Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 89 Shuntian

Chen Shuhua's mansion has been razed to the ground.

The two first-grade spiritual officers teamed up and were quite powerful, but when they met the Immortal Immortal, they were still a little inferior.

Chen Shuhua flew into the sky and reached out towards the outside of the city to grab it.

Before the uprising of the Dayu Kingdom, by chance, the founder of the Dayu Kingdom obtained a sword body with the word "Shuntian" engraved on it. Later, he obtained the sword hilt and put it together to form a divine sword. Carrying this sword, he defeated the Wei army, established the foundation of the Yu Kingdom, and made Shenglong Mansion its capital.

There is a large lake outside the city of Thang Long. When the founder of the Dayu Kingdom was boating on the lake, he suddenly saw a golden turtle emerging from the water, swimming to the side of the boat, and begging him for a divine sword. The sword on King Dayu's waist responded. After falling, the golden turtle dived to the bottom of the lake with the sword in his mouth.

Later, it was said that the sword was returned by an immortal and inserted into the lake. The hilt of the sword remained on the water, forming a small pagoda in the center of the lake. Therefore, this lake is named Guijian Lake.

Following Chen Shuhua's movements, Guijian Lake, which was originally calm, suddenly set off huge waves. The pagoda in the center of the lake shook violently. First it swayed, the tiles shattered, countless dust fell from the gaps, and then the soil turned over. Up, the foundation originally buried in the soil was pulled out of the ground little by little, and finally the entire pagoda was seen rising from the ground and flying towards Chen Shuhua.

Chen Shuhua recited loudly: "I have a bright pearl, which has been locked up by the dust for a long time. Now the light is born when the dust is gone, shining through thousands of mountains and rivers."

The brick and wood structure of the pagoda began to peel off layer by layer, and a bright divine sword gradually revealed its true appearance.

The fairy sword uses the pagoda as its sheath. Once it is unsheathed, the sword's light shines brightly across the heaven and earth.

This sword is called "Shuntian", and it is the fairy sword passed down from generation to generation in the Dayu Kingdom.

In the past, no one could use these immortal swords except the founder of Dayu Kingdom, and they were sealed in the pagoda of Guijian Lake. Today, as Chen Shuhua ascends to the realm of Immortal Immortal, he finally sees the light of day again.

Chen Shuhua holds the "Shuntian Sword", and he is not inferior to Feigong Xizi in Fenglinzhou.

If Master Landa had not destroyed the two immortal-level divine descending vessels in advance, when Chen Shuhua refined the "Eternal Life Stone" and entered the realm of the Immortal Immortal, holding the immortal sword, plus Wu Luo and Zhenjun Siming, the three immortals joined forces, The huge island of Borneo will probably change hands.

In order to pacify Fenglinzhou, Daomen has already involved most of the energy of the National Master and Taiping Dao. If Borneo rebels again, Earth Master and Quanzhen Dao will also have to do their best to suppress the rebellion, which will put Daomen into a two-front battle. In a delicate situation.

Only Tianshi and Zheng are left, and the Buddhist sect, which has been suppressed by the Taoist sect for a long time, may take action.

The Taoist family has a great cause, and they can still cope with it after reaching this point. But there are also factors such as Shamanism, Silla, the Golden Horde, the Rakshasa Kingdom, the Holy Court, and even the Daxuan court that has been ready to make a move. It is very likely that one hair will affect the whole body.

Among these links, if all of them make wrong decisions, it can shake the foundation of the Taoist sect, and even cause the Taoist sect to turn from prosperity to decline. Although the probability of them all making mistakes is extremely small, it still exists.

This is also where the Taiping Dao is entangled. They want to keep the abscess of Borneo to contain the Quanzhen Dao, but they are also afraid that they will lose their way, which will lead to a series of chain reactions. Therefore, Taipingdao acted extremely ambiguous and hesitant. Before the Fenglinzhou war started, they seemed to support Wang Jiaohe, but they did not take any real action. They wanted to play balance, but did not dare to play it to the end. They used the words "as if they were apart" There is no better way to describe it.

After the Fenglinzhou war broke out, Taiping Dao finally no longer had to worry about it, and they let go openly and reached a compromise with Quanzhen Dao.

Over the years, the struggle between the three factions has become more and more fierce, and the consensus among them has become less and less. However, one consensus is unshakable, and that is unity in dealing with the outside world.

The Daxuan Imperial Court is known as the Lower Dao Sect. It was formerly the North Dao Sect, and it can also be said that it belongs to its own people. But Borneo and Fenglin Island are not considered our own people.

To put it less correctly and less morally speaking, although Taoism has always advocated equality, in fact everyone understands that there has never been true equality.

In the last years of the Wei Dynasty, there were natural and man-made disasters, famine spread all over the land, and people died of hunger everywhere. Two hundred years have passed, and according to the laws of a country's fate that have not lasted three hundred years, the Daxuan court should have fallen into decline. But the fact is just the opposite. The Daxuan court is in an unprecedented state of prosperity.

Of course, there are Taoist reasons for this. The world is no longer dominated by one family. The Imperial Capital and Yujing restrict each other, which to a certain extent alleviates the problem of corruption within the top leadership. But the more critical reason is that Daomen and Daxuan solved the most critical conflict between man and earth.

The so-called rise and fall of dynasties. When each dynasty develops to the end, there will be more people and less land, and the land will be merged. If the land cannot support so many people, a great chaos will inevitably break out, the population will be reduced, the land will be redistributed, and then there will be a peaceful age again.

To solve this problem, there are two ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

Open source means to conquer the outside world and expand the territory. However, this has a drawback. If the territory is too vast and too large for the court to reach, it will easily lead to the border areas to become independent and independent from the control of the court. This is what many dynasties do not want to see. Moreover, once the dynasty weakens, these lands will be easily lost. The nineteen states in the Central Plains are almost the limit.

Reducing expenditures means internally purging officials, implementing the New Deal, and suppressing land annexation. This approach also has drawbacks, that is, it touches the interests of powerful people at all levels, and they all hate them. Therefore, they are struggling to move forward. If they are not careful, they will suffer backlash, and they will be beaten at least. He fell to the ground and left the scene sadly. At worst, his body and his family would be destroyed, and he would be infamous for thousands of years.

In terms of throttling, the dual structure of Daomen and Daxuan alleviates the problem to a certain extent. In terms of open source, Daomen has indeed expanded its territory.

However, the fundamental reason is the development of productivity. The emergence of flying boats has solved the problem of too large a territory and it is beyond the reach of the whip. The improvement of agricultural technology can feed more people with less land. The prosperity of maritime trade has caused the decline of traditional land aristocracy and indirectly eased land annexation.

In short, the contradictions in the Central Plains did not disappear, but were transferred.

Regardless of whether the Taoist sect is willing or not, and no matter how much the Taoist sect emphasizes equality, in fact, there is a distinction between superior and inferior. Taoist priests are the first class of people, officials are the second class of people, the people of the Central Plains are the third class of people, and then the natives of Borneo, Fenglin Island and other places are the fourth class of people.

Daomen will not beat other people into slaves like Westerners do. This is the behavior of pirates. It is too despicable and does not conform to Eastern morality.

However, in terms of the specific division of labor, there is indeed a distinction between superior and inferior. Taoist priests are not involved in production, but are responsible for management and distribution, and get the most. Officials, businessmen, and gentry were responsible for execution and received the most. The common people in the Central Plains are engaged in production, but they are responsible for relatively high-end craftsmanship. They can ensure that they have enough food and clothing, have a sense of dignity, and can support their children to study off the job. Ordinary people outside the Central Plains can only do some unskilled work, work hard, pay the most, and get the least. Their children cannot study, and sometimes food and clothing are not a problem.

But even so, compared to the Holy Court, Taoism is still noble. In addition to the fact that the Taoist sect does not sell slaves, at least the Taoist sect retains certain channels for advancement. People like Qi Xuansu can also pass the reading test and become a member of the Taoist priests.

In life, you must always have a sense of superiority to survive. It can be said that it is the bad nature of people, but in fact it is like this. We are not worried about scarcity but inequality. If everyone is poor or everyone is rich, we can live. If we are afraid that one is rich and the other is poor, then we will not be able to live.

In life, you must have some thoughts to survive. What are thoughts? That is to say, Bentou, or hope. Although you are very poor now, you can gain wealth through hard work. The upward path is not blocked, and you can survive no matter how hard you are now.

Whether it is a sense of superiority or thoughts of superiority, they all come from inequality.

If the world is equal, where is the sense of superiority? If the world were equal, there would be no need to think about hope.

Equality is a very beautiful vision, but it is too difficult to realize it.

Confucianism cannot achieve universal unity, and Taoism cannot achieve true equality.

This is an objective fact.

From this point of view, the foundation of Taoism is not so stable.

Xuan Sheng realized this, so he retained the Daxuan court and various small courts, avoiding Taoist priests from direct contact with people's livelihood issues, and letting Taomen act as supervisors. Taomen was like a sharp sword hanging above the head of the court. If the court does not do a good job, it will be cut off immediately and replaced by someone else. The people at the bottom were dissatisfied, and they pointed their finger at the court responsible for execution, rather than the Taoist gates that were separated by one floor.

Both the Quanzhen Tao and the Taiping Tao understand this deeply, so both sides are very cautious when dealing with the issues of Borneo and Fenglin.

When Qingwei Zhenren put down the Fenglinzhou rebellion, he repeatedly emphasized the need to keep a Fenglinzhou that won the hearts and minds of the people, rather than mass killings and violent suppression.

Donghua Zhenren decided to move the Borneo Taoist government out of consideration for the interests of Quanzhen Taoism, and also for the purpose of cleaning up the muddy water and removing the malignant sores.

As a result, it is inevitable for the imperial court to confront Daomen.

Even the Daxuan Imperial Court, known as the Lower Dao Sect, still planned the Five Elements Mountain incident.

The Zunbang sect in Fenglinzhou has swept across the continent, and it has not ended yet.

In Borneo, Chen Shuhua does not represent the interests of the Taoist government at this time. She represents the royal family of the Yu Dynasty. Wang Jiaohe does not represent the interests of the Taoist government. He represents the local power of Borneo.

The person who truly represents the interests of the Taoist government is the great master Lan Hexu.

In other words, when things have developed to this point, the nature of the matter has changed.

It is no longer an internal fight within Quanzhen Dao, but a rebellion similar to the Fenglinzhou War.

Did Master Donghua anticipate this when he made his decision?

Of course it was expected.

It's just that Master Donghua is faced with a dilemma. He doesn't want to alert the enemy prematurely, so he can't end it personally, so he can only send Qi Xuansu. But Qi Xuansu alone cannot be foolproof. So Donghua Zhenren still found an insurance policy for Qi Xuansu.

That is Qiniang.

Qiniang finally arrived belatedly outside the city of Shenglong Mansion.

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