[Evil-Exterminating Silver Flame]

“…What’s so funny?” asked Yomi.

I sat up while removing the rubble covering me.

I wasn’t sure if it was because we were in《World of Oblivion》where ‘filth’ surged, or because he’d been literally training to death before we’d arrived.

I mean, he did say that ‘the more times he died, the stronger he would be’.

There was a possibility he’d had Elysium kill him over and over again, but I digress.

My point was he had grown far more powerful than before, to the point where he could even overpower me in Vermillion Bird Form.

“Well, feeling everyone also doing their best just makes me happy, is all.”

“Hou? That ‘Phoenix Seal’, huh. With it, you can tell the situation of your women in detail, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Yeah. It seems they are having intense fights your comrades.”

“I see. So they are still making futile resistance. What an incorrigible bunch,” said Yomi matter-of-factly.

“You’ve got it wrong,” I got up from amid the rubble and said, “They simply believe. Believe that I definitely will defeat Elysium and take all of them, including Elma, back home safely.”

“Nonsense. How can you hope to defeat our Lord when you can’t even defeat me?”

“Ah, yes. Alone, I may not be able to defeat him now. That’s why I need the power of all saintesses.”

“You’re speaking as though you will have no problem defeating me and proceeding ahead.”

“That’s a matter of course.” I agreed with a nod.

Yomi snorted and said, “I see you are very confident, human. But your defeat is already preordained. Your pathetic condition is enough proof of that.”

“Well, yeah,” I nodded while my body and armor were regenerating with hissing sounds and said, “the way I am now, it’s going to be difficult to defeat you. I’ve gotta say, you’ve grown much stronger. The difference between the past and now you is worlds apart.”

“It’s only natural. After our previous encounter, I’d been dying and resurrecting utilizing my superpower—《Growth Resurrection》for hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of times. Hence now I have gained the power to surpass you.”

“I see. No wonder you’ve got this strong. You’re one amazing guy.

“But,” after canceling Vermillion Bird Form, I said, “You’re misunderstanding something.”

“Misunderstand, you say?”

“Yeah. You have become stronger, yes, I’m not denying that. Vermillion Bird Form is no longer gonna cut it to compete with you.”


“Yes—‘Vermillion Bird Form isn’t gonna cut it’.”

“…What?” Yomi knitted his eyebrows, puzzled.

I calmly stated, “Do you know when I acquired Vermillion Bird Form? It was when I made friends with Magmell—the ‘Staff’ Saintess.”

“What are you getting at?”

“Nothing much, just that she was the second saintess I made friends with—and, that I haven’t acquired a new form since then. 《Superior Arms》which allows me to unite with them doesn’t count.”

“What did you say…?”

“More accurately speaking, I hadn’t had the need to acquire one, I suppose. I myself rarely got into a dangerous situation. My acquiring Vermillion Bird Form was simply because I wanted to move faster to help Magmell, too.”

“…Do you mean to say that you still have ‘higher’ forms?”

“Yeah, that’s correct. And I’m sure I can activate it right now. It’s only natural, isn’t it? I mean, now I have many wives that I’m proud of connected to me through the Phoenix Seal!”


Blaze!Wrapped in violent flames, I concentrated my mind.

I got the feeling that I originally should have acquired new forms step by step.

But thanks to everyone, I was able to become strong enough that I didn’t require them.

Therefore, what I’d be activating now was the strongest form that I could acquire at the moment, skipping every other form in the process.

It was the ultimate combat form that would allow me to oppose the demons who received the full benefits of the ‘filth’ that filled this《World of Oblivion》.

“Look closely. This is—”

BANG! As the ground beneath me sank in a circle, my flames changed from crimson to silver.

“Gh!?” Yomi started to sizzle at that moment, and he took a distance as though running away from me.

In the meantime, I, now clad in silver flame, said, “—Phoenix Form. Anti-demon combat form that turns me into the flame of purification itself.”

“Anti-demon combat form…!?” Yomi couldn’t hide his astonishment even as his body was being purified while raising hissing sounds.

“Do be careful,” I advised him, “As I’m now, I’m no different from the ‘sun’. I don’t want you to get burned off from getting too close to me. Just stay there while I’m purifying all the ‘filth’. I told you, right? I just have to defeat you in a space with no ‘filth’. But if you still have the courage to challenge me, then come at me, demon.”

“Gh, you monster…”

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