Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 70: Extra moves

Zhang Yuelu sat behind the desk and placed the unfolded sutra urn on the desk. A light curtain rose from the sutra urn, showing a half-length projection of Qi Xuansu.

It can be seen that Qi Xuansu opposite is also sitting. In this way, the two of them were sitting opposite each other.

"Qici Xi, why do you have time to contact me in your busy schedule?" Zhang Yuelu joked.

Qi Xuansu said: "Why do I hear a sense of resentment in the words? This is not like the style of our second chair Zhang."

Zhang Yuelu said: "I'm not complaining, but telling the truth. I heard that it's not easy for you there. I wanted to ask you several times, but I held back, and you never gave me any news."

Methods such as the Mother-in-Child Mirror or the Mother-in-Child Talisman are not very reliable, because there are multiple connections, intertwined vertically and horizontally, like a big net, so there is a possibility of being eavesdropped. Qiniang was even able to slap Qi Xuansu through the Zimu Talisman, which shows that there are many loopholes in it. On the contrary, the privacy of Jinglu is very reliable, because it is one-to-one binding, and its principle is somewhat similar to the single-line connection of a spy.

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "Isn't this a message for you? It's not easy, but the problem is not big. I am in great power now. All the spiritual officials in Borneo are under my control, even if it is given to the chief deputy palace master. Change."

Zhang Yuelu's mind was so sharp that he immediately sensed something was wrong from Qi Xuansu's words: "How could you be the one controlling the spiritual officer? Master Lan Da just wants to delegate power, but not in this way. Could it be that something happened to Master Lan Da?"

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but admire him: "You are still awesome. Ever since we met, as long as I don't pay attention, I can't hide it from you. Master Landa did encounter an accident, but it's not a big problem. He is in retreat. I will take some control for the time being. The real person in charge of the government has the right and responsibility, so I say I have the power.”

Qi Xuansu thought that if he wanted to imitate some people and find a few confidants, he was afraid that he would not be able to hide it from Zhang Yuelu, and he would be killed immediately. I found the beauty yesterday, and I left today.

Zhang Yuelu asked: "What accident?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Master Lan Da didn't want the matter to get too big, so he didn't report it to Jin Que, so I'll just tell you that Master Lan Da encountered Wuluo and Master Siming coming to the world hand in hand, and they were the dragons of Nanlong. Qi is the container of the divine descendants and can exert its full strength. Although Master Landa defeated the divine descendants of the two ancient immortals, he also suffered backlash and is in retreat. "

Zhang Yuelu did not ask any more about Master Landa's current situation, and said: "Nanlong's dragon energy has leaked. At most, I am inactive. You are too eager to act, and you have regarded the rules and bottom lines as nothing."

Qi Xuansu said: "You are so courageous. You dare to think and do anything. You don't know that there are only a few normal people in the palace of Yu Kingdom. Let them cause trouble and turn into a bunch of ghosts and snake gods. I have opened my eyes. I’m mainly investigating this matter now.”

Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu's face carefully and suddenly said: "Tianyuan, you don't look very good."

Qi Xuansu subconsciously touched his face: "Is there any? It shouldn't be. This is not a physical injury..."

Just halfway through speaking, Qi Xuansu suddenly realized that he had been fooled. It wasn't that he was too naive, the key was that he was relatively relaxed and unguarded in front of Zhang Yuelu. In other words, Qi Xuansu was careless and did not guard against getting out.

"Qingxiao, you don't follow martial ethics and you came prepared to deceive me, a future Taoist companion. Is that okay?" Qi Xuansu said helplessly.

Zhang Yuelu did not answer, but said: "Tell me honestly, what kind of injury did you get? I have told you many times that you should cherish yourself and don't take risks in everything."

Qi Xuansu hurriedly said: "Stop it. First, you are quite adventurous yourself, but you don't have the position to tell me. Second, why do you look a bit like Qiniang?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "The current situation is that I am in almost no danger in Lingnan Province, but you are full of murderous intentions in Borneo Province. It is not your turn to care about me."

Qi Xuansu sighed: "I was careless this time and was tricked by others. There will be no next time. Don't worry, I have my own calculations in my heart. I really can't hold it anymore. I must save my life first. After all, I will keep the green mountains without worries." No firewood.”

Zhang Yuelu was not a mother-in-law, so she didn't dwell too much on this point, and instead said: "It's so difficult for you over there, and you have to fight with injuries. If you contact me now, you should not go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything." ?”

"The one who knows me is Qing Xiao." Qi Xuansu said, "I really have something serious to ask you. Do you know about Nanyang United Trading Company?"

Zhang Yuelu was slightly startled: "I know, this Nanyang United Trading Company is very powerful. It is running amok and kidnapping the Taoist government. The source is still your problem. In the past few days, I have been dealing with relevant matters."

"Just in time, since you plan to check Nanyang United Trading Company, help me pay attention to a person." Qi Xuansu said, "This person's name is Xiye, and he is the mistress of Wang Jiaoyan, the boss behind Nanyang Trading Company. Now he is killed by Wang Jiaoyan Sent to Lingnan, it is said that this person holds many secrets related to Wang Jiaoyan. If we can capture him, then Wang Jiaoyan will not be able to escape our grasp, and then we can fight through Wang Jiaoyan. Wang Jiaohe and his two brothers.”

Zhang Yuelu quickly recalled the list of relevant personnel of the Lingnan Branch of Nanyang United Trading Company that he had seen recently, and said: "As far as I know, there is no such person."

Qi Xuansu said: "By the way, Xi Ye is not his real name, his real name is Xu Youyi."

Zhang Yuelu said: "This person is one of the top executives of Lingnan Branch. Because of a case, he has been taken down and is being imprisoned in hell. But this person is not showy, if you don't "I didn't know he had such a big background."

Qi Xuansu didn't expect that Zhang Yuelu would coincide with him, but he saved some time and said: "You have to help me keep an eye on this person. Don't let him run away, let alone die. I have a big problem." use."

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "Then I have to tell Xu Kou quickly. Xu Kou, you know that even the demons in the secret society can't resist his methods, let alone Xu Youyi, who rose to power by betraying his lust."

It was not Zhang Yuelu who instructed Xu Kou to use torture, but Xu Kou, as a thorn in the side, would often do things without authorization. It was clearly stated in his resume file. Zhang Yuelu knew this and would not use him easily. This time, he was determined to investigate the case thoroughly. He had to be ruthless to let Xu Kou take charge of the matter.

Qi Xuansu asked curiously: "Lao Xu is in charge of this case? It seems that this case is not small."

"The case is not big, but the impact is very bad." Zhang Yuelu said, "Compared to your case, it is nothing. After all, the root cause is mostly on your side."

Qi Xuansu immediately understood: "The culprit of this case is also the Nanyang United Trading Company? I don't want to criticize from the moral high ground, nor do I want to say too many righteous words, but this Nanyang United Trading Company is indeed a abscess, and now it has reached its peak It’s time to squeeze.”

Zhang Yuelu said: "Don't talk about it anymore, I will handle it. If necessary, I can also go to Borneo on behalf of Lingnan Province."

"You, the second deputy palace master, can represent the Lingnan Daofu? It's really a big honor." Qi Xuansu smiled, "I am now acting as part of the power of the master of the palace, but I still cannot represent the Borneo Daofu. In the discussion of the palace master, I The minority still has to work hard to convene a Taoist government meeting to push forward some things. "

Zhang Yuelu did not shy away from it: "Lingnan is adjacent to Wuzhou. The Zhengyi Taoist Party has the final say here. Both the Heavenly Master and the Master support me. The Taoist people don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face. Naturally, they have to give me face. They can't be compared with you. ”

Qi Xuansu said: "Don't worry, I can still hold on now and I don't need you to help. When I can't hold on anymore, I won't be polite to you."

Zhang Yuelu nodded and said, "Then it's settled."

Qi Xuansu said: "Okay, you will take your time to investigate here first. When you have the results, let me know, and our two families will also jointly handle the case."

Qi Xuansu ended the remote call and ignored the matter for the time being.

Now that there are so many things to worry about, he still has to focus on the secret society.

Now it is confirmed that the birth of the ancient immortal is related to the death of the eunuch, the death of the eunuch is related to the queen mother, and the queen mother is also related to the ancient immortal. Then these cases can be combined together, which is essentially the same thing.

If the case is closed now, it makes sense. The Queen Mother is the mastermind behind the scenes. She killed the eunuch and the illness of the Lord of Dayu was also caused by her. After the incident was exposed, the Queen Mother resisted stubbornly and tried to kill Qi Cixi, but was eventually killed by the heroic Qi Cixi. on the spot.

But Qi Xuansu didn't want to close the case. Obviously, Queen Mother Yang E was just a chess piece, at most a relatively big chess piece, far from being a chess player. There were other people behind the scenes.

It can be seen from this that the man behind the scenes can advance, attack, retreat or defend. To attack, let Yang E kill Qi Xuansu, and then put the blame on the secret society, because Yang E is indeed related to the ancient immortal, which makes sense. You can retreat and defend. Yang E failed to kill Qi Xuansu, so let all the clues end with Yang E and put all the blame on Yang E.

Qi Xuansu relied on his first instinct to believe that Wang Jiaohe and Chen Shuhua were definitely involved. Without the power of the Taoist government to cover up, the matter could not have developed to this extent, but there was a lack of substantial evidence.

Whether it is to investigate Wang Jiaoyan or Qingluan Guards, there are still great variables in the specific results and it will take time. Qi Xuansu can't just wait, so Qi Xuansu thought about it and came up with the last clue, which is to start from Da. Lord Yu took action.

Isn’t the Lord of Dayu sick? And the illness is strange, and it will definitely leave some traces.

Although Huashengtang did not find any problems, it does not mean that others cannot find out.

Wang Jiaohe and Chen Shuhua have tricks outside the plate, and Qi Xuansu also has tricks outside the plate.

Isn't it just a secret society? Who can't use a few secret societies? Before Qi Xuansu left Yujing, Master Cihang specifically told him that Qiniang held high positions in five secret societies, including the Eight Tribes.

Huashengtang and the Eight Tribes came from the same lineage, and were both branches of the Creation Project back then. Now that Huashengtang couldn't find out, he asked the Eight Tribes to investigate.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu tried to contact Qiniang again.

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