Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 105 Sophia’s conspiracy

Qi Xuansu does not completely trust Audrey, but this does not prevent him from making a deal with Audrey.

"Miss Al, the reason why a famous actor like you can achieve success is not only his own talent and hard work, but also some other help." Qi Xuansu said unhurriedly.

Audrey did not deny it: "The financial sponsor exists objectively, but after becoming a so-called famous actor, you will also have a certain degree of freedom."

This is not difficult to understand. For some women who have just entered the industry, the madam will do whatever the madam says. She can be beaten and scolded when she wants. But after becoming an oiran, the madam must also coax her and discuss everything. At that time, she is a good daughter. .

But there will be a big boss and a big backer behind the bustard.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Who is this financial sponsor? Is it Speaker Sophia August?"

Audrey nodded: "In Eastern terms, what I am today is all thanks to her."

This sentence is a double entendre.

Qi Xuansu said thoughtfully: "You want to say, success is also Sophia, failure is also Sophia."

"Yes, that's what it means." Audrey said, "It was Sophia who lifted me up to the sky and made me the much-anticipated Queen of the White Avenue. At the same time, it was Sophia who pushed me into the abyss and made me little by little. Swallowed by darkness."

Qi Xuansu said nothing.

A female Speaker cultivated an actress with countless fans, but instead of letting the actress engage in power and sex transactions, she forced the actress to become a believer of the Apostle of Hell.

What does she want to do?

Of course, Qi Xuansu did not ask this question, but changed to a more euphemistic way: "Miss Aier, since you want me to help you, then you must let me know clearly what kind of enemy we are going to face. This enemy What do you want to do, why do you do it, and what kind of trump cards do you have? In the words of the Orientals, this is called knowing yourself and the enemy and winning every battle."

Audrey obviously understood the tone of Qi Xuansu's words and immediately said: "Sofia is trying to master the power of the Hell Apostle."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Why?"

Audrey said: "Contract. Hell's apostles are good at deception in order to obtain containers. The most important point is the contract. They sign contracts with people, but they play word games. They make wishes to others, but they always let their wishes end. It is achieved in an extremely twisted way, and then the reward is collected. However, this word game is two-way, and it can also restrict the Hell Apostle. This is how Sophia wants to obtain the power of the Hell Apostle."

Qi Xuansu said: "This is strictly prohibited by the Holy Court."

Audrey's voice became deeper: "That's right. Take the murderous apostle Sirila as an example. If she hadn't blindly and arrogantly attacked the Holy See because of the 'Sirila Sutra', she would never have been exiled by the Holy See due to her cunning. To hell. Now, Sophia is trying to master Sirilla's power. In the past, there were many such self-righteous people. They were the best among their kind, so they thought they were omnipotent and wanted to challenge the gods. The results are obvious."

"I once heard a story. In the ancient Old World, a man made a deal with the Hell Apostles on the condition that 'the sun can rise even in the dark night in the north.' As a result, the empire from the south invaded the north, and the north was defeated. , there are flags of the Southern Empire everywhere in the dark night - the golden sun disk flag, and the sun really rises in the dark night in the north. "

"What's even more sad is that no matter whether Sophia succeeds or not, as her sacrifice to the apostles of hell, I will undoubtedly go to destruction and sink forever. I don't want to die, I really don't want to die, I want to live. ”

At the end of the sentence, Audrey's tone clearly revealed fear and slight madness.

Qi Xuansu was not affected by Audrey and remained calm: "Since the Holy Court strictly prohibits it, why don't you report this matter to the Holy Court?"

Audrey covered her chest with both hands: "Your Excellency, I want to live. If I report to the Holy See, then Sophia's conspiracy has failed, but what will happen to me as a sacrifice? Or endless imprisonment in the dark. , or be executed secretly, and even Sophia will not be punished. After all, she has not actually summoned the Killing Apostle, but is only in the planning stage. With her strong connections, it is entirely possible to distance herself, as long as she gives up on me. By that time, I am the culprit who summoned the demon, and she is still the superior speaker and has nothing to do with it. "

"Only you can help me. You and the power behind you can not only fear the Holy Court, but also the apostles of hell. Sophia is not worth mentioning. I can only obtain real relief by turning to you for help. "

Qi Xuansu said: "So you not only want to escape to Tawanting, but also want to escape to the east. You can avoid Sofia and the murderous apostle Sirila."

Audrey knelt down: "Your Excellency, you are a big shot in the Eastern world. I am willing to provide you with everything you want in exchange for your asylum. It is just a legal status in the Eastern world. I sincerely plead again. you."

Qi Xuansu said: "As long as you are sincere enough. I dare not say more, but just such a request, I can agree to you now. Note, the premise is that you are sincere enough. If this is a trap, then I don't know if I will Death, I will surely destroy you."

There is a simple logic here. As long as Audrey informs the Patriarch of the matter and asks the Patriarch to take action himself, Qi Xuansu will basically have no way to escape. There is no need to go around in a big circle and set a trap. Unless Audrey wants to sneak into the Eastern world as a spy, the logic here still doesn't make sense. Such an actress is too eye-catching and will inevitably be closely watched, and the cost of being a spy is too high.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu tended to believe that Audrey really wanted to cooperate. The reason why he said such things was actually because he was worried that Audrey would be careless and make mistakes at critical moments, so he repeatedly emphasized sincerity.

"Of course I will be sincere." Audrey said, "This is my promise. After I successfully arrive in Tawanting, I will tell you everything I know."

Qi Xuansu said: "Please put on your clothes and let's have a formal talk."

Audrey did not put on the evening dress again, but entered the bedroom.

In fact, there was no temptation at all for Audrey at this time. Those densely packed characters from the "Hira Sutra" attached to her skin were like a special suit of clothes, exuding weirdness and terror. It was no joke to scare people into despair. . ..

In addition, part of Audrey's body has been transformed into a prosthetic body and is not a real human body, which reduces some of the beauty.

This is a rather terrifying body.

After a while, Audrey, who had changed into ordinary household clothes, walked out of the bedroom.

Although this was Audrey's apartment, Qi Xuansu acted as if he was the owner here, extending his hand to motion for Audrey to sit down and talk.

Audrey sat on the sofa next to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu said: "I still have a few questions. The coming of the Hell Apostle requires a powerful container, and you, not that I mean to belittle you, are obviously not enough to be a container to carry the Hell Apostle."

Audrey said: "Your doubts are reasonable. This is exactly Sophia's intention. Obviously, your body can carry the apostles of hell, but how can Sophia control you? After all, this kind of thing is strictly prohibited by the Holy Court. Yes, it is impossible for her to use the power of the Holy Court to deal with you. It is difficult to control such a powerful existence just by relying on her personal power. "

"Furthermore, even if she is lucky enough to control a powerful being, be it deception or coercion, she can still make this powerful being willingly become the vessel of the apostle of hell. How should she deal with the incarnation of an apostle of hell who is infinitely close to the gods? "

"Sofia wanted to seek the power of the Hell Apostles, but didn't want things to get out of her control, so she came up with a way, which was me."

Qi Xuansu only said five words: "I'm very interested."

Audrey rolled up her sleeves, revealing her snow-white forearms. There were no scary words from the "Hira Sutra" on these arms. There were only fair and smooth skin, and even tiny velvet could be seen.

Then Audrey used her other hand to peel off the entire skin of her arm, revealing the metal pipes, precision gears, and mechanical components underneath the skin.

Qi Xuansu admired: "It is so ingenious that the fake is confused with the real."

Audrey's face was full of sadness: "Half of my body has been transformed into this steam mechanical structure, which allows me to better carry the power from the hell apostles without giving me powerful combat capabilities. Power makes me truly a container.”

Qi Xuansu probably understood. This is like a martial artist who only strengthens his qi and blood, comparable to a pseudo-immortal, but does not have a body spirit that is spread all over the body. A simple "blood bag".

Audrey stretched out her hand and pressed it on her chest: "Sofia implanted a 'steam power core' here. She also wants to further transform my body and then control all aspects of me through this 'steam power core'. Turning me into a puppet controlled by her, I could only dance with her fingers.”

"At the same time, this is also a part of Sophia's plan. Once the Hell Apostle successfully arrives, it is not so much entering a body as it is entering an artificial semi-mechanical container. Not only is the Hell Apostle unable to control this body Instead, the body will be bound by this specially made body. As long as Sophia turns off the 'Steam Power Core' and deactivates all prosthetics, the body will be completely paralyzed, and the descending Hell Apostle will be trapped inside. Once she comes, she can make a contract with the Hell Apostle and get this part of the power from the Hell Apostle."

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