Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 62 Good fortune warrior

The martial artist's creation stage, pseudo-immortal stage, and human-immortal stage differ in the number of condensed acupoints, but there is no difference in realm. They all correspond to the Broken Void Realm.

At this state, the fist intention condenses the essence and shatters a thin line of vacuum. The qi and blood reach the extreme and are inactive, almost like a pool of stagnant water. The body and spirit in the acupoints will be in a state of sleep and semi-death without the stimulation of qi and blood. , This can ensure that the martial artist will not hurt the people around him due to the escape of Qi and blood in the body.

If Qi and blood are injected into the acupuncture points in the body and the body and spirit are activated, then the full strength can be exerted, and various strange phenomena will appear on the body. This is called the true body of the immortal.

you could say so

"Self" has reached the extreme, which is completely opposite to the two immortals of heaven and earth who emphasize the unity of heaven and man. The Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm inherited by Tianxian emphasizes the internal and external resonance between the five elements of heaven and earth and the movement and transformation of one's own internal organs. It introduces the vitality of heaven and earth into the human body and combines it with the original energy of one's own internal organs.

Compared with the human immortal's each orifice and one spirit, it is not subtle enough, but it is more grand, takes into account both internal and external, and is easier to follow the Tao.

However, in this case, it is inevitable to pay attention to

"Qi" and despising the physical body are far less tough than the human and immortal body. Qi Xuansu’s whole body of bones and flesh

With a "crackling" sound, his body grew to a height of six feet at a speed visible to the naked eye. He looked like a giant from ancient times, no different from the great witches of ancient witch sects. He was frighteningly powerful and fearless of ordinary spells, swords and guns.

Yang E used dragon energy to protect herself. The next moment, Qi Xuansu moved. In Yang E's sight, Qi Xuansu just leaned forward slightly, as if ready to run wildly, but in fact it was just an afterimage. The real Qi Xuansu was already rushing towards Yang E. Yang E could only rely on a little spiritual sense instead of his eyes. , determine Qi Xuansu’s forward trajectory.

Qi Xuansu's punch was nothing fancy at all. He used his body and blood to forcefully break through Yang E's dragon energy. Wherever it passed, the dragon energy melted like ice and snow and disappeared.

The nearly devastating punch finally slowed down until three feet in front of Yang E. At this moment, Yang E's dragon energy was also condensed to the extreme, and it offset each other with Qi Xuansu's majestic blood energy. Then Qi Xuansu's fist collided with Yang E's The hands and claws collided with each other.

A circle of huge ripples visible to the naked eye spread, and wherever it passed, the ground directly turned into a texture similar to glass. This was actually because Qi Xuansu's warrior energy and blood had reached the temperature of burning fire.

Although Yang E was blessed with dragon energy, her fingers were still shattered inch by inch by this punch. Yang E had to step back and scream again.

Qi Xuansu looked up to the sky and roared. The warrior's blood roar. Rolling blood energy surged out and filled the entire underground hall, causing dust to fall from the dome of the hall.

The roaring sound suppressed Yang E's scream, and even backfired on Yang E's body, causing blood to flow from all her orifices.

Qi Xuansu punched again. Although the meaning of the human-immortal path is extremely real, since one is one of the six immortals, after reaching the stage of heaven and human, it is still inevitable to be contaminated by a lot of metaphysical atmosphere.

I saw that the fist was just an ordinary size when it came out, and then got bigger and bigger. When it came to Yang E, it was as big as a canopy, crystal clear like jade, blocking the line of sight, and there were even faint black cracks like spider webs around the fist. Here, everything disintegrates and disappears, not being shaken to pieces by force, but actually disappearing, as if being wiped out of thin air.

Yang E waved her big sleeve and covered the fist with dragon energy. Although the black cracks around the fist can continuously eliminate the dragon energy, the endless source of dragon energy makes this punch feel like it is stuck in a quagmire.

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation and manifested the true body of a human immortal with three heads and six arms. The six arms used different punches. The bones, blood, internal organs, and flesh of the whole body continued to change and move. The sound was clearly audible and connected together, as if it was the mantra of Taoism.

The three heads either roared with blood, or looked around and listened in all directions, or used the powerful power of the chest and abdomen to spit out mouthfuls of condensed white energy, which was comparable to the flying sword of a Qi Refiner.

Arrogance never separates into different families. At this time, Qi Xuansu is the first-class arrogant, but it is more suitable for him.

The madness of the "Magic Sword" will

The "Magic Sword" has reached an unprecedented level. ultimate

The "Magic Sword", combined with the three-headed and six-armed immortal form, and its ever-changing forms, is a first-class humanoid killing weapon.

Although one of Qi Xuansu's fists was restricted, he used the rest of his fists to beat Yang E crazily, and used other methods, such as violent wind and rain.

Even though Yang E's body was blessed with dragon energy, he was beaten out of his human form in the blink of an eye, and his bones were shattered, like a piece of rotten meat.

It's just that Yang E is far from dead at this time. With the blessing of dragon energy, she is not human in shape at this time, and she is not even seriously injured.

At the same time, as Yang E's body collapsed, a large amount of decayed dragon energy escaped. Because the dragon's energy contains a lot of incense and wish power, the place where the dragon's energy is diffused is somewhat similar to the divine realm inherited by the gods, which contains a lot of rules.

This kind of rule is unclear and unclear. It is a bit like the chaos in the last years of the dynasty. There are all kinds of rules and regulations. Even if you have a heart, you have to be restrained. As soon as you get up and want to do something, there are seven or eight hands holding you down, making you unable to move. .

It is no longer possible to change from the inside. We have to completely overturn it from the outside and start over again. Let the sun and the moon change the sky and clean up the mud and muddy water.

For a moment, Qi Xuansu seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. His fist, which was so fast that he couldn't see clearly, became slower and slower, and the force on his fist became weaker and weaker.

These dragon energies are still eroding Qi Xuansu's body, penetrating all-pervasively and corrupting the incarnation of the god. If the body gods are soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles, then these dragon auras are like the temptation of the vast mortal world and the colorful world, causing an army that has fought hundreds of battles to gradually degenerate, become addicted to it, and eventually become completely rotten.

The martial artist is not afraid of swordsmanship, just like the iron cavalry who dominates the world is not afraid of the enemy on the front battlefield, but is afraid of this soft knife method of killing.

Qi Xuansu put away his human immortal body, showing a restrained attitude, and began to gather momentum. All the joints in his body suddenly rang with countless

"Thunder", like a military drum, resounded throughout the world, and then he punched forward. The originally slightly bent arm straightened instantly, from his chest and abdomen, shoulders, elbows, wrists, to fists , a series of explosion sounds were heard in sequence, the punch broke through the air, and thousands of thunder sounds were heard.

This punch has no softness at all, nor does it mean the combination of hardness and softness. It is only masculine. This punch has suddenly reached the point where yang has become strong, and it is only one step away from the extremely peaceful yin.

Violent shocks spread throughout the void as he punched out, reaching everywhere and everywhere. For a moment, everything in the entire underground hall became blurred.

Void is the place where all things rest.

"Qi" is even more elusive and unpredictable. The great shamans of ancient shamanism called it "Qi".

"Yu", which represents time

"Cosmos" corresponds to. The four directions above and below are called the universe, and they have been the universe throughout the ages. The inheritance of human immortals is to maximize the use of force and skill. Since the void is the place where all things are carried, then I will smash the void with one punch, and all things relying on the void will naturally be annihilated and disappear.

This is the Broken Void realm inherited from human immortals. Qi Xuansu has not yet reached the realm of human immortals, and is not even a pseudo-immortal, so he cannot really break the void, but only shake it.

Even if the void is deformed and distorted, then the various things that rely on the void will not be safe. For example, many exquisite formations and talismans will deviate from their original trajectory due to such distortion, and will self-defeat.

Dragon Qi is no exception. Warriors always have shortcomings of one kind or another. Under certain conditions, they are even manipulated by banished immortals, and often fall into embarrassing situations where they are unable to do anything. Just like

The "proprietor" was exiled by Qiniang one after another, but there is no doubt that as long as the martial artist is given a suitable opportunity, one punch is enough for all things in the world.

The billowing dragon energy was shaken away by Qi Xuansu. Not only that, the entire underground hall was also crumbling. Just compared to

Qi Xuansu's Void Shock was still a little immature, slightly inferior to the punch of the "Dragon Master", and failed to take advantage of the situation to hit Yang E hard.

Yang E took advantage of the situation to gather the dragon energy, repair herself, and regain her human form. At this time, the dress on her body was completely broken, but she was not naked, but covered with a layer of fine scales, which seemed to be dragon scales, and even her whole body was covered with fine scales. There is a certain degree of dragon transformation, like a dragon man walking upright.

After no longer suppressed by the decayed dragon energy, Qi Xuansu returned to normal speed, with a ghost-like figure, approaching him and punching again.

The inheritance of immortals is always simple and unpretentious. Qi Xuansu's punch hit Yang E's forehead directly between the eyebrows. It was like a real punch, causing the dragon scales on Yang E's body to bear huge pressure, and even slight cracks appeared.

However, when the fist was still less than an inch away from his forehead, Yang E's body swept backwards, narrowly avoiding the aftermath of the punch.

Qi Xuansu won the power and showed no mercy, and followed him closely. I saw green veins bulging on Qi Xuansu's arms, like tiny dragons hidden under the skin. At the same time, the blood circulation in the body accelerated, and the sound of blood flowing could be clearly heard, like the sound of a strong tide lapping the shore.

The domineering arrogance of a martial artist was clearly revealed, and then Qi Xuansu took a step forward seemingly without any plan, causing the ground of the entire underground hall to sink more than a foot. Then, relying on the majestic energy accumulated under his feet, Qi Xuansu's whole body seemed like a loose string. The arrow shot violently and got close to Yang E instantly.

Wufu is known as the best in close combat. Even if Yang E is still in the stage of creation, at such a close distance, there is still no good way to deal with it. He can only try his best to retreat again and again, trying to avoid its edge.

Every time Qi Xuansu takes a step, the ground trembles, leaving a huge spider web-shaped crack. His figure suddenly speeds up. At the same time, the joints and periosteum all over his body are like heavy drums, and the spine is twisting and twisting, with endless clicking sounds, like an evil beast. The dragon hides behind and rolls.

Then, from his chest and abdomen, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fists, a series of bursting sounds were heard in sequence. His fists broke through the air, and thousands of thunder sounds were heard.

It's as strong as a collapsed bow, and as powerful as thunder. Then all sounds died together again. This punch finally reached the point where the yang pole and the yin were born, making Yang E unable to avoid it.

There was no sound, the weight was lifted lightly, and it seemed to be strong and soft. Yang E's chest turned into a hollow silently.

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