Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 59 Digging a Grave

In the Kingdom of Rune, there is an organization called the "War Cemetery Committee". Many civil servants who have failed in the struggle will be assigned to "important positions" in this organization after being marginalized. Its significance is similar to that of the previous dynasty, when the great eunuch who was the chief eunuch of the ceremonial department was assigned to guard the imperial mausoleum.

Is there any similar organization in Daomen?

Yes, that is the Requiem Division under the name of the Ancestral Hall.

A place that governs the dead is always a place of frustration for the living.

Many Taoist priests were buried in this place after their death, and Qi Haoran was no exception.

So Qiniang's prediction was very accurate. Qi Xuansu went straight to this place after hitting the wall twice.

It was already midnight when Qi Xuansu arrived at Requiem Division.

"Master Qi! Hey, Chief Qi!" The Taoist priest in charge of the Requiem Department woke up from his sleep. At this time, he was only wearing a Taoist robe and chased Qi Xuansu who was walking alone towards the long stone steps. "There is no such rule. In the end, At least you have to say hello to the real person in charge..."

Qi Xuansu turned a deaf ear and strode forward.

The Taoist priest in charge could only lead a group of people to follow Qi Xuansu's footsteps. "No matter what, you have to say hello to the hall. Even if you are a deputy hall master, the master of the hall is your old boss. The hall can still stop you." You can’t?”??

Qi Xuansu suddenly stopped and turned around, "I don't want to make this matter a problem in the whole city, so just treat it as a favor and pretend that you have never seen me. I will have my own thoughts in the future."

"This, this..." The Taoist priest in charge was a little unsure, and finally refused, "It really goes against human ethics. I can't afford to suffer. I hope Master Qi can forgive me."

Qi Xuansu stopped talking and continued to turn around and move forward.

The advantage of being a powerful local faction is that they can control the situation in their own one-third of an acre and are more powerful than many people at the same level. However, it is not so easy to do so after leaving their own territory, especially after arriving in Yujing. If Qi Xuansu was the chief deputy hall master, this would never be the case.

The Taoist priest in charge had been assigned to a place like this, and he no longer cared about his future. Seeing that Qi Xuansu wanted to force his way in, he directly said, "Since Qi Xuansu has not obtained permission from the hall, I cannot let you go."

Qi Xuansu stopped again and said patiently, "Whatever the guilt is, it is all my responsibility and has nothing to do with you."

The Taoist priest in charge still said, "Zhenren Qi is in a high position, who dares to ask you about your guilt? Doesn't the final responsibility fall on the heads of those of us below?"

Qi Xuansu took a deep breath and felt that he could no longer suppress his emotions, but he still managed to squeeze out a smile. "In that case, come here and I will give you a letter. That's all."

The Taoist priest in charge was a little hesitant, but it was not good.


This was too much, so he also showed a smile and walked over, "Master Qi doesn't need to make a written statement, and I don't mean to contradict Master Qi. It's just that Master Qi can go to the hall to say hello, which is sympathizing with me..."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Xuansu had already reached out to stop him. "Okay, now I am the one who forced my way in. You have tried your best. If you can't stop me, you have no responsibility. This is always enough."

After saying that, Qi Xuansu looked at the others, "My patience is limited. If any of you still want to stop me, don't blame me for not being measured!"

This time Qi Xuansu didn't follow the rules. In normal times, Qi Xuansu would never act like this, but now Qi Xuansu can no longer care about it.

Seeing this situation, the others dared to stop him and stood still.

Qi Xuansu then turned around and continued to move forward. The bright moonlight shone into the lush mountains and made it hazy. The light of some lights was as weak as fireflies between the unobstructed sky and earth, and everything seemed so unreal.

Qi Xuansu walked straight to the cemetery without stopping for a moment.

These people looked at Qi Xuansu's retreating figure, still standing where they were, unable to advance or retreat. Although Chief Qi was quite kind and did not let them take responsibility and shouldered the responsibility with all his strength, they could not just go back to sleep with peace of mind, not to mention that their boss was still standing here.

I don't know what method Qi Xuansu used. The Taoist priest in charge just stood still. Only his eyes could move, but he couldn't speak. At this time, his eyes were moving around, and there was nothing anyone else could do.

I don't know how much time passed like this, but someone came over again, three women, Zhang Yuelu, Xu Jiaorong, and Lei Xiaohuan.

These people don't recognize Xu Jiaorong. After all, Xu Jiaorong has always been in the local Taoist government. But they recognize Zhang Yuelu and Lei Xiaohuan. Needless to say, Zhang Yuelu is the legendary Zhang Yuelu. There are very few people who don't recognize him. Lei Xiaohuan used to She was also in Yujing. The key is that her appearance is so outstanding that once you see her once, you will never forget her.

Without saying a word, Zhang Yuelu directly unlocked the Taoist priest in charge.

The Taoist priest in charge also knew the relationship between Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu. When he saw Zhang Yuelu, he felt as if he had met his biological mother. He immediately began to complain and complain, "Second Xi Zhang, you are finally here. Chief Qi didn't know what happened today, so he rushed inside in a daze. , we can't stop it no matter what..."

Zhang Yuelu raised his hand, interrupted the Taoist priest in charge's complaint, and asked directly, "Where is Chief Qi?"

"Going to the cemetery." The Taoist priest in charge replied.

Zhang Yuelu walked away.

How could the Taoist priest in charge dare to stop him at this time? And it was obvious that Cixi Zhang was rushing to stop Chief Qi.

Xu Jiaorong was careful and deliberately stayed one step behind, and said, "Don't let any news about tonight's events, otherwise..."

Needless to say, the Taoist priest in charge had already understood and hurriedly said, "Nothing happened tonight."

Others also echoed, "Yes, nothing happened tonight." ??

Looking at this posture, Chief Qi didn't know what was wrong and behaved abnormally. Second Chief Zhang rushed over in a hurry, bringing two helpers, both the chief and the second. Under normal circumstances, it was a bit like catching an adulterer. But judging from the reactions of these people, it seems more like they are afraid that Chief Qi is looking for short-sightedness!

Weird, really weird.

It's just that this kind of battle also makes it clear that they can't get involved randomly, and it's better to stay far away. Otherwise, mortals will suffer when gods fight, and if they know things they shouldn't know, then it's up to them.

After Zhang Yuelu received Qiniang's notice, she wanted to come to the Requiem Division in advance, but she had no choice but to take a joint meeting, and she couldn't ask for leave, because she needed a reason for taking leave, and she didn't want to make Qi Xuansu's matter known to everyone in the city.

So Zhang Yuelu could only wait patiently for the discussion to end. This kind of discussion that lasted for several days would last until midnight every day. When the discussion ended, Zhang Yuelu was afraid that he would not be able to control the situation by himself, so he called Xu Jiaorong and Lei Xiao Huan, these two people are reliable and can be considered allies. Moreover, it is impossible to rely on Qi Xuansu alone to solve this matter. We must rely on friends, and we must talk to them sooner or later.

On the way to the Requiem Division, Zhang Yuelu roughly told what happened, but concealed the passage through the Lingshan Cave that she was not sure about. She only said that Qi Xuansu was a little abnormal, suddenly left the seclusion, and then ran away silently. When she arrived at the Requiem Division, she was afraid that something might happen to Qi Xuansu.

At this time, Xu Jiaorong and Lei Xiaohuan thought that Qi Xuansu had gone crazy and had a mental disorder, so they didn't think too much about it.

Zhang Yuelu knew the location of Qi Haoran's tomb and walked quickly, but he was still a step too late.

When she arrived, she saw a figure stirring something in the distance, as if digging the ground.

Zhang Yuelu's heart tightened, he slowed down slightly and walked over.

The figure was none other than Qi Xuansu, and he was indeed digging the ground. Strictly speaking, he was digging a grave.

That's why the Taoist priests from the Requiem Division stopped him in every possible way, shouting about things that were not in line with human ethics and etiquette.

This kind of thing really has a very bad impact.

"Tian Yuan."


Zhang Yuelu came behind Qi Xuansu and called out softly.

Qi Xuansu just paused slightly and then continued digging the grave.

After a while, Lei Xiaohuan and Xu Jiaorong also arrived. Seeing this scene, they were both shocked and speechless.

Lei Xiaohuan took a glance and saw the name on the tombstone. The three words "Qi Haoran" made her heart sink.

Master and disciple are like father and son. Qi Xuansu suddenly came to dig his master's grave. Once word spread, the impact would be worse than messing with a woman.

No wonder Zhang Yuelu said that Qi Xuansu was mentally disturbed.

How could a normal person do such a thing?

The two people looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to do for the safest reason, and they both looked at Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu hesitated again and again, signaling the two of them not to act rashly for the time being, but planned to see what Qi Xuansu was going to do.

After a while, Qi Xuansu had opened the entire tomb, and then he lifted out a sarcophagus from inside.

It was only then that Zhang Yuelu said softly, "Tianyuan, do you want to open the coffin for an autopsy?"

Probably after digging some graves, Qi Xuansu calmed down a little and finally responded, "Yes, I want to see what the mystery is here."

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

Qi Xuansu fell into silence, and after a moment he replied, "Qingxiao, if you suddenly discovered that the first half of your life was actually a show, and that someone you valued very much was actually a fake, what would you think?"

Zhang Yuelu was stunned and didn't know how to answer. Thinking about Qiniang's words, he already had a bad guess.

Qi Xuansu said no more, but looked at the sarcophagus carefully.

There are four strange iron nails on the four corners of the coffin, which not only seal the coffin, but also isolate the inside and outside, making it impossible to use spiritual thoughts to explore the situation inside the coffin, and the coffin must be opened.

Zhang Yuelu did not stop Qi Xuansu, but also stopped the actions of Xu Jiaorong and Lei Xiaohuan.

Qi Xuansu pulled out the iron nails at the four corners with his bare hands, then used his strength to push the lid of the sarcophagus with both hands.

The sarcophagus was made of unknown materials and was very heavy. With a roaring sound, the coffin was opened.

The expression on Qi Xuansu's face gradually solidified at first, as if he had still had illusions in his heart, but at this time even this trace of luck was extinguished, and then became like crying and laughing, which was extremely complicated.

Zhang Yuelu also stepped forward and took a look.

There is only an empty coffin.


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