Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 64 Justice

Zhang Yuelu arrived at Dongdu Mansion and conducted a brief inspection. To put it simply, her experiences with Qi Xuansu were somewhat similar. It was not that Zhang Yuelu also met the deputy palace master who forced her to drink, but she saw some situations that made her very dissatisfied.

So she found the deputy master of Dongdu Palace. Speaking of which, the deputy head of Dongdu Palace was a half-acquaintance of Zhang Yuelu, named Zhang Wenyue.

From the name, you can tell that this is a contemporary of Zhang Yuelu and he is also from the Zhang family. However, Zhang Wenyue is much older than Zhang Yuelu. In terms of age alone, she is almost Zhang Yuelu's father.

Because of this, the conversation between the two did not have much official content and could be considered straight to the point.

In the signing room of the Dao Palace, Zhang Yuelu and Zhang Wenyue sat across the table from each other, and there was no third person. Zhang Yuelu gently tapped the armrest of the chair: "I have seen that case. Lin Yin reported the situation to you according to the rules and reported various illegal affairs of Nanyang United Trading Company, but you ignored it. Then Lin Yin solved the problem in his own way. , You also said that Lin Yin was unreasonable, unruly, unfaithful to the law, and it was a heinous crime to resist the Taoist government. What on earth do you want others to do?" Zhang Wenyue did not answer, but poured a cup of tea herself and gently pushed it in front of Zhang Yuelu. .

Zhang Yuelu said without looking at the cup of tea: "Now that Lin Yin is dead, what about the problem? It is still not solved. What do you want?" Zhang Wenyue finally said: "Qingxiao, who are you? Who are you? Who? It's not appropriate to say 'you' one by one, right?" Zhang Yuelu said coldly: "Are you trying to tell me that this is a big network that affects everyone in the network? You can't just lift the lid, right?" Zhang Wenyue sighed: "You know everything, but you are still the same as before, you can't understand anything..." Zhang Yuelu raised his hand and made a stop motion: "I Calling you a clan brother is not a question of whether you are accustomed to it or not. It is a question of whether it should be done or not. Lin Yin is trying to be reasonable, but Lin Yin is trying to use tricks, and I am telling you the law. , you want to tell me about human nature again. I know what it means to be harmonious with light, and I don’t need anyone else to teach me. Since I raised this question, I have no intention of being harmonious with light and dust with you, or with them." Zhang Wenyue didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he said: "I heard that Qi Cixi made great changes in the Taoist government of Borneo and made many people uneasy. Do you, Zhang Cixi, want to imitate him? You two have made countless enemies like this. Aren't you worried that there will be no way out in the future? ?" Zhang Yuelu said: "It's just one death. If you are not afraid of death, why should you be afraid of death?" Zhang Wenyue has nothing to say.

Zhang Yuelu continued: "Nanyang United Trading Company, the name is very foreign, imitating the Western Posuzhou Company. As far as I know, the boss behind this company is called Sun Jiaofeng, who is the son of the old man Sun Heyu, and is also involved in Wang family, you are so arrogant, are you also taking shares in it?" Zhang Wenyue immediately denied: "There is no such thing, there is no conflict of interest, it is just a matter of favor and face, it's not good..."

"It's not good to offend a 'highly respected' old man for someone who doesn't even have the status of a Taoist priest, is it?" Zhang Yuelu said directly for him.

Zhang Wenyue looked at Zhang Yuelu. Zhang Yuelu also looked at Zhang Wenyue. Zhang Wenyue finally retreated and took the initiative to look away.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Do you treat people wrong, or do things wrong to people? I didn't say that Lin Yin did the right thing. I just ask you now, why don't you solve the problem? If you don't solve it before, you won't solve it afterwards. The face of an honest man, Even if you say it is big or small, it can scare others. How can it scare you, the Zhang family? Since you said that you have no interest entanglement with Nanyang United Trading Company, then give me a clear explanation." Zhang Wenyue. With no way out, he had to say: "Okay, let me give you an explanation. Do you know how many people the Nanyang United Trading Company supports? How much trade it drives? How much peace money is turned in every year? You go and touch it and let it collapse. What can we do to fill this hole? The Taoist government will not be satisfied, and Jinque will not be satisfied. This is the overall situation. You are talking about "you", but you don't know that you are also a member of the Taoist government. If it's irreversible, what good will it do to you?" Zhang Yuelu didn't answer immediately.

Zhang Wenyue said again: "Qingxiao, I know you want to make progress, achieve results, and compete with Li Changge and Yao Pei, but you should also consider the reality properly, sing less high-profile, and solve some practical problems down-to-earth. In this way Isn't it good? Do you have to step on others to get to the top?" Zhang Yuelu glanced at him: "Do you think I am talking about this issue with you to use you or others as a stepping stone? Zhang Wenyue's expression changed slightly: "I didn't say that."

"But you think so." Zhang Yuelu said,

"You talk about the overall situation, then let me talk about the overall situation. Why do you insist on keeping this Nanyang United Trading Company? If they don't do this business in Nanyang, no one will be able to do it, right?" Zhang Wenyue said: "After all, it's a big deal for hundreds of thousands of people. Who can easily take over it?" Zhang Yuelu said: "Then let me ask you, are there only two options in this matter? One option is not to touch the slightest bit, and the other option is to It's uprooting hundreds of thousands of people. Isn't there a flexible and compromise way to deal with it? Is this your level?" Zhang Wenyue was speechless.

Zhang Yuelu said: "It's not that I can't move, but that I don't want to move." Zhang Wenyue took a deep breath and said, "Qingxiao, the local Taoist government is different from the Yujing Jiutang. You have been in the center of Yujing for a long time, so you are here." Zhang Wenyue After considering his words, he asked: "Qingxiao, what do you think is the standard for whether a Taoist government is good or bad?" Zhang Yuelu said: "When a Taoist government guards a place, it should naturally be based on the actual situation of the place where it is located." Zhang Wenyue shook his head and said : "I cannot agree with what you said. It should be said that first of all, let Jinque be satisfied, and then combine it with the actual situation of the place where it is located. This is the standard to measure the quality of a Taoist mansion." Zhang Yuelu said: "I think this is It's the same thing. If the actual situation of a Taoist government is good, Jinque will be dissatisfied. On the other hand, if the actual situation of a Taoist government is not good, Jinque will be satisfied?" Zhang Wenyue said: "Qingxiao, what are you thinking? Are you pretending to be confused? Or are you really that naive?" Zhang Yuelu said: "Maybe I am naive. But I still want to say that since we claim to be the masters of the world, we should regard this world as our own. Treat it well and manage it well instead of blindly asking for and squeezing it. Taishang Taoist ancestors said: The way of heaven is to make up for the excess when it is damaged. We should try our best to avoid the way of man. Strive to achieve the way of heaven." Zhang Wenyue waved his hand and said: "Whether it is the way of heaven or the way of man, the only thing that should be clear is that even if the actual situation of the place where the Taoist government is located is used as the standard, the overall situation should be used as the standard. Heavy. Some people are short-sighted and can only see the small area in front of them but cannot see the longer-term future. They ignore the overall situation and do not know how to understand the difficulties of the Taoist government..." Zhang Yuelu interrupted unceremoniously: "You You want others to understand the difficulties of the Taoist government, but you should first ask yourself, has the Taoist government ever understood the difficulties of others?" Zhang Wenyue's voice stopped abruptly.

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Why complicate simple things? If something can be done, something has laws to follow, and something is reasonable, if it has to involve the overall situation, it is nothing more than making excuses not to do it. That's all. Afraid of offending others, afraid of harming one's own interests, afraid of this or that, it's better to just do nothing and let everyone live in harmony, right?" Only then did Zhang Wenyue understand one thing deeply, this clan girl is really like this. It's not that she doesn't understand that she is so difficult to deal with, nor is she naive.

On the contrary, she is very aware of the twists and turns here. She is just dissatisfied with these twists and turns.

Suspected of "meddling in other people's own affairs". Otherwise, Zhang Yuelu is not popular. Acting domineering is nothing at all. The key is that she doesn't want to be harmonious.

How should Zhang Wenyue answer? He could only keep silent. Zhang Yuelu said: "When Xuan Sheng was discussing Taoism with Xu Zu, Xu Zu only said one truth. The problem at that time was not enough food. The most critical solution was to make the cake bigger to ensure that everyone has enough to eat. So starting from Xuan Sheng, we have been Up to the fourth generation of great masters, our Taoist sect has been doing this. Starting from the Central Plains, we conquered the Western Regions in the west, leveled Fenglin in the east, conquered Borneo in the south, and settled the Jinzhang in the north. We vigorously developed maritime trade and achieved an annual income of 10 million. Tai Ping Qian earned 10 million Tai Ping Qian every year, and at the time of the handover between the fourth generation Grand Master and the Fifth Generation Grand Master, he captured the East Po Sua Continent."

"At this point, the pie is big enough and has reached the limit we can reach. So the Fifth Generation Grand Master raised another question, that is, the issue of distribution. The pie is here, and the Taoist sect decides how to distribute it. Who gets more? Who gets less? If someone gets more, then there will be others who get less. Those who get more will be happy, but those who get less will be resentful."

"The Heavenly Master once saw in the 'Gui Zang Lantern' that the emperor's crown fell to the ground, and the king's dream was shattered. One after another, the mountains and rivers were stained with blood. The sky collapsed and the earth was torn apart, and the world was new. What is the reason for these people to sacrifice their lives? In the final analysis, It’s just the word ‘injustice’.”

"So, I think that the Taoist government must first start with the word 'justice' when doing things. We don't ask you to have no selfish thoughts, we just ask you to level a bowl of water. Isn't it possible to do this?" Zhang Wenyue no longer knows. After being silent for several times, he finally asked: "What does Mr. Zhang want?" Zhang Yuelu said decisively: "I just want things to be the way they should be."

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