Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 9 Whose world

If Ise is the territory of Himiyahuzon, then Izumo Kingdom is the territory of Suzhanwuzon. In the past, people in the Taoist sect would have to be on guard against the divine descending of Suzhanwu Zun, but fortunately, the Imperial Master personally defeated the human incarnation of Sanguizi, making it impossible for him to come to the world in a short period of time, which relieved the Taoist sect from worries. .

Qi Xuansu felt somewhat emotional when he revisited his old place. Along the way, he told Zhang Yuelu in detail how he was "in trouble" in Izumo Country based on the terrain below.

After the flying boat landed, many people came to greet it. Qi Xuansu saw many familiar faces among them, including Lu Yuting, Qian Daren, etc. These people almost died at the mouth of the Yamata no Orochi, so they, like Qi Xuansu, came for revenge. However, he did not directly participate in the battle, but assisted from the side.

The group did not stay too long. Under the leadership of Jing Tianming, they went directly to the mountain range where the Yamata-no-Orochi was located. As expected, it was covered by clouds and fog, and the ground was fine. The line of sight in the air could not exceed more than ten feet at most. It was difficult to send a flying boat. Useful.

The Yamata no Orochi is hiding behind this cloud.

These clouds and mist can even play a role similar to the "Five Qi Smoke" and are a means of defense. Therefore, the Daomen specially prepared a "Yinglong", not for combat, but to disperse the clouds and mist. .

"Yinglong" has to keep running the formation all the time in order to make the clouds and mist lighten. Once it stops, the clouds and mist will immediately appear again, so this "Yinglong" cannot directly participate in the battle. And even so, there is still a hazy feeling of clouds and fog, which is very unsuitable for large-scale use of flying boats.

As the clouds and fog faded, the mountain peaks gradually revealed their true appearance. I saw a turquoise lake on the top of the highest peak. Its structure is similar to Tianchi. Legend has it that the body of Yamata no Orochi can fill eight valleys. However, most of these peerless monsters can be big or small, so they usually don’t Maintaining such a huge body size is usually done according to convenience. Just like Tamamo Mae, she doesn't turn into a big fox and walk around the city.

At this time, Yamata no Orochi could no longer remain indifferent. A violent and ferocious aura came from the bottom of the lake, and a waterspout exploded above the blue lake, rising up.

When the waterspout dissipated, it was revealed to be a huge snake head, with a pair of vertical pupils looking at the Taoist people with evil intentions.

For an instant, anyone who comes into contact with the snake's eyes will feel dizzy, or even worse, as if they have lost their soul.

Yamata no Orochi appears.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third snake heads came out of the water, causing strong winds and huge waves on the lake.

Legend has it that when Su Zhanwu Zun deceived the Yamata-no-Orochi, the Yamata-no-Orochi emerged from the strong wind and waves, seemingly possessing some kind of dragon nature. Looking at it again now, the head of the Yamata no Orochi does indeed look like a dragon's head, but it lacks the dragon's horns, its eyes are blood red, and its dark snake scales are covered with various strange patterns, as if it is some kind of talisman, possessing the power to seize the soul. able.

Soon, all eight snake heads came out of the water, leaving only the body hidden under the water. The eight heads were sixteen bloody eyes. There was no spirituality at all, only violence.

The eight heads looked in all directions, and the gazes emanating from the blood-stained eyes seemed to be real.

Today's Qi Xuansu is no longer the Qi Xuansu who first arrived in Fenglin Continent, but he is still intimidated by its huge momentum. The immortal monsters do not have the magical powers of immortals. Except for a few races with extraordinary talents such as the dragon tribe and the fox tribe, the rest Monsters can only fight with their innate talents. But the monster has a great advantage, that is, it is born with huge blood and powerful body. Its size is directly linked to its level. The higher the cultivation level, the bigger the size. For example, after Tamamo Mae showed her true body, the same thing happened. Like a giant beast. Even the Fox Clan, who are not good at hand-to-hand combat, can compare with the warriors of the Human Clan. Qi Xuansu has personally verified this with the Su family.

This is not the first time Qi Xuansu has seen Yamata no Orochi, but the last time he saw it was just the tip of the iceberg, which was far less intuitive than it is now.

At this time, in Qi Xuansu's eyes, the Yamata no Orochi seemed to be the sun. This was not a miracle, but the result of the overflow of strong blood. Qi Xuansu has seen many immortal immortals, mainly heavenly immortals, earth immortals, and gods. He has never seen any human immortals, so this is the first time he has seen such a powerful and terrifying blood energy.

He can also understand why Lu Wushen's breath can make the ghosts dissipate. Just the Yamata no Orochi in the immortal stage has such vitality. If replaced by Lu Wushen, who is comparable to the Second Tribulation Sage, how strong his vitality is. It's unimaginable.

The Yamata-no-Orochi slowly surfaced, and its snake body was also revealed. The abdomen where the eight snake heads and eight snake tails were connected has been ulcerated, and blood is constantly flowing, but it does not dye the lake water red, but dyes it almost dark green. At that time, Suzhanwuzun cut open the belly of the Yamata no Orochi and obtained one of the three major artifacts, the "Amancongyun Sword", and dedicated it to his sister, Himiyahuzun.

After the Yamata no Orochi fully appeared, an eight-colored cloud appeared above its head. Then mist dropped from the eight-colored clouds, shrouding the Yamata no Orochi.

Then the Yamata no Orochi jumped hard and rushed towards "Yinglong" who was dispersing the clouds and mist.

What greets Yamata no Orochi is a shot of "Dragon Eyes Koji".

There is also a "Yinglong" covering in the distance.

The huge explosion not only opened a gap in the billowing clouds, but the dazzling fire instantly engulfed Yamata no Orochi. The ripples caused by the explosion spread in all directions, and even indirectly had the effect of dispersing the clouds.

When the fire light dissipated, the appearance of Yamata-no-Orochi was revealed again. Apart from some scorch marks on its body, there were no obvious injuries.

The Taoist sect had already expected this. Even if "Dragon Eye Jia Er" could damage the immortal stage, it would not be a matter of one shot. This "Dragon Eye Jia Er" was just attacking instead of defending, so there was no pursuit.

Yao Pei said: "It seems that the records of Ise Shrine are correct. The eight-color dark clouds of the Yamata-no-Orochi and the Qingyun of the banished sage have the same purpose. They can greatly weaken the attack of firearms. If you want to break through the Yamata-no-Orochi's Eight-colored clouds can only rely on semi-immortal or even immortal beings."

There are many semi-immortal objects in the Taoist sect, but there are not so many weapon-like semi-immortal objects that are thrown into the snake-slaying battlefield of Izumo Country. Many of the semi-immortal objects play a supporting role. However, Ise Shrine stores a large number of semi-immortal objects, including Fenglinzhou's "Five Swords of the World".

When the imperial family sent Minamoto to kill Shuten-dōji and cut off Shuten-dōji's head, the sword Yasutuna used was also named "Dōji Kiri Yasutsuna", which is the same as "Kunimaru Kunitsuna" and "Odori Taimitsu". , "Mikazuki Munechika" and "Sumaru Tsuneji" are also known as the "Five Swords of the World".

These five swords are all collected in Ise Shrine. For Taoism, these swords cannot be compared with immortal objects such as "Gong Candle Staff" and "Human World", and they are too "brittle" and easily damaged. It was a defective product. Qi Xuansu exchanged two pieces for one and used his connections to show the difference, but it was just right for killing snakes.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu have the immortal sword "Tianshi Male and Female Sword" and do not need it. Yao Pei and Li Changge each have half-immortal swords. Jiachen Lingguan has "Dragonfly Cut" and do not need it. They are mainly used by the other five people.

Among them, Jing Tianming uses "Douzi Kiriyanzuna", Li Tiangang uses "Onimaru Kunizuna", Yun Fengxing uses "Daidian Taiguangse", Ding Weilinguan uses "Mikazuki Munechika", and Yagyu Somasa uses "Shujumaru Tsuneji".

For Daomen, killing Yamata no Orochi is inevitable. The key is to achieve no casualties. In fact, it is not a big problem to have injuries. The key is that no one should die. This is also a problem after the Dao Sect enters Fenglin Continent. It is not difficult to pacify Fenglin Continent. The key is the issue of casualties. If the casualties are too great, they will be counterattacked by the "public opinion" within the Taoist sect.

The body of the Yamata-no-Orochi began to grow bigger and bigger, just like in the legend, its eight heads are like eight mountain peaks, its eight tails are like eight valleys, and people are as small as ants in front of it.

Yamata no Orochi's vitality has further grown, and its defense is perfect and invincible.

Its eight-color cloud is similar to Qingyun. It can be greatly immune to the damage of real dead objects and can only be broken through relatively idealistic means. However, its huge blood energy breaks the illusion. Just its strong blood energy can make it in the pseudo-immortal stage. It is difficult for the following spells to work, and the pseudo-immortal spells are also greatly reduced. Only attacking with real means can break the blood.

This is contradictory, so we can only use semi-immortal weapons that are both real and idealistic to break through the defense. The ultimate of this type of immortal weapon is "Knocking on the Heavenly Gate". It is true because it is indeed visible and tangible. The long sword obtained is extremely sharp, said to be idealistic, and it can resonate with the heaven and earth, mysterious and mysterious.

It's just that Yamata no Orochi also has unparalleled regeneration ability, and can regenerate even if its head is decapitated. And coupled with its huge body, the wounds left by the immortal soldiers are too insignificant.

This requires proper arrangements, and eventually all the heads of the Yamata-no-Orochi can be cut off at the same time to completely kill the Yamata-no-Orochi.

Just wanting to do this is not easy either.

Although the Yamata-no-Orochi does not know the magic of great success and does not have immortals, it is far from being as difficult to deal with as Higuchi Hiroko, but with its huge power to move mountains and seas, its ability to regenerate even if its head is decapitated, and its near-perfect defense, it can It is enough to crush and sweep most enemies below the immortality stage.

This is using force to defeat skill.

At this moment, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared. The sea of ​​clouds was boiling, and was actually dyed with a hazy purple atmosphere. At the same time, the ground below was also constantly surging with green air. The clouds and mist that persist all year round rotate like a whirlpool, extending toward the ground like a huge funnel, with the potential to connect the sky and the earth. Continuously,

Then the purple energy and the green energy merged into one, turning into a mighty sword light and slashing towards the Yamata no Orochi.

This is when Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu jointly used the two swords to use the power of immortals to forcefully break through the eight-colored clouds around the Yamata no Orochi and clear the way for others.

Moreover, the Taoist sect came prepared this time. It was not as hasty as before. The Taoist sect specially prepared a "Changchun Huitian Formation" for the two of them, which was specially designed to restore the loss, not only to restore the true energy, but also to restore the mental and physical consumption. , it is necessary to keep the two of them in peak condition and able to fight for a long time.

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