Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 38 Giving Gifts

If Qi Xuansu had some intention of visiting incognito in Bai Nang Ben Prefecture, then he was open and aboveboard in Lion City. He met with Lin Dadu Hu and Jia Yin Lingguan successively, and walked around Lion City accompanied by a deputy duhu of Nan Ting Du Hu Prefecture.

This is the most prosperous port in the entire Nanyang, and it cannot be sloppy.

The local tyrants also gave face and put on a big show to welcome Qi Cixi to visit, and even expressed their feelings.

As early as when the rumor that Qi Xuansu was going to take office in Borneo Daofu just came out, they had already inquired clearly that Qi Cixi had been engaged to the noble lady of the Zhang family, was chaste, and had a wealthy family. Apart from other things, he was able to purchase a house in Taishangfang for the purpose of marriage, which was not something that ordinary people could do, so it was not easy to make a fuss about money and sex, and he would not want it even if he was given it.

This is reasonable. There are many people who are lustful and greedy in the Taoist sect, but their positions are not particularly high. At least, it is not common at the first level of the real person. It is not that all the real people are clean-handed, but they know how to cherish their feathers and will not be ugly.

Take Qi Jiaozheng, the real person of Wan Miao, for example. In addition to the regular silver from the Taoist sect, he has no other income. Let alone exploitation and embezzlement, he would not accept money even if it was given to him directly. But how can the Qi family maintain the style of a big family? That's to ask Qi Muyu. As for how Qi Muyu supports the expenses of the Qi family, is she a genius in business? Of course not, but because the identity of the real person of Wan Miao is there, the Qi family stands behind, so that they can be successful. The two complement each other and are indispensable.

To put it bluntly, the face must be bright and not stained with any dust. The inside must support the face, and then rely on the face to support yourself.

In fact, it is not just the Qi family. Most of the other major families are in this form, and family members perform their duties. Li Tianlan is the second deputy lord of Jiangnan Daofu, while Li Tianyue does business and travels along the Grand Canal. Li Changge is rising step by step in the Daoist sect, while Li Tianzhen takes over the family's internal business. It doesn't matter whether he goes to Yujing or not.

These young people from aristocratic families naturally don't have to worry about these "trivial matters". With the support of their families, they don't have to be tempted. Taoists from ordinary families are not so lucky. They are often torn between temptation and ethics, and they are searching up and down. After all, the hard life is hard to bear. Who doesn't want to enjoy it?

It's like when Mr. Gao gave money, Qi Xuansu, who was afraid of poverty, had to struggle in his heart. If it was Li Changge, a child from aristocratic family who was determined to be the head of the sect, he wouldn't even look at it.

Of course, Wang Danqing, a child from aristocratic family who was not interested in Daoism, was another matter.

These outsiders far away in Nanyang certainly didn't know that Qi Xuansu had come from poverty. In their opinion, he must have been supported by a nobleman when he was young. Since he was a nobleman, he must not lack Taiping money. Qi Cixi settled down in Taishangfang, which also proved this. In short, this Qi Cixi must have a good background, but they just couldn't find it out. On the other hand, the reason why they couldn't find it out also proved the strength of the family behind him.

Such a person is going for the real person of the Advisory and the Great Real Person of the Pingzhang, and he would never accept the gift in public.

So they racked their brains to prepare a big gift for Qi Cixi. In addition to the open battle to give Qi Cixi enough face, someone found out that Qi Cixi loved to play Xuansheng cards when he was in the Taoist Palace, so they specially invited famous card players in Nanyang. They had explained in advance that they must serve Qi Cixi well and definitely not win, but they also couldn't let Qi Cixi see the traces of giving in. This is like playing a draw, which is a great test of skill.

These wealthy merchants also prepared several sets of special Xuansheng cards made of rattan paper. Generally speaking, the imperial court used white rattan paper to announce imperial edicts and promulgate imperial decrees, while the Taoist recommendation words used green rattan paper. Because Qi Cixi was a Taoist, these Xuansheng cards were made of special green rattan paper, with imitations of the Qiongqi blood-written pattern text, and each card was a talisman. If jade, jadeite or crystal were used to make cards, it would appear too luxurious and inevitably inferior, and it would be easily rejected. Paper is an elegant object, a matter of literati, or a matter of scholars, and it would never be taboo.

After the game of cards is over, it is natural to send the cards away, just as a "memorabilia".

Of course, it will never be a competition, but a small episode, a small entertainment activity, which will not take too long, at most half an hour. Let a few players perform for Qi Cixi first, and then let Qi Cixi play a few games himself to have fun. .

They specially renovated a shop to sell Xuansheng cards and allow people to play cards in it, similar to the chess club in the past, claiming to be the first card club in Nanyang. Qi Cixi will definitely be interested after hearing this, and when he leads Qi Cixi to visit, he will take the opportunity to suggest playing a few games. Those players who prepared in advance appeared in this place, which did not seem abrupt at all. It was reasonable for the players to be in the card shop. This set did not leave any traces, everything was so natural. It's like writing an article, without a single word, it is full of elegance.

Otherwise, how to say, the most clever hunters always appear in the form of prey.

Whether it is the people above who hunt them, or they hunt the people above, it is hard to say.

In fact, Qi Xuansu did not expect it. It was not until he saw the "souvenir" sent over that he reacted and had to sigh in his heart: "It's hard to guard against."

What is it called racking your brains? This is it.

Qi Xuansu took the set of Xuansheng cards and smiled: "Local specialty? Souvenir?"

A wealthy businessman said: "This is a common practice."

Qi Xuansu said: "Routine? I think it's better to have less of this kind of routine."

Qi Xuansu did not refuse this "souvenir", but instead of receiving it in his pocket, he asked Ke Qingqing to seal it up and then hand it over to the Taoist government. Some Nanyang dignitaries often presented some gifts to the Borneo Taoist government. Most of them were rare treasures, gorgeous and exquisite, and the Taoist government could not refuse them, so they opened a special exhibition hall in the large library of Thang Long House to display these gifts. Place it in the exhibition hall and mark who donated it and who received it.

In this way, Qi Xuansu turned a personal gift of giving someone a handle into a gift to the Taoist government.

Then Qi Xuansu explained to Ke Qingqing: "Regarding the gift-giving thing, please pay attention. There is indeed such a bad trend in Taoism nowadays. Some secretaries are also taking advantage of it, and they are very rich. I hope you don't covet these things. "If someone wants to give me a gift through you, you should refuse it. If you really can't refuse it, let them come and talk to me directly."

"Yes." Ke Qingqing quickly wrote it down.

Qi Xuansu planned to stay in Lion City for two days. On the afternoon of the second day, he paid a special visit to Hu Fuli of Taiping Bank Nanyang Head Office. He was also accompanied by Hu Fuli's deputy, Zhou Yonghe and Zhou Xiangli.

Qi Xuansu did not wear a crane cloak, but wore a Taoist robe and casual clothes. By coincidence, Hu Fuli was also wearing casual clothes today, which seemed to mean that today's conversation had nothing to do with business and was just a private meeting.

Obviously, although Hu Fuli gave Qi Xuansu a soft nail, he did not want to be hostile to Qi Xuansu. He was deliberately repairing the relationship.

Qi Xuansu also brought a gift to Hu Fuli - he was not just messing around during his stay in Yujing.

Qi Xuansu signaled Ke Qingqing to take out the gift: "It's a small gift to express my feelings. I hope Assistant Hu won't dislike it."

Hu Fuli stood up and said solemnly: "I hope that I can forgive you. Hu never dares to accept courtesy from others."

Qi Xuansu always had a smile on his face: "I recommend myself to others. I naturally understand that Hu Fuli is honest and prudent. But today's gift is not just the intention of me, Qi Xuansu. I also ask Hu Fuli to take a look first. If Hu Fuli After reading it and still rejecting it, I will take it back and return it to the original owner.”

Ke Qingqing placed a gift box on the table and waited respectfully.

Hu Fuli thought for a moment, then reached out and opened the gift box. Inside was a painting.

Hu Fuli carefully unfolded the scroll and was surprised. He was a knowledgeable person and blurted out: "This is the "Arhat in Red" by Mr. Shui Jing during the Jin Dynasty."

Qi Xuansu said with admiration: "Hu Fuli is really discerning, please appreciate it."

Hu Fuli looked at the painting carefully: "It is an authentic work. To put it tackily, putting this painting on the market will cost at least 100,000 Taiping. This gift is too expensive, and Hu will never dare to accept it."

Qi Xuansu just said: "Please ask Hu Fuli to finish reading the painting."

Hu Fuli had no choice but to continue reading.

Soon, Hu Fuli saw the location of the signature and was shocked again.

It doesn’t matter whether the poem is written on the painting or the artist’s signature. The key is that this is the place where collectors from past dynasties have stamped their seals.

What caught my eye was a seal with the words: "The master of Jianxinzhai will give you a clear reward."

Who is the master of Jianxinzhai?

It is none other than the real person of Cihang, Su Yuanyi.

As Qi Xuansu's prospective mother-in-law, Cihang also prepared some things for Qi Xuansu's trip to Southeast Asia, but the emphasis was different from that of Donghua.

This is not a question of rejecting Qi Xuansu.

As the saying goes, gifts from elders cannot be denied.

Although Confucianism has gone far away, the ideas of Confucianism are still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Most of the time, "respect" and "eldest" are closely linked. The king is the father of the king. The king is the father of the world. This This is the core of Confucianism.

No matter how much Taoism shouts about equality, it is impossible to erase this deep-rooted concept.

The status of Hu Fuli and Qi Xuansu was still at the same level, but when they met Master Cihang, they were juniors. This seniority has nothing to do with generations of disciples, but is only related to position and power.

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "Hu Fuli, you are from Luzhou. Your ancestor was a famous anti-Japanese official in the previous dynasty. Cihang Zhenren is from Jiangzhou. Luzhou is not far from Jiangzhou. It is separated by a river. Whether it is the former dynasty or this country, During the dynasty, Luzhou, Jiangzhou, and Wuzhou were all under the jurisdiction of Jiangnan Governor. In this way, Hu Fuli and Cihang were still from the same hometown. This friendship is always precious, especially when Hu Fuli is away all the time. "

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