[All-Out Battle]




As we drew two trajectories in the sky and collided against each other times and again—

“—Nightmare Southern Cross!!”

SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!! Elysium shot out a black slash that literally split the sea in a cross shape.

The terrifying slash exposed the ocean floor, stretching away as far as beyond the horizon.

If I took it head-on, I wouldn’t get away with just light wounds, so I dodged it at the last moment before instantly closing in on Elysium.

“Grand Ray—Zero Sphere!”


I then used a light-attribute triple sword-drawing Combat Art, but Elysium was able to block it perfectly with his ominous tachi.

It was a transcendence art to burst fire from multiple directions three《Grand Ray Zero》, the fastest and highest-level sword-drawing Combat Art, but I supposed I should say as expected of a genesis god.

“These petty tricks won’t work on me…” Despite the grim face he wore, the move clearly did not affect him.

But without delay I raised my voice and yelled, “Arca!”




At that moment, the flames emitted from my body took the form of Arca’s upper body. In her hand, she was holding the evolved ‘Spear’ Hallowed Sacred Treasure.


“Grand Lunar Force――Meteoriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite!!”



She then struck Elysium with her strongest move—《Grand Lunar Force Meteorite》at point-blank range.

“…Don’t… underestimate me!!”

BANG! Elysium released a blast of energy in all directions with his body as the center, dispersing the《Grand Lunar Force Meteorite》, but…

“—You don’t underestimate us.”


At that point, Zana was already waiting with the evolved ‘Bow’ Hallowed Sacred Treasure.

Naturally, behind her was a gigantic bow and arrow.

“—Grand Full Elemental Descent!!”



Yes, it was《Grand Full Elemental Descent》— the five attributes-synchronized attack that had taken down the blackdollified Canaan.

Back then, we had to take several preparatory steps to activate it, but now that I’d fused with all of the goddesses, we could skip past the preparatory steps and fire it immediately.

BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG!! The ocean water caught up in the explosion along with Elysium, and as it happened, Zana vanished into me.

“I don’t that’s enough to defeat him, but it must have injured him quite a bit.”

But I could still hear her voice, and I nodded at her words. “Yeah. There’s no way he could be unhurt after receiving the strongest Combat Arts of two maximally strengthened saintesses consecutively. I hope it could take out at least one of his arms, but… mm?”

As I was halfway through my sentence, the ocean surface began to swirl.

Unfortunately, it seemed that he still had a lot of energy.

Right then.



All of a sudden, a water dragon that looked like the sea dragon ‘Leviathan’ shot out from the center of the vortex, heading straight toward me.

It was an order of magnitude larger than the Leviathan Seleia-san had transformed into previously.

“That’s a manifestation of the magic art, 《Ancient Dragsedna》! I, the god of water, should be the only one capable of using it! As long as there is still water nearby, it will continue to pursue its target until it has destroyed them. Please be careful!” Sinus-sama warned.

“Understood! Then—Shiva-san!”

“Yes, I know! –Grand Full Adamant Castle!!”

BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!! Shiva-san’s strongest barrier —《Grand Full Adamant Castle》completely blocked the water dragon’s fierce attacks.

Just then.

“Exa!” Ophir warned.

“Yeah, I know!”



Elysium’s slashing attack came from behind me, and I easily blocked it with the ‘Sword’ Hallowed Sacred Treasure.

Of course, Ophir’s warning helped, but I’d also expected him to attack.

After all, normally once《Grand Full Adamant Castle》was activated, the caster couldn’t move until they deactivated it.

As such, I’d figured he’d be aiming for my defenseless back.

But right now, with the power of Susanoo Kamui, we could all individually and simultaneously unleash our strongest moves.

Which was the case with 《Grand Full Adamant Castle》.

Not to mention, the girls all kept a watch on the surroundings at the same time, so I practically had no blind spots.

Such a thing as a surprise attack would never work against me in this state.

“…I see.”

And Elysium seemed to get that as well.

He snorted at me as he said to me, “Fighting while being protected by your women, hmm. How admirable, Savior.”

“Well, they’re not simply my women. Before they are my wives, they are my reliable ‘companions’. Isn’t it only natural that I entrust my back to them? Well, you likely can’t understand that. You have no one to call a companion.”

“Nonsense. Relying on others is something only the weak do. The only thing you can truly rely on is your own strength.”

“Is that so? Then, let me tell you this, o almighty one. The reason why you have yet to accomplish your grand goal, the reason why you have kept failing, again and again, is that you’ve never tried to trust anyone.”

“…What rubbish are you spouting now?” Elysium frowned suspiciously at my words.

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