Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 14 Emperor Liu

At this time, Qi Xuansu had no idea that it was difficult to guard against domestic thieves, and was still walking on the way to Lingshan.

Despite all the calculations, Qi Xuansu still committed the old habit of parents, that is, he likes to hide things. He did not tell Xiao Yin that he was falsely ascending to the Lingshan Cave Heaven. He only said that he was going to retreat and asked Xiao Yin to protect him. Although he was afraid that Xiao Yin would talk nonsense everywhere, it also made Xiao Yin greatly underestimate the extent of the matter. severity.

Isn't it just retreat? Lao Qi has just entered the stage of creation. It is definitely not an upward breakthrough, but a stable state. This kind of retreat is not dangerous at all, even if it is disturbed, it will not affect it.

So Xiao Yin sneaked into the alchemy room to see what Qi Xuansu was doing. If there was nothing to do, she would leave first. There were many things waiting for her in the Lion City, so just let Lao Lin guard here. .

Turns out there was no one there, just a light.

Xiao Yin was immediately filled with anger and evil in his heart. You lied to me to be your Dharma protector, and then you ran away. This is really unkind.

But this lamp seems interesting. If you don’t study it carefully, it won’t be Xiao Yin.

It's just that what Qi Xuansu didn't expect, the Heavenly Master did.

Don't forget, Ziguang Zhenjun is good at divination, and the Heavenly Master can even see the future scene after the end of the Dharma. When the Heavenly Master sent "Qingyun", he anticipated what would happen next, and used "Qingyun" several times to take action. "Qingyun" has not yet been recovered.

Now that the Celestial Master has lent out the "Gui Zang Lamp" again, if you say that the Celestial Master is just trying to help, that would be an underestimation of the Celestial Master.

Just after Xiao Yin picked up the "Gui Zang Lamp".

The Heavenly Master who was far away at the Demon Suppression Platform in Dazhen Mansion sighed: "The time has come."

A blurry purple figure stood beside the Heavenly Master: "You have been planning for a long time just for today. Do you think it can be done?"

"Whether it succeeds or fails, do your best and obey the destiny." The white eyebrows of the Heavenly Master trembled slightly, "I have done everything I can do, and the result is not up to me."

The purple figure laughed: "Let me do the math. The power of Wu Luo, the 'Yangping Zhidu Gong Seal', the 'Gui Zang Lantern', plus me and you, plus the Demon Suppressing Well Cave under the Demon Suppressing Platform, is enough." Did you pry the willow tree?"

The Heavenly Master did not answer directly: "'Emperor Liu' is a Kunlun alien species. It is rumored that it was left by Taishang Taoist Ancestor. It is rooted in the gap between Yin and Yang. It lives on Yin Qi and communicates between Yin and Yang. From this, two major supernatural beings are born. First, Reversing the yin and yang and absorbing the yin energy can turn the ghosts and ghosts into the sun and the human world, and releasing the yin energy can turn the human world into the underworld. The second is the 'retrospection' phenomenon caused by the reversal of yin and yang. The reason why the elves of Emperor Liu are immortal is not. The flesh-and-blood derivation of human immortals is not the triple death of immortals, but retrospection.”

Although the purple figure is far older than the Heavenly Master, he does not know these secrets that only the top leaders of the Tao Sect know.

She asked: "What exactly does it mean?"

The Heavenly Master said: "Di Liu's elf will not come back to life after death, but will be traced back to the time when she was just born."

The purple figure understood: "This kind of retrospection means that all her previous experiences, memories, and realm cultivation will be cleared away, as if they never existed at all?"

The Heavenly Master shook his head and said: "It's either as if it never existed, or it just didn't exist. There is no possibility of recovery."

"Then she is still her?" The purple figure asked a question involving ethics.

Tianshi said: "From a fundamental point of view, she is still her, but from an emotional point of view, people have different opinions."

The purple figure said: "I just said, how can there be rebirth without paying the price? It turns out that it is like this. So how many times has this elf gone back now?"

The Heavenly Master said: "The third time. The first elf was the most powerful because the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven was not yet weak at that time. Her strength was comparable to that of an immortal and her mind was the most mature. She was no different from an adult woman. In the end, in order to protect the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven , died together with an ancient immortal who invaded the cave of the ghost country, and the three evil creatures repelled another ancient immortal at the cost of serious injuries. "

The purple figure murmured: "So this is how he died."

This "he" obviously does not refer to the elf of Diliu.

There were seven ancient immortals at the beginning, except for the ascended True Lord Taiyin, now only Wu Luo, True Lord Siming, and True Lord Ziguang are left, and the other three ancient immortals have completely fallen.

The Heavenly Master continued: "The second time, her strength became much weaker and her sanity also deteriorated. She could only grow to the stage of a young girl and eventually died while traveling. I don't know exactly where she died. clear."

"Then it was the third time. This time she weakened again, just like a child. Because of the second death, the three great ghosts strictly prohibited her from leaving the ghost country cave. The three great ghosts were worried that her next death would be Ushering in complete demise.”

The purple figure asked: "Isn't it immortal? Why did it die completely again?"

The Heavenly Master said: "Actually, you know the answer. Because the end of the Dharma is approaching, the world has become more real, and the yin and yang cracks in the ghost country's cave have tended to close or even disappear. Without the injection of yin energy, Di Liu, who lives on yin energy, It will only become weaker and weaker until it can no longer give birth to elves. In theory, Diliu will continue to look back while maintaining the status quo, but the arrival of the end of the law has broken the status quo, and the three major ghosts suspect that this is the last time they look back. They originally hoped that this elf could grow up, but after so many years, she is still a child and shows no signs of growing up, which further confirms their speculation. "

The purple figure was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Does the elf know about this?"

The Heavenly Master said: "She still instinctively believes that she can be resurrected from the Emperor Willow, and she doesn't know the truth about regression and death. The three great ghosts have concealed the truth from her."

"Why?" the purple figure asked again.

The Heavenly Master sighed with emotion: "Human nature is a very wonderful thing. Do those three ghost creatures have human nature? I think they do. They probably treat her as a child and don't want some cruel truths to be revealed." "

The purple figure sighed: "What about Qi Xuansu?"

"I don't know either. The things involved here are too complicated. The previous Qi Xuansu was too weak to know. As for the current Qi Xuansu, he can know, but the three great ghosts probably haven't found a suitable opportunity to tell him yet." The Heavenly Master seemed to have understood everything, "Speaking of which, what would happen even if Qi Xuansu knew about it? Now he is just a chess piece. He can't kill the people who deserve to live, and he can't protect the people who deserve to die."

The purple figure said: "That's right. Qi Xuansu hasn't even figured out his own origins, so how can he care about others?"

The Heavenly Master waved his sleeves: "Okay, let's stop talking. Since he wants to know the truth, I will let him see it with his own eyes."

After that, the "Yangping Zhidu Gong Seal" appeared in the hands of the Tianshi.

This fairy object is similar to the "Chuan Guo Seal", which can bless oneself and improve one's realm. However, it is different from the "Chuan Guo Seal" in that it is not closely related to the aura of dragon veins, except for the magical power of "Haotian Bright Fire" In addition, there are two major magical powers, one is to manipulate various restrictions left by the Zutian Master, including the Demon Suppressing Well and Cave, and the other is to absorb the power of others and store it in it.

The last time Wu Luo took action, the Heavenly Master took the opportunity to absorb the power and stored it in it.

At this time, the Heavenly Master activated the "Yangping Zhidu Gong Seal", and Wu Luo's divine power surged out and led to the void.

The purple figure was Zhenjun Ziguang, and he also took action.

Coupled with the Celestial Master himself, the power of three immortals has been gathered together.

In addition, the demon-suppressing platform beneath their feet also shook violently.

The power of the Demon Suppressing Well Dongtian was leveraged.

Otherwise, the "Three and Five Male and Female Evil-Slaying Swords" and "Yang Ping Zhi Du Gong Seal" are the fundamental immortal objects of the Zhang family. They are both matching. Not only the skills are matched, but they are also matched with the Demon Suppressing Well Cave Heaven and the "Xing Zhu" respectively. correspond.

Xiao Yin, who was studying the "Gui Cang Lamp", suddenly felt that the "Gui Cang Lamp" in her hand was getting hotter and hotter. She couldn't help shouting and wanted to throw the "Gui Cang Lamp" out, but found that the "Gui Cang Lamp" "It is firmly attached to your hand and cannot be thrown away.

That's all, there are still unknown forces constantly injected into her body.

They say that Xiao Yin is a bottomless black hole that can eat anything and cannot be filled up at all, but this time it is about to be filled up and burst.

Xiao Yin became frightened and called to her grandfather, aunt and Lao Qi and Lao Zhang with a cry.

Just no one responded.

Qi Xuansu didn't know about Xiao Yin's situation. Even if he knew, it was just like what Tianshi said. He hadn't even sorted out his own affairs, so who could he take care of?

Qi Xuansu discovered that just like Buddhism likes to build Buddhist statues, Shamanism especially likes to build temples, and unlike the gorgeous churches in the West, this kind of temple is full of primitive and wild atmosphere at best, and is just a big stone at worst. A big house made of fortifications.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Qi Xuansu found a relatively intact temple to stay in. There were not many decorations inside, only various totems, which were basically the same as the various totems Qi Xuansu had seen in his dreams.

The witch religion does not erect statues of gods, but instead uses totems to represent people. From this point of view, the witch religion is somewhat similar to the Holy Court. The Holy Court does not erect statues of the supreme will, but only represents them with symbols.

Qi Xuansu stopped in front of several totems for a long time, hoping to learn some secrets of witchcraft from the totems.

However, Qi Xuansu soon became discouraged. He was indeed not the kind of genius who never existed before. He could not understand peerless magical powers just by looking at the relics of his predecessors. Even if his qualifications were improved through the inheritance of Sanren, at most he would not be hindered by practicing the skills compiled and summarized by his predecessors. . Most people find it difficult to understand even if they read the text, let alone learn any secrets from these abstract patterns.

Just when Qi Xuansu wanted to give up completely, another uninvited guest came to the temple and recklessly knocked open the thick stone door of the temple.

Qi Xuansu turned around, a little surprised.

The visitor was also a little surprised.

Neither of them thought that there were still living people in Lingshan Cave.

Qi Xuansu's first reaction was that the ancient witch was resurrected, and he had already pulled out "Qingyun" and put on an alert posture.

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