Pathway to Eternity
Chapter 62 - Ying Jie And The Deathless-God Armor
Ying Jie sat in a lotus position inside his room, removed the two valuable content of his sacbag and began to examine them.
The first was the Wyvern Scale spirit fruit that would make his body almost indestructible when facing a jindan level cultivator and below. What a fortuitous encounter this was. Though, he was still far from the stage necessary if he wanted to make any difference concerning his parents, this was a step in the right direction.
And the second item?
Never in his wildest dreams, would he ever imagine himself in possession of it. His mind started repeating the events of the forsaken palace. After acquiring the fruit in the garden of the Jade emperor, he remembered the gruesome encounters with the Crucible and the golems. He had never experienced such mind-wrenching confrontation in his life before that. He never even thought he could experience such in this world, yet, he had.
Nonetheless, he had entered the forsaken palace and everything had frozen around him. Only, his ears were functioning as he heard the words of the giant guardian, Darghek, about appearing in various fruititous, yet, deadly places.
As his feet landed on the other side, he struggled for a firm hold as they were crunching over the crystal carpet of snow blanketing the ground. A storm had recently battered this area from the feel and look of things. Ying Jie steadied himself before looking around. He was standing on a snowy plain with scattered pine trees covered in snow. Right in front of him, was a road that led to a passage between two small mountains at a distant.
After taking a closer look, he could guess the passage led to a valley of some sort. With no one around him, he walked with a cautious steady pace in the direction of the valley. As he forged ahead, he noticed another storm that was rolling in with deadly icy wind. But he ignored the slashing wind, clawing at the exposed flesh on the face and hands as he pushed some Chi energy into his outer body.
An icy wind like this, he could ignore. He remembered when his parents were captured in that cave when he was young and he had to spend many nights shivering in the abandoned caves and desolate valleys as he hid himself from the sinful demons. And they could have caught him, if not for the two elders from his village who happened upon him at the right time.
He could still remember, like tormenting nightmares, everytime he closed his eyes. Before rising through the ranks of the village's rising stars, he had fought and impressed with other kids of his village to lay a claim to the village's susteinance and support. One of the given support, was sending him to the Last-Sword sect. A privilege that came with his position as a rising star.
With eyes kept on the road ahead, he continued moving forward. Though, he had no idea of where he was heading, yet, he understood that there was a compulsion laid on him to forge ahead.
The storm and icy winds, were only ephemeral, an illusion brought about by his appearance in an unknown place and a way to make his nature, stronger.
Ying Jie quickly ducked for cover behind a large boulder before peeping around the boulder to observe the scene before him. The small hills and mountains in the sorroundings of the fighting beasts, had been shattered and the ground was filled with giant slashes and gashes with few bodies of giant birds littering the ground.
Air sacred beasts.
Since they were in their bed forms, it meant they were yet to reach the full transformation stage. Yet, they were still powerful enough to kill him.
Ying Jie continued to watch the raging battle from behind the boulder. At the other side of the batle, was a sealed massive cave that was shimmering in death energy. It appeared the two sacred beasts were fighting over what was inside the cave. What could possibly be inside a cave like that? A death treasure or a primordial beast? No matter what it was, he was not going towards that direction.
He had to be very careful here. If they sensed his presence nearby, they would be quick to turn on him, though, he would simply use the safe words and leave the place. Still, he had no plan to leave until he was sure of leaving. With extreme caution, he continued to watch and he saw the two battling birds, separated for a moment as they regarded themselves.
From where he was hiding, he could clearly hear what they were saying as their voices sounded out.
Shouted the giant crow whose feathers were like deadly arrows.
"Don't make me do this. We came on this sojourn together based on the agreement we had. I remember a time when the crows and ravens were together as one. Though, we have move our seperate ways, we are still tribes of the same lasting accord. Or, have you forgotten that?
"Forgotten what?"
"That any treasure found in the Land of Beyond, would be taken according to the Ways of Lives. That was the rules agreed on between us."
"Rules? You talk about rules? Hahaha, you made me laugh. You mentioned rules but do you follow the same rules, crow? A tribe for a sojourn? Is that not the rule? And, wasn't the last sojourn for your tribe? I still remember clearly, in case you've forgotten. The Cloud Sword that was inside the dream cave was for your tribe to take, yet, you left it behind. You left it behind not us. That day, was the day of your Way."
"What was not taken couldn't be counted. And, you know that!"
"Know what? Your group was led by Orodian. Have you forgotten what happened? You all abandoned the treasure hunt when you saw the Black Dragon of Dream Cave. You saw the dragon and you ran. You could have stayed and fought, but, you ran. That was your treasure as agreed. If you didn't take it, your loss. Rules are rules."
"There are exceptions when no treasure is taken."
"No exception!"
Shouted the Raven in a deafening sound as its eyes started to emit shadow energy.
"Do you want us to settle this now or you want the others including the Thousand-Talon Eagles to meet us here when they arrive? We still have many other sojourns to make together, crow. The Conchi Shell in the realm of the Shadow Shield? That is yours as agreed."
"Do you even know where the Shadow Shield realm is? NO. Move aside Raven, and let me get what belongs to us. I won't tell you again."
"A pity then. You have no idea what I am, crow. For the sake of who we once were, I will give you a last chance to leave and live."
Said the Raven as it turned its back on the Crow.
"Give yourself the chance to live. You want a battle, you get a battle."
With raging anger, the Crow flipped its wing and closed the distance between them in a single flap as it gathered vortex of terra energy before releasing it. The Raven swirled around suddenly to face the Crow, and with swirling wings, sent a mighty shadow blast that collided with the terra flare of the Crow.
The impact created huge boulders all over the valley as the two engaged in close combat. Furious energy claws clashed in rapid succession as colossal deadly beaks sought openings to deliver fatal blows.
After what appeared to be infinite exchange of claws, the Crow let loose a battle cry as it shot into the sky and descended in a yellow terran energy as it aimed its spear-like beak at the head of the Raven. The beak dove through the head of the Raven, burying itself several inches deep.
With a quick flick of its head, the Crow wrenched its beak from the Raven's head and watched the Raven with expectant keen eyes. But the Raven didn't fall to the ground, but instead dissipated into nothingness before re-appearing a few yards back.
Screamed the Crow in utter shock as it flipped backwards a few yards and continued to stare at the unscathed Raven. There was no way the Raven could do that. A messenger Raven. Was that a life-saving talisman or heavenly grade technique? How could this Raven have a life-saving talisman or know a heavenly grade technique? It hadn't even reached full-transformation stage.
"Oh Crow. I told you, you have no idea who I am."
Uttered the Raven as he transformed into a mortal form. A wide grin on his face, the Raven slowly shook his head.
"Titan's torso!"
Ying Jie exclaimed in total shock. The raven sacred beast must be at the nascent soul stage at the least to attain full transformation. For him to be pretending before, could only mean that the treasure they were after was of huge value. The more the risk his presence was in. Ying Jie shook his head to dispel the rational fear he was having.
In a quick movement, the Crow flapped his wings and tried to flee. But the shadow raven initiated his own technique, a freezing shadow technique that gripped the Crow and held it one place as the Raven arrived in front of it. In a twirling wind of shadow hurricane, the raven delivered a vicious killer blow with a hooked talon that sliced horizontally across across the crow's belly, cutting it into two in a long, wide gash.
A single-blow kill?
Surely, a Yinlong martial master, at the least. What type of treasure could he be after inside the cave? Ying Jie was still pondering on the content of the cave, when he heard the voice of the Raven and quietly peeked.
He saw the Raven looking at the eyes of the dead Crow before talking.
"Do you even know what is inside this cave? How could you have known about the Deathless-God armor, anyway? A armor that, for the eternal beyond, could be used for everything on this plane. Even, for the heavenly ascension tribulation. You were here because of the new, day blood of the sacred ravens and crows needed to be pour on the threshold around the armor. Anyway, you've served your purpose."
The Deathless-God armor? Ying Jie asked himself in wonder. The wearer couldn't be killed in combat on the mortal plane, once it was worn. Even, if the soul was trapped by a more powerful artist, the soul would still escape the confinement. Unless, the soul was banished with a total grade heavenly soul banishing scroll or a luminous scroll.
As he was pondering in bewilderment, the shimmering energy sorrounding the cave, exploded outwards. And, a tall dark fairy, twice his own size and was carrying a black and red spear. His black eyes with red iris, was emitting dangerous death energy.
A Death Imither!
Death imithers. Nascent soul entities of the ascendant level. They were created from pure death energy in the realm of Ogitha. So powerful and deadly, that they were forever isolated from other realms. But, they had allies. The Xue Kus. Equally powerful and extremely deadly.
"Who dares enter the land of the Eternal-Cave without permission?"
The imither demanded in a loud voice as he examined the damages caused to the area.
Tilting his head to the side, his eyes narrowed, as if he was trying to process the level of the destruction he was seeing. With eyes fully red in anger, the imither gripped his humming spear tightly with his right hand and holding the tip out toward the Raven.
"A forsaken Raven caused all these?! I. Am. The. Guardian!"
The spear of the imither whirled and spun, lashing out with quick, ferocious strikes that caused the air to sizzle and wail as it turned dark green.
The raven, now in mortal form, moved in lightning speed as he countered the incoming strikes by dodging and redirecting each attack with the giant sabre in his hand. He was on the back foot as the strikes of the imither continued to come in quick and deadly succession. After several strike exchanges, the raven twisted away, slashing out with his sabre as he sent out two shadow blade lights. The imither slashed through the blade lights but the extra space allowed the raven to retreat backward for a few yards.
"Impressive combat skills, imither."
The mortal raven jumped high into the air as shadow energy covered on his body in a shimmer before turning into a massive mortal figure in an obsidian shadow armor with a raven head, raven wings and raven claws. His true nascent soul. He threw himself forward before transitioning into a forward flip that contort the airspace as shadow ripples were formed. At the same time he twisted in the air before descending as his shimmering sabre tore the fabrics of space in huge unctrollable ripples.
The Shadow Assunder Descent.
The imither slammed his foot on the floor as he transformed into a phantom figure of raging dark death energy. The only visible part were his angry red eyes. He pointed his spear to the floor and started to raise it slowly. The spear was humming and vibrating with death energy in pulsing convulsion. As he pointed the spear to the sky, the air hummed violently as the spacetime convulsed. All the death energy converged on the tip of the speare pointed the spear towards the sky. The imither leaped into the air towards the descending Raven.
The Hallowed Death Realm.
The collision was of heavenly proportion. Two entities who were beyond the nascent soul stage. The sky was covered in dark shadow and death energy as the vicinity was thrown into complete darkness.
Few minutes after the darkness receeded, the two entities couldn't be located but they could still be sensed. Both of them had entered the spirit realm, but, could be returning soon.
Ying Jie quickly left his hiding space behind the boulder and sourced for the blood of the ravens and crows before speeding towards the vacant cave. It didn't take him long to locate the armor and poured the blood along the threshold around the armor to claim the armor. He was saying the safe word when he heard a powerful energy explosion. But, he was already back in the forsaken garden.
Though, anything and everything could have gone wrong. He had no choice. He would take anything and everything to help him free his parents.
Recollecting his mind, Ying Jie put the items back in his sacbag before standing up. He gently smoothened his bed and quietly lay down. The following day, when he would tell them about his own adventure, he would ask them for help. Especially, Ju Feng. He would ask Ju Feng, if Ju Feng's demigod mother and the uncle he was talking about, could help him with his parents.
He couldn't wait to tell them and see their reactions in particular. He closed his eyes and slept soundly with a renewed hope for the future.
The following morning he related his own adventure to them and their reactions were truly wonderful.
"The Deathless-God armor."
They all exclaimed in complete shock, when they saw it inside Ying Jie's sacbag.
"Eternal beyond!"
"A total grade heavenly treasure? Heavens tears on my head."
"And you saw an imither? Titan's torso."
"Are you sure you are not dead yet?"
"Truly, you were courting death."
Ying Jie watched their bemused and happy faces as they rejoiced with him. He couldn't ask them for help in regards to his parents yet. As he didn't want to spoil their happy days. He would wait and find a good time to that. Now, wasn't the right time.
After their day together, the two siblings, Chenric and Da Xia, went towards the training center while Ying Jie walked with Ju Feng towards the library.
"Ju Feng. You said you want to know more about the Conchi Shell."
The first was the Wyvern Scale spirit fruit that would make his body almost indestructible when facing a jindan level cultivator and below. What a fortuitous encounter this was. Though, he was still far from the stage necessary if he wanted to make any difference concerning his parents, this was a step in the right direction.
And the second item?
Never in his wildest dreams, would he ever imagine himself in possession of it. His mind started repeating the events of the forsaken palace. After acquiring the fruit in the garden of the Jade emperor, he remembered the gruesome encounters with the Crucible and the golems. He had never experienced such mind-wrenching confrontation in his life before that. He never even thought he could experience such in this world, yet, he had.
Nonetheless, he had entered the forsaken palace and everything had frozen around him. Only, his ears were functioning as he heard the words of the giant guardian, Darghek, about appearing in various fruititous, yet, deadly places.
As his feet landed on the other side, he struggled for a firm hold as they were crunching over the crystal carpet of snow blanketing the ground. A storm had recently battered this area from the feel and look of things. Ying Jie steadied himself before looking around. He was standing on a snowy plain with scattered pine trees covered in snow. Right in front of him, was a road that led to a passage between two small mountains at a distant.
After taking a closer look, he could guess the passage led to a valley of some sort. With no one around him, he walked with a cautious steady pace in the direction of the valley. As he forged ahead, he noticed another storm that was rolling in with deadly icy wind. But he ignored the slashing wind, clawing at the exposed flesh on the face and hands as he pushed some Chi energy into his outer body.
An icy wind like this, he could ignore. He remembered when his parents were captured in that cave when he was young and he had to spend many nights shivering in the abandoned caves and desolate valleys as he hid himself from the sinful demons. And they could have caught him, if not for the two elders from his village who happened upon him at the right time.
He could still remember, like tormenting nightmares, everytime he closed his eyes. Before rising through the ranks of the village's rising stars, he had fought and impressed with other kids of his village to lay a claim to the village's susteinance and support. One of the given support, was sending him to the Last-Sword sect. A privilege that came with his position as a rising star.
With eyes kept on the road ahead, he continued moving forward. Though, he had no idea of where he was heading, yet, he understood that there was a compulsion laid on him to forge ahead.
The storm and icy winds, were only ephemeral, an illusion brought about by his appearance in an unknown place and a way to make his nature, stronger.
Ying Jie quickly ducked for cover behind a large boulder before peeping around the boulder to observe the scene before him. The small hills and mountains in the sorroundings of the fighting beasts, had been shattered and the ground was filled with giant slashes and gashes with few bodies of giant birds littering the ground.
Air sacred beasts.
Since they were in their bed forms, it meant they were yet to reach the full transformation stage. Yet, they were still powerful enough to kill him.
Ying Jie continued to watch the raging battle from behind the boulder. At the other side of the batle, was a sealed massive cave that was shimmering in death energy. It appeared the two sacred beasts were fighting over what was inside the cave. What could possibly be inside a cave like that? A death treasure or a primordial beast? No matter what it was, he was not going towards that direction.
He had to be very careful here. If they sensed his presence nearby, they would be quick to turn on him, though, he would simply use the safe words and leave the place. Still, he had no plan to leave until he was sure of leaving. With extreme caution, he continued to watch and he saw the two battling birds, separated for a moment as they regarded themselves.
From where he was hiding, he could clearly hear what they were saying as their voices sounded out.
Shouted the giant crow whose feathers were like deadly arrows.
"Don't make me do this. We came on this sojourn together based on the agreement we had. I remember a time when the crows and ravens were together as one. Though, we have move our seperate ways, we are still tribes of the same lasting accord. Or, have you forgotten that?
"Forgotten what?"
"That any treasure found in the Land of Beyond, would be taken according to the Ways of Lives. That was the rules agreed on between us."
"Rules? You talk about rules? Hahaha, you made me laugh. You mentioned rules but do you follow the same rules, crow? A tribe for a sojourn? Is that not the rule? And, wasn't the last sojourn for your tribe? I still remember clearly, in case you've forgotten. The Cloud Sword that was inside the dream cave was for your tribe to take, yet, you left it behind. You left it behind not us. That day, was the day of your Way."
"What was not taken couldn't be counted. And, you know that!"
"Know what? Your group was led by Orodian. Have you forgotten what happened? You all abandoned the treasure hunt when you saw the Black Dragon of Dream Cave. You saw the dragon and you ran. You could have stayed and fought, but, you ran. That was your treasure as agreed. If you didn't take it, your loss. Rules are rules."
"There are exceptions when no treasure is taken."
"No exception!"
Shouted the Raven in a deafening sound as its eyes started to emit shadow energy.
"Do you want us to settle this now or you want the others including the Thousand-Talon Eagles to meet us here when they arrive? We still have many other sojourns to make together, crow. The Conchi Shell in the realm of the Shadow Shield? That is yours as agreed."
"Do you even know where the Shadow Shield realm is? NO. Move aside Raven, and let me get what belongs to us. I won't tell you again."
"A pity then. You have no idea what I am, crow. For the sake of who we once were, I will give you a last chance to leave and live."
Said the Raven as it turned its back on the Crow.
"Give yourself the chance to live. You want a battle, you get a battle."
With raging anger, the Crow flipped its wing and closed the distance between them in a single flap as it gathered vortex of terra energy before releasing it. The Raven swirled around suddenly to face the Crow, and with swirling wings, sent a mighty shadow blast that collided with the terra flare of the Crow.
The impact created huge boulders all over the valley as the two engaged in close combat. Furious energy claws clashed in rapid succession as colossal deadly beaks sought openings to deliver fatal blows.
After what appeared to be infinite exchange of claws, the Crow let loose a battle cry as it shot into the sky and descended in a yellow terran energy as it aimed its spear-like beak at the head of the Raven. The beak dove through the head of the Raven, burying itself several inches deep.
With a quick flick of its head, the Crow wrenched its beak from the Raven's head and watched the Raven with expectant keen eyes. But the Raven didn't fall to the ground, but instead dissipated into nothingness before re-appearing a few yards back.
Screamed the Crow in utter shock as it flipped backwards a few yards and continued to stare at the unscathed Raven. There was no way the Raven could do that. A messenger Raven. Was that a life-saving talisman or heavenly grade technique? How could this Raven have a life-saving talisman or know a heavenly grade technique? It hadn't even reached full-transformation stage.
"Oh Crow. I told you, you have no idea who I am."
Uttered the Raven as he transformed into a mortal form. A wide grin on his face, the Raven slowly shook his head.
"Titan's torso!"
Ying Jie exclaimed in total shock. The raven sacred beast must be at the nascent soul stage at the least to attain full transformation. For him to be pretending before, could only mean that the treasure they were after was of huge value. The more the risk his presence was in. Ying Jie shook his head to dispel the rational fear he was having.
In a quick movement, the Crow flapped his wings and tried to flee. But the shadow raven initiated his own technique, a freezing shadow technique that gripped the Crow and held it one place as the Raven arrived in front of it. In a twirling wind of shadow hurricane, the raven delivered a vicious killer blow with a hooked talon that sliced horizontally across across the crow's belly, cutting it into two in a long, wide gash.
A single-blow kill?
Surely, a Yinlong martial master, at the least. What type of treasure could he be after inside the cave? Ying Jie was still pondering on the content of the cave, when he heard the voice of the Raven and quietly peeked.
He saw the Raven looking at the eyes of the dead Crow before talking.
"Do you even know what is inside this cave? How could you have known about the Deathless-God armor, anyway? A armor that, for the eternal beyond, could be used for everything on this plane. Even, for the heavenly ascension tribulation. You were here because of the new, day blood of the sacred ravens and crows needed to be pour on the threshold around the armor. Anyway, you've served your purpose."
The Deathless-God armor? Ying Jie asked himself in wonder. The wearer couldn't be killed in combat on the mortal plane, once it was worn. Even, if the soul was trapped by a more powerful artist, the soul would still escape the confinement. Unless, the soul was banished with a total grade heavenly soul banishing scroll or a luminous scroll.
As he was pondering in bewilderment, the shimmering energy sorrounding the cave, exploded outwards. And, a tall dark fairy, twice his own size and was carrying a black and red spear. His black eyes with red iris, was emitting dangerous death energy.
A Death Imither!
Death imithers. Nascent soul entities of the ascendant level. They were created from pure death energy in the realm of Ogitha. So powerful and deadly, that they were forever isolated from other realms. But, they had allies. The Xue Kus. Equally powerful and extremely deadly.
"Who dares enter the land of the Eternal-Cave without permission?"
The imither demanded in a loud voice as he examined the damages caused to the area.
Tilting his head to the side, his eyes narrowed, as if he was trying to process the level of the destruction he was seeing. With eyes fully red in anger, the imither gripped his humming spear tightly with his right hand and holding the tip out toward the Raven.
"A forsaken Raven caused all these?! I. Am. The. Guardian!"
The spear of the imither whirled and spun, lashing out with quick, ferocious strikes that caused the air to sizzle and wail as it turned dark green.
The raven, now in mortal form, moved in lightning speed as he countered the incoming strikes by dodging and redirecting each attack with the giant sabre in his hand. He was on the back foot as the strikes of the imither continued to come in quick and deadly succession. After several strike exchanges, the raven twisted away, slashing out with his sabre as he sent out two shadow blade lights. The imither slashed through the blade lights but the extra space allowed the raven to retreat backward for a few yards.
"Impressive combat skills, imither."
The mortal raven jumped high into the air as shadow energy covered on his body in a shimmer before turning into a massive mortal figure in an obsidian shadow armor with a raven head, raven wings and raven claws. His true nascent soul. He threw himself forward before transitioning into a forward flip that contort the airspace as shadow ripples were formed. At the same time he twisted in the air before descending as his shimmering sabre tore the fabrics of space in huge unctrollable ripples.
The Shadow Assunder Descent.
The imither slammed his foot on the floor as he transformed into a phantom figure of raging dark death energy. The only visible part were his angry red eyes. He pointed his spear to the floor and started to raise it slowly. The spear was humming and vibrating with death energy in pulsing convulsion. As he pointed the spear to the sky, the air hummed violently as the spacetime convulsed. All the death energy converged on the tip of the speare pointed the spear towards the sky. The imither leaped into the air towards the descending Raven.
The Hallowed Death Realm.
The collision was of heavenly proportion. Two entities who were beyond the nascent soul stage. The sky was covered in dark shadow and death energy as the vicinity was thrown into complete darkness.
Few minutes after the darkness receeded, the two entities couldn't be located but they could still be sensed. Both of them had entered the spirit realm, but, could be returning soon.
Ying Jie quickly left his hiding space behind the boulder and sourced for the blood of the ravens and crows before speeding towards the vacant cave. It didn't take him long to locate the armor and poured the blood along the threshold around the armor to claim the armor. He was saying the safe word when he heard a powerful energy explosion. But, he was already back in the forsaken garden.
Though, anything and everything could have gone wrong. He had no choice. He would take anything and everything to help him free his parents.
Recollecting his mind, Ying Jie put the items back in his sacbag before standing up. He gently smoothened his bed and quietly lay down. The following day, when he would tell them about his own adventure, he would ask them for help. Especially, Ju Feng. He would ask Ju Feng, if Ju Feng's demigod mother and the uncle he was talking about, could help him with his parents.
He couldn't wait to tell them and see their reactions in particular. He closed his eyes and slept soundly with a renewed hope for the future.
The following morning he related his own adventure to them and their reactions were truly wonderful.
"The Deathless-God armor."
They all exclaimed in complete shock, when they saw it inside Ying Jie's sacbag.
"Eternal beyond!"
"A total grade heavenly treasure? Heavens tears on my head."
"And you saw an imither? Titan's torso."
"Are you sure you are not dead yet?"
"Truly, you were courting death."
Ying Jie watched their bemused and happy faces as they rejoiced with him. He couldn't ask them for help in regards to his parents yet. As he didn't want to spoil their happy days. He would wait and find a good time to that. Now, wasn't the right time.
After their day together, the two siblings, Chenric and Da Xia, went towards the training center while Ying Jie walked with Ju Feng towards the library.
"Ju Feng. You said you want to know more about the Conchi Shell."
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