Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 105 Assassination

Lion City is such an important place, so the Borneo Taoist Palace will naturally station a deputy governor here. The size of the Taoist palace in Lion City is second only to the Sajik Palace, and is called Tianfu Palace. What is enshrined here is not Taishang Taozu, but the Queen of Heaven. The earliest Tianfu Temple was not very big. After Daomen came to Nanyang, it was expanded repeatedly. Now it has become a state-level palace, located in the central district of Lion City.

The deputy palace lord who is in charge of Tianfu Palace is named Xie Jiaofeng. He ranks fourth among the deputy palace lords of Borneo Taoist Palace, second only to Qi Xuansu, Xu Jiaorong and Wang Jiaoying. This is reasonable, after all, the location of the Lion City is too important.

As for why Wang Jiaoying was not in charge of Lion City, it was because Wang Jiaoying was the deputy head of Dayu Kingdom. Although the Grand Master, the Real Master, the Chief Deputy Palace Master, and the Second Deputy Palace Master are all in the Shenglong Mansion of Dayu Kingdom, their responsibility is to manage the entire Taoist Mansion. Just like the cabinet is located in the Imperial Capital, it does not mean that the cabinet must Specifically, take care of the big and small matters in Imperial Capital. Wang Jiaoying's position is similar to that of Shuntian Fuyin in the imperial court. He is very important and is responsible for the specific affairs of Dayu Kingdom. Therefore, Wang Jiaoying personally took action in forcing the palace.

Wang Jiaoying is certainly responsible for what happened to Dayu Kingdom this time. But above him, there are also the master of the palace and the master of the palace, especially when it comes to the defection of the chief deputy palace master. Strictly speaking, the chief deputy palace master He is half the boss of the other seven ordinary deputy palace masters. This means that there is a problem at the level of Jinque and Dao Palace. This responsibility is not something that a deputy palace master can bear.

It's like the general abandoned the city and abandoned the land. He was unable to hold the general's people accountable and those who had the ability to control and supervise him. In addition, Jinque wanted to stabilize the Wang family, so Wang Jiaoying was not removed from his post. It was also a reprimand and a demerit.

Strictly speaking, Xie Jiaofeng is not a member of the Wang family, nor is he a member of Chen Shuhua. At least at the level of the Taoist government, he is not a member of either. He is just a grass on the wall, and he will be blown wherever the wind blows. Which side to lean on? In the past, it was naturally on Wang Jiaohe's side. During the last Taoist government meeting, he saw that something was wrong, so he wisely remained independent.

But then again, he is not an ordinary person who can occupy this key position in Lion City. He does not have a clear camp at the Taoist level, but if you look up, he is from the Xie family, a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River. The Xie family is a Confucian sect. people. The Taoist sect advocates the unification of the three sects. Just as Cihang's lineage was formerly a Buddhist sect, the Pei family of Quanzhen Taoism can actually be regarded as a Confucian sect. In recent years, they have often married into Confucian families, so Xie Jiaofeng is actually a member of the Pei family. People online.

Donghua Zhenren sent him to Borneo with the original intention of mixing sand. The situation in Borneo was complicated. In addition, Jinque had not made up his mind at that time, or had not formed a unified opinion, so Xie Jiaofeng had no choice but to follow suit. The wind swayed, at most it ensured that one would not be pulled into the water.

Xie Jiaofeng was also among those who greeted Qi Xuansu this time, but Qi Xuansu was not impressed by him. He did not have much scholarly spirit or Taoist morale, but he had a lot of bureaucratic spirit.

Qi Xuansu will naturally stay at Tianfu Palace when he comes to Lion City this time. There is quite a distance from Feizhou Port to Tianfu Palace. In order to welcome Qi Xuansu, the Nanting Protectorate conducted street cleaning. The long motorcade was traveling on the deserted street. Qi Xuansu's carriage was located in the middle of the motorcade. There were only three people in the carriage, namely Qi Xuansu, Xiao Yin and Chen Jianchou.

Qi Xuansu was looking through the relevant files, and Chen Jianchou was in charge of sorting out the files Qi Xuansu was going to read. Xiao Yin was bored and sat slumped in his seat, yawning several times and looking drowsy.

She really didn't know what was so interesting about those files that were densely filled with words. She fell asleep after just one glance, and fell asleep after just two glances.

At this moment, the carriage suddenly stopped.

Qi Xuansu, who had been keeping his head down, raised his head and asked, "What's going on?"

Chen Jianchou stood up immediately: "I'll go take a look."

The sleepy Xiao Yin also became energetic: "I'll go too!"

Chen Jianchou refused without thinking: "You are responsible for the chief's safety."

Xiao Yin sat back again, pouting unhappy.

Chen Jianchou got off the carriage and soon returned, standing in the carriage

Qi Xuansu raised his eyebrows and asked, "What are you complaining about?"

Chen Jianqiu said: "I didn't ask deeply. It seems to be related to Nanyang United Trading Company. The husband of the complainant was the accountant of Nanyang United Trading Company. He died suddenly some time ago. She felt that her husband was being used by Nanyang United Trading Company." People from the company were harmed, so they came to block the road and file a complaint.”

Qi Xuansu was startled.

All good things come together? His visit to the Lion City this time was of course nominally to continue his unfinished inspection trip, but in fact he was here for the Nanyang United Trading Company. He and Zhang Yuelu were in the dark and in the dark. Zhang Yuelu could start from the slave trade, which was considered a surprise. Qi Xuansu is responsible for the frontal attack. He is responsible for things such as checking accounts, which is justifiable.

Now that he had just arrived in the Lion City, someone blocked the road and complained. It was like someone giving him a pillow when he wanted to sleep.

Qi Xuansu became interested, but now he is no longer the reckless and reckless young man in the past. He did not rush to see this unknown complainant, but ordered: "Take her with you. If you have anything to say, Go to Thian Hock Palace and tell me.”

Chen Jianchou took the order and left.

At this moment, a shrill and sharp sound pierced the air suddenly sounded.

The next moment, the carriage Qi Xuansu was in was accurately hit by a flaming meteor that broke through the air. The entire carriage instantly turned into a huge fireball, rising like a mushroom.

Qi Xuansu in the carriage felt red and white lights filling his entire field of vision for a moment.

Chen Jianchou, who had just walked not far away, was blown away by the huge air wave and hit another carriage hard.

The entire convoy was in chaos. The men in black and the spiritual officers subconsciously formed a defensive formation, and several masters moved towards the direction of the flaming meteor.

Qin Hengjun and Xie Jiaofeng immediately rushed to Qi Xuansu's carriage.

Xie Jiaofeng's face turned pale. If Jinque's newly appointed chief deputy palace lord died in the Lion City, and died under his nose, then his career would have come to an end. This deputy palace lord I can't keep my position. He could even imagine how furious Donghua Zhenren must be.

Qin Hengjun's face didn't look good either, because he realized that the assassins used firearms for sneak attacks. Firearms of this size would basically not be spread outside, and must be strictly controlled. So the source is nothing more than two places, one is Taoism, and the other One is the Daxuan court. If it was a firearm belonging to the Taoist sect, it would be easy to say that it was a fight among the Taoist sect's own, and he, an outsider, would be negligent in his duties at best. But if it was finally found out that the firearm came from the Nanting Protectorate, then he couldn't imagine the consequences.

Just when the two were hesitant, the charred remains of the carriage moved, and then a small black shadow crawled out of it. That's right, it's a shadow, completely black from head to toe, with only a pair of white teeth left.

The key is that this small black shadow seems to be fine. She shook the black ashes on her body, and then dragged out a person from the wreckage that still had a little bit of fire left.

It was Qi Xuansu.

Qin Hengjun and Xie Jiaofeng immediately rushed forward from the left and right.

Qi Xuansu was also disgraced, but he was pinned down by Xiao Yin at the time, so his face was not bad and he did not look like Xiao Yin. Moreover, Qi Xuansu's physique is there. He is not a banished immortal or a Qi practitioner. He mainly relies on "Qi" for support, nor is he supported by Wu Zhu's divine power. Without the support of these inheritance realms, his physical strength will drop by several levels. Qi Xuansu has the physique of a martial artist. Even if his cultivation is damaged, at most the power of his fists and will will be weakened, and his physique will still be the same.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu's life is still safe.

As for Xiao Yin, this guy cannot be explained by ordinary theories. After eating dragon meat, certain changes occurred. It would not be surprising to be killed by an explosion or remain unscathed.

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm fine. Where is the person who blocked the road and complained?"

By this time, Qi Xuansu had realized that the so-called stop-and-go complaint was probably a pretense, just to stop the convoy and attract attention. They were also sure that Qi Xuansu would ask someone to ask what happened, so that they could identify Qi Xuansu's carriage.

The stopped convoy, the confirmed carriage, and the slight delay of the person blocking the road gave them enough time to take aim.

One assassination was complete.

Qin Hengjun reacted quickly and stood up to call his adjutant over.

The adjutant came to Qin Hengjun immediately.

Qin Hengjun asked: "Where is the person who blocked the road and complained?"

The adjutant whispered: "It happened suddenly. She ran away and injured two of our brothers."

Qin Hengjun's face almost turned pale and he said nothing.

The adjutant was as silent as a cicada.

At this time, Qi Xuansu said: "Just run away. They came prepared. It is reasonable for us to be caught off guard. We should investigate this matter slowly."

While talking, Qi Xuansu did not forget to pat the black dust on Xiao Yin's body.

Qin Hengjun then said: "We have failed in our duties. After we return, I will report it to the Chief Protector immediately to investigate the matter thoroughly."

In terms of position, Qin Hengjun was not inferior to Qi Xuansu, but such a thing happened under the nose of the Nanting Protectorate. Qin Hengjun could not escape the blame, and it was a natural mistake, so he had to give Qi Xuansu an explanation.

Xie Jiaofeng also hurriedly said: "Yes, we must investigate thoroughly, it is too heartbreaking."

Qi Xuansu was not actually angry. The reason why many people who were assassinated were angry was actually out of fear, anger, and fear hovering on the line between life and death.

Qi Xuansu does not lack this kind of experience or experience, so he is not afraid and can control his emotions well.

Now, he had to reorganize his thoughts and shift his focus to this assassination incident.

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