Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 52 What if people have no intention?

"Establish a written document!" Qi Jiayao stretched out his hand and pulled it down, and a contract composed of divine power appeared out of thin air.

Qi Xuansu was slightly surprised when he saw this method for the first time.

Qi Jiaoyao said, "This is the 'Inner Demon Contract' improved by Yao Zu and Taiyin Zhenjun after referring to the Western Devil Contract and our Eastern traditional Nightmare Town. We each sent our essence and blood to make this contract. It is equivalent to making an oath. If anyone goes back on it, his cultivation will be damaged in the least, and his life will be ruined in the worst case."

"Also, let me add one more thing. If I win and I really have the 'Heart of the Immortal Stone', then the 'Heart of the Immortal Stone' belongs to me and not yours. If you win, there is no 'Heart of the Immortal Stone'. Then the 'Bone Mirror' is yours. How about it? Do you dare to bet?"

"Such a big deal? Didn't you say you won't gamble on property? But it doesn't matter. Since you want to send money to be your daughter, I don't object." Qi Xuansu carefully read the above terms, and after confirming that there was no problem, squeezed it from his fingertips Spread a little blood and integrate it into the contract.

Qi Jiayao also squeezed out a drop of blood and blended it into it, and then saw the whole contract ignited with sinister fire from below, and finally disappeared.

After signing the contract, Qi Jiayao jumped up on the altar and came to the witch girl's chest and said, "Watch it!"

Qi Xuansu crossed his arms and stood up in the air. He looked at Qi Jiayao's movements indifferently. He was already preparing for another fairy and a daughter.

There was already a crack in the chest of the witch aunt's body, but there was no need to open the mouth. Qi Jiaoyao opened the witch aunt's chest with his hands.

In an instant, a bright blue light came out from the witch girl's chest, illuminating Qi Jiayao's face.

Qi Xuansu's expression suddenly froze.

Qi Jiayao reached into the witch's chest and dug out a green heart, which was the "Heart of Immortality Stone" that Qi Jiayao had longed for.

Compared with the "Eternal Life Stone", first of all, the color is different. The first generation "Eternal Life Stone" requires a lot of life force, so it will appear blood red. The second generation "Eternal Life Stone" is based on various kinds of stones in the Kunlun Cave. Heavenly materials and earthly treasures are the main materials, so they show a green color. "Heart of Immortality Stone" continues the materials used in the second generation of "Eternal Life Stone".

Secondly, the shapes are different. As the name suggests, "Eternal Life Stone" looks like an ordinary stone, while "Heart of Immortality Stone" is further carved on the basis of "stone" and completely becomes the shape of a heart.

More importantly, the special aura of "Heart of Immortality Stone" cannot fool anyone.

Qi Xuansu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

Qi Jiayao held up the "Heart of Immortality Stone" with both hands and laughed loudly, "Tianyuan, do you admit defeat?"

Qi Xuansu was naturally extremely reluctant, but he had just signed the "Inner Demon Contract", and he would not stand by anyone without faith. After a moment of silence, it seemed as if something was squeezed out of his throat.


An ambiguous word "Mother..."

"Okay, okay, okay." Qi Jiayao's smile became even brighter, "My dear son, I also have a son."

Qi Xuansu looked at the "Heart of Immortality Stone" in Qi Jiayao's hand and suddenly realized a problem.

Since Lingshan Dongtian's "Heart of the Immortal Stone" is still there, what happened to his "Heart of the Immortal Stone"?

Could it be that the Earth Master has refined another "Heart of Immortality Stone"?


Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu subconsciously reached out and pressed his chest.

There wasn't any heartbeat.

For a moment, a huge feeling of emptiness came, which was indescribably uncomfortable.

Qi Xuansu groaned, fell back to the ground, knelt on one knee, barely holding on, but was shaking.

Qi Jiayao happened to turn around at this time, with his back to Qi Xuansu, focusing entirely on the "Heart of the Immortal Stone", but did not notice Qi Xuansu's abnormality.

Qi Xuansu felt like his chest was like a black hole, like a bottomless whirlpool, madly devouring his realm cultivation, even his bones and flesh.

Is it empty?

His "Heart of the Immortal Stone" is missing?

At this moment, Qi Xuansu suddenly remembered an allusion.

In ancient times, witch doctors in witchcraft religions could use stones to replace hearts when saving people. As long as the person whose heart is being replaced believes that his or her stone heart is real, then this heart can replace the damaged heart. But once someone reveals this, or the person whose heart has been changed finds out that his heart is fake, the stone heart will turn back into an ordinary stone, and the person who has the heart changed will die on the spot. This is what shamanism does to make false things appear true.

The same is true for many folk stories. Many people who die unexpectedly do not realize that they are dead and will continue to live as before, but once they realize the truth, it will disappear immediately.

Could it be that the same is true for his "Heart of Immortality Stone"? Once the truth is exposed, will it turn into ordinary stone?

No, no.

Even if his past is all false, even if he can deceive himself and others, they will never be wrong about the level of cultivation of the third master. Just believing it is true cannot support the realm of cultivation in the creation stage.

His "Heart of the Immortal Stone" is real, there is no doubt about it.

Could it be that someone used great supernatural powers to poach his "Heart of the Immortality Stone" without him noticing?

who is it? Yao Zu?

Yaozu himself

Here, Qi Xuansu believed that she could do it, but it was just a trace of spiritual thought. One hundred years and one calamity, Yao Zu had no reason to imprison himself in the Lingshan cave and not ascend.

Still doesn't make sense.

At this time Qi Xuansu remembered the second allusion.

Legend has it that there was a sage in ancient times who had a "Seven-orificed Exquisite Heart", which is a rare heart with seven holes. Later, this sage was convicted of directly admonishing Emperor Xin and was sentenced to have his heart gouged out.

However, this sage made good friends with a Taoist master, who gave him a magic talisman. After taking the talisman, he could protect his internal organs and survive even after cutting out his heart. However, if you meet someone selling water spinach on the road after the heart-opening, the sage must ask, "What if a person has no intention?" If the vegetable seller replies, "If you have no intention, you will live." As a result, while the wise man was escaping, he heard a female vegetable vendor saying, "If you don't care, you will die." He immediately screamed for his life.

Qi Xuansu looked up at Qi Jiayao with difficulty, and asked in a strange way, "Fellow Daoist Qi, can a person live without a heart?"

Qi Jiayao, who was holding the "Heart of Immortality Stone" and looking left and right, was startled when he heard this. He still stared at the "Heart of Immortality Stone" in his hand and said without looking back, "It depends on the situation. If you are an ordinary person, Of course he can't live, he can't die anymore, but if it's an immortal, it doesn't matter, it's just a heart, it's just a minor injury, even if his internal organs are gone, he should still be able to live. But you will suffer heavy losses and your cultivation will be damaged.”

Qi Xuansu only felt weaker and weaker, and asked again, "What about... the heavenly beings?"

Qi Jiayao replied, "Depending on the circumstances, the alchemist should be able to survive, just a skin. It's hard to say for other inheritances. Don't look at the strong physique of a martial artist. The heart is connected with the blood of the whole body. It should be the secret of the hundred orifices and the veins of the whole body." , is the essence of the five internal organs, flowing around and continuously, the qi is generated from the inside, and the blood is moistened from the outside. As the saying goes, the heart beats when thoughts arise, and the heart beats when the force is exerted. If there is no heart, tsk tsk, I'm afraid it will be bad luck. ”

After the words fell, Qi Xuansu's face suddenly turned pale, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, which was actually mixed with many internal organ fragments.

Qi Xuansu mustered up his last strength and asked, "If I don't have the heart, can I survive?"

Qi Jiayao was startled, but he was still immersed in great joy and did not realize Qi Xuansu's abnormality. "Do you want to deceive me about the 'Heart of the Immortal Stone'? I just took the 'Heart of the Immortal Stone'" Once you have it, you ask me whether it is intentional or not, what do you want to do? I tell you, according to the contract we established, the 'Heart of the Eternal Life Stone' belongs to me and does not belong to you."

Qi Xuansu finally couldn't hold on anymore, swayed and fell to the ground.

His breath quickly weakened.

Qi Jiayao finally realized something was wrong and turned to look at Qi Xuansu



At this time, Qi Xuansu was exhausted.

Qi Jiayao jumped to Qi Xuansu's side with the "Heart of the Immortal Stone" in her arms, "You, what's wrong with you? It's just a bet, it's all external possessions. You don't have to be so angry. You're really going to make yourself angry." died."

At this time, Qi Xuansu was speechless and fell into a trance. The memories of this life passed before his eyes like a revolving lantern, and finally settled on a black shadow.

That was the "Inn" killer. To Qi Xuansu today, this "Inn" killer was really not worth mentioning and could be dismissed casually. Qi Xuansu could not even remember his face, only a vague black shadow remained. .

But at this time, Qi Xuansu had no power to resist. He could only watch the black shadow approaching him step by step, unable to even dodge. Finally, he watched the black shadow stab the knife into his chest. .

"Qi Tianyuan, Qi Xuansu, what's wrong with you?" Qi Jiayao was already a little panicked and reached out to touch Qi Xuansu's chest.

There was dead silence.

Qi Jiaoyao gritted her teeth, pulled off Qi Xuansu's clothes, and exposed her chest. At this time, Qi Xuansu was already extremely weak, so she opened Qi Xuansu's chest with her bare hands.

The place of the heart is empty.

Qi Jiayao glanced at the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" in his hand, and without hesitation, directly stuffed the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" into Qi Xuansu's chest.

It just doesn't work.

Because implanting the "Heart of Immortality Stone" is a complete set of rigorous processes, it doesn't just have to be stuffed in. This was already verified when Qi Xuansu tried to dig out the prototype of the longevity stone.

"How, how do you implant this? I haven't learned anything before!" Qi Jiaoyao's hands were covered with blood and he pulled off the bronze mask on his face.

, revealing his true face, "Qi Xuansu, are you just going to die like this?"

Qi Xuansu entered a state of reflection. After all, leaving aside the "Heart of the Immortal Stone", he still had some of the individual cultivation skills he had gained through hard work. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a picture that was both familiar and unfamiliar. face.

The eyes were very unfamiliar, but the part below the bridge of the nose was particularly familiar, as if I saw him every day, but I couldn't remember who it was for a while.

Qi Xuansu looked at Qi Jiayao, "I didn't expect that it would end like this."

Qi Jiayao pressed the "Heart of Immortality Stone" with both hands. He couldn't tell whether it was a teardrop or a drop of sweat on the tip of his nose, and said angrily, "Move the fuck! Isn't it the legendary elixir of immortality?"

Qi Xuansu shook his head with difficulty and squeezed out a smile, "Next time, come good next time."

Then Qi Xuansu's vision went dark, and he felt like he was falling into a bottomless abyss.


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