Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 149: Please forgive me

Today's Lion City port is very busy. Wang Danqing took Wang Jiaohe's flying boat to Lion City for one reason, and Li Tianzhen left Nanyang in embarrassment for another.

It was a coincidence that a young master from the Wang family and a young master from the Li family both had thoughts about Zhang Yuelu and regarded Qi Xuansu as their enemy. As a result, they both bowed their heads in front of Qi Xuansu.

This coming and going undoubtedly declared Qi Xuansu's absolute victory.

Furthermore, Daomen Sanxiu also left Lion City after the meeting and went straight to Shenglong Mansion.

Wang Danqing got off the flying boat and met Xie Jiaofeng through his previous relationship. In the past, he didn't pay much attention to Xie Jiaofeng, thinking that Xie Jiaofeng was a submissive loser, and Xie Jiaofeng didn't dare to offend the prince.

It is said that the two of them had a conflict once, in Xie Jiaofeng's custody room. Xie Jiaofeng initially accompanied Xie Jiaofeng to talk, while Wang Danqing pointed at Xie Jiaofeng's nose and cursed. Originally, Xie Jiaofeng also I just endured it, but Wang Danqing became more and more ruthless. People outside were all subordinates. If Wang Danqing was allowed to do his best, Xie Jiaofeng would not be able to gain a foothold in the future. There was no other way, Xie Jiaofeng could only say a few words, which made Wang Danqing leave in anger. Afterwards, Xie Jiaofeng was afraid of being retaliated by Wang Jiaohe, so he had to deliberately pretend to be ill, and cried to Master Donghua that he wanted to leave Nanyang.

Finally, under the intervention of Donghua Zhenren, the matter ended with Wang Jiaohe asking Wang Danqing to apologize symbolically. After that, the two didn't have much interaction.

But now that we see Xie Jiaofeng again, it will be thirty years east of Hedong and thirty years west of Hexi. Feng Shui is changing.

Xie Jiaofeng put on all his airs and first ignored Wang Danqing for two hours. Then he showed up unhurriedly and said something like he was too busy to keep Prince Wang waiting.

Wang Danqing was extremely angry, but remembering his father's instructions, he could only bow his head under the eaves and suppress his anger in his heart.

After Wang Danqing explained his intention, Xie Jiaofeng deliberately made things difficult for him for a long time, saying that he did not dare to get into trouble, that it was really difficult to handle, that Chief Qi was very busy, etc., forcing Wang Danqing to lower his posture and plead again and again, and then " "embarrassed" means giving it a try.

Even after Qi Xuansu decided to meet Wang Danqing, Xie Jiaofeng still did not let Wang Danqing go, because Qi Xuansu had many things to deal with, and it was impossible to worry about meeting Wang Danqing all the time, so he just asked Xie Jiaofeng to arrange the time. Feng then asked Wang Danqing to wait for another hour at the Taiping Inn.

In fact, Xie Jiaofeng was also a secretary. Being a secretary was much easier than being a deputy palace master. In this way of manipulating people, Chen Jianqiu was far from comparable to him.

In the past, others waited for Mr. Wang. How often did Wang Danqing wait for others? The frustration and cowardice in this can be imagined. The key is that it can't happen yet.

When Qi Xuansu finally arrived, Wang Danqing wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

However, Qi Xuansu did not put on airs and took the initiative to say: "Brother Wang Dao, long time no see, how are you doing?"

At first glance, one might think that Qi Xuansu and Wang Danqing were old acquaintances, without any conflict or enmity.

Wang Danqing was about to speak, but Qi Xuansu didn't give him a chance, and instead said: "You may not know these guys, let me introduce them to you. Deputy Palace Master Xie, the local master, you should know. This is Chen Jian Qiu, my secretary. As for this person, her surname is Yin, her name is Yin Wanmiao. We usually call her Miss Yin or Taoist Fellow Xiao Yin. Don’t look at her because she is a Taoist Priest of the Fourth Grade Liquor. This was signed by Master Qingwei himself. of."

Qi Xuansu introduced someone, and Wang Danqing stepped forward to salute and say a few polite words.

In fact, Xiao Yin insisted on following her. It’s not that she couldn’t eat, but it was of no use. She wanted to eat a lot of flesh and blood like a martial artist. In fact, Xiao Yin didn’t have much interest in people. She preferred dragons and wild animals. Beasts are such things that are so rich in blood that they turn people into monsters.

But having said that, it is one thing to fill the stomach and grow the body, but it is another thing to satisfy the appetite. Xiao Yin still likes to eat delicious food. When she heard that she was going to have a banquet at the Taiping Inn, she didn’t know where it came from. When he came out, he had to follow him.

Qi Xuansu couldn't resist Xiao Yin's coquettishness, so he had no choice but to agree.

Wang Danqing was a little frightened when he saw Xiao Yin.

He had already heard that Qi Xuansu was assassinated and it was this little girl who saved him. It is said that this little girl also caught Li Tianzhen. ..

This little girl is no ordinary person.

Finally, Qi Xuansu took the main seat, accompanied by Wang Danqing. Because this occasion was not suitable for outsiders, there was no waiter or other role left. Just as Chen Jianchou was about to pour the wine, Xie Jiaofeng had already grabbed it and filled Qi Xuansu's wine glass himself as the dignified deputy palace master. For those who didn’t know, they thought Xie Jiaofeng was Qi Xuansu’s secretary.

I have to say that Xie Jiaofeng is very good at serving others. Most people in the world think that women are the best at serving men. In fact, it is men who are the best at serving men. After all, men understand men’s thoughts best, but ordinary men cannot let other men bow their heads willingly and have no chance to enjoy this kind of treatment.

If you want a woman to serve you, perhaps all you need to do is talk nicely. But if you want a man to serve you, you need power and money.

Qi Xuansu vaguely remembered that Xie Jiaofeng also worked as a secretary for Donghua Zhenren for how many years? He was a little unsure, maybe he had to ask Yao Pei.

Xie Jiaofeng was very fond of Qi Xuansu.

In Xie Jiaofeng's view, although Yao Pei's mother's surname was Pei, and she was also a disciple of Master Donghua, putting aside feelings, from a power perspective, Qi Xuansu was Donghua's preferred successor.

There is only one reason, Qi Xuansu's surname is not Yao. No matter how deep the relationship between Yao Pei and Master Donghua is, it is not as deep as the relationship between her and Earth Master. When it comes to Yao Pei, the first thing everyone thinks of is Earth Master and the Yao family, and then Donghua Zhenren. Just like when Zhang Yuelu is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the Celestial Master and the Zhang family, not the real person Cihang.

To put it simply, the imprint of the Yao family on Yao Pei is too strong, making Donghua Zhenren like a transitional candidate between Earth Master and Yao Pei, just like Yan Feiqing, the former Celestial Master with a different surname. But if Qi Xuansu inherits the mantle of Donghua Zhenren, then Donghua Zhenren will be in a line of his own. The subtle differences here cannot be ignored.

Judging from Donghua Zhenren's character, he may not be willing to be a transitional candidate.

In other words, the reason why Master Donghua spared no effort to promote Qi Xuansu was not just Qiniang, he had his own considerations. Not to mention that Qi Xuansu is also half of the Yao family. The truth is the same. No matter how deep the relationship between Qi Xuansu and the Yao family is, it cannot be as deep as the relationship between Yao Pei and the Yao family.

In a sense, Qi Xuansu is the "eldest son" of Zhenren Donghua in terms of power. He has promoted him single-handedly, and he has the feeling of getting a son from old age. The key is that Qi Xuansu is strong enough, can hold on, and has successors. Qi Jianyuan was regarded as the "eldest son of a concubine". He was not capable enough and could not bear the heavy burden, so he was crushed to death. Yao Pei is the "stepson" who was born in vain after marrying into a wife. He has a noble status and is called dad on the surface.

To put it bluntly, if Master Donghua wants to be an "emperor", he needs an "eldest son". If he just wants to be a "relative", then having a niece is enough.

Therefore, whether it is based on the interests of Zhenren Donghua or Qi Xuansu, replacing Yao Pei by Qi Xuansu is a good move. In other words, even if Qi Xuansu cannot replace Yao Pei, two lines of work must be pursued in parallel.

If Donghua Zhenren becomes the Grand Master, it is best for the people below not to be monolithic. If the people below are united, then the Grand Master is in danger of being sidelined. Two groups of people need to check and balance each other, with the Grand Master acting as the referee in the middle. This is supreme.

This is the meaning of dual-line parallelism.

It can be seen that there are conflicts not only between Master Qingwei and the National Master, but also between Master Donghua and Earth Master. However, these conflicts were forcibly suppressed because of the intensification of the internal fighting among the three realms and the imminent promotion of the Three Masters. If you really want to analyze it carefully, I'm afraid it would take three days and three nights to finish it.

However, these subtle contradictions gave Qi Xuansu room to move around. Qi Xuansu and Li Changge could turn enemies into friends for the time being, or they could turn against Yao Pei and become enemies in the future. No one could tell.

This is the reason why Xie Jiaofeng is very fond of Qi Xuansu. As a person on the line of Donghua Zhenren, of course he has to make a choice. Since he already has this relationship with Qi Xuansu, he can only choose Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu picked up the wine glass and said: "Speaking of which, Brother Wang Dao is still my nobleman. Not long after we last met at Ziweitang, I went to Fenglinzhou, and I was lucky enough to make a contribution, and then I was sent to Borneo. Zhou Dao Mansion serves as the second deputy palace master. Do you think it is the good luck brought to me by Brother Wang Dao? "

Xie Jiaofeng took the lead and nodded in agreement.

Wang Danqing smiled uglier than crying. If this was Qi Xuansu's good luck, it was his bad luck.

This is really not the same for anyone. Let’s just say that Chen Shuhua’s test is not something that just anyone can pass. If it had been for another person, the situation in Borneo might not be what it is today.

Qi Xuansu continued: "So I want to toast Brother Wang Dao."

Wang Danqing didn't dare to accept it and said: "I don't dare, I want to respect Brother Qi. What happened in Ziweitang was my fault. Today I made a special trip to apologize to Brother Qi." ”

Qi Xuansu put down the wine glass in his hand: "I said, brother Wang Dao is my nobleman and lucky star. There is nothing I can't offend, and there is no need to apologize."

Beads of sweat broke out on Wang Danqing's head. He couldn't tell the hidden meaning of Qi Xuansu's words. He simply refused to accept his apology.

Xie Jiaofeng observed the words and immediately said: "Master Wang, you keep apologizing, but the result is a toast. Isn't it too insincere?"

Wang Danqing hurriedly said: "Where, where, my father asked me to prepare various gifts."

While he was talking, Wang Danqing had already taken out a Xumi object that looked like a jade box.

Qi Xuansu didn't even look at it, and said in a cold tone: "Master Wang, do you think I'm blackmailing you?"

"W-what do you mean by this... I never meant this..." Wang Danqing's grief and anger could not be increased, but she still had to be careful.

Qi Xuansu said: "Then put the things away. I said there is no need to apologize or apologize."

Wang Danqing's heart had completely sunk.

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