Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 136 Yang Shen

Jianghu slang is always full of bottom-class wisdom, but it is also inevitably vulgar and unrefined.

Because a funnel resembles a certain part of the human body, "dou" is used to refer to a woman in slang. The so-called "point" refers to the straight and upturned shape, and the so-called "black" refers to the dull color, thus distinguishing young and old.

Qi Xuansu used to hang out in Jianghu and was proficient in all kinds of slang. But as his identity changed, he no longer spoke much, and was more accustomed to speaking in Mandarin about "wheel and wheel".

Logically speaking, Taoist ladies should not understand these vulgar words. Unfortunately, Zhang Yuelu was overly curious and once asked Qi Xuansu for advice on the meanings of various slang words, as well as their inner logic and principles. Therefore, as soon as Qi Xuansu's words came out, Zhang Yuelu immediately understood them. .

Qi Xuansu also realized that he had made a mistake, coughed slightly, and looked up at the bright moon.

Only Xiao Yin was at a loss and didn't understand the meaning at all.

It's like a pair of young parents inadvertently talking about men and women in front of their children. The children are curious and ignorant, but the parents keep it secret, and the atmosphere is inevitably awkward.

Qi Xuansu did not beat the female guard to death, but just knocked her out. Now that Xiao Yin had dragged the person over, it saved Qi Xuansu's time. He used the alchemist's "Soul Resurrection Curse" to awaken the female guard.

As soon as the female guard opened her eyes, she met Qi Xuansu's gaze.

For a moment, the female guard's eyes glazed over and she fell into a state of trance.

This is the magical "God of Chaos" prayed by witches. It can influence the minds of others, be used to charm and control others, and can also be used to soothe emotions. Wu Luo is extremely good at this kind of magic. Before she was defeated by Zu Tianshi, she could control millions of people at her peak with the convenience of the ancient witch religion.

However, this method has a shortcoming. The person being cast must actively open up their heart before it can be manipulated on a large scale. The reason why Wu Luo can control millions of people is that they rely on people's desires to lure them in their dreams with ecstasy. Those people use the ecstasy magic granted by Wu Luo to control others, and at the same time they themselves are also affected and controlled by ecstasy. , getting deeper and deeper, and supplemented by the spread of doctrines, accumulated over many years, there are millions of people. If there is an emergency like the Lion City riot, it will not work without advance preparation.

Qi Xuansu doesn't need to manipulate on a large scale, it's just one-on-one, so he doesn't care whether he opens his heart or not, he just "opens the door hard".

The female guard instantly fell into Qi Xuansu's control.

Qi Xuansu asked: "How many people are there on the island? Who is the leader?"

The female guard said vaguely: "Including various servants, there are about a hundred people in total. The leader is called Xiang Guangying, and he is a celestial being."

Under normal circumstances, if we only talk about heavenly beings without mentioning the specific stages, we will default to the heavenly beings in the carefree stage.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Is Li Tianzhen on the island?"

"Yes." The female guard replied.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Where is Wu Guangbi?"

The female guard shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Qi Xuansu changed his explanation: "Have there been any distinguished guests on the island recently?"

"Yes." The female guard nodded.

Qi Xuansu finally asked: "Where are they?"

The female guard pointed in a general direction: "It's in the main building of the winter villa."

Qi Xuansu ordered: "You didn't see anything. There was nothing abnormal during this period of time. Then you will wake up ten breaths later and remember nothing. Everything will be as before."

"Yes, I didn't see anything. There is nothing abnormal here." The female guard repeated Qi Xuansu's words slowly like a puppet. ..

Qi Xuansu and the others quickly left here.

Ten breaths later, the female guard woke up and looked around, but there was no one in sight, just like usual.

The female guard yawned.

Along the way, Qi Xuansu discovered that there were not many men on the island, and there were only one female guard. It seemed that Li Tianzhen was a carpe diem guy, and he was not the same as conservatives like Qi Xuansu.

Along the way, Qi Xuansu used Wu Zhu's "Chaotic God" and Zhang Yuelu used the "Little Confused God Technique" to "dismiss" the many guards they encountered and asked them to patrol elsewhere. They did not want to alert the snake, but also did not want to cause more killings. evil.

Soon, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu approached the winter villa.

Qi Xuansu finally gave instructions: "After using the pages of the 'Xirui Jing', you will become extremely arrogant and think that you are the cardinal of heaven and earth, the only protagonist chosen by heaven. In short, your mentality will be greatly affected. So you have to Be prepared, keep the mourning platform clear, and at least don't get into a situation where the two of us start fighting. If you don't like me and think I'm a bastard, I won't be convinced by you and think you're stepping on your toes. Shi, if you have to fight over who is the protagonist, it would be meaningless. "

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Are you okay?"

Qi Xuansu said: "I have used it twice. I have corresponding experience, and I have the 'Heart of Immortality Stone' to protect the soul. At most, I am arrogant, but I still have reason."

Zhang Yuelu was not blindly confident. He took out six sword-shaped silver hairpins from the sumeru object and inserted them into his bun from top to bottom.

These six silver hairpins can also be regarded as six three-inch swords that have been shrunk several times, and are called "Six-Character Bright Curse Swords". One sword corresponds to one character, and the six swords are combined into one and are regarded as a whole. It is a semi-immortal creature passed down from generation to generation in Cihang's lineage.

After Zhang Yuelu inserted the six silver hairpins into his bun, he saw that they trembled slightly and produced six subtle sounds: "Om", "Ma", "Ne", "Ba", "Mi" and "Hum". This half-immortal creature can attack and defend. If it attacks, it will turn into six swords to form a sword array and turn around as desired. If you can eliminate all unnecessary troubles and remove the obstacles of killing, you can persuade people to put down the butcher knife and turn around. After the six-character syllable is uttered, it embodies the compassion and peace of a Buddhist holy land, which greatly reduces people's murderous intentions, eliminates violence, and at the same time protects the purity of one's spiritual platform.

This semi-immortal object had always been in the hands of Master Cihang in the past, but after Jinque decided to make Zhang Yuelu the second deputy master of Lingnan Taoist Palace, Cihang gave this semi-immortal object to Zhang Yuelu as a gift. For self-defense, Zhang Yuelu now owns three semi-immortal items.

With Zhang Yuelu's current level of cultivation, it is still very difficult to control three semi-immortal objects at the same time. However, after using the pages of the "Hirui Sutra", she will be promoted to the creation stage, which is just fine. At the same time, the "Six-Character Sword of Light" can protect Zhang Yuelu's spiritual platform from internal strife.

Qi Xuansu said to Xiao Yin again: "You are responsible for dealing with Xiang Guangying, and then wait for my signal and prepare to open the door."

Xiao Yin nodded. Although she was immature in experience, with her level of cultivation here, it would not be difficult to defeat ten levels with one effort.

With their level of cultivation, being able to sneak into this place silently is almost the limit. It can even be said that Wu Guangbi was a little careless. If you go any further, you will definitely be discovered by Wu Guangbi, so there is no need to take any more risks.

If Wu Guangbi is decisive enough and kills one of them first at all costs, it is very likely that the two of them will not be able to use the pages of the "Xirui Sutra".

So Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu directly used the pages of the "Xirui Sutra" in advance. As the strange words on the human skin pages came into view, arrogance filled their hearts.

Monsters, chickens and dogs, withered bones in the grave, the man of destiny, the only protagonist.

In heaven and on earth, I am the only one who is supreme.

The auras of the two people suddenly became broad, and the false power fueled their arrogance. They felt as if they had become the master of this world, the center of all things, and the cardinal of heaven and earth. They even had the idea that they were immortals.

The two of them entered the stage of creation at the same time.

Qi Xuansu has been able to maintain the most basic rationality well after the previous two experiences, but at most he is a little arrogant.

On the other hand, Zhang Yuelu was basically not affected.

Although the "Xirui Sutra" is indeed an artifact, that is, an immortal object, and among the immortal objects, it is also a very terrifying existence, enough to make the gods fall, but the "Xirui Sutra" has a full 397 pages. , as well as the front and back covers. If it is just one of the pages, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot ignore the effect of the semi-immortal.

As expected by Qi Xuansu, the person who was promoted this time was from the Alchemist lineage, rising directly from the realm of creation to the realm of Yangshen.

Yangshen realm, the highest realm of alchemists.

As the saying goes, yin and yang are born. Before this realm, no matter how powerful the alchemist is, he is just a yin god, subject to various restraints. After reaching the Yang God Realm, as the name suggests, the Yin God turns into a Yang God and is no longer afraid of thunder and wind. In the Thunder Dynasty Realm, it is just that it is no longer afraid of the sound of spring thunder. In the Yang God Realm, it is not even afraid of the sky thunder itself. What's more important is that Yang Shen is no longer restrained by Wu Fu's blood, because Yang Shen has emerged from the imaginary and transformed into reality, turning the false into the real, and is a real existence. You are real and I am real, why should I be afraid of you?

If you reach the Yang Shen realm at the level of ghosts and immortals, you can completely abandon your body. The Yang Shen will be like a golden cicada that sheds its shell and can exist as an independent individual for a long time.

In addition, after reaching the Yangshen realm, you can also gain a supreme perspective, transform reality from reality freely, and your ability to control spells has also reached a huge level. Just as Wu Zhu's Dao Fruit realm can speak and follow magic, and the Alchemist's The Yang Shen realm can also save the long time of casting spells. All kinds of spells come at your fingertips, and you are no longer afraid of close combat.

Qi Xuansu's true form is still where he is, but Yang Shen has already taken the lead.

This is said to be a villa, but in fact it is no different from a palace.

The main hall is supported by twelve large white jade pillars, arranged on the left and right. Curtains made of various colored silks and satins were hung on the pillars to block people's sight. There is a straight passage in the middle, paved with black marble. On both sides of the straight passage, two large pools are hollowed out, with white jade on the walls and sapphire as the bottom, which contains clear water. It can be seen that there are water channels at the bottom, which surround the main hall. , connecting the two pools, with lotus lanterns floating on the water, walking around the hall with the water, illuminating the entire hall.

After passing the main hall, there is a huge bedroom like a palace. At the entrance is a twelve-leaf screen with "The Secret Play of the Spring Night" painted on it. Behind the screen is a large, splendid bed with a gauze curtain. It is so big that it doesn't even look like a bed. It is enough to accommodate a dozen people sleeping together without being crowded. At this time, several people on the bed were having a storm.

That's all, these people also formed a posture that is difficult to describe in words. It is impossible to tell whose hands and whose feet are intertwined with each other, forming a picture of obscene erotica that is enough to make a moralist curse. .

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