest to the battle.
When the spiralling energies of the weapons of the two Jindan cultivators collided through their tips, the impact emanated a massive shockwave of uncontrolled energies that knocked the cultivators on both sides flying.
Since he was having a front view, there was no way for Jufeng to avoid the force of impact. He was sent flying, like a divine eagle, towards an area of fiery rocks and into a waiting dimensional force-field. He stood up and checked his body. His body was intact to a welcome relief. Nevertheless, he should have landed much more harder than he did. Then, he noticed the place was peaceful, no sign of the ongoing battle, at all. No sign of flames too. Where was he?
"You are in my dimensional space, mortal."
Jufeng wheeled around at the sound of the voice to the sight of an old man in orange robe. Despite the distance, there was a powerful aura coming from the direction of the old man that depicted heavenly essence.
"In here, existence is me."
Quickly, Jufeng cupped his hand and bowed deeply.
"I meet you well, senior."
"Depends. Might not be for long."
Suddenly, the old man appeared in front of him like a
"What message do you have for me?"
Still deeply bowed, Jufeng realized from the question that, the old man must be the new guardian of this dominion. The Dawn-Gazer! Swallowing hard from utter apprehension, he managed to continued.
"Senior, where should I go if I'm lost in the fire?"
"Emberless grove."
"Senior, who am I to ask for?"
"Regallash. Any more question?"
"No, senior. He wants me to show you this scroll."
Jufeng produced the golden scroll and handed it to the old man.
He gave it back to Jufeng after reading it.
"What is it you look for?"
"Senior, this one search for the lost spatial sac."
"Hm. The spatial sac once belonged to a nascent soul known as the Wanderer. Very well. Take that path, it will take you to a small stream of fire. Cross it and you will see a small flaming mound. It's a worldly illusion, no cultivator of Jindan level can see through it. Inside the mound, you'll find what you seek."
"Thank you, senior."
The old man looked at Jufeng for a time before shaking his head slightly. He had never liked people with a load of virtues in the first place. He, himself, was here as a guardian of this dominion due to his karmic sins. He remembered clearly how the four of them, the Cuboid, had been found guilty by the heavenly palace's puregods headed by the Jade Emperor. The four of them had been sent out to different dimensional places as their guardians for the adjudged equivalent duration of their sins. What a pity. They, that used to roam the heavenly plane in a moderate, not too chaotic, way, were now confined to dimensional prison. Though, they had free movement in the dimensions, they were still incapacitated.
The old man sighed and flipped his hand.
"Take this."
Jufeng caught the token that was sent towards him.
"Show it to him when, or if, you get back."
"Okay senior, I will do accordingly."
The old man disappeared as Jufeng bowed. Jufeng looked at where the old man was standing for a moment before realizing he was alone there. Quickly, he took the path that was indicated by the old man. The path led him to the mound where he found the crumpling spatial sac and quickly emptied the content into his own spatial sac. He would be checking the content later. He took the same way back and when he reached the place where he first found himself inside the dimension, the dimensional space disappeared.
Dodging two blade-lights that headed his way, Jufeng realized that the battle was now raging hotter than before.
Heavens tears!
The impact had hit him from the back as he was facing a fire snake that was approaching him from the front. It had sent him flying like a fickle straw, several yards backward.
He remembered hitting the ground with a bone cracking sound while the fire snake that was advancing towards him had been dispersed. And that was it. He couldn't remember much after that. How long was he out? He managed to stand up and hurriedly checked himself for any sort of injury. Fortunately, his body was still intact and his torn robe was holding up, also. That meant the fire seal was still working, if not, his robe would have turned to ashes by now. If not himself too.
What could cause a blast like that, exactly?
Then, he tried to remember what events led to the energy blast.
He was guarding against any returning fire snake while the other cultivator was aiming for the springster. His back was to the lake but he was ocassionally looking back towards it, in order to monitor the event with the springster. It was one of the moments of him glancing towards the lake, that he saw the other cultivator's hand closing in on the springster.
And he remembered that it was at this time that the waters of the lake, started gathering together in a lightning speed. But his attention had been drawn back towards the advancing fire snake. Yes, the cursed fire snake. He didn't want the fire snake to catch him off-guard. So he had faced the fire snake and turned his back to the lake.
He had prepared to engage the snake, but the next thing he felt, was a forceful blast to his back. It was as if the heavenly gods were in immortal disagreement with him.
It must be the lake or the guardian of the circle that caused the blast. Had to do with either of them.
No other reasonable explanation for what happened. While on this, Jufeng's mind struck back to the springster, making him panicked. He couldn't recall seeing the springster sank into the lake or if it was claimed before the pulse. Quickly, he looked around himself. A number of cultivators were also struggling to get up from the impact of the blast. But, many others, who he knew could only be body cultivators, were already engaging a raging vortex of liquid fire.
As he regained his full body strength, Jufeng felt something else ahead, something growing with ferocious speed and burning with a pure fiery anger. It was coming from the vortex of liquid fire. Suddenly, the raging vortex exploded outward in another deafening blast and a shape, orange and white, burst into life out it. A nightmarish and deadly creature of pure liquid-fire.
A gigantic ten-headed liquid-fire hydra!
They would be facing a pure liquid-fire principal? As Jufeng gasped, he felt scorching heat run down his throat. He staggered back and held his left arm to protect his exposed eyes as swirling hot trails danced in the air. He could also felt a slight weight pressed in on him from the overwhelming auric presence on the level of world artifact and nascent soul. Although, its element of liquid-fire is on the level of a golden core cultivator.
Titan's torso!
As if a pure liquid-fire hydra wasn't enough, they would be dealing with ten of its deadly heads. Already, one head would be difficult to deal with and now, they got ten to deal with. What had they gotten themselves into?
He quickly located his sword, just as the voice of the dual golden core ice cultivator, sounded in his mind.
"Dragoncrag defensive formation!"
The golden core cultivator threw a talisman in his hand towards the hydra. His voice continued to sound in their minds as he leapt into the air.
"Two single-heart formations. One with me, the other with Yi Zemin!"
Five body cultivators quickly moved to the front and aligned into a formation to the right as the golden core cultivator, landed in their midst. Another single-heart formation was formed to the left and led by Yi Zemin. The formation to the right was spear-headed by the ice affiliated golden core cultivator who wasted no time in moving the formation straight into attack.
They were moving like single giant but with many blade phantoms as they engaged the hydra. The soul cultivators inside the defensive formation were using elemental projectiles to attack the hydra and support the blade phantoms. The air was roiling with various elemental energies in essence blades, essence darts, elemental orbs and other forms.
But, the battle was mainly being fought by the body cultivators as they drifted in and out of different attack formations. Despite the strain, their bodies were resisting the fiery flames of the hydra. Jufeng wondered what could cause them to panick or even affect their undying bodies. They were only in their early stages, yet they were this strong.
He quickly located his sword and rejoined the battle.
They were intensely, fighting the hydra, when the army of scavens and argonians, attacked. The attack came from the back. It put them, right at the middle of the assaults from the two sides. The hydra to the front while the scavens and argonians were to the back.
The first sight of the might of the argonians, had Jufeng's jaw hitting the floor. Really, they were terrible foes to have. Jufeng had thought the human body cultivators had the ultimate impenetrable bodies, but the display by the argonians, was on a different level. Their bodies were like that of an ancient dragon's scales. It was almost impossible to injure them talkless of defeating them. The most disturbing thing about them, was their battle prowess. Despite the ones here being Jindan at most, they could stand toe to toe with nascent soul cultivators from Jufeng's world.
The argonians didn't attack in formation but individually. They had so much trust in their individual might. Together with the scavens, they could have overwhelmed the human calvary, if not for a golden core dream and illusion cultivator. He used half of his life-force to power an ancient talisman and projected a dream into the minds of the argonians and scavens. They were locked in battle with their inner demons as they remained frozen in place.
The calvary quickly sneaked in-between the argonians and scavens and retreated to the other side, away from the fire hydra. This changed the battle scene. The argonians and the scavens were now inbetween the fire hydra and human calvary.
But the dream only disrupted them for a moment before it was shattered. Fortunately, the respite was enough to allow the other group of the human calvary, led by the golden core dual cultivator, to join them in battle.
The moment the dual cultivator arrived, hundreds of spears made from pure shadow essence, were already hitting the argonians and the scavens. The shadow spears were hitting their bodies and souls. Though, their bodies were on another level, their souls were affected by the shadow essence spears. Every time he moved his hand, tens of this spears would be manifested.
This drew the attention of the leader of the argonian army. He turned to face the incoming threat with a primal hatred. He was holding a lightning infused glaive which denoted a lightning affiliated cultivator. With a loud roar, he turned to a streak of lightning.
The air was shimmering with dangerous energies as the two faced each other in a deadly battle. The thunderous sound generated from the collision of their weapons was causing ripples in the spacetime fabric. In the space of a second, they had exchanged hundreds of weapons' strikes. At this time, the remaining cultivators on both sides, stepped away from the battle area.
"That's shadow-lance."
Uttered the tattered clothed boy who was now standing beside Jufeng.
Asked Jufeng absent mindedly as he kept his eyes on the battle going on.
"Name of the spear. It's a total-grade heavenly weapon."
The dual cultivator was moving like a shadow god. It was nearly impossible to follow his movement if not for the light coming off the fire hydra.
"He's incredible."
"Shi Lingxin. He's the son of the city lord. They are the true descendants of the founder of the city of Chanuan, Shi Guanting. He's already a world sovran in martial arts and with his spear, he's a real immortal threat."
There was no lie in the boy's words. Shi Lingxin, had already reached the Yinlong stage of martial arts and soon, it woulde be the Jinlong stage. He could call himself a grandmaster in martial arts.
As he was fascinated by the unfolding action, he was being pulled forward by its alluring force. The sheer beauty of powerful displays of martial and mystical arts, made him forgot about the space-rippling energies that were being manifested, all around. He was already standing on the same line as the watching golden core body cultivators who were the closest to the battle.
When the spiralling energies of the weapons of the two Jindan cultivators collided through their tips, the impact emanated a massive shockwave of uncontrolled energies that knocked the cultivators on both sides flying.
Since he was having a front view, there was no way for Jufeng to avoid the force of impact. He was sent flying, like a divine eagle, towards an area of fiery rocks and into a waiting dimensional force-field. He stood up and checked his body. His body was intact to a welcome relief. Nevertheless, he should have landed much more harder than he did. Then, he noticed the place was peaceful, no sign of the ongoing battle, at all. No sign of flames too. Where was he?
"You are in my dimensional space, mortal."
Jufeng wheeled around at the sound of the voice to the sight of an old man in orange robe. Despite the distance, there was a powerful aura coming from the direction of the old man that depicted heavenly essence.
"In here, existence is me."
Quickly, Jufeng cupped his hand and bowed deeply.
"I meet you well, senior."
"Depends. Might not be for long."
Suddenly, the old man appeared in front of him like a
"What message do you have for me?"
Still deeply bowed, Jufeng realized from the question that, the old man must be the new guardian of this dominion. The Dawn-Gazer! Swallowing hard from utter apprehension, he managed to continued.
"Senior, where should I go if I'm lost in the fire?"
"Emberless grove."
"Senior, who am I to ask for?"
"Regallash. Any more question?"
"No, senior. He wants me to show you this scroll."
Jufeng produced the golden scroll and handed it to the old man.
He gave it back to Jufeng after reading it.
"What is it you look for?"
"Senior, this one search for the lost spatial sac."
"Hm. The spatial sac once belonged to a nascent soul known as the Wanderer. Very well. Take that path, it will take you to a small stream of fire. Cross it and you will see a small flaming mound. It's a worldly illusion, no cultivator of Jindan level can see through it. Inside the mound, you'll find what you seek."
"Thank you, senior."
The old man looked at Jufeng for a time before shaking his head slightly. He had never liked people with a load of virtues in the first place. He, himself, was here as a guardian of this dominion due to his karmic sins. He remembered clearly how the four of them, the Cuboid, had been found guilty by the heavenly palace's puregods headed by the Jade Emperor. The four of them had been sent out to different dimensional places as their guardians for the adjudged equivalent duration of their sins. What a pity. They, that used to roam the heavenly plane in a moderate, not too chaotic, way, were now confined to dimensional prison. Though, they had free movement in the dimensions, they were still incapacitated.
The old man sighed and flipped his hand.
"Take this."
Jufeng caught the token that was sent towards him.
"Show it to him when, or if, you get back."
"Okay senior, I will do accordingly."
The old man disappeared as Jufeng bowed. Jufeng looked at where the old man was standing for a moment before realizing he was alone there. Quickly, he took the path that was indicated by the old man. The path led him to the mound where he found the crumpling spatial sac and quickly emptied the content into his own spatial sac. He would be checking the content later. He took the same way back and when he reached the place where he first found himself inside the dimension, the dimensional space disappeared.
Dodging two blade-lights that headed his way, Jufeng realized that the battle was now raging hotter than before.
Heavens tears!
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