Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 132 Chen Jianzi

Qi Xuansu asked someone to take Xiao Yin to Chen Jianzi's residence. Because Chen Jianzi fled in a hurry, most of the things were not taken away, which was enough for Xiao Yin to "sample".

After Xiao Yin determined the smell, she walked through the entire Lion City so that her search range would roughly cover the Lion City. As long as Chen Jianzi was still hiding in the city, she could always find him. Unless Chen Jianzi had a superior perspective and could just avoid Xiao Yin's search range every time, if she really had such ability, she would have escaped from the Lion City long ago, and there was no need to stay in the Lion City.

Probably because Zhang Yuelu promised a thousand Taiping coins and three days of vacation, Xiao Yin was very interested and wished he could visit every corner of the Lion City in one day.

Chen Jianzi was indeed still in the Lion City at this time.

It has to be said that Beichen Hall was extremely efficient and found out Chen Jianzi's details in a very short period of time. However, Li Zhuyu and everyone from Beichen Hall came from Yujing and were not local gangsters. There were always things they couldn't take care of.

Chen Jianzi is definitely a bad person, but one thing is that she is an absolutely self-interested person. She does not have much loyalty to the Goddess Society. Her so-called belief is not to mention pious, but more because of If the goddess is willing to support her and help her stand out, she will sacrifice her life for the Goddess Society, but it will not work if she is allowed to die for the Goddess Society.

Therefore, after Chen Jianzi realized that the goddess had the intention to silence him, he chose to escape without hesitation.

For those who are extremely self-interested, the world is big and life is the biggest.

Chen Jianzi has been operating in Lion City for many years and is well versed in the principle of the cunning rabbit's three burrows. He has early set up several hiding spots that only he knows about. In fact, she also thought about escaping from the Lion City, but she quickly gave up the idea. The reason is very simple. Both the men in black and the people from the Goddess Association were targeting all the entrances and exits of the Lion City. At this time, she left the Lion City. , just like throwing yourself into a trap. If she didn't take the normal route, the sea was vast, and she couldn't hold a piece of wood and drift with the current, otherwise she would probably be discovered by ships at sea. On the contrary, the Lion City has a large population, a large population flow, a mixture of good and bad, and does not have a complete household registration and Lijia system, making it easier to hide.

At this time, Chen Jianzi was hiding in the northwest district, which was the most chaotic place, full of fish and dragons, and full of all kinds of people. If she was only wanted by the Taoist Mansion or the Nanting Protectorate, then she could still get the protection of "Heavenly Court" and continue to live in fine clothes and fine food in the accommodation provided by "Heavenly Court". It's a pity that the goddess will be silenced, and the "Heavenly Court" will no longer be reliable. At this time, Chen Jianzi can only pretend to be a female seafarer - she can't even pretend to be a prostitute, because this kind of business has many The leaders of their respective territories, outsiders cannot survive without worshiping the mountain.

Haike is different, they are very mobile and they are basically all new faces. Haike are like Jianghu people. They will die in a foreign country without knowing where they came from. They don’t know where they are going. No one will pay attention to these people.

With this identity, Chen Jianzi can also go in and out of taverns and other places to find out the news. After the matter is over and the search intensity is not so intense, she can leave the Lion City. To put it bluntly, as long as there is a winner between Qi Zhenren and Wang Zhenren, few people will care about the life and death of a little person like her, and she will not be a key figure.

By coincidence, Xiao Yin's first stop was the Northwest District.

It's not that Xiao Yin guessed Chen Jianzi's idea at the first time, but Xiao Yin has longed for the Northwest District for a long time. There is nothing interesting in the military camp, and there is nothing interesting in the civilian area, except for the most prosperous Central District. The northwest district, which hides dirt and evil practices, is the most interesting. The central area is a bit too elegant, a bit bland and not exciting enough. Don't forget that Xiao Yin is not a human being, so you can't really look at her the same way you look at a little girl.

Xiao Yin had long wanted to go to the Northwest District, but she gave up because she had no money.

Although Xiao Yin's cultivation level is very high, she still has to spend the money that should be spent. She is just playful. If she really wants to use her hands and beat her to a pulp, it is no longer fun. Generally speaking, Xiao Yin will only take the initiative for one thing, and that is to eat. But after eating dragon meat, Xiao Yin has never been very hungry, and the thought of eating has become much lighter, and the thought of playing has taken over the high ground. Taking a step back, Xiao Yin did not dare to act recklessly with Zhang Yuelu's "Sword of Damocles" hanging high above his head.

How could Xiao Yin miss this God-given opportunity? He came to the Northwest District openly and took a stand to see where there was fun. When she got one thousand Taiping money, she went straight to the chosen target.

In Xiao Yin's opinion, finding someone is easy. If he doesn't find him, he will insist that the person is not in the Lion City.

Go back to the ghost country and cave? nonexistent. Whoever wants to go back will go back, and she will definitely not go back.

Xiao Yin came to the Northwest District alone, but no one dared to do anything to her.

The four major taboos when traveling in the world are monks, old people, women, and children. Although the Taoist sect does not allow Taoist priests to rejuvenate their youth excessively, there is no such requirement outside the Taoist sect. Such a little girl was walking alone in such a mixed place, looking around without any hint of fear or fear. She almost had the words "Playing in the World" plastered on her forehead. Who dared to provoke her?

Xiao Yin originally just wanted to take a stroll, but after a short stroll, she smelled the smell.

This is a real surprise.

Xiao Yin followed the smell to a pub, opened the door and went in. He took out a few copper plates, rubbed them in his hands, and turned them into gold coins. The man was no taller than the counter, stood on tiptoes, raised his hands, and handed the gold coin over: "I want the best wine!"

The shopkeeper could tell at a glance that the words on the gold coins were wrong. How could he use the words "Ruyi Qian" for "Wuyou Qian"? Is it fake money? But the fraud is all about fabrication, not even the words are engraved wrong. Could it be an illusion?

The shopkeeper is also a smart man. If it is an illusion, it means that this little girl is not an ordinary person. She is rejuvenated and unfathomable. It is just a matter of a bowl of wine. There is no need to offend the master.

The shopkeeper took a sea bowl and filled it up.

Xiao Yin held the big bowl with both hands and walked slowly to a table. He first put the bowl on it and then climbed up on the stool. His feet did not touch the ground and his mouth was just level with the sea bowl on the table, sucking and sucking. to drink.

Chen Jianzi was in this tavern. When she saw Xiao Yin coming in, she felt a little uneasy and quickly got up and left through the back door of the tavern.

Xiao Yin sat still.

Chen Jianzi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the weird little girl didn't follow him out.

There was an alley outside the back door of the tavern. Chen Jianzi was about to leave, but a figure stepped out and blocked the entrance of the alley, blocking Chen Jianzi's way.

Chen Jianzi froze, his back feeling cold.

The person was wearing a hood, and he was standing with a backlight, so that his face was completely hidden in the shadow under the hood. However, Chen Jianzi was still very keen to see that the man was wearing a ring on his right middle finger. The ring was not inlaid with gems and was made of pure gold.

As a member of the Goddess Society, Chen Jianzi is very familiar with many habits of the Holy Court.

Rings are of great significance in the Holy Court. The ring worn by the Pope is the most famous. The pure gemstone of the ring is engraved with the statue of the goddess shepherd. It is used as a seal when the Pope signs important documents. There are strict rules for wearing rings in the Holy See: Cardinals' rings are usually set with sapphires and engraved with statues of saints casting nets to catch fish. The rings of bishops at all levels further down are equipped with amethyst, ruby, emerald, topaz and so on. The rings of ordinary priests and some special monks are gold rings and cannot be set with any gemstones. The way to wear the ring is also different. Since the index finger symbolizes the goddess, priests generally like to wear rings on the index finger. The cardinal wears the ring on the ring finger of his right hand, and the ring of the subordinate religious on the middle finger of the right hand.

This person's ring is worn on the middle finger of his right hand, which means that he is a special priest, including the Inquisition and various orders under the Holy See. The fact that he is not inlaid with gems means that he is a member of the order, and the answer is already obvious. He is a member of the Goddess Order who strictly abides by the three wishes of "absolute wealth", "absolute beauty" and "absolute will".

Thinking of this, Chen Jianzi was almost desperate, but she was not willing to sit back and wait for death, and quietly took out a short sword and held it in her palm.

The visitor took off his hood, revealing a Western face with blue eyes and a high nose. He said in pure and fluent Chinese Mandarin: "You betrayed the Goddess Association."

"I didn't! It was you who abandoned me!" Chen Jianzi's eyes were cold and stern.

This member of the Goddess Society did not seem to hear Chen Jianzi's words, and said in Latino: "Now, on behalf of the Goddess, I will judge you, and may your soul be saved."

As soon as he finished speaking, this member of the Goddess Society had already moved. Because he was on the territory of the Taoist sect, it was difficult for him to use magic, which would alarm the men in black and the spiritual officials, so he chose to fight in close combat. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Chen Jianzi, with a Western weapon in his hand. The stabbing sword has a very narrow blade, like a pointed cone. As the name suggests, this sword is not suitable for cutting, but it greatly enhances the power of stabbing.

Chen Jianzi was able to take advantage of the chaos and escape. Naturally, he was no ordinary person. His cultivation level at the stage of returning to his true state could not be faked. He raised the dagger in his hand and swung away the stab. At the same time, Chen Jianzi's other hand had an exquisite blunderbuss at some point, and a muffled sound was heard, hitting the member of the Goddess Society in the lower abdomen.

It's just that the members of the Goddess Society were not affected. Under his wounds, various metal thin tubes and gear pistons were revealed. No blood flowed out, only steam.

Although the Holy Court and the Arcane Council have always been at odds, it does not delay the Holy Court's use of the Arcane Council's methods, just like those in the Taoist sect using Buddhist magical powers. Of course, the Holy Court clearly considers the influence and can only use it secretly, but the various religious orders under the Holy Court are not so particular. They claim that as long as the faith is pure, the means are not important, and the "Alchemy Arcana" Used together with the "divine pattern", it is known as the "steam gospel", which means "wine and meat pass through the intestines and sit in the heart of the Buddha".

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