Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 58 Changning Palace

Qi Xuansu searched almost the entire palace to find the source of the dragon's energy leakage, because dragon's energy is not a peace coin, and it does not mean that it can be easily transported out with manpower. Generally, it requires things such as altars and formations to guide it. .

In this case of dragon energy leakage, the people behind the scenes did not choose the above two methods, but chose yin and yang as containers. So what Qi Xuansu wanted to find out was the specific cause of death of these eunuchs.

Although the bodies of the seven eunuchs are no longer there, and there may not be any traces left in the palace, Qi Xuansu can only bite the bullet and continue to investigate.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Princess Chen, since you have been in the palace for a long time, you should investigate. What abnormalities did these eunuchs have before they died suddenly?" Chen Jianqiu gathered his mood and answered seriously: "When the first few eunuchs died suddenly, I didn't react yet, but when several eunuchs died suddenly, I became concerned and found that they had all been to two places." As he spoke, Chen Jianqiu actually took out a floor plan of the palace and slowly unfolded it in front of Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu took a look and felt that it looked familiar, because from the plan, the palace was completely modeled after the imperial palace in the Imperial Capital. Although it was much smaller, the structural layout was almost exactly the same, with the central axis and the three main halls. The palace gate was also called Meridian Gate, no wonder the Kingdom of Dayu calls itself the Little Central Plains.

After entering the Meridian Gate is Taiye Lake. There is Zhongdao Bridge on Taiye Lake, then Dachaoyuan, Taisheng Temple, and then Dagongmen.

Entering the Grand Palace Gate is the Qinzheng Hall. To the left and right of the Qinzheng Hall are the Wenming Hall and the Wuxian Hall. Behind Ginjeongjeon is Ganseongjeon, which is also the largest palace in the entire palace. On the left and right are Jeongmyeongjeon and Gwangmyeongjeon.

After Qiancheng Hall is Kuntai Hall, and on the left and right are Xuanhuiyuan and Yangxinyuan. These palaces are located on the central axis.

After the three main halls is the harem in the traditional sense, including the emperor's bedroom, the sixth courtyard and the imperial garden. In addition, there are two routes, east and west.

The East Road is slightly empty. From south to north are the Ancestral Temple, the twenty-four yamen of the inner court, a large area of ​​water and

"Yingzhou". This Yingzhou is not the Yingzhou Island of Taiping Road, but an artificial island, borrowing the name of Yingzhou.

The temples on the West Road are more densely packed. Still from south to north, there are Xianlin Pavilion, Shimiao and Xingmiao, among which Xianlin Pavilion is similar to Wenyuan Pavilion of Daxuan, where the cabinet is located.

After passing Xingmiao, there is Fengxian Palace, then Shouzhi Palace, and finally Changning Palace. Among them, Changning Palace is the residence of the Queen Mother.

Chen Jianqiu pointed to the map and said: "These eunuchs have all been to Changning Palace and Shouzhi Palace." Qi Xuansu asked: "Have you sent someone to check?" A spiritual official said: "Reporting to the second party, Shouzhi Palace has already been checked. No one is inhabiting it now, but there are some traces of the formation inside, which are suspected to have been destroyed and are basically unrecognizable." Qi Xuansu asked again, "Where is Changning Palace?" Lingguan hesitated for a moment and said, "Considering that. We haven't been affected." Qi Xuansu just nodded and said, "I'll go there myself." Chen Jianchou asked, "Second chair, do you want to bring the spirit officer?" Qi Xuansu thought for a while and said: "Princess Chen can just lead me there, you don't have to follow. The formation is too big, it looks like I am trying to force the palace, and there are many female relatives there, so the influence is not good." Qi Xuansu explained again: "Yuzheng, you go to Shouzhi Palace again. Let's go and see if there are any missing details." Chen Jianqiu responded.

Qi Xuansu did not take Ke Qingqing with him today. Ke Qingqing stayed in the water palace to assist Xu Jiaorong in dealing with matters related to Sun Yaoping.

The reason why he brought Chen Jianchou with him was because Qi Xuansu believed in his investigative abilities. After all, being able to single-handedly find out where Wu Luo was hiding already speaks volumes about his ability.

Chen Jianchou and a group of spiritual officials went to Shouzhi Palace again, while Qi Xuansu, led by Chen Jianqiu, went to Changning Palace where the Queen Mother was.

On the way, Chen Jianqiu also introduced the Queen Mother to Qi Xuansu. Her surname was Yang and her name was Yang E. She came from a powerful family in the Dayu Kingdom. She was the biological mother of the current king and the former queen.

Leaving aside the people in the Taoist sect, it can be said that she is the most noble woman in the Dayu Kingdom. She is a member of the Taoist sect. Considering the influence, she must be somewhat polite.

Qi Xuansu still wanted to give the Queen Mother some face, so as not to offend her too much. Fortunately, she was just the Queen Mother, and she was replaced by the Queen Mother of the Daxuan Court. Not to mention Qi Xuansu, the second deputy palace master, no matter how high she was, the real person in charge of the palace and the real person in charge of the palace would not be offended.

Chen Jianqiu said: "The reason why my father converted to Buddhism was also influenced by the Queen Mother. It's not that the Queen Mother is a disciple of Buddhism, but that the Queen Mother believes in a variety of things. She also believes in Buddhism and Taoism. Over the years, she still believes in Western things. Goddess, she has not lost any of the local witchcraft skills in Nanyang. In the Central Plains, she would have been sentenced to death for witchcraft. I think she has something in common with the people of the "Heavenly Court". "

"By the way, I also heard that the Queen Mother is not very careful. She seems to have a lover who is more than half her age. I really don't know what to say." At that time, the Queen Mother strongly opposed the marriage of the King of Dayu to Chen Jianqiu's biological mother, so The relationship between Chen Jianqiu and this grandmother was not good, even a bit bad. At this time, she didn't mind saying a few words in front of Qi Xuansu.

This is not a random fabrication, it is an objective fact. Qi Xuansu declined to comment. He has his own judgment and will not believe what others say.

Under the leadership of Chen Jianqiu, Qi Xuansu came to Changning Palace. Ningshou Palace of Daxuan Palace is also replicated here.

The first time you enter the mountain is a stone pavilion, which forms a natural courtyard with a meandering stream and a drinking cup, which is quite elegant. The second time you pass through the Hanging Flower Gate, you will find only a few lake rocks as a backdrop, creating an elegant and unique environment.

The third entrance is the Cuishang Pavilion. The front yard is surrounded by a whole mountain of rocks, and a verandah is used to connect the pavilion and the rear restaurant, forming a different scenery and interest.

Queen Mother Yang was in Cuishang Pavilion. According to Chen Jianqiu's wishes, the Queen Mother should be asked to greet him, but Qi Xuansu didn't want to be so overbearing, so he asked the eunuch to send a message to the Taoist government for Qi Xuansu's visit.

After the eunuchs informed, they quickly invited Qi Xuansu in. The floor of the pavilion is made of bamboo, with plum blossoms carved from wisteria, and plum blossoms and bamboo leaves dyed with jade, symbolizing the three friends of winter. The hanging eaves are inlaid with bamboo silk and inlaid with jade pieces. The surrounding panels are carved with hundreds of deers, and the partitions are made of double-sided transparent panels. The embroidery and fine carvings are breathtaking.

Qi Xuansu also met the Queen Mother Yang. The Taoist sect does not allow female Taoist priests to rejuvenate excessively, but does not care about outsiders, so this Empress Dowager Yang can be said to be very good at appearance. She looks about thirty years old, wrapped in plain clothes, with eyebrows like distant daisy, eyes like autumn water, and awe-inspiring She also has a bit of charm, not like an old woman, but like a charming young woman.

Compare this to the haggard Lord of Dayu. Standing together, the two looked more like father and daughter, let alone mother and son. No one would believe them if they said they were husband and wife.

This made Qi Xuansu believe Chen Jianqiu's words. This Queen Mother was not simple. Some Huayuan Taoist priests may say that making such groundless speculations about others is disrespectful. It shows that these Huayuan Taoist priests do not know the sinister world and blindly occupy the moral high ground without considering the actual situation. They will suffer big losses when they really encounter extremely evil people. of.

To put it bluntly, I always think the best of people. It is easy to be sold to the New World for mining and I have to say thank you.

Qi Xuansu said: "Queen Mother Yang, this must be the first time we have met. I am Qi Xuansu, the new deputy deputy head of the Borneo Taoist Government. I am now authorized by the Taoist Government to investigate and deal with the leakage of dragon energy. My responsibilities are here. If there is anything, Please forgive me for the conflict." Empress Dowager Yang stood up and bowed slightly: "Qi Xi is famous. Although I am a woman in the palace, I have heard about it. It can be said that it is like thunder." Qi Xuansu smiled: " Since Empress Dowager Yang knows me, I won't talk nonsense and get straight to the point. I came to see the Empress Dowager this time for one thing only. Recently, seven eunuchs were violently killed in the palace. As far as I know, these seven eunuchs She had been to Changning Palace before her death. Can the Queen Mother give me a reasonable explanation?" Yang E looked surprised: "Is there such a thing?" Qi Xuansu said, "The Queen Mother can't remember it, it doesn't matter. , we can trace back to Earth Qi, and we will know at a glance whether they have been here." Yang E fell into silence.

Qi Xuansu did not urge him. After a while, Yang E suddenly chuckled. At some point, a faint mist gradually filled the Cuishang Pavilion. This smell was very familiar and could often be smelled on Lin Yuanmiao's body.

Qi Xuansu's expression changed slightly: "It's the 'Returning Incense'." Yang E said: "As far as I know, gods and pseudo-immortals are not immune to the effect of the 'Returning Incense' and will lose their realm in a short period of time." Qi Xuansu quickly regained his composure and said slowly: "That's right, even if you are a pseudo-immortal, you can't completely ignore the effect of the 'returning incense'. As long as the quantity of 'returning incense' is enough, it can make the immortal person short-term." It is not impossible to lose all your inner cultivation, but to find so many 'soul-returning incense', only the Dao Sect can do it." Yang E smiled and said, "I had expected Qi Cixi to come to the door. , I had to make this move, and I hope Qi Cixian can forgive me." Qi Xuansu said nothing.

Yang E smiled and said: "Qi Cixi probably thought that these amounts of 'returning incense' will only damage your cultivation, far from losing it. Now it is easy to take my life." Qi Xuansu did not refute. , the right should be used as the default.

Yang E continued: "Qi Cixi is at a very high level. I am just a weak woman. I can only achieve things through the help of others. I have no extraordinary abilities. I can only win by working harder than others. So in addition to 'Returning Soul Fragrance' 'Besides, there are other back-ups." After the words fell, a group of Qingluan Guards slowly walked into the Cuishang Pavilion. They had not inhaled.

"Returning Soul Incense" naturally has no damage to its cultivation, and the first thing they did when they came in was to burn the burning incense.

The "returning incense" goes out. Chen Jianqiu was shocked and angry: "Yang E, do you want to rebel?"

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