Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 11 Zhuge Yongming

Time gradually passed, and it was already midnight.

Qi Xuansu, who had been sitting cross-legged with his five hearts facing the sky, let out a breath of turbid air and put away the flying sword in his hand.

"Sword control" is a unique method for Qi refiners, and cannot be used by alchemists and others. In the same way, Qi Refiners do not have the magical powers of "Earth Qi Recall" and "Dream Entering" of Alchemists.

Taoist priests from the same Taoist sect have different paths to pursue immortality. In addition to Qi refiners and alchemists, there are also martial arts practitioners, shamans, etc., but Qi Xuansu is not among them. He is a Sanren.

The so-called Sanren, to put it nicely, are the masters of the world. To put it harshly, they are "four different". They are good at everything, not proficient in anything, and their final achievements will not be too high. Among the thirty-six real people , there are only two Sanren.

However, the base of Sanren is very large. After all, most people have no hope of becoming heavenly beings. Within a limited realm, it is good to learn more. Therefore, Sanren are the only people besides Qi Refiners who can control flying swords.

Qi Xuansu became a Sanren with this mentality. His master was also a Sanren - a fourth-grade Taoist priest who often drank too much. He died three years ago.

Qi Xuansu glanced at the deep night outside, feeling a little heavy.

After all, this time he provoked the Li family members of Taiping Dao. There is no doubt that Li Sanxin has a backer behind him, and the biggest backer is his surname.

The Li family of Donghai, whether they are praised by the world or slandered and hated by the world, have always been aloof and detached from the world under their feet. To outsiders, the Li family is quite mysterious and treacherous. There are not many people in the world, but occasionally There are several people who have joined the world, and they are all top figures in the world. The current leader of Taiping Road is from the Li family.

At this moment, subtle unconcealed footsteps suddenly sounded outside the ruined temple.

Qi Xuansu stood up and looked out the door.

I saw a tall man wearing Taoist robes walking through the night in the rain.

Qi Xuansu got up and came to the ruined temple. He looked at the person coming. His intention was very obvious, which was to prevent this person from entering the ruined temple.

The visitor stopped at the steps in front of the dilapidated temple, looked at Qi Xuansu and said, "I am a Taoist who has been traveling all night. I want to go to the temple to have a rest and dry my clothes. Can you do that?"

"No." Qi Xuansu flatly refused, "You are walking in the mountains at night, you are nothing like an ordinary wandering Taoist."

The man asked: "This is strange. Does it mean that Taoists who have traveled to Youfang can't walk on mountain roads or at night?"

Qi Xuansu's voice became slightly thicker: "If you are a wandering Taoist, and you encountered the heavy rain earlier, you should seek shelter from the rain instead of rushing in the rain, let alone walking on mountain roads at night. Even if you are in an emergency, you should act immediately now Head to Fengtai County. Fengtai County is only an hour away from here. Even if there is a curfew at this time, there is still a place to stay outside the city. You can enter the city immediately at dawn instead of resting in this ruined temple. Take a break.”

The man laughed.

Qi Xuansu looked at the visitor and asked in a deep voice: "If you are a passerby, please leave this place quickly. If you are a thief with evil intentions, then please speak out."

When the man heard this, he laughed and said, "I'm afraid it's still too early to say who the thief is, right?"

Qi Xuansu's face was solemn.

The man took out the ultimatum from his arms to prove his identity and said in a deep voice: "I am the Taoist Zhuge Yongming of the sixth rank of Quanzhen Tao." Qi Xuansu immediately understood that this man was a disciple of the Longmen sect among the three major factions of Quanzhen Tao. Because since Xuansheng Zhongxing Taoist sect, the seniority of Longmen sect is exactly: "One Yang comes to restore the original, the unity of religion is eternal and the Ming Dynasty, the integrity of Li Zong, the lofty successor method is prosperous." This person is the eighth generation of the Yongzi generation. disciple.

Qi Xuansu's expression remained unchanged and he said: "It turns out he is a Taoist brother from Quanzhen Taoism, but the Taoist brother said he was a thief. Is there any evidence? You can't just accuse an innocent person."

"What an innocent man." The man gradually faded the smile on his face, "What are you doing in this ruined temple?"

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "I encountered heavy rain when passing by here, so I will take shelter here for the time being."

"Is it just shelter from the rain? Then why should I feel guilty?" Zhuge Yongming said solemnly, "Why don't you let me enter the temple?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Because Brother Tao has a vicious face and secretive whereabouts. He doesn't look like a good person."

Zhuge Yongming sneered: "Is this your reason?"

Qi Xuansu said: "When you go out, you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. If Brother Dao continues to entangle you, I will also say that Brother Dao is pretending to be a disciple of the Taoist sect."

Zhuge Yongming narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "What you said doesn't count."

Qi Xuansu responded tit for tat: "What you said doesn't count."

The man sneered and said: "But my fists have the final say. I will hit anyone who is not convinced, and I will win. This is what counts."

Qi Xuansu said: "In the end, we still have to take action."

Zhuge Yongming said calmly: "The matter is very important. If you are willing to surrender, I don't have to take action. But if you want to fight to the end, then don't blame me for being ruthless. I will smash your body and Dantian, and completely destroy all your achievements." A difficult accomplishment.”

Qi Xuansu did not take risks to cross the river, so he avoided Jiangbie Yun on the river. He also did not take the risk of staying in Fengtai County to play in the dark, so he also avoided the alchemists of Zhengyi, but in the end he Still couldn't escape Zhuge Yongming who was waiting in Maoxian Mountain.

Zhuge Yongming looked at Qi Xuansu and said slowly: "There are two kinds of people who can stand out in the world. One is appreciated by God, and has excellent root and bone qualifications. The other is appreciated by the ancestor, and his root and bones are not the best. But if you have perseverance, perseverance, and endless hard work, you may not become famous at a young age, but you can often become a late bloomer. Depending on your age, you are still young, but you can become a talented person. Even if you don't think it is appreciated by God, you will be a genius. I was also rewarded by God, but I am different. My qualifications are not very good, and my basic skills are average. When I was your age, I was just in the stage of acquiring talents. Over the years, I have been nothing more than hard work. Two words, winter is thirty-nine, summer is three days, and the sun is not shining, and then I climbed into the Yuxu level. In front of those geniuses who are appreciated by God, it is certainly not enough to see, but it can be used to kill you, the Kunlun level, but it is More than enough.”

Qi Xuansu's face was solemn.

This person is a martial artist of the Yuxu level, with a realm derived from flesh and blood.

The next moment, Zhuge Yongming punched out in a straight line, hitting Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu avoided its sharp edge and dodged to the side.

In Yizhuang, Qi Xuansu once dodged a crossbow arrow, and in the county government office, he also blocked Li Sanxin's flying sword. This shows how fast he was, but now he couldn't completely dodge Zhuge Yongming's punch. The punch hit his left shoulder, causing him to fall to the side. However, Qi Xuansu deliberately adjusted his direction and twisted his body in mid-air. Instead of retreating back to the ruined temple, he landed on the open space outside the ruined temple. After falling to the ground, there was no sound.

After Qi Xuansu landed and stood firm, Zhuge Yongming's second punch came again.

Warriors are different from alchemists and qi refiners. They are best at close combat. In the same situation, if a warrior gets close to you, your life will most likely be in danger.

Zhuge Yongming punched Qi Xuansu directly on the forehead between the eyebrows. The wind caused by the punch caused Qi Xuansu's hair to flutter back suddenly. However, when the fist was only an inch away from his forehead, Qi Xuansu's body fell backwards. He flew away, barely escaping the aftermath of the punch.

Zhuge Yongming won the power and showed no mercy to others, and followed him closely.

Eighty percent of the martial artist's killing power lies in these two arms. At this time, Zhuge Yongming's arms have bulging veins, like tiny dragons hidden under the skin. At the same time, the blood in his body is circulating. Like the tide of a river, you can vaguely hear the sound of blood flowing, and the domineering arrogance of a martial artist is undoubtedly revealed. Then Zhuge Yongming takes a step forward seemingly without any rules, causing the ground under his feet to sink, and then relies on the majestic strength under his feet. , Zhuge Yongming was like an arrow shot from the string, and he was close to Qi Xuansu in an instant. Even though Qi Xuansu was a veteran of battles, he still had no good way to deal with it at this moment. He could only try his best to retreat again and again, trying to Avoid its sharp edges.

One person rushed forward, the other slipped backward, and mud splashed everywhere.

Every time Zhuge Yongming took a step, the ground shook, leaving a deep footprint. He looked at the young man and took a deep breath. The joints and periosteum all over his body were like heavy drums, and the sound was like the popping of soybeans. Then from his chest and abdomen, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fists, a series of sounds like popping sounds were heard. The sound, the punch broke through the air, and there was a sound of thunder, making Qi Xuansu finally unable to avoid it.

It's as strong as a collapsed bow, and as powerful as thunder.

With a bang, Qi Xuansu was blown away by the punch and fell into the dense forest next to the ruined temple, breaking several old trees.

Zhuge Yongming moved forward slowly and said with a faint smile: "I thought this punch would directly break you into two pieces, but I didn't expect that your body is so strong, it is beyond my expectation."

Lying on the ground, Qi Xuansu slapped the ground with one palm, stood up on his own, and spat out a mouthful of shocking blood.

With Zhuge Yongming's physical strength, it is easy to crack mountains and rocks with one punch. Not to mention a Kunlun-level Sanren, even a Kunlun-level warrior would be hard-pressed to withstand his full punch. Even if it is an alchemist or a qi refiner who is also at the Yuxu stage, as long as he is allowed to get close to him within ten steps, it will be enough to severely injure him, and within three steps, he can be fatal. Of course, if the alchemist or qi refiner distances him and prevents him from getting within ten steps, he will be the one who dies. So if they really have to fight, it's hard to say who will win or lose.

In any case, they are all people at the same stage. They are not comparable to Kunlun-level Sanren. A mere Kunlun-level Sanren has no ability to compete with him.

Zhuge Yongming looked at Qi Xuansu who stood up again and laughed: "Hey, I can still stand up."

Qi Xuansu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Not only can I stand up, but I can also beat you until you can't even recognize me."

Zhuge Yongming said calmly: "My mother is no longer here."

I remember that I was only three years old when she passed away. Decades have passed in the blink of an eye, so it makes sense that I can’t recognize her. "

Qi Xuansu stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the sword at his waist and said, "I was the one who was abrupt."

Zhuge Yongming narrowed his eyes and said concisely: "I will never argue with a dying person."

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