Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 213 The Secret of Witch Cult

"Taiping Yashu" has proved that there is a inheritance relationship between witchcraft and Taoism.

This book also describes the inheritance of ancient witchcraft in detail, and even lists the similarities and differences between Taoism and ancient witchcraft.

Although Taoism and ancient witchcraft have a great connection, there are still differences between them.

Strictly speaking, the inheritance of witchcraft should be its own family and not among the five immortals. Let's call it "Great Witch". The immortal inheritance of Taoism is developed on the basis of the great witch inheritance, so the immortal inheritance is called Wu Zhu.

The relationship between witches and immortals is somewhat similar to the relationship between heavenly immortals and earthly immortals.

Because of this, Taoism records that the Emperor of Heaven was originally a descendant of the immortals, and later transformed into a descendant of the immortals with the help of the Taishang Taoist Ancestor. Now it seems that it is not that simple, and the Emperor of Heaven should be divided into two stages.

The first stage is the stage of the ancient human emperor. The major affairs of the country are between sacrifice and military affairs. The sacrifices are taken care of by the ancient shamanism, and the military affairs are personally commanded by the emperor, who has Yinglong, Yaoyao, Hanba and others under his command. At this time, the inheritance of the Human Emperor is the great witch. Because great shamans are similar to gods, there is the "Dharma of the Emperor of Heaven" spread throughout the world.

The second stage is the Emperor of Heaven stage. It was at this time that Taishang Taozu transformed into the immortal Guangcheng Patriarch. The Emperor of Heaven asked the Taishang Taoist Patriarch, and the witchcraft began to weaken, and the Taoist sect emerged.

"Tai Shang Dao Zu Kai Tian Jing" records: "At the time of the Emperor of Heaven, Tai Shang Xia was his teacher, and his name was Guang Chengzi. The yin and yang were eliminated, and the Dao Rong Jing was created."

The Taoist sect believes that Taishang Taozu has countless incarnations, and the Sanqing Patriarch is the three corpse incarnations of Taishang Taozu. In addition, Taishang Taozu will also cut out the incarnations of immortals to enter the world to meet the calamity. There are different incarnations and different images in different periods. .

For example, during the period of the Emperor of Heaven, he was Patriarch Guangcheng, and during the Great Anniversary Period, he was Li Dan, who was known as the "Laojun". During the time of Patriarch Guangcheng, the Emperor of Heaven asked the Supreme Being. During the period of Laojun, the Confucian sect’s most sage asked the Supreme Being.

Later on, what can be recorded in historical data is that another incarnation accepted the ancestral heavenly master as his disciple and officially created the concept of Taoism.

The cultivation method of the Celestial Immortal is very strange. Every time the Celestial Immortal is transformed into the world, as long as he can ascend for the second time, his cultivation level will increase greatly. Based on this calculation, Taishang Daozu has ascended twice more than once, and his level of cultivation has reached a level that mortals cannot fathom, even beyond the scope of the Three Tribulations Immortal.

Under the guidance of Taishang Taoist Ancestor, the Human Emperor abandoned the great witch inheritance and switched to the Taoist inheritance. In the end, he successfully ascended and transformed from the Human Emperor to the Heavenly Emperor.

It was precisely because of the ascension of the Emperor of Heaven and Yinglong that the great witches gained power, which led to the subsequent infighting within the witch sect.

As the subordinates of the Emperor of Heaven, the great witches are also inherited by the great witches. Because they are similar to the inheritance of the gods, the great witches have existed for far more than a hundred years. They have been active in the human world for hundreds of years.

However, the inheritance of the great witch is not completely equivalent to the inheritance of the gods. The biggest difference is that the inheritance of the great witch does not have the concept of the kingdom of gods. Most of the time, they use the cave heaven instead of the divine kingdom to avoid heavenly tribulations, which is similar to the earthly immortals.

Another example is that the Great Witch's body is huge, like the true form of a human immortal, which is similar to a human immortal.

In a sense, the banishment of immortals the day after tomorrow is the inheritance that is most similar to the inheritance of the Great Witch.

The inheritance of the great witches is very general and inclusive, so the eleven great witches each have their own strengths and are not carved from the same mold. This is very similar to the Taoist sects before Xuansheng integrated the inheritance. They are also the inheritance of the Earth Immortal, and each has its own strengths, differences, and even differences.

The one who truly owns the Kingdom of God is Wu Luo, because Wu Luo is the last leader of the ancient witchcraft religion. When she was in charge of the witchcraft religion, the Ancestral Heavenly Master had already risen. Wuluo would naturally follow the example of the Emperor of Heaven and learn from the Taoist sect, and improve himself, starting Transformation into orthodox divine inheritance. Wu Luo was the first witch who opened his eyes to see the Taoist sect, so apart from Wu Xian and Wu Yang, only Wu Luo did not really die, but survived to this day.

Qi Xuansu closed the book in his hand, feeling enlightened.

In the past, he had never quite understood why the Heavenly Immortals were superior to the Earthly Immortals. After all, the Earthly Immortals had the "Five Innate Empresses", but the Heavenly Immortals were gone. Could it be that the Heavenly Immortals had the means to reverse the world and use the Sumeru Mustard Seed? At most, they each have their own strengths. How can they be considered as overpowering the Earth Immortal?

Now Qi Xuansu somewhat understands Xuan Sheng's metaphor. Heavenly immortals are butterflies, while earthly immortals are wingless insects. Although insects are very powerful and can even hunt butterflies under certain conditions, they are still inferior to butterflies.

The key to becoming an immortal is to cut out various clones. In addition to the three corpse clones, there are also immortal incarnations. Although ascension is difficult, it is actually easier than surviving the catastrophe. In this case, a second ascension is not difficult to achieve, and the advantages of immortals are even more obvious.

In fact, the reason is very simple. The distinction between inheritance and superiority is not based on the strength of the combat power, but on who can go higher, go further, and be closer to the "Tao".

There is no doubt that heavenly immortals with the second ascension can go higher and farther than earthly immortals with the "Five Innate Masters", and it is easier to achieve enlightenment. This is like a butterfly, although not as strong as some wingless insects, but it can leave the tree and explore the vast world, while those wingless insects can only stare and sigh on the branches.

In summary, although the earth immortals have strong combat power, they cannot "fly" and are destined to live in the city of sleepiness. Therefore, many earth immortals will eventually choose to give up the "Five Innate Masters" and become heavenly immortals.

The word "the day after tomorrow" is also reflected here.

In all Taoist terminology, nurture is inferior to nature. Qi Xuansu is obviously more powerful than Zhang Yuelu, but why is Zhang Yuelu innate? And Qi Xuansu is the day after tomorrow? The reason is that Zhang Yuelu's prospects are better, endless, and innate. Artificial banished immortals stop being immortals. Without a second ascension, they cannot go further. This is not the day after tomorrow.

The core of the Immortal Banished the Day After Tomorrow is the "Heart of the Immortal Stone", which originates from the "Eternal Life Stone" and integrates the inheritance of the Five Immortals of Taoism on the basis of the inheritance of the great witch.

In other words, Qi Xuansu has a deep relationship with the ancient witchcraft religion. This is no secret. Every time he improves his cultivation, he has to go to Lingshan Cave and meet so many great witches.

The founder of Quanzhen Taoism also has a deep relationship with the ancient witchcraft religion, as evidenced by Shi Hengbo.

It is known that Qiniang has a close relationship with the two earth masters. She was picked up by the previous earth master and is the younger sister of the current earth master. Qiniang got the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" in the Lingshan Cave and gave the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" "Give it to Qi Xuansu.

If there is a hand behind Qi Xuansu's rise, then this hand must come from Quanzhen Tao.

Qi Xuansu's purpose is simple, he wants to know why.

All gifts are secretly marked with prices.

Qi Xuansu wanted to know whether he could afford the price. If you can't bear it, it's better to find a way to deal with it earlier than to be caught off guard when it comes.

Regarding this point, Qi Xuansu once asked Qiniang, but as expected, Qiniang did not give a clear answer.

Qi Xuansu could only investigate by himself, and the Lingshan Cave of the ancient witch sect was undoubtedly an excellent entry point.

Lingshan Cave Heaven is on the verge of collapse, whether it is the Taoist records or what Qi Xuansu saw in his dream.

The portal to Lingshan Cave Heaven has been destroyed, so other paths can only be found.

Lingshan Cave is a huge cave comparable to Kunlun Cave. Of course, it has more than one entry and exit portal, but these "side doors" are often unknown. Moreover, after experiencing huge changes, some portals have also been destroyed, and some portals have deviated from their original positions.

Qiniang must know the gateway to Lingshan Cave, and the Yao family also knows, but they will not tell Qi Xuansu easily.

It's just that having a father and a mother is not as good as having one yourself.

Qi Xuansu could only search for it by himself, placing his hope in Tianshui Yixin Tower.

Qi Xuansu was not disappointed, as expected, Lingshan Cave Heaven was mentioned in the collection of books in Tianshui Yixin Tower.

Lingshan Cave Heaven is the pinnacle of the ancient witchcraft religion. It was built by gathering the power of the entire witchcraft religion. Because of the special nature of the great shaman inheritance, Lingshan Cave Heaven is different from the Taoist cave heaven. It has some characteristics of the Kingdom of God. It is A very special cave.

This is also the reason why Lingshan Cave Heaven is on the verge of being shattered but has yet to be completely shattered. It can even be "reflected" in Qi Xuansu's dream, which is somewhat similar to Wu Luo's Kingdom of God. Or it should be said conversely that Wu Luo's divine kingdom imitated the magic of Lingshan Cave Heaven.

This has to bring up the issue of the inheritance of the great witch. It has inherent shortcomings. Although it is powerful, its flaws are also obvious. That is a dead end. At most, it can only reach the realm of a one-kalpa immortal. It is difficult for a two-kalpa immortal, let alone a three-kalpa immortal. The realm of immortals and Taoist ancestors. Regarding this point, it can be said that the banished immortal the day after tomorrow has perfectly inherited the characteristics of the great witch inheritance.

Because of this, the Emperor of Heaven chose to ask Taishang Daozu, changed the inheritance path, and became an immortal. The remaining great witches chose two paths.

The first way is to build the Lingshan Cave Heaven. The concept is similar to the heaven on earth. Creating the most ideal fairyland in the human world is equivalent to ascension. In essence, it has the prototype of the later kingdom of gods, and has the characteristics of heaven and earth immortals opening up caves, which can indeed avoid heavenly catastrophes.

The second way is to refine medicine, using external forces and objects to make up for one's own innate deficiencies and break through the shackles. This is the origin of the first generation of "Eternal Life Stone". Yaoyao actually became a medicine tester for the great witch of Lingshan and died unjustly.

I have to admit that many of the ideas of the ancient witchcraft religion are extremely bold, and many Taoist techniques are developed on the basis of the ancient witchcraft religion.

Talking back to Lingshan Cave Heaven, according to the records in the book, when the ancient witchcraft religion was at its peak, there was also a saying of "ascension", but it was different from the ascension of Taoism in later generations. This kind of ascension was man-made. Those who dedicated everything to the witchcraft religion People have the opportunity to be selected by the ten great witches, and then go through the ascension ceremony and successfully ascend, becoming as tall as a giant like the ten great witches, and possessing divine power.

At that time, the ten witches in Lingshan were respectfully called "ancestral witches", while those who ascended were called "great witches".

In fact, the essence of the ascension in the witchcraft is not to die, but to go to the cave of Lingshan. The ascension is not an immortal, but more like a pseudo-immortal.

In other words, as long as you find the ascension ritual of the ancient witchcraft, you can enter the Lingshan Cave Heaven through this pseudo-ascension method.

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