Patriarch Of Immortal Dao, I Can Purify All Things

Chapter 45 The Weak Chicken Vulture

The purified root of the thousand-year-old soul sunflower has shrunk by a small half, but its effect has increased by a large margin.

Then Xu Yang simply tidied up the Cave Mansion and did some cleaning.

He also called back a playing mountain vulture, and let it go to the woods to catch a red deer and come back.

Xu Yang's habit of cooking every day remained, even if Master Guiyang was not around, he would still make some meat for himself.

It can not only exercise the ability to control fire, but also satisfy the appetite, killing two birds with one stone.

About half an hour later, the mountain vulture flew over holding a red deer.

Don't say he didn't die, there were almost no injuries.

The scars on the back of the red deer are still caused by the wounds it struggled under the claws of the mountain vultures.

This red deer is an adult red deer, with a body length of 3 meters and a height of 2 meters, with a strong build.

Mountain vultures catch red deer according to their own food intake, and they are not afraid of wasting if they can't finish eating.

If it were Xu Yang, he might not be able to finish half of the deer leg.

The mountain vulture let go of its claws beside Xu Yang, and the red deer, which was freed suddenly, ran away immediately.

Running towards the direction of the woods.

The mountain vulture was right in front of the red deer. Not only did it not stop the red deer, it jumped aside and avoided it, just watching the red deer run back to the woods.

Xu Yang was obviously angry.

If the mountain vulture obeys its nature, what if it fights with the enemy in the future?

Would it be impossible to just let the mountain vultures watch from the sidelines, wait for one of them or the enemy to die, and then let the mountain vultures go up to collect the corpses?

So what's the point of raising it yourself?

If you can't become your own combat power, is it necessary to waste energy and resources to cultivate them?

"Kill it!"

Xu Yang pointed at the red deer, almost a mandatory order.

The mountain vulture spread its wings and flew into the sky without the slightest hesitation.

Hovering in the air, leisurely dive down.

The speed is extremely fast, and it is simply not comparable to beasts such as red deer.

Seeing the mountain vultures catching the red deer neatly, Xu Yang's expression eased a lot.

The second time the red deer was caught, the struggle was even more intense.

Constantly twisting its body, trying to escape from the sharp claws of mountain vultures.

The mountain vulture didn't even know how to kill this red deer.

Seeing the red deer struggling more and more fiercely, the mountain vulture, who was the predator, became a little scared.

Xu Yang covered his face with his hands, feeling extremely helpless.

As a large raptor, the fighting skills of the mountain vulture can be said to be extremely poor.

It's simply embarrassing to look at.

As the red deer struggled, the mountain vulture subconsciously tightened its claws.

Under the pair of sharp claws that can easily crush rocks, the flesh-and-blood red deer can't resist at all.

With a click, the red deer's spine broke into several pieces.

The mountain vulture lowered its head and looked at the red deer spitting blood from the corner of its mouth, full of curiosity. It didn't know why the red deer died.

How did this mountain vulture survive in the inner circle of the Fire Crane Mountains?

Xu Yang, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, once doubted life, how could there be such a stupid spirit beast?

"Forget it, just treat it as two pets."

There are many things Xu Yang spends his time doing, training mountain vultures is not included.

The red deer, which hadn't died yet, was neatly mended by Xu Yang, completely ending its pain.

Xu Yang cuts a firm tenderloin off the back of a red deer, and everything else is left.

Including fur, internal organs, bones, etc., are the delicacies of mountain vultures.

Another mountain vulture, who had gone to nowhere, was also called back by Xu Yang through the imprint of the soul.

Two mountain vultures began to share the red deer, while Xu Yang set fire a little further away, roasting the red deer meat without rushing.

After the two mountain vultures had almost finished eating, Xu Yang roasted the red deer meat.

Sprinkle a little seasoning on the golden and tender red deer meat.

One bite, full of meaty aroma.

Although it is not as delicious as the meat roasted by Master Guiyang, it is not bad.

After eating delicious food, Xu Yang's mood also improved a lot.

Just when he was thinking, should he roast more meat and give the two mountain vultures a taste of his own cooking.

Xu Yang saw one of the mountain vultures pick up the stuffed large intestine of the red deer, like eating noodles, and sucked it into the stomach, so he completely changed his mind.

These two guys deserve it.

In the next few days, Xu Yang continued to practice the method of controlling fire.

Now that Xu Yang has the help of the magic robe and soul sunflower water, he basically doesn't need to use sleep to restore his mental power.

Seeing that there is no use for those with too much spiritual power, Xu Yang also improved his spiritual root.

[Consume 1000 mental power to purify the fire root, whether to proceed? ]

[Consume 1000 mental power to purify the water root, whether to proceed? ]


[Consume 1000 mental power to purify the golden spirit root, whether to proceed? ]

[Consume 1000 mental power to purify the earth spirit root, whether to proceed? ]


After purifying water, fire, gold, and earth root, Xu Yang opened the property panel and took a look.

[Host]: Xu Yang

[Boundary]: Qi Refining10 layers

[Spiritual root]: medium wood spirit root, medium fire spirit root, medium water spirit root, medium gold spirit root, medium earth spirit root

[Spiritual Power]: 3000/3010

"My spiritual power? How can there be so much?"

At first glance, Xu Yang thought he was wrong, and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

"The last time I looked at the mental power, wasn't it only 2400? Why is it now 3010?"

A possibility came to mind.

The nameless method of manipulating flames!

Other than that, Xu Yang couldn't think of anything else that could make his mental power reach 3010.

The cultivation base has never been improved, and the Chaos Spirit Art has never been practiced.

I haven't tried any panacea.

Nine out of ten times that's it.

"At first, I simply thought that it was just a nameless method to control the flame."

"I'm still thinking, if I recognize this master, I don't plan to teach myself the method of spiritual consciousness cultivation."

Xu Yang thinks about it now, when he first cast the nameless method, his spiritual consciousness was inexplicably consumed extremely fast.

Couldn't last even a day, and fell into a coma from exhaustion.

At first Xu Yang thought it was because of his wrong way of practicing, and studied carefully for several days, but he didn't find any problems.

In the end, the operation of the nameless method slowly began to flow smoothly, so Xu Yang didn't think too much about it.

The main reason is that I was really tired those days, so tired that I didn't even have the energy to think about things.

So much so that his consciousness increased, but he didn't even notice it.

After learning that the nameless method is the method of spiritual cultivation, Xu Yang practiced harder and harder every day.

After another week, Guiyang Master returned to Suyue Mountain.

Before Xu Yang went out to meet Master Guiyang, Master Guiyang took the initiative to find Xu Yang.

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