Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 122 The Great Master Arrives

It is said that a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. Qi Xuansu was backlashed by the pages of the "Xirui Sutra" this time, causing great damage to his cultivation. However, there is also an advantage, that is, it speeds up Qi Xuansu's digestion of "Xuanyu", which was originally "deposited" Qi Xuansu's power was used to make up for the shortfall.

Qi Xuansu estimated that as long as he recovers from his injuries, he can absorb new "Xuanyu". The further back he goes, the greater the demand for "Xuanyu". With his current level of cultivation, about Two pieces of "mysterious jade" above a certain level are needed to advance to the creation stage. And it is best to have several other kinds of "mysterious jade" besides "the mysterious jade of life", so that they can develop in a balanced way.

As for divine power, Qi Xuansu has no shortage of it. Last time, in order to deal with the divine incarnation of Lord Siming, he received 10,000 moments of divine power from the Taoist government. After deducting the consumption of 7,788, he still had about half of it left. Jinque did not hold him responsible for the unauthorized use of divine power, and even refused to let him return it, allowing him to keep the remaining divine power for emergencies. It can also be regarded as a disguised reward from Jinque to him.

Therefore, although Qi Xuansu has no money today, there is almost no need to spend money on the personal side, and the Taoist side has taken care of it.

However, Qi Xuansu's good days did not last for a few days. He soon received news from Jinque, asking him to return to Sheji Palace in Shenglong Prefecture to prepare for the pursuit team sent by Jinque.

Even though it is a small group, it has a very high standard and is led by a great master Pingzhang himself. Its members include many first-grade spiritual officials and creation gods.

The leader of Pingzhang is none other than Jiang Hedao. He does not belong to any of the Three Dao families, but to the lineage of the Grand Master. Now he serves as the Purple Master.

The great master of Xiao Palace.

Although due to the Sixth Generation of Grand Masters and the vacancy of the Grand Master, the power of Zixiao Palace is not as powerful as before and can no longer compete with Jinque, Zixiao Palace is still the first among many Taoist palaces, with a status of Above the Wanxiang Dao Palace, Wanshou Chongyang Palace, Shangqing Palace, and Qingling Palace.

Today, the Grand Master of Zixiao Palace is no longer the chief secretary of the Grand Master under one person, but more like a fire-fighter. Wherever there is a problem, he will rush there. If there is peace in the world, then he will enjoy leisure.

Now that something happened in Borneo and Chen Shuhua was on the run, it was a huge hidden danger, so only Jiang Dazhen could come forward.

Qi Xuansu naturally had to rush back to meet Master Jiang Da.

This is not the first time Qi Xuansu has greeted Master Jiang Da. The last time was at the Penglai Pool in the Imperial Capital. But at that time, he played a role similar to that of a little Taoist boy, but this time he played the role of Shi Bingyun.

Due to special circumstances, Xie Jiaofeng, the deputy palace master, did not have to go back and stayed in the Lion City.

Qi Xuansu had to return to Shenglong Mansion for the time being. Lion City still needed someone to take charge of the overall situation, so Xie Jiaofeng suddenly discovered that as soon as Chief Qi left, Second Chief Zhang appeared out of nowhere.

He had long known that Zhang Cixi had come to Nanyang to investigate the case, but he did not expect that Zhang Cixi had been right under his nose.

Logically speaking, Zhang Cixi had nothing to do with him, because the two of them were not from the same Taoist house. But the accounts can't be settled like this, not to mention that the Zhang family behind Zhang Cixi is so powerful that no one can afford to offend him. Just talk about the relationship between Chief Qi and Zhang Cixi. He also knows what to do.

Of course this is against the rules, but Qi Xuansu is really

I can't worry about Xie Jiaofeng, an unknown person. If something happens again during his absence, then Xie Jiaofeng can't count on him and can only rely on Zhang Yuelu. Qi Xuansu can't just stick to the rules and ignore the overall situation. Furthermore, Zhang Yuelu will not formally issue orders. She will provide suggestions to Xie Jiaofeng, and then Xie Jiaofeng will give orders. Xie Jiaofeng can also choose not to listen to Zhang Yuelu's suggestions, depending on whether he has this Got brave.

Qi Xuansu returned to Shenglong Mansion the day before Jiang Daren arrived at Borneo Taoist Mansion, and Xu Jiaorong came to pick him up in person.

After getting on the carriage, Qi Xuansu asked: "Xu Cixi, is there nothing going on in Shenglong Mansion recently?"

"Everything is fine." Xu Jiaorong sat opposite Qi Xuansu, "There is nothing to do here in Shenglong Mansion. Princess Furui has become the new head of the country. The royal family intends to distance themselves from the relationship and does not interfere much. The key is still in the Lion City. I have heard about the riots, and it is still difficult for you. "

Qi Xuansu closed his eyes: "It doesn't matter. No matter how many ways they come, we just go all the way. As long as we bite Nanyang United Trading Company, there will always be times when they can't hold on."

Xu Jiaorong did not discuss this topic in depth, but turned to look at Chen Jianchou who was following Qi Xuansu: "Yu Zheng didn't cause any trouble to Chief Qi, did he?"

Qi Xuansu smiled: "He is very good. Now we are waiting for the big exam in August."

The carriage traveled smoothly, without any assassination, and arrived at Sheji Palace smoothly.

Now Qi Xuansu's pledge room in Sheji Palace has been moved to the Fire Palace, which was the pledge room that previously belonged to Chen Shuhua. The layout is similar to that of the Water Palace.

One on the left and one on the right, facing each other from a distance. Xu Jiaorong moved to Qi Xuansu's previous pledge room.

Qi Xuansu motioned to Chen Jianchou to follow Xu Jiaorong to the Water Palace so that mother and son could have time to communicate. After all, Xu Jiaorong was born as a secretary, so he must have a lot of experience in this area, and he must meet with Chen Jianqiu to teach him everything.

The Fire Palace is a bit unfamiliar to Qi Xuansu. This place is essentially Wang Jiaohe's territory, but Wang Jiaohe has not been here recently. After Qi Xuansu entered the Fire Palace, the entire Fire Palace was as silent as a cicada, for fear of blocking the way of Master Qi, and for fear of being in the way of Master Qi.

Especially those who originally worked under Chen Shuhua, many people have been dealt with. After all, they have been with Chen Shuhua for so many years and are under the same roof. It is unrealistic to have no involvement at all. Those who survived were in a dilemma whether to deal with them or not. Naturally, they were afraid. When they saw Qi Xuansu, they were not only scared but also scared. It can be said that Qi Xuansu wanted to deal with Chen Shuhua's old accounts. It was not difficult. There was no irritation. head.

Qi Xuansu entered the signing room, summoned the chief chief and the second chief, and asked: "How are the various arrangements for receiving Master Jiang Da and his party prepared?"

The two principals reported back: "We are ready. There are clear standards for the reception of Master Pingzhang, which is considered to be the highest standard."

Qi Xuansu remembered what happened to welcome Yao Pei, and said: "Don't arrange any more Taoist boys, especially those young Taoist boys. Let a bunch of half-year-old children who are not innate people stay there in the hot weather." ,Means nothing."

The two principals agreed.

Early the next morning, all the people responsible for welcoming him were present, except for the governor and the chief minister.

In addition to the first and second seats, four deputy palace masters came, two first-grade spiritual officers, three assistants, and heads of each branch, including Yao Pei.

The battle this time was much bigger than welcoming Qi Xuansu. When Qi Xuansu came, only Chen Shuhua, on behalf of the Taoist government, personally greeted him, while the rest were waiting in Sheji Palace. This time, everyone except Master Lan Da mobilized and came to the bank of Guijian Lake.

I have to say that things change and people change. Last time it was Chen Shuhua, this time he became Qi Xuansu.

The second thing is that things have changed. The last time Qi Xuansu met Jiang Dazhen, he was still the chief executive, and now he is the chief deputy palace master.

Soon, a "Yinglong" slowly descended towards Guijian Lake.

The huge amount of water vapor it carries is a majestic heavy rain, filled with water mist.

No one tried to cover the water vapor, everyone still kept looking up.

Finally, the huge "Yinglong" successfully landed in Guijian Lake, setting off layers of blue waves that spread to all directions.

After "Yinglong" came to a complete stop, an overly long gangway was lowered, and a figure appeared on the deck, wearing a black crane cloak, a sword of wisdom, and a purple lotus crown on his head. It was Ping Ping. Zhang Daren Jiang Hedao.

Wang Jiaohe was walking in the front and had already stepped forward to meet him. Qi Xuansu and Xu Jiaorong were on the left and right, half a body behind Wang Jiaohe, following behind.

Master Jiang Da was still the same as before. He first exchanged polite greetings with Wang Jiaohe, and then looked at Qi Xuansu: "Master Qi, when I saw you last time, you were still the chief under Master Shi. Now in the blink of an eye, you have become such a big man. The chief minister of the Taoist government should be treated with admiration after three days of separation."

Qi Xuansu said humbly: "

The great master is ridiculously praised. "

In the past, Master Jiang Da could regard these eighth-generation disciples as mere juniors, but now his attitude is about to change. As the eighth-generation disciples gradually become second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests, it means that these Taoist disciples are the third generation of young people. It will begin to appear on the stage, and its influence will become greater and greater. Maybe it won't be long before the seventh-generation Grandmaster is elected, and the choice of the eighth-generation Grandmaster can be put on the agenda.

In contrast, there are fewer and fewer disciples of the Sixth Generation. Some have passed away at the end of their lives, some have ascended to death, or some have retired to the mountains and forests.

The seventh-generation disciples are relatively stable and are the mainstay. The number of sixth-generation disciples is decreasing, while the number of eighth-generation disciples is increasing. The replacement of old and new ones is always a big problem that cannot be circumvented.

Jiang Dazhen praised: "You have done a good job in Borneo recently. In one month, you did what others did for a year or even ten years. You found Chen Shuhua, the black sheep, and saved the Dayu Kingdom. No matter whether it was the three deputy Master Da Zhenren, Da Zhenren Pingzhang and Zhenzhi all praise you highly. You, the youngest second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, are worthy of your reputation."

Qi Xuansu could only say: "Thank you so much for your compliments. Xuansu will definitely live up to Jinque's trust."

Master Jiang Da finally looked at Xu Jiaorong: "How is Lao Lan's injury?"

Xu Jiaorong bowed slightly and replied: "The injury of the master in charge is much more stable. It is not life-threatening. He should be able to leave the confinement soon."

Jiang Hedao nodded: "That's good. There are only a few old Taoists, old friends, and old brothers left. You can count them on your fingers. We miss each other every time we meet."

No one can tell clearly what the situation is like in the sky. It is also hard to say whether we can see each other again in the sky.

. Therefore, Jiang Daren's words revealed the old man's unique sentimentality.

After that, Jiang Hedao took the lead, and the others followed in turn according to their status.

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