Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 38 On the top of Naling Mountain

However, Qi Xuansu was a little unsure of Qi Jiaoyao's thoughts. After all, she had already obtained a fairy item, which could be said to be a great harvest. In her own words, at least she had made back her investment, so there was no need to take a huge risk to go to Lingshan to look for the "stone of immortality" that might not exist.

To be fair, Qi Jiaoyao was definitely not a burden, but an extremely useful helper, experienced, and most importantly, knowledgeable. She had answered many questions for Qi Xuansu along the way. If Qi Jiaoyao went back home and Qi Xuansu was left alone, Qi Xuansu would definitely not be more relaxed.

Qi Xuansu certainly hoped that Qi Jiaoyao would go to Lingshan with him, but he couldn't force it. After all, he had the "Gui Zang Lantern" as a backup, which could at least save his life, but Qi Jiaoyao didn't have the "Gui Zang Lantern", so Qi Xuansu couldn't force it.

But before Qi Xuansu could speak, Qi Jiaoyao had already taken the initiative to say, "Lingshan is right in front of us, you kid can't be discouraged."

"Ah?" Qi Xuansu was startled. He had just been considering how to ask Qi Jiaoyao about his attitude, and he never expected Qi Jiaoyao to say such a thing.

Qi Jiaoyao looked him up and down: "Are you scared? You don't say anything. Listen to me, he is just a silver-like wax spear head, just looks shiny. You and I will join forces to take him down."

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said: "I am not scared, I am just thinking about something."

"What are you thinking about?" Qi Jiaoyao asked.

Qi Xuansu said: "Fellow Daoist Qi, you have already got the 'Bone Mirror', which is a genuine immortal item. There is no need to go to Lingshan to take risks, right?"

Qi Jiaoyao laughed, with undisguised sarcasm: "I don't want to take risks either, but have you ever thought about why I am trapped in Lingshan Cave Heaven?"

Qi Xuansu really didn't think about this question, and subconsciously asked: "Why?"

"Stupid!" Qi Jiaoyao inherited the fine tradition of Quanzhen Taoist women, and she was not forgiving at all when she opened her mouth, "Because the entrance and exit of Lingshan Cave Heaven are not in the same position, the entrance can be entered but not exited, and the exit can be exited but not entered. I won't talk about the entrance, the exit is at the top of Lingshan. I can't enter Lingshan, so I'm naturally trapped here."

Qi Xuansu "smuggled" in through the method of pseudo-ascension, and really ignored this problem. At this time, he was reminded by Qi Jiaoyao and realized the seriousness of the problem. In this way, Lingshan must be visited. Even if it is not for the Immortal Stone, just to leave this place, you have to go to Lingshan.

No wonder that person didn't go anywhere but stayed on Lingshan Mountain. If he didn't go to Lingshan Mountain, no matter how much benefit he got from Lingshan Cave Heaven, it would only rot in Lingshan Cave Heaven. This is really Lingshan earning money and spending it in Lingshan Mountain, and he wanted to take it home as soon as he left.

Since Lingshan Mountain must be visited, Qi Xuansu didn't have to consider how to unify thoughts and boost morale, and directly entered the next stage to discuss the specific feasibility.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Qi Daoyou, do you know where this person guarding Lingshan Mountain came from?"

Qi Jiaoyao said: "You are right about one thing. His surname is indeed Yao, and he is a brother of the earth master. As for the realm cultivation, it is probably on par with you."

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief.

It was only the stage of creation, so there was still a fight. He was most afraid of encountering a pseudo-immortal. The opponent also had the advantage of terrain and had the help of various creations and formations. This place was very special, and he couldn't summon the three major yin objects, so it would be difficult.

However, Qi Xuansu did not dare to be careless, and asked again: "How many creatures are similar to the Taiyin Corpse?" Qi Jiaoyao did not care, and waved his hand and said: "No matter how many creatures there are, no matter how many ways he comes, we just go one way, that is, to find this old guy, I will use the "Bone Mirror" to shine on him, and then you give him a punch. Don't worry, the space within the Lingshan area is relatively solid. Not to mention you, a martial artist, even if a human immortal comes, it will not be a big deal." Qi Xuansu doubted: "With your realm and cultivation, can you use immortal objects? Also, doesn't the "Bone Mirror" suppress indiscriminately? If you use the "Bone Mirror", we will also be affected." Qi Jiaoyao stretched out his right index finger and swung it left and right: "In theory, I really can't use the "Bone Mirror" with my realm and cultivation, but the mountain man has his own tricks, and you don't have to care about the specific means. Who doesn't have some secrets? Take you for example, You are a martial artist on the surface, but you can actually banish the immortals' Qingyun and Wuzhu's Dharma body. Have I ever asked you about it? No, so don't ask me about my method. "

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to nod and said, "Okay, I won't ask."

Qi Jiaoyao said again, "As for the second point you mentioned, you underestimated the immortals. The previous "Bone Mirror" suppressed everyone's realm cultivation indiscriminately because no one controlled it. If someone controlled it, it would be another matter. It's like the broken void inherited by the martial artist. Now you are just beginning to learn the tricks and are not yet proficient. You can only grab eyebrows and beards and hit a large area at a time. But if you reach the realm of human immortals, you can point to hit wherever you want, and you can hit an inch of land instead of an acre of land. "

After listening to this, Qi Xuansu suddenly felt that he had lost out. According to his speculation, this immortal was relatively useless, but now listening to Qi Jiaoyao, it is still very useful.

Of course, Qi Xuansu would not go back on his word and raise the price. Just as he said, with his current future, immortal items were just trivial matters and he would eventually get one, at least one immortal item. If he became the Grand Master, he would have four immortal items, and they would be top-notch ones, which he would never be able to use up.

Qi Xuansu said: "Judging from the magic of the 'Bone Mirror', as long as you can shine a light on the guard of Lingshan, it doesn't need to be more. As long as you weaken him to the infinite stage, I can kill him with one punch. But my opinion is that Keep him alive, there is no need to form an undying feud with the Yao family, and leave some room for maneuver. "

As a result, Qi Jiayao sneered again: "How did you become a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest? Why are you so naive? We broke into the Lingshan Cave, took away the 'Bone Mirror', and then took away the 'Eternal Life Stone' on the Lingshan Mountain , We have already formed a deadly feud with the Earth Master, do you still expect the Earth Master to forgive us? If we don’t do this, we must do it.”

Qi Xuansu's ideas are different from Qi Jiayao's.

His "leeway" does not lie in the severity, but in whether he can "repent."

In the final analysis, this matter is very secretive, and there are only a few people who know about it. It is not a rebellion, and it is not about damaging the authority of the Earth Master. It is more about gains and losses in interests. There is no saying that the Earth Master must kill people to maintain authority. This can be discussed .

What is the room for "regret"?

For example, if you get married, you can regret it. If the two people have different personalities or other reasons, they can still reconcile and return to the past path. This is the room for regret. But if two people have a child, their life will completely change, because it is impossible to stuff the child back into the mother's womb, which means there is no room for regret.

In the same way, it is true that Qi Xuansu and Qi Jiaoyao took the "bone mirror". When they really have no way out, they will return the "bone mirror" at worst, and someone else will come forward to make peace, such as Tianshi, or It's possible that it could be good. But if you kill someone, there is no room for "regret" because there is no resurrection after death.

The saying "either don't do it or do it absolutely" is correct. But it also depends on the situation. When it comes to things like rebellion, of course we must do it absolutely. But in other matters, this is not necessary.

After all, Qi Xuansu will continue to hang out in the Taoist sect in the future. Now he is just trying to find out the truth. He is not trying to launch the Yujing Revolution to immediately rise to power. It is not a one-time deal. Of course, he must be cautious.

If you believe Qi Jiayao's lies, you will miss the New Year.

To put it bluntly, if Qi Xuansu really punched someone to death, the blame would definitely be placed on Qi Xuansu's head, Qi Jiayao was just looking in the mirror.

No matter how high the temple is or how far away the rivers and lakes are, one must be on guard against others.

However, Qi Xuansu must not say these words. In the current war, his own people cannot be in chaos or alienated, and all conflicts can be put aside for the time being.

Just like Taoism fighting Buddhism, we can put aside the disputes between the three Taoisms and Confucianism and Taoism for the time being.

Therefore, it is not that the heroes will be liquidated after winning, but that the contradictions have already accumulated. After there are no external enemies, there are no necessary conditions to suppress the contradictions, and those already existing contradictions have completely exploded.

Take the dispute between the Three Daos as an example. The conflict between the Zhang family and the Li family can even be traced back to several generations before Xuansheng rebuilt the Taoist sect. Therefore, this situation is the norm now. On the contrary, the consistent external approach during the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism is An extremely short-lived "abnormality".

The so-called more friends, the better, and don’t say anything that is not conducive to unity, etc., are all extensions of this kind of thinking.

Xuan Sheng is well versed in this. He also has many things that he does not agree with, but he will not fall out directly. Instead, he will resolve the main contradiction first. It is necessary to distinguish clearly what are the main contradictions and what are the secondary contradictions.

In the current situation, finding out the truth and leaving Lingshan Cave is the main contradiction, and other things are secondary contradictions.

Qi Xuansu turned around and said, "You said that the exit of Lingshan Cave is located at the top of Lingshan. Where is it specifically?"

Qi Jiaoyao said: "Didn't you see a fire in your dream? It's right near the fire."

Qi Xuansu began to recall the process of climbing Lingshan Mountain. It was really a long distance.

First of all, Qi Xuansu's mountain climbing in his dream did not start from the foot of the mountain, but from halfway up the mountain, so it seemed that the distance was not very far.

Secondly, there were no remains of ancient witches or creation mechanisms in Qi Xuansu's dream. The road was smooth and smooth. Even if the height of Lingshan Mountain was comparable to Kunlun, it would not be a problem if he was just climbing.

Thirdly, the Lingshan Mountain that Qi Xuansu saw in his dream had obvious restrictions. He could only climb the mountain along a path, and many places were inaccessible. Perhaps these inaccessible places contained great dangers.

The Lingshan Cave in reality is obviously very different from the Lingshan in the dream. All kinds of ancient witches and creations are in danger and every step is dangerous. Moreover, you must start from the foot of the mountain. It is not easy to get to the top of Lingshan. matter.

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