Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 12 Thunder on the Sword

Qi Xuansu asked Quan how much cultivation he had left. Anyone with some experience could hear the implication of this.

Although Quan has been sleeping for many years and is unaware of the changes in the outside world, and his experience remains at the moment of his sleep. He is not an old monster who has experienced thousands of years of vicissitudes, but he was also a high-level member of the witchcraft cult at the time, and he was not an innocent child of three years old. There is still vigilance.

Qi Xuansu's attitude changed only because of two words - Wu Luo!

It wasn't that Qi Xuansu wanted to get involved, because Wu Luo wanted to kill him, so he wanted to kill everyone related to Wu Luo, but there was something wrong here.

Wu Luo is not dead.

Wu Luo had established contact with his followers through the "Zhu You Technique" many years ago.

If Quan is Wuluo's subordinate, then Quan will know that Wuluo is not dead after waking up, but he still pretends not to know about the death of the eleven witches from Qi Xuansu. After Qi Xuansu gave a misleading answer, he not only Instead of exposing Qi Xuansu, he pretended to be misled and paralyzed Qi Xuansu. What did he want to do?

If Quan is not a subordinate of Wu Luo, then what does Quan want to do if he claims to be a subordinate of Wu Luo?

This was Quan's miscalculation. In the era of witchcraft, the immortal system was not yet complete. Wu Luo's method was a novel trick, very concealed, and could be regarded as a secret to some extent. Therefore, Quan believed that Qi Xuansu did not know that he and Qi Xuansu were unknown. The connection between Wu and Luo. But after so many years, novelty has become old, secrets have become public, and if you continue to take things for granted based on the same old experience, you will suffer a big loss.

So after Quan revealed that he was following Wu Luo, Qi Xuansu immediately realized the loopholes in it.

As a result, the little trust between the two collapsed.

Quan deceived Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu also deceived Quan to a certain extent based on the idea of ​​being on guard against others.

The two of them made similar choices. They told no lies and no truths. They had some reservations and were misleading. Izumi did not say that the Eleven Witches had fallen, but asked if the Eleven Witches had fallen.

This will cause the two people to fall into a chain of suspicion, unable to confirm whether the other party is kind or malicious. In order to ensure their own safety, it is best to strike first. Because this is not the outside world, there are no strong constraints of reason and rules, and there are no guarantees. It is difficult to communicate candidly. No one knows whether the seemingly candid communication is an illusion deliberately to paralyze the opponent. It is like a dark and uninhabited jungle. The weak eat the strong.

In this case, even good intentions can turn into bad intentions unless a third party acts as a bridge and guarantee for candid communication between the two people.

To put it simply, I am good, but I don’t understand you, and you certainly don’t understand me. So if I don’t take action, you will. Because survival is paramount, I attack you first.

Qi Xuansu held "Qingyun" in his hand and took a few steps back: "If you still have the realm of cultivation at your peak, then I may not be your opponent, but now you are probably no longer at your peak."

Quan did not deny this, and said in his heart again: "The aura on your body... is not only the aura of the ancestral witch, but also the aura of the elixir of immortality. If I can get it, I can not only return to my peak, but maybe even one step further." ”

Qi Xuansu laughed: "It's okay to stop pretending."

The next moment, Qi Xuansu's body suddenly rose up and went straight towards the spring.

Although Qi Xuansu uses weapons, his biggest reliance at this time is the inheritance of martial arts, and Quan is obviously a type of Wu Zhu. When fighting Wu Zhu, a martial artist naturally has to fight closely and use his own strengths to overcome the enemy's weaknesses.

Quan raised the snake staff in his hand and pointed at Qi Xuansu.

For a moment, although Qi Xuansu did not stop completely, he became extremely sluggish and still maintained a high-speed forward attitude, but the actual forward speed was slower than walking.

Obviously, the snake staff in Quan's hand cannot be compared with the "Gong Candle Staff", but it has similar magical powers.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Quan calmly stepped back, and a blue flame appeared in his other hand.

Some people say that seeking immortality is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. This makes sense. Immortals are said to have no defects and no leaks. The "no leaks" means that the realm of cultivation will not naturally pass away.

In other words, there are leaks under the Immortal, just like a pool. While water is being poured into the pool, water is being drained out. Cultivation itself is releasing water, and natural flow is drainage. Only when the water is released is greater than the drainage, the water in the pool will rise. , that is, improving one’s realm of cultivation.

Although after more than a thousand years of baptism, Quan's realm has been seriously degraded, Quan is in a state of suspended animation and consumes very little, just like closing the drainage valve to the minimum. In addition, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Therefore, Quan, who is no longer in peak condition, cannot be underestimated.

The blue flame fell on Qi Xuansu's body, stimulating the blood in Qi Xuansu's body and making a hissing sound.

The method of manipulating time is indeed powerful, but the biggest drawback is that it is difficult to maintain it for too long.

After a while, the slowing effect exerted on Qi Xuansu subsided.

Qi Xuansu withdrew his blood energy and used the alchemist's "Shadow-free" technique. His whole body turned into a shadowless shadow, letting the burning blue flames fall into the void.

This can be said to be an excellent defense method for alchemists, second only to Qingyun who was banished to the immortal. It can not only resist real means such as firearms, but also resist the warrior's fist and blood, unless the warrior reaches the Broken Void Realm and can destroy the space.

Qi Xuansu moved his figure away, solidified it again, unfolded the celestial body, and with Himi Huzun as the main body, he summoned the true fire of the sun and burned it towards the spring.

Both of them are very restrained. Although the temple is very strong and has survived for thousands of years, it is precisely because the temple has lasted for thousands of years and is no longer what it used to be. It may not be able to withstand the full strength of the two of them. They really want to reduce the temple to ruins. , the moonlight shines down, and no one can get away from it.

The true fire of the sun spreads and burns in all directions.

Quan didn't know what wizard magic he used to isolate himself from the true fire of the sun. At the same time, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed Qi Xuansu from the air.

At the same time, a huge black hand appeared out of thin air, directly grabbed Qi Xuansu and grabbed him.

Qi Xuansu waved the "Qingyun" in his hand and chopped the black hand into pieces.

After some tentative fights, Qi Xuansu already had a rough idea. If it were a life-and-death fight, he would still have the upper hand. He would definitely be the one who survived, but it would definitely not be easy. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. When Quan was at his strongest, he should be able to compete with the pseudo-immortal stage of the Taoist sect. Now that he has been weakened, he can still barely maintain the cultivation level of the creation stage. He is at the same stage as Qi Xuansu, even if Qi Xuansu It's stronger, and it can't be easily won.

To put it bluntly, Qi Xuansu's road to Lingshan is still long and full of unknowns. He doesn't want to fight to the death with others at the beginning, which will greatly damage his vitality.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu suddenly thought of a trick.

During the previous conversation, Quan seemed to be very afraid of the Ancestral Master who destroyed the ancient witch sect, to the point where he did not even dare to speak his name outright.

We can rule out the possibility that Quan doesn't know the name of the Ancestral Master. It's impossible for both families to be in a life-or-death situation. The higher-ups of the witch sect don't know the name of the rival leader.

There was only one possibility. Quan didn't dare to say it. He even thought that saying this name would cause some unpredictable consequences.

Qi Xuansu was not afraid.

As the son-in-law of the Zhang family and a true member of the Zhang family, what does he have to fear?

So after Qi Xuansu broke free from the shackles of the giant black hand, he calmly spit out a name: "Zhang Dao..."

It is the name of the Ancestral Master!

Before the third word of the person's name was spoken, drastic changes had already occurred.

This person's name seemed to be some kind of switch. The moment it sounded, it triggered certain reactions in the cave.

A mighty thunder fell from the sky, splitting the rich bloody moonlight, and passed through the dome of the temple, invincible.

Its power is no less powerful than the thunder method used by the Heavenly Master himself.

Is this the method of the Ancestral Master? Even if more than a thousand years have passed, and even if the Ancestral Master is no longer alive, he still has such power.

But after thinking about it, this makes sense.

Zu Tianshi is very good at using the concept of "circulation". For example, the Demon Suppressing Well Cave he built will draw on the cultivation of the prisoners to replenish the losses, so that the restrictions inside the cave can be used continuously. It seems that the restriction left by the Ancestral Heavenly Master in Lingshan Cave Heaven has a similar effect, constantly absorbing the power of Lingshan Cave Heaven to maintain his own existence. Although so many years have passed, it has not actually been triggered a few times, and the loss is very small, so it still maintains a strong power.

However, this thunder came straight towards Qi Xuansu. The reason is very simple. It was Qi Xuansu who shouted the name of the ancestor Tianshi. Quan did not speak. At most, he mentioned his surname. There are so many people with the surname Zhang in the world. Who is Lei Buchao and Qi Xuansu coming to?

Seeing this scene, Quan immediately moved away from him, not daring to add insult to injury for fear of getting burned.

But Qi Xuansu also expected this.

Although Tianlei is not a living person and cannot tell the identity of Qi Xuansu's Zhang family's son-in-law, nor will he be lenient to him, the identity of this Zhang family's son-in-law can help Qi Xuansu obtain the "Qingyun" passed down by the ancestor Tianshi.

Back then, the Ancestral Heavenly Master used the "Three and Five Male and Female Evil-Slaying Swords" to kill the four ancestral witches and capture the Lingshan Cave. The Tianlei he left in Lingshan did not recognize Qi Xuansu, but it came from the "Five Thunders Tianxin Zhengfa" and could always resonate with "Qingyun" who had the same origin and origin.

Sure enough, Qi Xuansu raised "Qingyun" high, and the violent thunder fell on "Qingyun"'s sword. It immediately became gentle and only wrapped around the sword body, but did not spread further to Qi Xuansu's body.

"Qingyun" actually acted like a lightning rod.

This is also reasonable. The position of Heavenly Master is not passed on to people with other surnames, and the "Three Five Male and Female Swords for Killing Evils" are not passed on to people with other surnames. Those holding the "Three Five Male and Female Swords for Killing Evils" must be descendants of the Zhang family. From the perspective of the Ancestral Heavenly Master, it is reasonable and reasonable for the Heavenly Thunder Restriction he left to be liberal to his descendants.

Under Quan's shocked gaze, Qi Xuansu tried his best, twisted his waist, and pointed the "Qingyun" in his hand, which seemed to weigh a million pounds, towards him.

The thunder guided by the sword immediately changed direction and rushed towards the spring.

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