Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 4: The fake madman is the real delusional person

The biggest difference between fairy and semi-fairy creatures is that fairy creatures have spirits.

For example, there is an immortal object in the Taoist sect called "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans", which has been stored in the Kunlun Cave. It actually gives birth to elves, which can transform into humans, dress up as Taoist nuns, and control the original immortal object on their own. It is very mysterious.

Although this kind of fairy is only a minority among the minority, and most fairy creatures cannot become humans, it is undeniable that fairy creatures are spiritual.

If you are spiritual, you will choose your master and recognize your master. In Confucian terms, the king chooses his ministers, and the ministers choose their king.

The "Heavenly Master's Male and Female Sword" is no exception. Back then, the ancestors of the Zhang family and Earth Master Xu Zu ascended hand in hand at the Kunlun Cave Ascension Platform, and the leftover "Heavenly Master's Male and Female Sword" returned to Dazhen Mansion on its own. This is spirituality.

Strictly speaking, the owner of the "Celestial Master's Male and Female Sword" is not Qi Xuansu or Zhang Yuelu, but the Celestial Master Zhang Wushou.

It was the Celestial Master who lent the "Celestial Master Male and Female Sword" to the two of them. If necessary, the Celestial Master could take it back at any time. Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu had no power or ability to object. This is also the main reason why Qi Xuansu wants to exchange for "Pure Bodhi", so that he can feel at ease when using his own things.

This is Zhang Yuelu's idea: "The Male and Female Sword of the Celestial Master" is the immortal object of the Celestial Master, and it must have some secret connection with the Celestial Master. That's all in ordinary times. The key is that Yi Zangnuo has the status of a god. Ge, his evil fire not only enveloped Qi Xuansu, but also the "Heavenly Master's Male and Female Sword".

A god uses magical evil fire to burn the "Celestial Master's Male and Female Sword". This is no longer a trivial matter of killing heavenly beings. The Celestial Master will definitely sense and react.

The evil fire became more and more fierce. Under the burning of the evil fire, the "Heavenly Master's Male and Female Sword" flickered on and off, and the green and purple brilliance flowed erratically.

As early as the first moment when the broken hand held Qi Xuansu's hand, Qi Xuansu's dharma body had already collapsed. They were both inherited from gods, and magical powers such as dharma body were almost destroyed by high-ranking beings. On the contrary, other methods of inheritance did not exist. An obvious restraint relationship. Fortunately, Qi Xuansu was not a witch, but an immortal who was banished the day after tomorrow. He lost the means of immortal inheritance and other inheritances. He himself did not collapse at the first touch like the dharma body.

Qi Xuansu's expression became more distorted, and the fire in his eyes became more intense.

Whether the "Heart of Immortality Stone" is powerful or not has a great relationship with the host's state of cultivation. It itself will not be affected by the evil fire, but in order to help Qi Xuansu resist the evil fire, it can only continuously draw out Qi Xuansu's divine power.

Soon, the divine power in Qi Xuansu's body had dropped to two thousand seconds. Fortunately, it was just a broken hand. If it was Izanozun in a normal state, this divine power would be consumed in the blink of an eye.

However, the situation in Qi Xuansu's body continued to deteriorate. Just like the two countries were at war, Qi Xuansu continued to abandon cities and lands, and was retreating steadily.

The external manifestation is that there are more and more scorch marks on Qi Xuansu's body, and there are cracks in the scorch marks, like the texture of a talisman, from which a dark red light shines.

The voice that directly acted on Qi Xuansu's heart became louder and louder. It was no longer a simple temptation, but a force to convince others.

At this moment, a hand appeared out of thin air, passed through the evil fire, and grasped the hilt of "Zixia"'s sword.

A figure appeared in front of Qi Xuansu, and the fierce evil fire could not affect him at all.

The next moment, the sword light on the "Zixia" sword began to disperse the evil fire.

It was like when Qi Xuansu lost half of his country, reinforcements suddenly arrived to help Qi Xuansu regain the lost territory and even launch a counterattack.

With the help of external forces, Qi Xuansu finally regained some of his clarity. The evil fire in his eyes gradually weakened, and he could see the figure in front of him clearly.

An old Taoist with white hair and white beard, by the standards of the world, he is more celestial than the Imperial Master, with a somewhat kind expression.

Qi Xuansu opened his mouth and said with difficulty: "Heavenly Master?"

Zhang Yuelu knew that she only had one chance. In order to ensure that she could break through Qi Xuansu's invulnerability, she almost used all her strength. The true energy in her body was completely emptied, and she almost fell to the ground. She could no longer do anything in a short time. .

When "Zixia" pierced Qi Xuansu's abdomen but did not change, Zhang Yuelu's heart almost rose to his throat.

Time passed little by little, and Zhang Yuelu felt that it was so long, as if a hundred years had passed.

For a moment, Zhang Yuelu even suspected that he had made a wrong decision. After all, this was inside the cave, which was isolated from the inside and outside. Maybe the Heavenly Master wouldn't be able to sense it at all.

But Zhang Yuelu thought about it again. If the cave was in a closed state, it would make sense. But here, the cave itself was leaking from all sides, and they had broken the seal. It was impossible to block the interaction between immortals and immortal objects. After all, immortals Things are not comparable to sutra urns and Zimu talismans.

After the Heavenly Master appeared, Zhang Yuelu finally couldn't help but let out a long breath.

She was not wrong in her bet. The word "Celestial Master" in "Celestial Master's Male and Female Sword" was not false. The Heavenly Master could indeed sense abnormalities through the "Celestial Master's Male and Female Sword".

Zhang Yuelu does not doubt whether the Heavenly Master can come. Taiping Dao has the semi-immortal object "Jing Hua Shui Yue", and Zhengdao also has a similar semi-immortal object called "Haotian Mirror". People who are not immortals cannot use it. As long as you hold this mirror, you will see If you can't think about it, you can project a mirror image tens of thousands of miles away, with 80% of the cultivation level of the main body. The disadvantage is that when using the "Haotian Mirror", the main body cannot move at all, and cannot attack at the same time as the mirror image.

Comparing the two, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. "Jing Hua Shui Yue" has a lower threshold, and its efficacy depends on the realm and cultivation level of the person who uses it. The "Haotian Mirror" has a higher threshold and can transmit farther. What's more, the former can bring the true body, but needs a guide, while the latter can only bring the incarnation, and does not need a guide.

At this time, the Heavenly Master came here with the "Haotian Mirror". Although it was only 80% of the cultivation level of the original body, it was just overkill to deal with a severed hand.

In fact, even if Izanozun collected five seal parts, he could not be said to be in full glory. It's just that Izanozun's status is too high, he participated in the creation and perfection of Fenglin Continent, and his connection with Fenglin Continent is too close, so there are so many miraculous things. If we use mystical words, Izanozun possesses the merits of creation and is blessed by luck.

The Heavenly Master faced Qi Xuansu, with his back to Zhang Yuelu, and said in a gentle tone: "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. You little guys are really bold, how dare you tease such an ancient god."

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were both speechless.

It's not that True Monarch Ziguang deceived them, but it proved that True Monarch Ziguang's prediction was very accurate. It was indeed about 50% of the danger, there was a near miss, and the other 50% was saved by the Heavenly Master.

Izanozun's severed hand also sensed the presence of the Celestial Master. His thumb, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger still held Qi Xuansu, and he extended his index finger to point at the Celestial Master.

The rolling evil fire swept towards the Heavenly Master, came to the Heavenly Master, and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

The Heavenly Master did not make any move. There seemed to be an upright lake in front of him. The rolling evil fire was thrown into the lake water, like a mud cow entering the sea, causing many ripples, but it was limited to this. It was not too big. spray.

All the evil fire that attacked the Heavenly Master was dissolved into the most primitive Yin Qi and divine power.

This scene looks very simple, but it is also very shocking. The evil fire that made Feng Linzhou miserable should have no effect in front of the Celestial Master.

In fact, evil fire is like poison. The dose of poison required to poison a person is very different from that of an elephant. The evil fire that can be controlled by a severed hand can make Qi Xuansu helpless, but as a quasi-one-kalpa immortal, Qi Xuansu has no choice. Heavenly Master.

Then the Heavenly Master slowly pulled out the "Zixia" that had penetrated Qi Xuansu's lower abdomen, and at the same time reached out to hold the "Qingyun" around Qi Xuansu's waist.

The two swords returned to their master's hands and trembled one after another.

The sword in the box roars all the time, and I swear not to pass it on unless I meet my colleagues.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were not recognized by the "Celestial Master's Male and Female Sword" and could not be considered as colleagues. The key to being able to use the "Celestial Master's Male and Female Sword" was the help of the Heavenly Master, so every time they used the "Celestial Master's Male and Female Sword" To withstand the great pressure from the "Tianshi Male and Female Sword" itself, the two swords were used three times in a short period of time, almost crushing the two of them. But there is no pressure at all in the hands of the Heavenly Master, not because the Heavenly Master has a higher level of cultivation, but because the Heavenly Master has been recognized by the "Celestial Master's Male and Female Sword".

The two swords in the Heavenly Master's hands crossed, and two rays of sword light were cut out, intertwined to form the character "乂".

The sword light was like scissors, cutting off Izanozun's hand from the wrist, and billowing flames burst out from the broken position like a volcano erupting. ..

The palm fell to the ground, and the five fingers slowly loosened, and Qi Xuansu rolled out of the grasp of the palm.

But soon, the palm stood up again, and was rejoined with the arm under the pull and casting of the evil fire. At first, traces similar to those of welding and recasting could be seen at the broken part of the wrist. Soon these traces disappeared without a trace and remained intact as before.

It is not unreasonable that Mahavairocana just divided Izanozun into five parts and sealed them separately.

After Qi Xuansu was freed from the control of the severed hand, he failed to get up immediately. He knelt on the ground and coughed violently. Flames continued to pour out of his seven orifices. At the same time, he coughed up many lumpy objects from his body, which seemed to be burned red. The sword wound on his abdomen had not healed, and something like magma flowed out of it.

Zhang Yuelu subconsciously wanted to help Qi Xuansu up, but within his reach, he felt as if he was touching a soldering iron, making a hissing sound.

Zhang Yuelu ignored the burning pain and looked at the Heavenly Master: "Ah Weng!"

To be fair, Zhang Yuelu rarely asked for help, even from his elders, which showed that he was really in a hurry this time.

The Heavenly Master smiled: "It doesn't matter."

After saying that, the Heavenly Master held two swords in his right hand and drew a circle with his free left hand. A purple electric ball emerged from his palm, and then he pressed his palm on the top of Qi Xuansu's head, pouring the thunder and lightning into Qi Xuansu's body.

At first glance, Qi Xuansu seemed to be electrified.

The evil fires that were raging in Qi Xuansu's body were immediately suppressed by the purple electricity and soon disappeared.

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