Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 126 Where is the disease?

Jiang Daren will activate

"Xuanyu" was handed over to Qi Xuansu's hands. Qi Xuansu was about to speak when Master Jiang Dazhen raised his hand to stop his unspoken words: "You don't have to tell me any more words. What is the purpose of the earth master? What do you think?" , you can communicate with the Earth Master slowly, I am just transferring this matter. As for the other things, I will not participate." Qi Xuansu had to swallow the words that had reached his mouth.

Master Jiang Da said again: "In addition to chasing Chen Shuhua, I have another mission when I come to Borneo this time, which is to temporarily serve as the leader of the Taoist government of Borneo before Master Lan Da returns from his injury. "Position." Qi Xuansu was not surprised. It was impossible for Jin Que to let an ordinary real person perform the duties of the real person in charge for a long time. The name was not justified, and Qi Xuansu could not shoulder the responsibility, so he could only shoulder some of the responsibilities.

Therefore, it is justifiable that Daren Pingzhang should come over. Master Jiang got to the point: "Since I am in charge of the government, I would like to know the specific situation from you, regarding all aspects of the Borneo Taoist House." Naturally, Qi Xuansu would not hide it and put himself in the Borneo Taoist House. I talked about what I saw, heard and felt one by one in detail, and finally concluded: "Compared with the Central Plains, Borneo has weaknesses in many aspects and needs to be improved urgently. The fundamental reason is, firstly, the lack of Daxuan court Secondly, the area is too vast. As a result, the Taoist sect’s foundation here is relatively weak, various chaos emerges in an endless stream, and the infiltration of the Holy Court is relatively serious.” After listening to this, Master Jiang Dafeng pondered for a moment and said: “This is the case. Come on, go and inform the palace masters, assistant ministers, and first-grade spiritual officials. We will discuss this matter in an hour." Qi Xuansu stood up and said, "Yes." Of course, Qi Xuansu does not need to inform him personally, he only needs to give instructions. .

At the same time, the news that Mr. Jiang Dazhen concurrently serves as the chief minister was also passed on. Soon, everyone gathered in the meeting hall of Tu Palace. Master Jiang Dazhen took the main seat in the middle, with Wang Jiaohe on the left and Qi Xuansu on the right.

Facing Master Jiang Da, everyone's attitude was very low. In the era of the Five Dynasties Great Masters, the Master Master of Zixiao Palace was not inferior to the existence of the three masters. Even if it is no longer possible now, it is still the first of the seven Pingzhang Masters.

Jiang Dazhen is also the special envoy representing the Taoist sect, and he also temporarily serves as the head of the Taoist sect. The combination of these three identities can make any Taoist sect cautious even if they do not talk about immortal cultivation.

Jiang Dazhen looked around and said: "I am only temporarily serving as the head of the Taoist government. My main task is to maintain the stability of the Taoist government. Therefore, this temporary meeting will not discuss the personnel issues of the Taoist government. The main thing is to discuss Criticize and review Chen Shuhua’s defection.” Qi Xuansu and Xu Jiaorong looked at each other and said nothing.

Wang Jiaohe remained motionless, but some of the deputy palace masters, such as Zheng Jiaohe, were already losing their composure.

Master Jiang Dazhen glanced at Wang Jiaohe: "Long-term depression will lead to illness, long-term illness will lead to illness, and long-term illness will lead to disaster. Chen Shuhua's various plans cannot be completed in one day. It is precisely because of the past that he turned a blind eye and failed to supervise his duties, which led to this Today's bitter pill. We cannot ignore the disease and ignore it. Yesterday the disease was in the skin, today the disease is in the body. If we ignore it, tomorrow the disease will be in the bone marrow, where life belongs, and there is nothing we can do. "Yeah. Fortunately, it's not too late to make amends." Everyone was silent.

Jiang Dazhen continued: "We can't be harmonious today, let alone punish ourselves with three glasses of wine. To treat serious illnesses, strong medicines should be used. Here I want to name the Wang Zhangfu. You are already standing on the edge of the cliff. The situation is okay. It's very dangerous, don't say it's just an oversight. You and Chen Shuhua have been working together for so many years, haven't you noticed at all? Jin Que already feels that you have many questions that you can't explain clearly. It is said that you don't know anything about the loss of dragon energy? Chen Shuhua caused such a big commotion in Shenglong Mansion, and you behaved worse than Chief Qi, a young man who just arrived in Borneo. Now it's all due to "accidental oversight". Is it really that easy even though it has been dealt with? A former deputy palace master, but you, the real master, have no responsibilities?" The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

No one expected that Master Jiang Da would say these words so straightforwardly! Considering Jiang Daren's identity, this is probably Jin Que's attitude as well.

Many people were worried about Wang Jiaohe. Xu Jiaorong took advantage of the situation and said: "The king's palace, I am now the second deputy palace master in charge of law. I used to be the secretary of Master Lan Da. I can also be regarded as an old man in the Taoist palace. I know a lot about many situations. In the past many years, Wang The boss and Chen Shuhua have a close relationship. Of course we want to believe that the boss didn’t see through Chen Shuhua’s disguise. But on the night of the incident, the king’s reaction was extremely slow. This is very confusing. You, the boss Mr. Fu, what's going on?" Wang Jiaohe finally spoke: "Secretary Xu, I can swear to the Supreme Taoist Patriarch that between me and Chen Shuhua, including when I was the chief deputy head of the Borneo Taoist House, There is no personal interest relationship, we are just colleagues and friends. Of course, I also pretended that she had evil intentions and even admired her for a time. This is my dereliction of duty." Jiang Dazhen said: " No personal interests? I don’t think it’s that simple. Chen Shuhua is good at pretending and caters to you in everything. Even if there is something wrong with Chen Shuhua, you will turn a blind eye. Of course there is no Taiping money involved. , but does pandering count as a benefit? It's just that you are afraid that if Chen Shuhua is taken away, Jinque will send a strong chief deputy palace master, which will restrict your ability to monopolize power. "

"This is a bit harsh, but I have to say it again. Before I came here, the Earth Master asked me to convey a message to you: 'Can the King in charge take charge of Borneo? Now it seems that there are some doubts. I hope he can Don't let Borneo become the second Fenglinzhou. 'These are the exact words of the Earth Master. If I didn't treat you as a Taoist friend, I wouldn't say these harsh words, and neither would the Earth Master. I won’t say. Jinque has discussed the issue of Borneo’s government many times. We want to maintain the stability of Borneo and hope that you will wake up and not go further down the wrong path.”

"In the final analysis, Jinque still hopes that you can take the initiative to clarify various issues in the Borneo Taoist House and confess your heart to Jinque. As long as you correct your mistakes, you will still be a good Taoist friend. Any Taoist master of the Taoist school is very precious. , Daomen all cherish it, but in your heart, Master Shenzhi, only you know whether or how many Daomen there are. I hope you can understand that you must put the interests of Daomen first. Interests come first, and no personal interests can compare. I also hope that you can make an inspection and explanation to the Taoist government and Jinque on this matter. "After all, it is Pingzhang Daren who doesn't talk so much. Despite their scruples, no one dared to jump out and refute at this time. Zheng Jiaohe and others were all afraid of being named by Master Jiang Dazhen.

At this time, the only one who can save Wang Jiaohe is Wang Jiaohe himself. Wang Jiaohe was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "Borneo Taoist House is a special Taoist house. Because of its important location and complicated situation, like Fenglinzhou Taoist House, it has the position of the head master. Strictly speaking Said, I, the real person in charge, is also a subordinate of the real person in charge. Of course, the real person in charge is responsible for military affairs and has little contact with the chief deputy palace master. The main contact with the chief deputy palace master is the real person in charge. Dereliction of duty is still my problem." Wang Jiaohe paused and looked around: "Why didn't Master Landa and I see Chen Shuhua's problem in advance? Is it because Chen Shuhua is particularly good at pretending? Chief Qi just came to Boluo? It didn't take long for Zhou to discover Chen Shuhua's problem. So for this period of time, I have been thinking, why can't I see through Chen Shuhua's disguise? Although I have to find the reason subjectively, I have to put it forward. Some negative effects on me.”

"This involves the issue of realm cultivation. I am only at the stage of pseudo-immortal, Master Lan Da is the real immortal, and refining the 'Eternal Life Stone' is the method of the immortal level. I did notice something was wrong, but at that time Chen Shuhua has not been exposed yet, and he is still one of our own in our eyes. In addition, the immortal master Lan Da has not spoken, so I can't help but wonder if I am worrying too much. After all, we can't doubt our Taoist friends casually. Destroying internal unity. I often wonder, even if there is a problem, wouldn’t Mr. Landa be able to see it? I admit that in many cases, I can’t help but rely too much on Mr. Landa’s judgment.”

"Of course, I am not shirking responsibility. It is the responsibility that I have to bear, and I must bear it. But just now Jiang Dazhen has said that it is not too late to remedy the situation. In order to prevent such a situation from happening again in the future, we cannot It’s just about holding who is responsible, but also digging deeper to find the root of the problem and solve it.” There was silence in the council hall again.

Qi Xuansu once again confirmed his thinking. Wang Jiaohe was indeed scheming and it would be difficult to break through him.

We still have to start with the people around him. Master Jiang Da laughed: "I understand, Master Wang believes that Master Lan must also bear the responsibility. You are not convinced that you alone bear the responsibility of two people, isn't that true?" Wang Jiaohe said, neither humble nor arrogant. : "For the benefit of the Taoist sect, there is nothing to say whether you are convinced or not. I have just said that we must find the root cause of the problem and solve it. As Master Jiang Dazhen said, we cannot engage in the practice of concealing diseases and avoiding medical treatment, let alone the ignorance of the few. In Nanyang, many people say that Landa Zhenren is the land emperor of Nanyang. So, does this emperor have a disease or not? We must be realistic. If there is a problem, there is a problem. The problem is that there is no problem. The key is not to hold people accountable, but to prevent similar problems from happening again." Jiang Dazhen was silent for a long time and sighed: "It seems that the water in Borneo is deeper than I thought."

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