Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 51 Little Ghost and Old Fairy

Zhang Yuelu actually doesn't like this title, but she can't say much to the assistants of Tianshi. After all, Tianshi has already accepted the title "Old Master" by default. Following this logic, she is not the eldest lady. She can't Go beyond the Celestial Master to deny the title "Miss".

However, this is not the Da Zhen Mansion after all, and Zhang Yuelu still has the right to express his own opinion: "In general, it is better to be more formal."

Lin Yuanmiao nodded and said, "Okay, Miss."

Zhang Yuelu was silent for a moment: "Forget it, you can call me whatever you like."

Xiao Yin put his head to the brain and asked, "Do you need to address your job title in a formal occasion?"

Zhang Yuelu glanced at her in slight surprise: "You know quite a lot."

"That's natural." Xiao Yin said proudly, "Old Lin, learn from this. In the future, don't call me eldest lady, call me Zhang Zhizhi."

Zhang Yuelu kept these two living treasures silent for a long time.

Xiao Yin didn't like to fly to the sky and escape to the earth. Although she could fly, she still climbed up the railing on her hands and feet, stood on it, opened her hands, faced the sea, and recited loudly: "Ah, the sun... ah, sunflower, ah, You... are tired, ah, you are counting... ah!"

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Who did you learn this from?"

"Those red and yellow hairs," Xiao Yin said, "That's how they read poems."

"Is this also called poetry? What about the rhythm of oblique and oblique rhymes?" Zhang Yuelu didn't agree - her conservatism was not limited to her clothes, but in all aspects. She was such a smart person and could learn the Dacheng method, but she couldn't speak Western. , it can be seen that it is not that you cannot learn, but that you are unwilling to learn.

Xiao Yin opened his hands, kept his balance, walked up and down the railing, and said, "Since Zhang Zhizhi doesn't like it, then I won't read it."

"By the way, Zhang Zhizhi, what are we eating today? Is there any seafood? I heard that there is dragon meat in the sky and donkey meat on the ground. I have already eaten dragon meat. Is there any donkey meat?"

Zhang Yuelu finally realized how Qi Xuansu occasionally got irritable when facing Xiao Yin. This child had a cute side, but he was also quite annoying sometimes.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Xiao Yin, if you dare to call me Zhang Zhizhi again, I will call you Yin Dabai from now on."

Xiao Yin curled his lips: "You said it yourself. You address your position in formal occasions, and now you lose your temper. It's boring."

Zhang Yuelu could only use his trump card: "If you say one more thing, I will send you back to the cave of the ghost country right now."

Xiao Yin quickly covered her mouth with her hands: "No more, no more."

Xiao Yin is quite good at distinguishing the serious from the serious. Qi Xuansu always talks about being tough, but in fact he is not willing to deal harsh blows and mostly uses scaring. Zhang Yuelu usually doesn't say harsh words, but once he does say harsh words, he means what he says and won't make fun of you.

Xiao Yin doesn't want to go back to the ghost country Cave Sky. It's like a prison, lifeless and meaningless. It's so interesting outside. There are all kinds of people, black hair, yellow hair, red hair, and so on. There are all kinds of delicious food, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water. She is not willing to go back. Whoever wants to go back will go back.

Interrupted by Xiao Yin, Zhang Yuelu almost forgot about his business and said: "Old Lin, I wanted to ask you just now, have you remembered what special conditions are needed for Tongzhen Palace to appear in this world?"

Although Lin Yuanmiao lost most of his memory, Zhang Yuelu felt that with the recovery of his realm, Lin Yuanmiao's memory could gradually recover. This was not the first time such a conversation had occurred.

Lin Yuanmiao thought seriously for a moment and said: "The Queen of Heaven is kind-hearted. The original intention of the Sea Dragon Palace is to save people, so the Sea Dragon Palace appears with the storm to rescue sea travelers hit by the storm. It only saves people and also gives gifts." . But Lin Lingsu is not so kind. Tongzhen Palace is a hiding place and a treasure trove for him. Naturally, it will not save people. I can only vaguely recall that the appearance of Tongzhen Palace will be accompanied by some kind of maritime disaster. "

Zhang Yuelu said thoughtfully: "Since it is a disaster, it will probably not appear on normal shipping lanes."

The reason is simple. A normal waterway usually means safety. If it is unsafe, there will not be a large number of ships passing through it, so naturally it cannot be opened into a waterway.

That is in some remote sea areas, or even on undeveloped waterways.

Daomen once drew a sea map, but the sea is too big and exceeds the total area of ​​the land, so Daomen cannot explore everything in detail. There are still many unexplored areas that are still shrouded in fog.

These places are naturally very dangerous for ordinary ships, and even heavenly beings cannot guarantee that they can go back and forth safely, but for an immortal immortal, it is certainly nothing. Lin Lingsu most likely set up the cave in Such places. .

Zhang Yuelu carefully analyzed the respective advantages of the enemy and ourselves. Qian Xiangyun's advantage was that she had been here for nearly a year, and her exploration progress was much faster than Zhang Yuelu's. Zhang Yuelu's advantage is that Lin Yuanmiao's memory is gradually recovering, which can save a lot of exploration.

Zhang Yuelu is more inclined to find the location of Tongzhen Palace in advance, then set up a net and wait for Qian Xiangyun to fall into the trap.

A defecting deputy palace master has a very bad influence and must be arrested and brought to justice.

While the two were talking, a giant whale suddenly jumped out of the sea in the distance. Although its size was far smaller than the legendary giant Kun, it was still very terrifying. It was a complete behemoth, more than ten feet long, as if A large ship that can be submerged in the sea.

Except for dragons and some peerless monsters, this is already the largest existence in the sea.

Zhang Yuelu looked up and was a little surprised: "Are there whales in the near sea? It's rare."

Xiao Yin said happily: "Master Zhang, let's fish for whales. I haven't eaten a whale yet."

Zhang Yuelu ignored her and wanted to eat everything. There was nothing he didn't want to eat.

Lin Yuanmiao said: "It's indeed abnormal. It reminds me of something."

Zhang Yuelu immediately asked: "What's going on?"

Lin Yuanmiao hesitated and said: "There seem to be many whales around Tongzhen Palace."

Zhang Yuelu thought for a while: "You mean, the whale might lead the way to Tongzhen Palace?"

Lin Yuanmiao said: "I can go and investigate."

Zhang Yuelu pondered for a moment, nodded in agreement and said, "Okay."

Lin Yuanmiao's figure disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, Lin Yuanmiao appeared on the back of the whale, and then sank into the sea with the whale.

On the other side, Qi Xuansu is facing a violent storm.

This heavy rain did not come from Wang Jiaohe or Chen Shuhua, but from a great master.

As we all know, there are three kinds of great immortals in Taoism. These three kinds of great immortals are all first-class innocent Taoist priests, but they are different in their positions.

The highest one is the deputy head master, Da Zhenren, who is known as the third master and is the leader of the three realms after the chief head master.

Next is Pingzhang Dazhen, who holds real positions, holds real power, and participates in Jinque discussions. His position is higher than Shenzhi Zhenren, such as Zhang Qihan, Lan Hexu, and Jiang Hedao.

Finally, there is the Ordinary Da Zhenren, also known as the White Board Da Zhenren. It is an honorary title bestowed by Taoist sects to many highly respected Zhenzhi Zhenren after they retire from office and retire to the mountains. It is also called the first-level pension. It is generally written as Da Zhen and pronounced as Lao Zhen.

This great master is an old master who has resigned.

However, the energy of these old masters is quite considerable. After all, those who can be called great masters have top-notch qualifications and prestige. With so many disciples old, their prestige remains undiminished and should not be underestimated. In addition, they are no longer in power and will not participate in internal struggles. They do not have so many interests involved, and few people are willing to form a deadly feud with them. Therefore, they usually rely on their elders, consider themselves seniors, and often go to Jinque. Reporting and complaining has caused a lot of headaches for many real officials, chiefs, and second-in-commands.

During the New Year and holidays, the current senior officials of various local governments have to personally visit and express condolences to these old people. Although these honest people have retired, their enthusiasm for participating in Taoist affairs is still very high.

Some people really have something to say that makes people think deeply. There are also some people who have been away from their jobs for many years and do not fully understand the current specific situation. In many cases, it is inevitable to hear rumors, or be full of complaints, and they are suspected of making nonsense.

Objectively speaking, these old people have formed a supervisory force. But on the other hand, these honest people will also become the backers of some people, or become weapons for some people to attack others.

For example, a certain second-in-command was dissatisfied with the real person in charge, but could not directly break up with the real person in charge, so he secretly invited these old people to attack the real person in charge. Or report it to Jin Que. This is not a report from an ordinary Taoist priest. Jin Que has to pay attention to the report from a first-grade innocent Taoist priest and must respond. Or tell him directly to his face, or simply rely on his old skills and reprimand him face to face.

The real person in charge can neither be beaten nor scolded. These real people no longer have positions and are not afraid of what you will do. How can you still kill them? The grade is higher than yours, a first-grade innocent Taoist priest. They have all been in charge of the palace, the palace, and the palace, and their status is no lower than yours. And they are not one person, but several people. Relying on the old and betraying the old, the law does not punish the public, and the punishment is not as good as the doctor. These three conditions are fulfilled, and he can stand on the moral high ground, which often makes the real person in charge very embarrassed.

In short, in most cases, the real people who are currently in power avoid the old real people who have retired. They do not want to meet or communicate too much. If they cannot have a good relationship, they will stay away from them and worship them as big Buddhas.

Naturally, Qi Xuansu didn't want to bring trouble to himself by provoking these honest people who were comparable to Qing gossip officials. But he didn't expect that the grandfather of Mr. Sun whom he captured was an old man.

This can be considered as poking a hornet's nest. If Master Landa is still here, he can naturally suppress him. They are all sixth-generation disciples of the "He" generation. They do not rely on their elders to show off, let alone pretend to be seniors. They are all innocent Taoist priests, and no one is higher than the other. Maybe Landa Zhenren has more seniority, so Landa Zhenren usually doesn't dare to cause trouble as long as he shows up.

But Master Lan Da is not here. Wang Jiaohe and Chen Shuhua made it clear that they wanted to see Qi Xuansu's joke.

As a result, Qi Xuansu was in trouble.

Master Sun asked Qi Xuansu by name at the gate of the water palace to give him an explanation. His words were very unpleasant. For example, when he was the second deputy palace master, Qi Xuansu was not yet born. Even when he was the real person in charge, he was not as arrogant as Qi Xuansu. A small eighth-generation disciple is really going to go to heaven. How can he be so unruly once he succeeds?

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