Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 139: Unbridled

When such a big thing happened, Xiang Guangying, as the leader of this place, was naturally alarmed. She was not a fool, and the invading enemy was probably a fake immortal if he had some back-and-forth with Master Wu.

Two pseudo-immortals were fighting each other, and if she, a celestial being, ran over to join in the fun, she would be dying, and her death would be in vain. The key now is to find Young Master Li quickly and protect Young Master Li. If Young Master Li has any shortcomings, then she might as well die.

So Xiang Guangying quietly left Dragon Scale Island and came to another island. There was a hiding place built here, which was blocked by a formation and was not easy to be discovered. If Mr. Li also escaped, then under the unknown circumstances, Most likely they will be hiding here.

Just when Xiang Guangying was not far from the hiding place, he suddenly froze.

sneak attack.

Someone attacked from behind, but she was careless and did not move away.

She slowly lowered her head and saw a small hand piercing her chest from back to front.

Because the arms were too short, the owner of this little hand was almost lying on her back, like a large spider.

But she didn't notice it at all, and she didn't realize it until she was attacked by someone.

Her heart was broken, which was also a serious injury for a heavenly being. She struggled to speak: "Who is it?"

"It's me!" The person's answer was very simple and direct, and he withdrew his arm.

Xiang Guangying staggered forward a few steps, trying to escape from this place, but someone grabbed his ankle again, and then pulled him back. He immediately fell forward and fell to the ground, where he fell into the mud.

It was only then that Xiang Guangying discovered that some kind of toxin had been injected into his body, making him paralyzed and unable to control his limbs.

After a while, Xiang Guangying saw a pair of small feet appear in his sight. The small feet here were of course either foot-binding or the feet of a child.

Xiang Guangying thought subconsciously: "Is he an expert who can rejuvenate his youth? I will never die in the hands of a child."

Looking up, it turned out to be a child, Miss Yin.

In fact, neither Zhang Yuelu nor Qi Xuansu knew much about Xiao Yin's methods. Because Xiao Yin has a habit of saying nothing if you don't ask. She also made excuses afterwards, but who told you not to ask. Although Xiao Yin's experience is immature, she has a very powerful talent, that is, she can do whatever she eats. After eating the dragon's flesh and blood, she has a protective body of dragon energy and can walk normally in the world. She had eaten two kinds of monsters, the New Woman and the Human-faced Tree, before, and she naturally possessed the magical powers of both kinds of monsters.

The toxin in Xiang Guangying came from Luo Xinfu. Her feeling was correct, Xiao Yin was like a large spider.

Xiao Yin has a kind of innocent cruelty unique to children.

Children do not know good and evil. For example, they dismember insects, kill certain creatures, and then laugh heartily. They do this not because they are bloodthirsty, nor do they get some twisted pleasure from it like some adults do. They are simply It's because I find it interesting. If they find it more interesting to resuscitate a dying creature, then they will do it. This is where the Confucian debate between the inherently good nature of human nature and the inherently evil nature of human nature comes from. ..

Children have no understanding of morality and just do some things. Children who are as blank as a sheet of paper will not feel the slightest guilt after doing bad things. This is what the sages of the Xinxue later came up with: "There is no good or disgusting body, and there are good and malicious actions." The innocent heart has no distinction between good and evil, just like Taixu.

Xiao Yin read some books with Mr. Yin and learned that it is not right to eat people, unless the person intends to harm her. But she didn't read much, so she still retained a certain degree of her original intention, which was neither a compliment nor a derogation, she just didn't distinguish between good and evil.

At this time, Xiao Yin was still smiling, as innocent as a child, but his whole body was getting bigger and bigger like a shadow, and the corners of his mouth kept grinning until he reached the base of his ears, turning into a bloody mouth.

The originally cute little tiger fangs turned into sharp teeth, which made people shudder.

This bloody mouth is still smiling.

Until now, Xiao Yin doesn't have many emotions, she doesn't kill quickly, and she doesn't have any conscience condemnation. She just completes the tasks assigned by Qi Xuansu. Because she has Qi Xuansu's permission, she can do some things that she can't usually do, so it's okay. interesting.

It is difficult for such a contrast to appear in people, but it appeared perfectly in Xiao Yin's body.

Therefore, Xiao Yin needs correct guidance. If he follows Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, he may not become a good person, but at least he will have a bottom line. But if you follow some truly evil people, you will probably raise a unique evil creature.

Xiao Yin opened his mouth and sucked in, swallowed Xiang Guangying whole, and then burped.

This kind of "eating" is different from eating in the normal sense. It should be more accurately described as "devouring". Its essence is no different from the Taoist method of refining corpses, and it is similar to the way of alchemy. Xiao Yin's belly is like an alchemy furnace, everything is medicinal materials, and swallowing is to put the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace. It's just that the elixir didn't need to be released, it was digested in the elixir furnace at that time.

Xiao Yin felt that she was a little stronger again. In just half a year, her growth rate could be described as rapid, which was unmatched by natural growth in the environment of the Ghost Kingdom.

But there is a price, that is, some poor consumption. Xiao Yin rubbed his belly and felt that he had eaten too much, and even felt a little nauseous.

Xiao Yin gradually returned to his original appearance. He took two steps and burped. He walked two more steps and burped again. Finally, he couldn't help it anymore and lay down on the ground and vomited out a damaged beard. Miwu, the things inside can't be taken out.

After vomiting, Xiao Yin felt better.

Xiao Yin took out a pair of round sunglasses and put them on the bridge of her nose - they were given by Qiniang. Xiao Yin followed Zhang Yuelu to Borneo. Zhang Yuelu and Qiniang had met once, so naturally Xiao Yin also met Qiniang. .

Qiniang is considered the elder of the elders. Probably because they are separated by generations, the stingy Qiniang likes Xiao Yin very much, and for the first time, she gave Xiao Yin as a meeting gift, which is this pair of glasses. The model is a bit big, and when worn on Xiao Yin's face, it almost covers half of her face.

Xiao Yin was not stupid, she saw that Xiang Guangying seemed to be going somewhere, and she also knew the existence of Li Tianzhen, so she naturally connected the two. She followed Xiang Guangying all the way to this place, and saw that Xiang Guangying slowed down. Due to the speed, the destination was not far away, and he was afraid that he would not be able to deal with the two people joining forces, so he first eliminated Xiang Guangying, and then looked for traces of Li Tianzhen.

From the perspective of sunglasses, everything turned into simple lines and various colors. Xiao Yin quickly discovered that something was wrong. Not only were the lines wrong, but the colors were also slightly abrupt. If you hadn't looked carefully, you would have missed it.

She immediately understood that this was where Xiang Guangying wanted to go.

Xiao Yin clenched his fist and punched him like Master Wan.

The space fragmented like a mirror, revealing a portal.

Xiao Yin glanced inside the door and couldn't help but take a breath, because it was densely packed with traps. Of course, these traps are invisible and can only be seen clearly with the help of sunglasses.

Xiao Yin was not afraid of death, but was afraid of pain. Naturally, she did not dare to rush in directly, so she took out another writing brush.

This was given to her by Mr. Yin, a genuine semi-immortal object. It was a trophy obtained by Mr. Yin from fighting for the Taoist sect for many years. It was once the beloved object of a great Confucian sect master.

It's just that this great master of the Confucian sect was involved in a major treason case, and was eventually executed on the order of the Eastern Emperor. Not only did his family disappear, but many of his treasures were also taken over by the Taoist sect. When the specific execution was carried out, he was sent Because this pen was very suitable for alchemists to use, Mr. Yin kept it and did not hand it over.

At first glance, there is nothing unusual about this pen. The barrel is made of Bamboo and the pen is made of Weasel tail. The four characters "天马行空" were engraved on the pen barrel, so Mr. Yin simply named the pen "天马行空".

In terms of specifications, this brush is obviously not used for writing, but rather for painting. It is the kind of large brush used for splashing ink. Xiao Yin's little hand is holding this brush a bit big, so she can only It's quite funny to hold the penholder with five fingers together, but since it is a semi-immortal creature, it naturally has all kinds of mysteries. It does not need to be dipped in ink or paper.

The key is to be able to make the fake come true.

Whatever you draw can become real.

Just like the "magic pen" in the story.

Mr. Yin is similar to an alchemist and is proficient in all kinds of magic. Xiao Yin has grown up with Mr. Yin since he was a child. Naturally, this is also the case. Turning stone into gold is only a superficial application.

Xiao Yin picked up his pen and drew another identical portal next to this one.

After a while, the portal became real, and there were no traps inside, so Xiao Yin walked into it swaggeringly.

The journey was smooth.

Xiao Yin went directly to the innermost part of the hiding place and saw Li Tianzhen hiding here.

Li Tianzhen was naturally surprised when he saw the sudden appearance of Xiao Yin. He was stunned for a while before he thought of unfolding the folding fan in his hand and running away. However, Xiao Yin did not give him this chance and had already drawn a rope with the "magic" in his hand.

In fact, it is just a child's simple drawing, with a black horizontal line going around several times, which is enough to convey the meaning.

Imitation fairy rope.

In an instant, Li Tianzhen's hands and feet were tied up, like a rice dumpling.

Xiao Yin stepped forward and snatched Li Tianzhen's folding fan, then drew a chain and put it around Li Tianzhen's neck.

Xiao Yin felt that it was not too interesting, so he finally drew a cage and locked Li Tianzhen in it, then turned around and left the hiding place.

At this moment, a huge vibration came from the direction of Dragon Scale Island.

Xiao Yin turned around and saw something unusual in the sky in the distance. He immediately remembered another task Qi Xuansu had given him, opened his mouth wide again, and began to spit out large balls of Yin Qi.

If there is a small amount of Yin energy, it will quickly dissipate in the Yang world. However, the more Yin energy, the less likely it is to dissipate. This is the same as the ice cellar. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Yin has created a large area of ​​Yin Qi, and the Yin Qi is almost like substance, condensed into water.

At this time, the environment was relatively stable, and Xiao Yin made a push on the door with both hands.

An invisible door slowly opened, connecting the ghost country and the cave.

One of the three great evil creatures is about to come into the world.

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