Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 7 Chen Jianchou

The Ise War is over, but the Fenglinzhou War is not yet over. In addition to pressuring the royal family to surrender, there is one more thing that needs to be resolved.

Before the February offensive, Master Qingwei personally drew up a list, mainly targeting the various ghosts and gods in Fenglinzhou. It was divided into three parts: those that could be recruited, those that must be eliminated, and those that were not moved for the time being. Not to mention the part that is not moving for the time being, the top three that can be recruited are Tamamo Mae, Suzuka Gozen, and Ibaraki Doji. Now that all three parties have surrendered, it can be said that Domon has initially achieved its goal in recruiting people. Next It’s time to solve the part that must be eliminated.

First, we need to define what must be eliminated. First, those who are stubborn and resolutely stand against the Taoist sect. Second, they cause great harm to a certain area, affect the safety of civilians, and hinder farming and commerce. ..

There is a big demon that just takes advantage of these two points - Yamata no Orochi.

First of all, Yamata no Orochi is under the control of Tianmen, and unlike Tamamo-mae, who has a relationship background in Qingqiu Mountain, he naturally stands firmly on the opposite side of Daomen.

Secondly, the Yamata-no-Orochi has been entrenched in Izumo Country for many years, not only hindering transportation, but also eating living people, which can be regarded as causing great harm.

So the Taoist sect decided to kill the Yamata no Orochi to get rid of this scourge. Su Zhanwu Zun's killing of the Yamata-no-Orochi has been sung for thousands of years. After the Taoist sect successfully killed the Yamata-no-Orochi, it was natural to publicize it to strengthen the legitimacy and legitimacy of the Taoist sect's rule.

In fact, the people in the East have always been very realistic. What is destiny, that is, just shouting it verbally, but in their bones they do not recognize the divine right of kings, let alone the bloodline. Don't they know that princes, generals, and Xiangning have the guts? Whether it is orthodox or not, the key lies in merit. Either it opens up territory externally, or it allows people to live and work in peace and contentment internally. This is meritorious and the greatest orthodoxy.

Dao Sect naturally has this consideration as well.

So after the February offensive ended successfully, Master Qingwei asked the Zanhua painters in the camp to draft a preliminary plan for killing the Yamata no Orochi.

For the Taoist sect, killing monsters in the immortal stage is not a big deal. First, monsters cannot be compared with humans. At the same level of cultivation, immortals are always stronger. Secondly, there were not a few immortals or monsters who died in the hands of Daomen. The dragon clan was almost wiped out. Daomen was already familiar with the road, not to mention a mere Yamata-no-Orochi.

Throughout the ages, being organized is better than being unorganized.

Therefore, after receiving the order, the Zanhuas read various files from the Horinzhou Prefecture, Toyotomi Prime Minister's Palace, and Ise Shrine, sorting out the various magical habits of the Yamata-no-Orochi and the geographical conditions of Izumo Country. The dragon-slaying plan of that year was transferred from Yujing, and then modified on the basis of the dragon-slaying plan. A preliminary plan to kill the Yamata no Orochi was completed. However, in the follow-up, it will still need to be discussed, reviewed and revised by Qingweizhenren and other Taoist senior officials.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were not involved in drafting the plan because they were allowed to rest. Yao Pei was mainly responsible for this aspect.

There are specialties in the art. "Heavenly calculation" is not only used to fight with people, but can also be used in other aspects, including but not limited to playing chess and cards. Yao Pei's calculation power is used in this kind of written work that requires a large amount of data to support. It's just right.

In this regard, there are not many records from Toyotomi Prime Minister's Office and Horinzhou Prefecture, and more about Izumo Kingdom. However, Ise Shrine has a lot of records about Yamata no Orochi. This is why I conquered Ise first. The benefits of momentum.

After the fall of Ise Shrine, all its internal files and archives were accepted by the Taoist sect, and there were also some righteous people among them, which provided a great help in this regard.

According to common sense, except for immortals, the more powerful the existence, the more profound the impact on the environment where it is located.

In the past, when the Taoist sect had not massacred dragons, dragons would often land on the shore. Where they passed, there would be heavy winds and rains, even violent storms, and flooding. If they were not careful, they would end up in Qianli Zeguo. This is the impact that dragons have on the environment.

When God Lu Wu appears in his true form, the huge amount of energy and blood heat generated unintentionally during his breathing can burn out all ghosts and ghosts. If God Lu Wu stays in one place for too long, the vegetation there will absorb Lu Wu. It was not God Lu Wu's original intention for the God's blood to escape, but it naturally affected everything around him.

This is also the reason why strange phenomena often occur in legendary places where mythical beasts live, such as dragon caves and phoenix nests. According to legend, there are even people who believe in dragons. All tribesmen live in the place where dragons sleep, absorbing the breath of dragons over the years, and even the tribesmen have grown scales on their bodies.

From Daomen's point of view, this is a kind of "pollution", or "infection", just like a person infected with a disease. Although this infection will allow people to acquire very thin dragon blood, gain some magical powers, and enhance their physical strength, it will also change their minds and make them worship and obey the dragons, just like a person killed by a tiger will turn into a corpse. Ghost is equivalent to a puppet.

At that time, God Lu Wu was surrounded by a large number of strange beasts called "Tulu", with sheep's heads and four corners, and a large number of sacred birds called "Qinyuan", which were shaped like bees and as big as mandarin ducks. If stung by it, any bird or beast will die, and any tree will wither. This is actually what some birds and beasts have become after being contaminated by the blood of God Lu Wu.

The difference between immortals and mythical beasts is that they know how to hold back but not let go. Even as early as the stage of heavenly beings, they began to do this intentionally and pay attention to seeing the big golden sword in a small area. However, when the immortal no longer deliberately restrains his aura, various strange phenomena will appear, such as the terrifying true form of the immortal, the golden body of the immortal, etc.

The Yamata no Orochi is no exception. The area where it is located is shrouded by a large amount of clouds and fog all year round, which confuses perception and is equivalent to a certain formation. When Qi Xuansu and others' flying boat deviated from the direction, there may be some human factors, and this cannot be ruled out. Due to the interference of factors, even the word "cloud" in Izumo Kingdom and the word "cloud" in "Amancong Yunjian" came from this.

These clouds and mist will greatly hinder the Daomen's use of flying boats. Either the Daomen will use the mobile formation carried on the "Yinglong" to forcibly disperse the clouds and mist, or they will abandon the flying boats and launch an attack from land.

This also involves the local terrain. Qi Xuansu has been there before. It is mountainous, with high mountains and dense forests. It is difficult to transport artillery in, and it is also difficult for Xuanjia heavy cavalry to fight in the mountains.

In this case, the only way is to mobilize elite combat forces to strangle. This method is not impossible, but it is best to understand the weakness of Yamata no Orochi.

When Suzhanwu Zun killed the Yamata-no-Orochi, he had not yet become a god. The reason why he was able to kill the Yamata-no-Orochi alone was because he got the Yamata-no-Orochi drunk first.

This has to mention a very magical thing, which Tianmen calls "spirit poison wine", the meaning is straightforward and simple. Two people once fell into this trap. The first one was Yamata-no-Orochi, who was drunk and killed by Su Zhanwu Zun, who had not yet become a god. The second one was Shuten Doji, who also died after drinking the "divine poison wine". He got drunk and was eventually decapitated in his drunken state.

However, Taoist sects cannot use this trick, and not to mention that Taoist sects do not have such a thing as "spirit poison wine". Even if there is, Yamata no Orochi will not be fooled a second time after it has already been fooled once. You must know that whether Su Zhanwu Zun or Genji, they first gain the trust of the other party and make the other party relax their vigilance, and then trick the other party into drinking the "spirit poison wine" instead of force-feeding the wine. If there is force-feeding, With his own ability, he can naturally kill him directly.

Looking at the many great demons defeated by Tianmen and the imperial family, except for Tamamo Mae who was besieged to death, the other great demons all lost unjustly. Yamata no Orochi and Shuten Doji were killed after being drunk, and Otakemaru was killed. He fell into a beauty trap and lost the "Sanming Sword". It can be seen that state cultivation is never the only factor that determines victory or defeat.

Yao Pei and other Zanhua unanimously believed that it was basically impossible to kill the Yamata no Orochi through deception. If you want to imitate the method of siege of Tamamo Mae, not to mention whether the "public opinion" within Domon can accept the large number of casualties that may occur, geographical factors do not support this method. So the final plan was to use a small number of elites to kill Yamata no Orochi.

The elites here are at least heavenly and above.

However, the first level of heavenly beings can only be used as a containment, and the main attacker must be a pseudo-immortal or a created heavenly being.

The Yamata-no-Orochi, as its name suggests, has eight heads. According to the records of Ise Shrine, these eight heads can continue to regenerate. Unless all eight of its heads can be chopped off at the same time, it will be difficult to kill the Yamata-no-Orochi.

This requires eight masters of the first level of pseudo-immortals or created gods, each holding a half-immortal-level weapon. When the other gods restrain the Yamata no Orochi, they take action at the same time and cut off the corresponding heads.

As for Qingwei Zhenren, he has many things to do and wants to focus on the royal family and will not personally participate. The great master Zhang Qihan will go to the Satsuma Domain to meet the Satsuma swordsman. This time, the master of the Fenglinzhou Taoist House, the master of the Fenglinzhou Dao Mansion, Jing Tianming, will be responsible for killing the Yamata no Orochi.

This Master Shenzhi has a close relationship with the royal family. His ancestor was the founding hero of the Daxuan Dynasty. He once served as the real person in charge of Liaodong Taoist government. Later, the situation in Fenglinzhou continued to deteriorate, and he was transferred to Fenglinzhou as the real person in charge. , acts more vigorously and resolutely, but Fenglinzhou Taoist Mansion is special. The real person in charge is the person with the greatest power. After Zhenren Qingwei arrived in Fenglinzhou, Zhenren Qingwei was the main one, so the existence of this real person in charge The feeling is not very high.

Yao Pei drafted a list. In addition to the real person in charge of the palace, Jing Tianming, who personally went into battle, there were also the second deputy palace master Li Tiangang, the third deputy palace master Yun Fengxing, and two first-grade spiritual officers, namely Jiachen Lingguan and Ding Wei. Lingguan and Jiashenlingguan are responsible for commanding the army and cannot participate. The Chief Deputy Palace Master, Tamamozen and others have their own errands, and Suzuka Gozen cannot leave Suzuka Mountain. At most, there is another Yagyu Munamasa, which is still two people short. Yao Pei and Li Changge can be considered a good fortune, but there is still one person missing.

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