Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 128 What is the price?

Master Hengbo looked at the totems that symbolized the great witches and said, "You are making rapid progress." When Qi Xuansu came last time, he left a question.

Why was Shi Hengbo’s remnant soul left behind?

In "Heart of the Immortal Stone"? Is it refining

"Heart of the Immortal Stone" still needs a human sacrifice furnace? Or should I say, Shi Hengbo was once

The owner of the "Heart of the Immortal Stone" was killed after his death

The "Heart of the Immortal Stone" retains the remnant soul. After Qi Xuansu raised his question at that time, Shi Hengbo replied that she was just a remnant soul separated from the main body and did not have complete memory and could not answer the question.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to give up. Qi Xuansu now changed his perspective and asked: "Since the senior is the second generation disciple of the Taoist sect, who did the senior learn from?" Where did he learn from, and who were his parents? This kind of memory lasted almost throughout his life, like instinctive common sense, permeating everyone. It’s hard to separate the details.

Sure enough, Shi Hengbo answered directly this time: "My master's surname is Yao." A generation of disciples, also named Yao, are inextricably linked to the ancient witchcraft religion. The answer is ready to come out, which completely confirms Qi Xuansu's guess. Shi Hengbo He is a disciple of Yao Zu,

"Heart of the Immortal Stone" was also written by Yao Zu. At least this piece of him

"Heart of the Immortal Stone" was created by Yao Zu. From the Li family

"Heart of Immortal Stone" is obviously different, considering

The "Eternal Life Stone" is divided into several generations and may have come from the hands of Donghuang. Qi Xuansu then asked: "In the memory of the seniors, who was the Grand Master at that time?" Shi Hengbo glanced at him: "Of course it was Xuansheng. Is there anyone more suitable to be the Grand Master than Xuansheng?" Qi Xuansu He coughed lightly: "Of course not. Where is the Earth Master? Is it Shangguan Earth Master? Or Yao Earth Master?" Shi Hengbo said: "It's the family master." From this, Qi Xuansu can also determine the approximate time when Xuan Sheng is in power and Shangguan Patriarch. If you have retreated, you have entered the later stage of Xuan Sheng taking charge of the Taoist sect.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Senior, how was the battle between Buddhism and Taoism at that time?" Shi Hengbo said: "It has reached a critical moment. Xuansheng and Lord Buddha will eventually have a battle. It is difficult to say who will win. But from your current situation Judging from the situation, Xuansheng and Daomen should have won." Qi Xuansu narrowed the time range again.

The reason why Qi Xuansu asked these questions was because he was still suspicious after all. A Western saying impressed him deeply: All gifts given by fate have already been marked with a secret price.

This was a sentence he gave to Maginot not long ago, and now he also gave it to himself. As an orphan with no family background, he has reached the point where he can defeat the other three shows of the Taoist sect. Of course, it is due to his own abilities and personal efforts, but in the face of the general trend, these are insignificant. He feels that there is an invisible hand. Push him forward.

If this is Qi Xuansu's destiny, he will eventually reach the pinnacle of Taoism. So, what's the cost?

What price does he need to pay for this?

"How many times is the profit of farming?" He said, "Ten times."

"How many times can you win with pearls and jade?" He said: "A hundred times."

"How many times will the leader win by establishing a country?" He said, "Innumerable." He said, "Today, the fields are working hard, and there is no warm clothes and food. If you build a country and establish a king, you can leave it to the world. May the past be forgotten." This is what Qi Xuansu can bear. price?

Qi Xuansu didn't want to be the slave of others, but now he didn't dare to refuse this offer.

"Gift". So he wanted to find out the reason without alarming some people. The beginning and key of everything is undoubtedly

"Heart of the Immortal Stone". Qi Xuansu wanted to ask again, but Shi Hengbo had already said: "It's almost time, you should leave. I look forward to our next meeting." After that, Qi Xuansu's consciousness began to leave this place, just like he left a dream meeting.

For Qi Xuansu, this time absorbing

The biggest advantage of "Xuanyu" is not that it allows him to enter the immeasurable stage.

"Bottleneck", but to make up for the deficit in his body, and at the same time speed up his digestion

The speed of "Xuanyu". But digest

The process of "Xuanyu" will also improve the cultivation level, which is specifically reflected in the initial absorption of

After "Xuanyu", there will be a period of time

"Stamina", the cultivation level improves relatively quickly. After digesting it in advance to make up for the shortfall, this part

The "stamina" is naturally gone. I'm afraid it created

Even the apostles in the Book of Heroes did not expect that,

"Xirui Sutra" also has such an effect. This is where Qi Xuansu became suspicious. It can just speed up the process.

"Xuanyu" is digested, and it happens to be

"Xuanyu" was delivered to my door, everything was just right, what a coincidence. Back to the topic, although the inheritance after Xuansheng's integration has its own inherent magical power, no matter what kind of inheritance it is, it still needs to be supplemented by learning the skills acquired the day after tomorrow, so as to maximize the power of the supernatural power in order to improve the combat ability. purpose of force.

The inheritance of martial arts is no exception. For example, martial arts

The "Hundred Forms of Immortals" are, under normal circumstances, only partial changes, and the true form of the Immortal is only a variant of the true form of the great witch.

But it’s time to practice

After the "Hundred Beasts Manual", you can transform into various strange beasts, which is the complement to your innate powers. Although the Dharma passed down by Wu Zhu comes with various magical powers, the Dao Fruit Realm possesses

The magic of "what you say follows the law", but you can still pass it

"Yunxiao Law" and other exercises to improve

"What you say follows the law." Needless to say, the Exalted Immortal and the Qi Refiner, these are the two inheritances that most need the support of the Dacheng method.

Qi Xuansu’s martial arts inheritance mainly relies on

"Tantai Boxing Intent", although this method is not a Dacheng method, it is already the best among the Shangcheng methods. Qi Xuansu is not a pure martial artist. In addition,

The "Magic Knife" has a wide range of applications, which is enough. Qi Xuansu's shamanistic blessing inheritance mainly supplemented the magical powers of Izanagi

"Evil Fire". The inheritance of the Qi Refiner supplements the method of Dacheng

"Dragon and Tiger Sword Technique" is just that Qi Xuansu doesn't use it very much, mainly to fight against

"Qingyun" matching set is convenient for displaying the combined swords. The inheritance of alchemists also requires learning various spells, and victory is based on quantity. There are not many spells in Qi Xuan Suhui, mainly those taught by Mr. Yin

"Qing Ming Jia" and

Qi Xuansu doesn't use the "Nine Nether Locks" very much. He prefers to use the martial arts inheritance to meet head-on, or the witchcraft inheritance.

Now that the alchemist inheritance has directly entered the realm of creation, we have to take the alchemist inheritance seriously. It happened that Qi Xuansu had a copy of "The Art of Taiping" which he obtained from the Dragon Palace on the Sea.

"Taiping Yashu" also known as

"Taiping Qingling Shu" is not what it is today

"Taiping Qingling Jing", the latter is just a great method, but the former is a complete inheritance system.

"The Art of Peace" includes

In addition to the fifty-seven volumes of the general outline, the "Taiping Qingling Jing" has raised the lower limit, allowing many people who originally had no hope of becoming a heavenly being to become a heavenly being as long as they follow the steps step by step and follow the theorems and formulas without taking detours.

This is also one of the fundamental reasons for the current explosion in the number of Taoist heavenly beings. The disadvantage is that it weakens the upper limit to a certain extent, which is equivalent to Xuansheng blocking the road. It is true that there are fewer detours, but there is no room for improvement and change. For many geniuses, it is best to learn directly and be able to embody it. The author's original intention of the original article is finally integrated, and one method can be used to understand all methods.

Simply put, only by knowing what is wrong can we better understand what is right. This is mutual confirmation.

This one in the hands of Qi Xuansu

"Taiping Yaoshu" is the original article, which contains some lost content, that is, it is not

"Taiping Qingling Sutra" and

Content within the scope of the "Unknown Heavenly Book". He originally planned to give this "Taiping Yashu" to Zhang Yuelu, but because there were too many things to do next, dealing with Chen Shuhua and Lord Siming, and being unconscious, he completely forgot about this matter.

Since ancient times, witchcraft and Taoism have not been divided into different families. Before the queen of heaven became a god, she had

The identity of "Lizhongwu" is called

"Goddess", and the eleven great witches are also called goddesses. The so-called witches, witches are witches, and wizards are jin. They are collectively called

"Witch". The witch and the goddess are two sides of the same coin. The Queen of Heaven was another great witch after the Eleven Witches. Later, she incorporated the strengths of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and gradually stood out from many sea gods.

what she left

"The Art of Peace" is the embodiment of the indivisibility of witchcraft and Taoism. Qi Xuansu's

"Heart of the Immortal Stone" already has an inexplicable connection with the ancient witchcraft religion.

Some witchcraft spells learned in "Taiping Yaoshu" are just right. Qi Xuansu took out the "Essential Art of Taiping" and flipped through it. He didn't want to learn it.

"Taiping Qingling Jing", this great method is too difficult for him and cannot be learned in a short time.

It is said that Li Changge practiced this method since he was a child and did not achieve success until he was twenty years old. What Qi Xuansu lacks most now is time.

It is also worth mentioning that implanting

The "Heart of Immortality Stone" has certain requirements. It must wait until the body is roughly mature before it can be implanted.

"Heart of the Immortal Stone", only in this way can we adapt. For children or teenagers,

The "Heart of Immortality Stone" is too big and cannot fully fit the body. There is a paradox here,

Of course, the "Heart of Immortality Stone" can grow larger or smaller with the body. The premise is to activate it first.

The "Heart of Immortality Stone" can only be activated if it is implanted into the body, but it cannot be implanted if the size is not suitable.

"Heart of the Immortal Stone". Therefore, both Li Changge and Qi Xuansu were implanted after they were twenty years old.

"Heart of the Immortal Stone", this is also the main reason why Qi Xuansu and Li Changge have similar entrances. If Li Changge was just born, he would be implanted

"Heart of the Immortal Stone", with the financial support of the Li family, Qi Xuansu has long been left behind.

Li Changge is implanting

Before "Heart of the Immortal Stone", I mainly focused on practicing

"Taiping Qingling Jing" is incomparable to Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu skipped the general outline and focused on

The spell part of "Taiping Yashu". These spells are very powerful and cumbersome, with many restrictions and requirements.

For example, there is a recipe called

The "Seven Kills with a Nail Head" spell can kill people invisible, and can kill people thousands of miles away. However, you must first set up an altar, make a straw man, and write down the birth date of the enemy. It is best to use hair, blood, nails and other media. , pray three times a day until noon on the 21st.

During this process, the victim has almost no ability to resist, and his spirituality is greatly damaged. Twenty-one days later, the enemy's three souls and seven souls will be scattered. At this time, stabbing the grass man with a magic sword is like stabbing the enemy's body. Both the straw man and the enemy will spurt blood.

This kind of magic is very powerful, and it is almost useless against the enemy on the spot. The time required to build the altar is enough to be hammered to death by warriors several times.

However, in some special circumstances, it can work wonders.

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