Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 75 Yao Zu

Shangguan Ya did not directly answer Qi Xuansu's question immediately, but said: "The eight tribes also originated from Taoism. In the middle and late period of Xuansheng era, there was a change of three divisions. It was this change of three divisions that indirectly caused The eight tribes left the Taoist gate."

Qi Xuansu was born in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, so he naturally knew this period of history very well.

Of the six great masters of the Dao Sect, only two have replaced the three deputy masters during their term of office. One is the fifth-generation master who created the current three divisions, and the other is the first-generation master. , that is, Xuansheng.

After Xuansheng reestablished the Taoist sect, he canonized three deputy head masters. At that time, there was no such thing as three masters. They were the first generation Zhengdao master Zhang Luanshan, the first generation Quanzhen Taoist master Shangguan Wan, and the first generation Taiping Tao master Qin Su. In the middle and late period of Xuansheng's reign, Xuansheng decided to reform the Taoist sect, abolished the three Taoisms, and returned the power to the Nine Halls. If you want to abolish the Three Dao, you need to start the reform from the leader of the Three Dao. So the second generation of Zhengdao Da Zhen Yan Feiqing, the second generation of Quanzhen Dao Da Zhen Yao Zu, and the second generation of Taiping Dao Da Zhen Dong Huang came to the throne.

Replacing the three deputy headmasters, Da Zhenren, is only the first step. The second step is to take back part of the power of the three sects and transfer it to Jiutang, specifically to Quanzhen. The Tao is to cancel the creation project and assign the functional authority of creation to Tianji Hall and Huasheng Hall. Because the creation project was abolished and divided, the exodus of the eight tribes was caused.

From this point of view, Shangguan Ya was right.

It is worth mentioning that there is no seniority gap between the first generation deputy head master Da Zhenren and the second generation deputy head master Da Zhenren. They are both first generation disciples. Zhang Luanshan and Yan Feiqing are junior brothers, Shangguan Wan and Yao Zu are junior sisters, and Qin Su and Donghuang are uncles and sisters-in-law.

Qi Xuansu motioned to Shangguan Ya to continue speaking.

Shangguan Ya continued: "My ancestor is a disciple of Xu Zu, the last earth master. She can be regarded as Xuansheng's junior sister. She has always been Xuansheng's right-hand man and is deeply trusted by Xuansheng. Only then can she become the first earth master after Xuansheng reestablished the Taoist sect. Qi Cixi, you are a disciple of Quanzhen Taoism. In your opinion, why did Xuan Sheng replace my ancestor with Yao Zu?"

Qi Xuansu was startled and didn't really know how to answer. Although from the perspective of the overall situation, it is inevitable to replace the three leaders, there is more than one successor. There is a reason why Dong Huang, Yao Zu, and Yan Feiqing became the deputy head masters.

The reason for Zhengyi can be easily explained in two words: hereditary.

Xuansheng is very opposed to hereditary inheritance from generation to generation. In this regard, the Li family is actually better. After all, the Li family's adopted son system is there, and the adopted son-in-law can also take power. Xuansheng himself has no heirs, and hereditary practice has truly begun. In fact, it was already after Donghuang came to power, and there was no problem at that time.

The most serious hereditary problem is the Zhang family. It is said that no one with the surname Zhang can inherit the position of Great Heavenly Master. In order to break the hereditary system of the Zhang family, Xuan Sheng did not hesitate to change the Great Heavenly Master passed down by the Zhang family to Heavenly Master, and also forced himself to His good friend Yan Feiqing came to power, making him the first Celestial Master with a different surname. Yan Feiqing himself was a disciple of the old Heavenly Master Zhang Jingxiu, and he had the full support of Xuansheng. His senior brother Zhang Luanshan did not confront him, but it still caused an uproar. After Xuansheng, everything returned to the past, and there was no longer a different surname from Heavenly Master.

Qin Su, the first great master of Taiping Dao, was the wife of Xuansheng. Xuansheng asked her to serve as the first great master of Taiping Dao not out of selfishness, but because there were many people on the mountain of Taiping Dao at that time.

, a person with enough prestige is needed to suppress it. As the Grand Master, Xuansheng naturally cannot come forward in person, so he has to let the Master's wife come forward on his behalf.

When Donghuang was able to take charge of his own affairs and Xuansheng wanted to overcome the tribulation, he needed someone reliable enough to perform the duties of the Grand Master on a daily basis and to mediate between the three parties. Qin Su went back to be the Master's wife and perform some of the Grand Master's duties on his behalf. In charge of the affairs of Jinque, coupled with the serious situation of Buddhism and Taoism, it was the time to hire people, so Donghuang took advantage of the situation.

The reasons for Zhengyi Dao and Taiping Dao are clear and clear, but Quanzhen Dao does not have a very clear reason. If I have to give a reason, it is that Yao Zu's realm is high enough and he has the blood of a great witch. But this reason is very far-fetched. It can be said to be an advantage or a disadvantage, and there is no conflict. For example, Taiyin Zhenjun, who also has a very high level of cultivation, has not become the deputy head master.

Furthermore, the second generation Earth Master is the founder of the Yao family. In other words, Yao Zu had no family power to support him at that time.

Like today's Qi Xuansu, he may have some friends or backers, but he is still essentially alone.

Qi Xuansu pondered for a moment and said hesitantly: "The bloodline of the great witch?"

Shangguan Ya said: "The so-called great witch bloodline may be very meaningful to a family, but looking at the overall situation of the Taoist sect, whether it is the great witch bloodline or the Qingqiu Mountain bloodline, "

"The creation project at that time was nominally presided over by the ancestor of the family, because the ancestor of the family was a disciple of Xu Zu, and Xu Zu was the master of the eight tribes' plans and the maker of "Emperor Shakti", so on the surface it seemed Makes sense. But in fact, the real core of the Creation Project was Yao Zu, the second-largest figure in Quanzhen Taoism at that time. There is even a saying that the Creation Project cannot last a day without this king. "

"The reason why our ancestors were able to surpass Yao Zu and become the first earth master at that time was not because our ancestors were stronger than Yao Zu, but more because Quanzhen Taoism had many of Xu Zu's old tribes at that time. Xuan Sheng needed his ancestors to stabilize the situation. Wait. When Xuan Sheng fully grasped the overall situation of the Taoist sect and had to replace the deputy head master Da Zhenren, the family ancestors naturally had to take a back seat. At that time, Yao Zu was capable but not powerful, so he was undoubtedly the most suitable successor. "

Qi Xuansu was both surprised and not surprised by this news. Although the Shangguan Patriarch was the first generation Earth Master, it was the Yao family who later came to dominate the Zhang family and the Li family. From this, we can see the characteristics of the second generation Earth Master. sharp.

The descendants of the second-generation deputy master Dazhenren, the second-generation Tianshi Yan Feiqing, are very mediocre. Today, the Yan family is almost a vassal of the Zhang family. You must know that Yan Feiqing was married to the founder of Cihang lineage at that time. This Patriarch Cihang had a good relationship with Madam Xuansheng. It can be said that Yan Feiqing received the full support of Xuansheng and his wife. On the other hand, Yao Zu was really a single-handed man, a world of difference.

Some people may say that this reflects Yan Feiqing's noble character of not seeking for his descendants, but even if they don't talk about it, Xuansheng's original intention is to change the hereditary system of the Zhang family. After Yan Feiqing, there is no one with the same surname as Tianshi. It can be seen that Yan Feiqing still failed Xuansheng. Saint's expectations.

Yaozu vigorously developed Taoist creations, whether it was the spiritual official, the flying boat, or the "dragon eye" and "phoenix eye" series, they were all inseparable from her. To this day, Taoism is still enjoying the legacy left by Yao Zu, which can be said to benefit the future.

This is not to belittle Yan Feiqing, who is known as the "Yan Master". He also made great contributions to recruiting the True Lord Taiyin back then.

No, it's just that he is still inferior to Yao Zu, just like Shangguan Wan, the first generation earth master, is also inferior to Yao Zu.

In the Taoist sect, not everyone can be called an ancestor. Xu Zu counts as one; Xuansheng and the father of Donghuang count as one, and he is Li Zu; Zhang Jingxiu, the old heavenly master of the Zhang family, also counts as one, and he is Zhang Zu; there are also Emperor Gaozu of Daxuan, and the saint Xuansheng. Zu and Yao Zu of the Yao family.

Judging from this standard, Shangguan Wan, Yan Feiqing, and Zhang Luanshan are still a little behind. Donghuang is extremely famous and is the true founder of the Li family, but he was not included in it.

Now it seems that the reason why the three major families of Dao Sect are three major families is that each family has an "ancestor", and the Daxuan royal family also has an emperor Gaozu, which established the pattern of four families in Dao Sect. Xu Zu had mixed achievements and shortcomings. He had no real descendants and was an empty name.

Of course, the Li family believes that Xuan Sheng is also a member of the Li family. They have Li Zu, Sheng Ancestor, and Dao Ancestor, the Great Saint Ancestor. They are the well-deserved leader of the Tao Sect and should inherit the Tao Sect from generation to generation.

It's just that the other families don't recognize it, including the Daxuan royal family. Xuansheng is the Xuansheng of Taoism, not the Xuansheng of one family. Not to mention the Taoist ancestors.

Qi Xuansu had heard about the ancestor of the Yao family a long time ago, and he only thought it was to give the Yao family face. After listening to Shangguan Wan's words today, he realized that the word "ancestor" has such a heavy weight.

Even Dong Huang asked for it but couldn't get it.

Shangguan Yadao: "The ancestors of the Taoist sect are Xuan Sheng, Emperor Gaozu, Zhang Zu, Li Zu, Yao Zu, and Xu Zu. Among them, Zhang Zu, Li Zu, and Xu Zu are the older generation. Before the Taoist sect was truly rebuilt, they He has ascended and passed away. The remaining ones are the Holy Ancestor, Emperor Gaozu, and Yaozu. Among them, Emperor Gaozu is Xuansheng's father-in-law. He is much older than Xuansheng and ascended many years earlier. It is Xuansheng and Yaozu who really influenced the Taoist sect for nearly a hundred years. "

"In other words, from Xuan

From the time when Sheng established the creation project to when Xuansheng abolished the creation project, the creation project was always under the control of Yaozu. Yao Zu has the blood of a great witch. I saw the totem of the witch cult on your "Heart of Immortality Stone", so I think it has something to do with the creation project, and it was probably made by Yao Zu. "

After listening to Shangguan Ya's words, Qi Xuansu fell into deep thought.

He felt that many speculations had been confirmed. Qiniang got the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" from the Lingshan Cave Heaven. So who left the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" in the Lingshan Cave Heaven? Naturally, it was Yao Zu who had the blood of a great witch and personally created the "Heart of the Immortality Stone". This can also explain why Qiniang was able to obtain the "Heart of the Immortality Stone". It was not luck, but rather inheritance.

From this point of view, although Yao Pei denies that the "Heart of Eternal Life Stone" belongs to the Yao family, it is still essentially a thing of the Yao family.

Thinking more deeply, the "Heart of the Immortal Stone" can turn a young pawn into one of the top four talents of the Taoist sect, which is very precious. After Yao Zu is gone, who is most qualified to decide the ownership of the "Heart of the Immortal Stone"? Of course he is the head of the Yao family, the leader of Quanzhen Taoism, and now the Earth Master.

So the question is, Qiniang took out the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" and gave the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" to Qi Xuansu. Was it Qiniang's own decision? Or was the Earth Master secretly giving instructions?

If it was the Earth Master's instruction, then why would the Earth Master hand over such an important thing to Qi Xuansu, a pawn who is neither a relative nor an acquaintance?

Could it be that Qi Xuansu is the human incarnation of Yao Zu? That's so cheesy.

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