Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 66 Ingredients

Zhang Yuelu went to Beijing this time without her secretary. She gave her secretary a day off. After all, the Jiutang joint meeting is top secret, and the secretary cannot enter. He can only wait outside, so there is no need to bring him with him.

The joint meeting of the nine halls finally concluded successfully. Zhang Yuelu did not have to rush to Beichen Hall early today, but was reading a book in a leisurely manner. Of course it's not a storybook, but a Western book. After all, Zhang Yuelu was asked by Master Shi Da to study harder, so Zhang Yuelu either didn't do it, or he didn't mess around if he did. In the past two years, I have been reading relevant books one after another.

Qi Xuansu is different today, he is still quite busy. After all, he finally came to Yujing. In addition to Master Donghua, he also had to visit other people, such as Master Jiang Da from Zixiao Palace.

Considering Qi Xuansu's status, it is naturally qualified to meet Master Pingzhang directly, but he should not be too casual. Qi Xuansu has been struggling since he got up this morning. Should he go in a more formal capacity? Or go in a more private capacity?

Of course Qi Xuansu prefers the latter, because the latter undoubtedly shows a closer relationship between the two parties, but if the other party does not think so, it would be a bit pretentious.

Zhang Yuelu would not give advice on this kind of matter.

Qi Xuansu is not a child who has found a mother for himself. He is not a strict henwife who must find someone to take care of him everywhere. He doesn't even like the idea that besides the mother, the daughter-in-law is the most powerful person in the world. What about the agreed-upon mutual assistance? Why, do you have to find someone to ride on your head to show your generosity and establish your character as a good man?

If "good wife and mother" is a discipline and discrimination against an independent woman, then "good man" is not a compliment to men.

To put it bluntly, the standard of strength is not objective, but subjective. If you take the initiative to kneel down and cannot insist on the word equality, then no matter how powerful and rich you are, in the eyes of some people, They are all weak and useless, and what follows is betrayal and bullying. This is the biggest reality.

The ancients have made it clear that a good person will be bullied by others, and a good horse will be ridden by others.

Since ancient times, barbarians have never been the only ones who fear power and are unethical.

So Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu just gave each other a "bad" definition yesterday.

In the end, Qi Xuansu decided to go as a private person, so he changed out of the lotus crown and crane cloak, wore only casual clothes, said goodbye to Zhang Yuelu, and went out to have a relationship.

Of course it doesn't sound good to have a relationship, but that's actually what it's all about. It can't be said that Jiang Daren and Qi Xuansu hit it off immediately and formed a lifelong friendship. Isn't this nonsense? Where can I forget to make friends? Master Jiang Da is not such a casual person, and Qi Xuansu has always been very good at positioning himself.

Zhang Yuelu did not accompany him.

If she was just an ordinary female Taoist priest, because of her relationship with Qi Xuansu


Only through the close relationship can she get rid of the original class and realize the class jump. To put it bluntly, she is Qi Xuansu's vassal, so she can indeed accompany Qi Xuansu. But she is not Qi Xuansu's vassal, but represents the Zhang family to a certain extent. If she also goes, it will be a bit different. Rather than causing Jiang Daren to misunderstand and think too much, it is better not to go.

Where does Jiang Daren live? Although he is the Grand Master of the Zixiao Palace, strictly speaking, he does not live in the Zixiao Palace, because the Zixiao Palace is the residence of the Grand Master and his wife, and the Zixiao Palace is just the residence of the Grand Master Jiang Daren. A place where "Dianmao is on duty". Now that there is no Grand Master, Master Jiang Dazhen has even skipped the dots and digits. He is more like a firefighting captain, often running around.

Master Jiang Da lives in Xuandu, very close to Zi Mansion.

Logically speaking, Qi Xuansu had to make an appointment in advance through Jiang Dazhen's secretary, but it happened too suddenly. His arrival in Yujing was completely unexpected, and now he had to be an uninvited guest. If Master Jiang Da valued him, then this small flaw would be nothing at all. If Master Jiang Da stops seeing him because of this, then Qi Xuansu should stop thinking about what he has and still be a disciple of Master Donghua with peace of mind.

The closer he gets to Zi Mansion, the tighter the defense becomes, but Qi Xuansu's identity is still enough to support him to get here.

After all, when he reached Qi Xuansu's position and had so many intricate connections, he was accepted by the higher-ups of the Taoist sect and integrated into the circle. He was a member of the Taoist sect, not an outsider or a friend who needed to be united.

Qi Xuansu came outside Jiang Dazhen's mansion and accidentally met an acquaintance named Zhao Yongcheng.

When Qi Xuansu presided over the division of Nanyang United Trading Company, Zhao Yongcheng wanted to get a share of the pie under the banner of Jiang Dazhen. Qi Xuansu checked his background and found that he was indeed Jiang Dazhen's disciple, but he didn't know whether Jiang Dazhen knew about it. After much deliberation, he finally decided Still gave it one point.

This also forged a personal relationship. He and Zhao Yongcheng didn't have much contact on weekdays, but they still had some contact during the holidays. After all, there was some friendship.

This boy was young and very knowledgeable. When he saw Qi Xuansu, he immediately greeted him warmly and exchanged pleasantries with Qi Xuansu.

"Chief Qi is here to meet our old man?" Zhao Yongcheng asked.

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "When you come to Yujing, of course you have to visit Master Jiang Da."

Zhao Yongcheng immediately said to the person who sent him out, "Did you hear that Chief Qi is here to see the old man? Why don't you go and report it soon?"

The man was just a Taoist, but judging from his age, he should have been with Jiang Dazhen for a long time. He responded and turned around.

Qi Xuansu did not expect such an unexpected surprise, which saved him a lot of time and proved that this boy did have a close relationship with Master Jiang Da.

After a while, the person who informed me came back and said that it was Master Jiang Da who invited me.

Zhao Yongcheng smiled and said, "I just met the old man, so I won't follow him in."

Qi Xuansu said goodbye to Zhao Yongcheng, and then followed Dao Min into Jiang Dazhen's residence.

The old Taoist led the way, and Qi Xuansu followed behind. He walked calmly. Although he was not arrogant, he could not be said to be trembling, nor did he feel that everything he read was meaningful.

When Qi Xuansu was young, he actually believed in this, such as the meaning of how many lanterns were hung, the length and slope of the corridor, the meaning of the steps, etc. Later he understood that if it had nothing to do with Feng Shui, then it could all be summed up in four words: "make things mysterious".

Mystery and holiness are always indistinguishable. Being mysterious and pretending to be unfathomable is helpful in erecting statues of gods and is very bluffing.

In the same way, if someone always doesn't speak human words and always says something that seems to be high-end, it can also be classified into this category. While big shots do play riddles, they don't play them all the time. Just like the Heavenly Master, he only plays riddles with Qi Xuansu at critical moments and talks normally.

Jiang Dazhen had just finished receiving the guests, and Qi Xuansu had just seamlessly connected, so when he entered the main hall, he saw Jiang Dazhen already sitting here, so there was no need to wait. ??

This visit went very smoothly.

Qi Xuansu greeted him solemnly.

Master Jiang Da signaled to Qi Xuansu that there was no need to be too polite, "Tianyuan, why are you here in Yujing? You are not coming to Yujing specifically to visit me, are you?"

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation and said, "To be honest with Da Zhenren, I did come to Yujing for another reason. I also want to ask Da Zhenren about something when I visit Da Zhenren today."

Jiang Dazhen said, "But it doesn't matter."

Qi Xuansu said, "Then I'll get straight to the point. My old boss Donghua Zhenren wants to take me as his disciple. I don't know how to make a decision. Dazhenren is highly virtuous and respected and is the elder of my Taoist sect, so I want to invite him." Answer my questions and point me to a clear path.”

Qi Xuansu had thought carefully before coming here that if he became a disciple of Donghua Master, it would be known to everyone in the Taoist community, so it would not matter whether he kept it secret or not.

Master Jiang Dazhen frowned and said, "Don't you have a master? Is Pei Xuanji relying on his power to snatch other people's disciples? This is a taboo. Logically speaking, he will not make such a mistake. What's the secret behind this?" "

"The great master has an insight into the subtleties and hit the nail on the head. There is indeed a hidden secret here." Qi Xuansu's attitude was very humble. "Some things have happened recently. I am in the machine."


By chance, I discovered that there was something fishy about my dead master Qi Haoran, so I took the risk to open the coffin and conduct an autopsy. I found only an empty coffin and a long sword left by Bingjie. He was suspected to be a corpse-exposing immortal, and my Taoist sect There is no corpse-resolving immortal among the existing immortals. So I immediately reported the matter to Master Donghua..."

Master Jiang Da has already understood, "So Master Donghua took advantage of the situation and offered to accept you as his disciple. He will take advantage of it."

Qi Xuansu couldn't answer the question, so he had to remain silent.

Jiang Dazhen continued, "I have been a high-level Taoist priest in the Taoist sect for more than a decade, and I have seen a lot of storms. It is not uncommon for outsiders to sneak into the Taoist sect. The incident of Ziguang Zhenjun is just the most famous, not an isolated case. Even the Taoist sect There have been times when traitors appeared in high-level positions. If your master, Qi Haoran, is really such an outsider who hides his identity and has evil intentions, then the person who will be most affected is not anyone else but you."

Qi Xuansu was startled.

Jiang Dazhen hit the nail on the head and said, "If someone really wants to make a fuss about this matter, your master is a spy and traitor. Who are you? You have been promoted to a high position. Is there any external force secretly supporting you? Does Jinque want to investigate you?" ? Maybe, you can explain it clearly, prove your innocence in the end, and keep your current position. But after something like this happened, the impact was so bad that if you want to go further in the future, it is just a dream. Why would Chen Shuhua risk refining the longevity stone? '? Leaving aside the fundamental reason, the direct reason is that she was restricted from using it and was only the chief deputy palace master in her life, so she took the risk. "

Qi Xuansu took a deep breath, "That's why I asked the Great Master to point me to a clear path."

Jiang Dazhen said, "I still know a little about what you are like, and you deserve the word 'Qing'. I absolutely don't believe you are promoted by external forces. Could it be that all the talents carefully cultivated by our Taoist sect are Zhang?" Juquan, Wang Jiaohe, Chen Shuhua and others are worse than someone promoted by external forces.

? Heavenly Master, Earth Master, Cihang, Donghua, Qingwei, Master Shi Da, Master Lan, and me, an old man, didn’t notice it? There is no such truth. "

"Since you asked me, let me tell you my opinion. You should report the matter to Pei Xuanji immediately and don't hide it. This is right. Let's not talk about the issue of principle first. From the perspective of self-protection, we It is better to lift the lid than to have it lifted by others, because the discretion of lifting the lid is in your hands, and the right to explain and take the initiative is also in your hands. "

Qi Xuansu did not dare to say anything, but looked at Jiang Dazhen in a humble manner asking for advice.

Jiang Dazhen said, "First, don't admit your mistakes, because you are innocent and have not made any mistakes. Second, draw a clear line and prove that you were unaware of the past. Third, emphasize that reporting and exposing is not only not wrong, but also meritorious. It’s a matter of righteousness that destroys one’s relatives.”


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