Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 215: False Ascension

After the Heavenly Master saw the two of them, he mainly asked about their studies.

Among the three masters, the Celestial Master is the most approachable, and this is not just a matter of words. If Taoism is not involved, the Celestial Master at this time is more like an ordinary elder. If he had been a national master or an earth master, he wouldn't have bothered with such a trivial matter.

After the two answered one by one, Qi Xuansu began to ask about the ancient wizard's method of pseudo-ascension.

Faced with these old people who can penetrate people's hearts, Qi Xuansu usually does not try to be clever and beat around the bush, but gets straight to the point and asks questions directly. As long as these old people are kind to him, this method can gain favor.

After hearing this, the Heavenly Master was not very surprised and just said: "It seems that you have initially understood the mystery of the 'Eternal Life Stone'."

Only Zhang Yuelu was confused. She knew about the "Eternal Life Stone" but didn't know what pseudo-ascension was. However, she was not stupid and immediately realized that this must be related to Qi Xuansu's visit to Tianshui Yixin Tower. She didn't ask deeply at the time, but she just knew that Qi Xuansu went to look up information about the ancient witchcraft religion, and then went to class normally for the past two days, almost forgetting about it.

Qi Xuansu saw Zhang Yuelu's doubts, and half answered the Heavenly Master, and half explained to Zhang Yuelu: "I don't dare to say that I have a thorough understanding. I mainly consulted the ancient books about ancient witchcraft. Only then did I know that the ancient witches had fake ascension rituals. Leaving the human world, but ascending to the Lingshan Cave Heaven.”

The Celestial Master said: "There is indeed such a thing, and there are relevant records in the notes left by the Celestial Master."

As he spoke, the Heavenly Master reached out and grabbed a scroll of bamboo slips out of thin air, seeming to have passed through the space between the Wanxiang Taoist Palace and the Da Zhenren Mansion. Although papermaking was already available in the ancestor Tianshi's time, bamboo slips were still the mainstream at that time. Replacing one thing with another always requires a step-by-step process and cannot be accomplished overnight.

The Heavenly Master unfolded the bamboo slips, took a quick glance, and said: "Actually, the kind of pseudo-ascension you are talking about is not unique to ancient witchcraft, Taoism has also had it, but the place where people from Taoism went to Kunlun Cave for pseudo-ascension. In the past, Kunlun Cave had another name, called "Di Xianjie". Because Kunlun Cave had four states at its peak, it was divided into four major states: Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, and Nanzhan. Buzhou and Beiju Luzhou. Of course, as the end of the world approaches, the Kunlun Cave is gradually coming to an end. Today, the Kunlun Cave is no longer in its prime, and at most half of the state is left."

Zhang Yuelu was a little surprised: "Kunlun Cave Heaven died so quickly. I have read records before, saying that there was still a state in Xuansheng's era."

Tianshi said: "In a few hundred years, even this half of the state will be gone."

Qi Xuansu interjected: "Which state is this state? Just talking about area, the difference between Xizhou and Jiangzhou is huge. Even if it is an overseas continent, Fenglinzhou cannot be compared with Borneo."

Zhang Yuelu said: "It's almost the size of Zhongzhou."

Qi Xuansu understood.

After all, he had also been to Kunlun Cave, which was the time when he had a conflict with Wang Danqing. I also learned about the general situation of Kunlun Cave from some Taoist classics.

The structure of Kunlun Cave is very mysterious, somewhat similar to the legendary "Peach Blossom Spring". It is very small at the beginning and becomes wider as you go deeper. Regardless of the various "side doors" opened by Taoist gates, if you enter the Kunlun Cave through normal ways, it will only be small at first. It's just a mountain. When you enter Lu Wu's residence, you suddenly become enlightened. From Lu Wu's residence, you enter the Five Elements Cave Heaven. This place is also called the "Five Elements Heaven". It is the medicine garden of the Taoist sect. It was here that the six enlightened witches fought against the Kunlun gatekeeper Lu Wushen. And refine the second generation "Eternal Life Stone".

This place is already comparable to several places.

Beyond the Five Elements Cave is the Kunlun Cave. In the past, the Zixiao Palace was located in the Kunlun Cave, but as the Kunlun Cave fell to the ground and merged with the human world, the Zixiao Palace was no longer in the Kunlun Cave, but appeared on the top of Kunlun.

It just confirms what the Tianshi said that the Kunlun Cave is constantly shrinking.

Viewed as a whole, the entire Kunlun Cave is like an upside-down mountain. The top of the mountain is connected to the Yuxu Peak of Kunlun in the world. Therefore, entering the Kunlun Cave is from the "top" position, then all the way up, and finally to the vast The "foothills" area.

The Heavenly Master explained in depth: "As early as in ancient times, the Kunlun Cave was not yet closed. Immortal people would often go to the Kunlun Cave after a hundred years of living. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is the way to ascend."

"At that time, many people with great supernatural powers had not yet passed away, and it seemed that humans and gods were living together. The Kunlun Cave was full of spiritual energy, and many earthly immortals lived in seclusion here to cultivate in an attempt to survive the catastrophe. Although the Kunlun Cave at this time was not It is not far from the real thirty-third heaven, so the masters who can go to the Kunlun Cave are actually almost the same as immortals. This is why Taoists have always respected earth immortals."

"It's just that with the incarnation of Taishang Daozu and the ascension and death of the Emperor of Heaven, and the Battle of Muye, all the earth immortals were dead or injured, and most of the survivors chose to ascend and pass away. The number of earth immortals in Kunlun Cave is decreasing day by day. By the time Zixiao The palace was closed, and Kunlun Cave became an ownerless land. People in the Taoist sect started fighting over the ownership of Kunlun Cave. Finally, Nanhua Dao Lord took action to seal Kunlun Cave, leaving Lu Wu to take care of Kunlun Cave and prohibit those who had no chance. Entering it without permission, the genius of Kunlun Cave gradually became a legendary place in the eyes of future generations. "

"Later, the word 'Kunlun' no longer symbolized the fairyland, but was just generally called the Taoist ancestral court. Many people who came to Kunlun according to the records in the classics only saw the white snow and no trace of the fairy atmosphere, and they just thought it was snowy. The records in the book are deliberately exaggerated by predecessors and are nothing more than based on imagination.”

"It wasn't until Xuansheng integrated the Taoist gates that the Kunlun Cave Heaven reappeared and landed. By the way, the 'Three Treasures Ruyi' is the key to the Kunlun Cave Heaven."

After Qi Xuansu heard this, he was greatly shocked, and then asked: "What is the relationship between Kunlun Cave Heaven and Lingshan Cave Heaven?"

"Of course it is related." The Heavenly Master said unhurriedly, "Both of them reach the same destination by different routes. I don't have the method of the great witch's ascension that you want to know here. Because the great witch's ascension requires the altar of the ancient witch religion and performs blood sacrifices. Those altars It has been destroyed long ago, and the Taoist sect opposes blood sacrifice and will not be rebuilt. However, the Taoist sect’s pseudo-ascension method is essentially the same as the great witch’s ascension method. I have this pseudo-ascension method.”

Zhang Yuelu asked curiously: "Does it also require ascending to the Kunlun Cave? Isn't there a normal entrance portal?"

The Heavenly Master said: "Because the normal way is to pass through the Five Elements Heaven, the Six Enlightened Wizards are blocking the way, and the God Lu Wu is in charge, so it is necessary to directly enter the Kunlun Cave Heaven through the method of pseudo-ascension. However, the Kunlun Cave Heaven was closed later, and this pseudo-ascension method It is also impossible to enter the Kunlun Cave, so it only exists in ancient records and is almost lost. That is to say, our Zhang family’s inheritance has never been cut off, so we still have a complete pseudo-ascension method.”

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask: "Doesn't the Dao Sect's pseudo-ascension method require an altar and blood sacrifice?"

"No need." The Heavenly Master said, "The reason why the great witches of the ancient witch sect need altars and blood sacrifices is not for pseudo-ascension, but for changing the body. It's just that the ancestral witches integrated pseudo-ascension and body-changing. It's difficult to To differentiate, it becomes necessary to use an altar for pseudo-ascension. As for the blood sacrifice, it does not have to be human blood, the blood of wild beasts can also be used."

Qi Xuansu recalled the appearance of the great witches he saw in his dream, and suddenly said: "In addition to being as tall as giants, the ancestral witches also have various animal characteristics, precisely because of the blood sacrifice."

The Heavenly Master nodded and said: "That's right. After the great wizards in ancient times performed the pseudo-ascension ceremony, their appearance changed drastically, their strength greatly increased, and they went to another world. In the eyes of ordinary people, they were ascended."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Now that the Kunlun Cave is reopened, if I use the Dao Sect's pseudo-ascension method, will I directly ascend to the Kunlun Cave?"

The Heavenly Master said: "No, because the Zixiao Palace is no longer in the Kunlun Cave. The Zixiao Palace is the key to this pseudo-ascension method. It can also be said that the Zixiao Palace is a guiding light, used to determine coordinates. It has been If you're not there, you can't go. Of course, you can't go to Zixiao Palace where it is now. It's a useless method."

Qi Xuansu had some vague understanding, but still asked: "Since it is a useless method, then why should I go to Lingshan Cave Heaven?"

The Heavenly Master pointed at his heart: "If others use this fake ascension method, nothing will happen, but you have the 'Heart of the Immortal Stone' inherited from the ancient witchcraft in your body, which will guide you to ascend to the Lingshan Cave Heaven." , instead of looking for the gateway to Lingshan Cave.”

Qi Xuansu said: "In this way, I can go, but others cannot."

The Heavenly Master flicked his finger, and a flash of light penetrated Qi Xuansu's eyebrows: "This is the Taoist method of pseudo-ascension. It is not difficult, but there is a threshold, and it requires cultivation at the creation stage."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Is this also true for ancient witchcraft?"

The Heavenly Master said: "As far as I know, the ancient witchcraft's method of pseudo-ascension also requires cultivation at the creation stage. However, after the physical transformation of the blood sacrifice, the pseudo-ascension witch will gain the strength of a pseudo-immortal. The ascension of Taoism The method is simpler, but it will not improve your realm."

Qi Xuansu nodded, knowing that he must first reach the stage of creation before he could explore the Lingshan Cave.

As for how to reach the stage of creation, it is difficult to say but easy to say.

Today, Qi Xuansu is only one step away from the stage of creation. To be more intuitive, there is only one piece of "Xuan Jade" left.

According to his expectation, the Yao family would give him this "mysterious jade".

This is also one of the many gifts of fate that has already been secretly marked with a price.

In order to know the secretly marked price as soon as possible, Qi Xuansu had to accept the gift of "fate" once again.

Anyway, if you have too many debts, you don’t have to worry about them. If you have too many lice, you don’t have to worry about them. Just let them be.

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